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/ > VOLUME LVIII, NUMBER 49. NEWBERRY, S. C., TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1922. TWICE A WEEK, $2.00 A YEAR SLAYERS OF BRAZELL PAY DEATH PENALTY FOX, GAPPINS AND KIRBY DIE IN ELECTRIC CHAIR FOR CRIME Kirby Tries to Escape From Straps and Makes No Answer to Question for Statement The State, 17. S. J. Kirby, Jesse J. Gappins and C. 0. Fox, convicted murderers of William Brazell, young Columbia transfer driver, early yesterday morning went to their death in the electric chair at the state penitentiary, so paying with their own lives for the life they had taken. Kirby was 36 years o'd, Fox 32 years old and Gappins 23 years old. \ Gappins and Fox went to their death with little if any show of emotion, both miking short statements just before the current was turned on. Kirby, after having asked to be allowed to make a short statement collapsed in the chair and was apparently unable to voice the words that he would have said. Calmly Fox and Gappins watched the penitentiary officials adjust the straps that held '1 - -1?- ? ~ m A them in me ciimr auu ?iuVmvi..v they waited while the two electrodes were placed. Kirbv, however, after having, at his own request, walked unaided from his cell to the death chamber made some little resistance to his being strapped in the chair and attempted to free his one arm from the leather bands that held it to the arm of the electric chair. Fox and Gappins in their brief 11 " ^ ~ 4- r\ statements added nommg I1CW I/Vf their stories as before told and both hoped, they said, that their death would serve as a warning to others tempted to crime. Fox, as he has done from the Yer>* moment of hi?s arrest, admitted again his guilt and expressed his sorrow and regret at the part he had played in it. Gappins however maintained to the end that thfc truth had not been told and believed, he said, that he would not have had to die in the chair had the truth been told. Kirby made no statement. Kirby Still Asleep At 5:10 o'olock yesterday morning ministers were admitted to the death house to administer the last sacra fV.Q fVirpp men. Kirby was Ill ? 11 L CV/ bitv asleep at the time and had to be awakened, but both Fox and Gappins were awake and dressed for their electrocution. At 5:23 o'clock Captain v Roberts of the penitentiary guard read the death warrant to Fox and Gappins as they stood in their cells. Both men had J>een crying and tears rolled down Gappins' cheeks as he stood leaning.on the bars of his cell. "And may God have mercy upon your souls,'' Captain Roberts read and turned to leave. "It won't be long now," he told the two men. "The sooner the better,'' Fox answered them. As Captain Roberts approached Kirby's cell three ministers were there kneeling outside the barred door praying with the doomed man. > > /-i?OrtVkov+c waited Kespectiuny tapunu and when the little service was over, walked up to the cell and there read the death warrant to Kirby. "How are you feeling, Kirby?" he asked when the reading was done. "Still got your nerve?" "I've still got the grace of God," Kirby answered him, "And, captain," he added, "I came in here by myself and you won't need to send any one for me when I go out. Which? which leg do you want fixed? I'd like to do it myself." "The right," Captain Roberts told him. "Just roll it up to the knee." "My papa's gone now and my mother's already dead," Kir,by said, "and I'll soon join them. Just call for me yourself when you want me." Ira Harrison, under sentence of death for the murder of J. C Arnette, hie noil throughout the three oivjyw *a ww* ? o electrocutions. Frank M. Jeffords and Edmund Bigham, the other two occupants of the death house, were awake, however. Kirby Pays Penalty At 6:10 o'clock the electric chair was given its final test and at G: 12 o'clock Kirby walked into the room. "May I speak a word?" he asked as he reached the chair. "Wait until (Continued on Page 2) ? ?1 ?i >n> T1M~ "i m i?MMT> ii<mtn PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS PROSPEROUS PROSPERITY Prosperity, June 19.?Robert I. j Stoudemayer, one of the oldest andj rrost prominent citizens of Prosperity! died at his home Thursday morning j after an illness of nine months. Al-j though in his 82nd year, Mr. Stou- j demayer was active until his last ill! ness. Heart trouble was the imme-1 j diate cause of his death. Mr. Stoudemayer was an active1 /-i-f T.ntV>pran fVmrf-h I j IliCIIiUd yjx . w? V..V. M.. , and from time to time was an officer i of the church. Reaching early manhood just at the! j outbreak of the Confederate war, he join(?d the Holcomb legion, company H, and took part in a number of bat-! ties, surrendering with General Lee's j army at Appomatox April 9, 1865. j He is survived by his wife, who be-; fore marriage was Miss Elizabeth j ~ v ! Sease, one sister, Mrs. Jane L>erricK; of Little Mountain, and four broth-! ers. ! The funeral services were held late j Thursday afternoon at the Prosperity i cemetey, conducted by Rev. J. J. j Long of Little Mountain. Two open air events were recorded s last week on the social calendar. First j an enjoyable outing was given Thurs- j day evening when a^out 20 couples j went to C. Mill on a fish fry. Fri- j iav evening the younger society pet j moioied to the same place where, af- j ter enjoying the sports <of the water,! j and all sorts of games were played, J a delicious picnic lunch was served. j , C Mill has been decided upon as an ideal place for a swimming: pool, and through the generosity of some of j Prosperity's leading citizens a dam wil1 be constructed. Miss Nannie Bell Quattlebaum nd Roland Merchant were married Saturday afternoon at St. Paul's pa nonage by Rev. S. P. Koon. Mrs. Mer- j chant is. the young and attractive j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. j Quattlebaum, having just completed j j the eighth grade of the Prosperity j i high school. Mr. Merchant is a pro-' I gressive young business man. ; My. niftnn Shealv and bride who . I i?l. ? were married in Charlotte last week J are here visiting relatives. Sunday I they, togethr with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. { Shealy, motored to Leesville to visit 1 their father, Mr. Sam Shealy. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Black and chil- j dren and N. L. Black are spending a I i few days in Bowman, having gone to | visit Dr. A. L. Black. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Counts and Mrs. 1 1 _ Emma Counts spent Sunday in silver-1 street with Miss Helen Nichols. . Miss Josephine May of Dixon, 111., is spending a while with her parents, ' , Mr. an(J Mrs. J. L. May. Miss Ruby Wheeler, teacher at'Ro-j i anoke Rapids, N. C., is home for the ' summer vacation. j Mr. and Mrs. Olin Bobb of Columj bia were week-end guests of Miss j Gertrude Bobb. I A. L. Wheeler of Columbia and Mr.; I Owens of Tennessee spent Sunday with Prof, and Mrs. J. S? Wheeler, i Mrs. G. Y. Hunter reached home! Sunday from Johns Hopkins, Balti-1 j more. Misses Clara Brown and Ethel San-; er are attending the-old soldiers' re-J union at Richmond. j Mrs. M. C. Morris has returned j ! from Lykesland. j j A call has been extended by the: ' church council to Rev. E. H. Seckin-' | ger fo Rincon, Ga., to become pastor : of St. Lukes Lutheran church. ! Miss Mary Kohn of Saluda is visit| ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. | S. J. Kohn. Miss Annie Fellers is atteding the 1 teachers' summer school at Winthrop. { Judge T. S. Sease and C. C. Wyche ' j of Spartanburg, C. G. Wyche of j I Greenville and Mr. and Mrs. James i i | Goggans of Columbia attended the j funeral of Mr. R. I. Stoudemayer on' Thursday. ! Misses Caroline, Anne Graham, and > ' ; Lydia Wayne Pugh and Master Grif| fith and Wm. Pugh of Kingstree are J spending a while with their grand{ mother, Mrs. W. P. Pugh. j Mrs. H. L. Chaplin and little H. L.. I j Jr., are visiting the former's father. J ! J. D. Quattlebaum. I Mrs. J. F. Brown and Miss Lucy; ! Lake are delegates to the Eastern ] i Star convention which convenes in Columbia Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hunter, Mr. I i and Mrs. N. E. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. j COLONEL WHARTON DIES IN LAURENS . I Death Claims Former Railroad Commissioner?111 Twelve Months j The State. J Laurens, June 14.?Col. John H.1 Wharton, one of the most prominent I men of the county and widely known1 over the state as legislator and rail- \ road commissioner, died today at his home at Waterloo, Laurens county.! The funeral will be held at his home tomorrow afternoon. Colonel Wharton had been ill. for j +v?an o vpar havinc s Tered a| muic uiuii , 0 breakdown followed by paralysis. He j was 74 years of age and was a native of the county. He probably held the record in this state for length of tenure in public office. He at first was a county commissioner and at different times rep-j resented the county in both branches i of the general assembly. He was J clerk of court for'two terms and railroad commission for one term, in r all covering a period of more than 40 years, though he was not in office continuously during this time. For about 50 years he was superintendent of the Sunday school of the Baptist church at his home town and was very active in all church work, be- j ing especially prominent in the Sunday school and Laurens Baptist associational meetings. His wife was a Miss Harris of Laurens county. He is survived by one son, W. Carl Wharton, and several daughters. Quattlebaum-Merchant Or, locf Snt.nrdav evening Mr. S. Roland Merchant and Miss Nannie Belle Quattlebaum, both of Prosperity were married at the St. Paul's parsoage, the Rev. S. P. Koon officiating. J. R. Lester, Mrs. Rosa Lester, Miss Jennie Lester, Mrs. Byrd Lester and Eugene Lester attended the funeral of Mrs. Phoebe Kirkland in Saluda Monday. Mrs. Kirkland was the last member of the Lester chapterj being a sisiter to V/m. Lester for whom the Prosperity U. D. C. was named. Miss Annie McMillen of Sumter is visiting Miss Eunice Long./ Misses Nancy Young, Catherine Counts and Ruth Cannon are attending. Wijithrop college summer school. Corday Counts of Columbia has been visiting relatives here. Master | James Arthur Bedenbaugh accompanied him home. Cutts Wise has gone to Clemson college summer school. T7.J 1 OT?K. iVI FS. ?<ClWciru 011 c & ly ui vuxuuiuiu spending a while with Mrs. H. L. Shealy. Mrs. Warren of Richmond, Va., is i expected this week to visit her daugh- ; ter, Mrs. 0. B. Simpson. Pickens Langford who graduated ' this week at the Citadel reached homej Thursday for the summer. Dr. G. T. Pugh has returned to j Rock Hill after visiting his mother. Mrs. W. P. Pugh. Miss Elizabeth Barnes and Pierce j Barnes of Zion and Miss Bertha Roof' and Willie Leaphardt of Wightman ' Methodist church were delegates to j the Epworth league conference nem at Lander college from June 12-16. j Rev. J. D. Griffin attended the con-1 ference on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hartman and! son Everton are visiting in St. Peters- ' burg, Fla. Mr. Levi Wheeler is attending the i old soldiers' reunion at Richmond,,' Va. Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Griffin and family leave today for Pinewood to at-1 tend the Griffin-Harvin wedding. Lit-' tie Miss Lois Giwffin will be one of ( the flower girls. Rufus Monts of Statesbobro, Ga.,' is on a visit to relatives here. Mrs. Virgil Kohn and little Vir-j ginia are visitniir in Blackstock. j Dr. George W. Harmon has return-1 pd from Atlanta where he attended the Georgia dental clinic. Among the: noted dentists present and who lec-' tured were Dr. C. Edmund Kells of Xew Orleans, and Dr. Chas. S. Chandler of Montgomery. Dr. E. X. Kiblor attended the South Carolina dental association the past, week in Georgetown. Mrs. Ray Kohn is in the Columbia hospital where she has undergone two operations. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kohn and Miss Gertrude Bobb spent; Monday with her. THE BOOKS HAVE CLOSED AND THE SHOW BEGINS Several More Cadidates Came in at Last Moment. Paul Mocre With draws?All Have Opposition Except Carter The time for filing pledges for the state oflices closed Monday at noon and the campaign opens at Columbia Tuesday and then the start around the state x^eglns. Mr. Swearingen withdrew from the race for governor and entered the race for reelection as state superintendent of education. Mr. Paul Moore withdrew from the race for state superintendent of education and several entries wer^ filed on Monday. The following is the complete list for state offices as telephoned The Herald and News Monday 2 o'clock. We do not give the congressional races excent the third. For Governor?Cole L. Blease, J.! J. Czntey, William Coleman, John T. Duncan, G. K. Laney, Thos. G. McLeod. j Lieutenant Governor?E. C. L. Adams, E. V. Jackson, J. K. Owens. Attorney General?-Harold Eubanks, D. M. Winter, S. M. Wolfe. Comptroller General?Walter E.1 Duncan, T. Hagood Gooding. State Superintendent of Education ?Mrs. Eessie R. Drake, J. H. Hope, 0. D. Seay, C. H. Seigler, Mrs. Martha Wallace, J E. Swearingen. I Secretary of State?W. Banks Dove. J. C. Dozier. Statfe Treasurer?S. T. Carter. Adjutant and Inspector General? Thos. B. Marshall, Robert E. Craig. Commissioner of Agriculture?B. Harris, Geo. W. Wightman. Congress Third District?Fred H. Dominick, E. P. McCravey, S. H. She-1 rard. CHAMBER COMMERCE MEMBERS TO BE IN MOVIES ! Every Member Requested to Meet at ^ Headquarters Tuesday afternoon at 4 O'clock The entire membership of the Newberry chamber of commerce is invited and urged to be persent at the chamber of commerce headquarters Tuesday afternoon (today),) June 20th for the purpose of allow-; ing the Rayon Film compteny to make' " " 1 a moving picture 01 tne meinuciamp. It is possible that some of the members will not be able to be present, but it is earnestly hoped that every one that can possibly attend will do so. , Th's picture is being made by j the Rayon Film company, of which j the Leslie brothers are in charge, for the purpose of advertising Newberry. Pictures of all other organiza-, tions in Newberry are being made and as soon as they are ':onin!eted they will be shown at the "pcra house 1 ? -A nlonoc nf anci poss.oiy itu utnci j.; i?<_ >_ o ^v?? ? Newberry. In view of the fact that the New-, berry chamber of commerce is one Organization that devotes its every effort to the upbuilding of Newberry city and county, every member should avail themselves of the opportunity j to be in the picture, which in all reality will be a great boost for Newberry, so let every one of us be present promptly at 4:00 p. m. with a great big smile on our faces. Don't let the cameraman catch us with a frown?let Newberry be advertised as a "City of Smiles." Don't forget the date and the time and be sure to be there and tell every one you Gee i ; 10 DC meie. j Directors to Meet As Tuesday is the regular date for the meeting of the board of directors every member of the board is requested to be present in time for the picture and immediately after they will go into session to transact such business a will come before the board. I As previously announced several times, the board of directors are always glad to have any of the members meet with them, and as you will come to be in the picture, you are in vited to remain tor the directors meeting and if you have something in mind which you would like to bring before the board you will have an opportunity to do so. When opportunity knocks, some ; wait for it to pick the lock. HARDING OPPOSES ' I MUSCLE SHOALS BILL ?- . . ! Does Not Want Acticn at This Time ( by Congress on Pending Bills Washington, June 12.?President < Harding is understood to have taken a determined stand today against ae- , c tinri >,v rono-ress at this time on pend- ? ing bills for disposal of the govern- j merit's nitrate plant at Muscle Shoals, 7 Ala. J The views of the president as out- e lined, it was stated to Representative Mondell of Wyoming, Republican leader, at the White House, were con- t veyed to the Republican steering j committee, charged with the task of ^ framing the legislative program of ^ the house. Members of the commit- ^ tee declined to indicate whether they ^ would recommend action on the bill or let the whole, question go over until the December se-ssion. j There was(no intimation as to how j the president regarded the proposal , of Henry Ford for lease of the property beyond the statement that he felt the matter was too big to be j considered hurriedly and in what ( members regarded as the closing' period of the present songress. - ? . . ? ... Dr. Derrick at 15rooklanc2 Last Wednesday's State contained an interesting account of the annual commencemeht of the Brookland high school, from which we are ^ pleased to reproduce the part of especial interest to Newberry people ( and many others, as follows: "The feature of the program was ' the address by Dr. Derrick. He spoke, of the great need in the world today . of n en and women fit to meet the trials and tribulations which are sure to come and he deplored the fact that : the graduating class was of such meager size. He said the world was wait- ( ing to receive young men and women of high ideals and character; that it was already filled with people of the . ordinary. "Dr. Derrick impressed upon his ; listeners the fact that there is 'noth- ; ing new under the sun/ that' there was little change in the essential features of human nature and that the < same influences that swayed Solomon, Caesar and Napoleon sway the world today. He dwelt upon the fact that the world today- was governed by a passion for materia1 gain an(l that men and women were prone to worship the moneyed men instead of being endowed with a spirit of brotherly love for each and every one." . Autos and Children A taxicab company says in an advertisement: "The next time you see a little boy or girl crossing the street just ahead of your car?don't try to blow them out of the way with your horn. Use your brake. Suppose the child were your own?what would you do? Probably come to a quick stop. Then why not do the same for the other chap's child? Man to man, now?do you want some little chap to cry all his life because you made him a cripple." There is a sermon to automobile drivers in the doctrine of using the brake instead of the horn. It is true that children should not play in the streets, and it would be better for ' them to use as much judgment about , crossing streets as adults?though even the grownups do not always dis- , play a judgment that is faultless. 1 However, the fact is that one of the . qualities of childhood is impetuosi ty. Children playing safely in a : yard will suddenly decide to cross the street and away they go, with- 1 out looking to see whether a car is i coming. A driver may go ahead. Declaring he-has the right to- 'be in the street, yet in such cases-applying the brake usually will prevent an ^ accident and blowing the horn only confuses the child t and makes acci- < dents all the more likely. # The exercise of due diligence can j not always be expected and the bur- ] den of saving children from injury j or death rests on the person who sits , at the steering wheel. Sounding the ( horn is the common practice, but ap- ( plyig the brake is a demonstration of sounder judgment. ? Indianapolis News. ' | l When an ideal becomes an ordeal,! it is time for a new deal. RESIDENCE BURNS i] DURING FUNERAL^ -rowd Rushes From Grave of Captain ' Humbert to Save Household i Effects Special to The State. ; Laurens, June 12.?Today shortly' tfter the noon hour, as the funeral service's of the late tapt. Joseph B. Humbert were being concluded at ' Blount Bethel church, the late home )f Captain Humbert was totally de- ; itroyed by fire. This singular and distressing inci- : Jent took place just about the time , he benediction at the graveside was , oeing pronounced, and hundreds of ( people at the funeral hurried to the ( ire, two miles distant, and many of ;hem assisted in removing the furlishings from the dwelling. Miss Ludie Taylor, a near neighbor who tfas not well enough to attend the "uneral, hurried to the Humberrt , i -t nome upon seng tne volumes ui alack smoke i-iuing from the house and, finding the doors locked, she ;eized a ( farm tool with which f she broke open the front door and dii\ect&d several negro farm hands and servants who had assembled to begin the removal of the furniture. The fire broke out, it seems, in the roof of the kitchen on the east side of the dwelling and as the wind was blowing from the west the rescue cvorkerG had time tV) save much of the Household furnishings. The home of Captain Humbert was Diie of the most substantial and commodious country residences in the county and, although it had been remodeled from time to time it retained its old colonial effect and beauty. The funeral was attended by a ?reat gathering from the surrounding ciuntryside and many visitors from various points in the state, including Greenville, Spartanburg, Andersn, Williamston, Honea Path and Laurens. The services were led by the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Harlev, who was assisted by the Rev. J. E. Mahaffey of Honea Path and the Rev. A. E. Holler, presiding elder of the Andereon circuit. In addition to the regular church service, a full sketch of the life of Captain Humbert, prepared by Capt. William D. Sullivan, a brother-inlaw, was read by the pastor. The floral tributes embraced a large and beautiful collection. Interment was in the Humbert family burial plot in the church graveyard. ? I REPUBLICANS LEAD FIGHT FOR FORD i ?~ f Democrats Believe Success May Be Attained by Eschewing Politics. ~ i L- rr-L _ special 10 j. ne tiuiic. . , Washington, June 12.?Democrats in the house, who are advocating the acceptance of the Henry Ford offer for Muscle Shoals, concluded tonight to leave to pro-Ford Republicans the task of securing early action on this important Southern subject. They argued that if success is to be scored it must result from Republican leadership, as Democratic aggression would inspire belief on the part of some that the issue was political. It hi their understanding that a considerable Republican element, despite the antipathy of Republicans to Southern developments au government expense, and their antipathy to Ford, the individual, are amendable to the American farm bureau federation. That organization is already prodding the Republicans and reminding them that in this election year, when Republican prospects are not too good, the farmers will certainly exert themselves to defeat their enemies at the polls. The pro-Ford Republicans,, it is un- J Jerstood, have already undertaken :o 'secure from the rules committee a rule giving preference to the Muscle Shoals proposition. Unless sucn ruie , is obtained, it is regarded as doubt- j rul that Muscle Shoals partisans could nake headway against the Republican mchine. The Democrats, who are ictively behind the pro-Ford Republi.iar<i, are representative of all South- ( >rn states. The solid Southern vote ,vill be cast for Ford. There will not )e a single defection, it is indicated. 1 H. W. R. i ''The love of money is the root of ill evil," and it's an everlasting love, j MUTILATED BODY FOUND ON TRACK MYSTERY SURROUNDS KILLING OF YOUNG GIRL Supposed to Have Visited Grave of Sister, Who Also Met Tragic Death The State. Greenville, June 12.?Supposedly leaving her home at Donwood some time during the early part of last night for the purpose of visiting the srrave of her little sister, who was instantly killed last Monday when her clothing was caught on the emergency brake of an automobile and she was hurled to death in the road, Ellen Livingston, 17 year old daughter of B. F. Livingston, was found dead on the tracks of the Southern railway between Donwood and Graceland cemetery early this morning. The body was badly mutilated and gave evidence of having been dragged for some distance under the wheels of a locomotive, it was stated. The father was unaware of the absence of his daughter until she failed to appear at breakfast, and a search was instituted. Being notified thatj an unidentified 'body had been found, the ainxious parent rushed to the undertaking establishmet and found his child. The right arm was severed at the shoulder, the left at the wrist and her right foot at the ankle while the skull was fractured and severe wounds were inflicted in the right side. According to the parents,, the girl Viorl Kaon /loonl'.r <vnrp?i?pH hv the HOU wwu , Vtwv^/Ajr wvy* ^ ? death of her little sister, to whom she was devoted, and, although prevented from at'tertttyfig the funeral, had visited the grave many ^ffiries.' Because she had gone to the cemetery yesterday morrung to place ir f ew flowers on the grave and had expressed her intention of returning irt the afternoon, it is supposed that she crept out of the house some time after 9 o'clock last night and met with the accident between that time and morning. Although Coroner Vaughan said tonight he had gathered no evidence of foul play, an inquest will be held over the body at 3:30 tomorrow af terilOOJl. L\a.UY?<%y uispcv. i>uia iia'? studied the circumstances surrounding the tragedy carefully, but have thus far been unable to discover what train ran ov.r the child. VISCOUNTESS ASTOR "JOLLY GOOD FELLOW" Welcomed Home by English Speaking Union After Her Visit to America London, June 12.?V:6C0untess As+?% ? moo Viailnr] oc "iaIIv orrtnH fftllw" UU i vrao uciiibu m jvhj ^wv* ? oy a gathering of 400 at a dinner J given today by the English Speaking union to accord the first woman to J take her seat as a member of the .1 house of commons, a welcome home If after her American tour. Jg Mns. WLntringham, who shares the 0 honors of feminine representation in parliament with the Virginian, united with Lord Lee of Farnham in saying nice things about the guest of honor's work in parliament and the fill unofficial mission she performed re- g cently in America. B The English Speaking union is the only Anglo-American fellowship eo- ||l ciety, and they were present in force '? to hear the women commoners on th< .1 first occasion they have spoken from the same table. Viscountcss Astor was attired in a / lemon gown with green girdles, with i two ropes of pearls around her neck. In characteristic fashion she sermonized, admonished and joked for an J % hour. In her peroration she alluded I . j to the Washington conference, say"America had a chance to bujld the j greatest navy in the world; she gave J it up with as much grace as the greatest navy in the world gave up its long reign of the seas." . Some men's popularity begins and ?nds with himself. / ' When one considers the Russian jear he knows trouble's bruin in Eu ope. A fool and his money are surely ^ Jfl )arted when bootleg is bought ( \M: j 111 i