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- i K VOLUME LVIIi, NUMBER 46. NEWBERRY, S. C., FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1922. TWICE A WEEK, $2.00 A YEAR EXPECT RAPID DEVELOPMENTS' v IN THE WAR FRAUD CASES Warrant Issued for Head Atlanta Lumber Co., Charged With * Defrauding Governnment Washington, June 5.?The war frauds inquiry of the department of justice developed a mystery today concerning the identity of the person or persons who on Saturday swore - out a warrant for the arrest of John Lewis Phillips, chairman of the Republican state committee of Georgia, charging fraud in execution of war nAnfvc.Atc v. \jn t: av. co. Commissioner Isaac R. Hitt, who on Saturday issued the warrant, declined today to say who made the complaint on which the warrant was issued. It became known, however, that four persons appeared at Commissioner Hitt's office late Saturday and that the warrant was issued soon thereafter. At the department of justice surprise was expressed today. "The department of justice is working in the dark," one high official said. "We know nothing about it.'' Likewise the district attorney's office professed no knowledge, and declared that the warrant was not issued at ito request. The warrant for the arrest of Phillips, it was learned, is in the hands of United States Marshal Edgar C. Snyder, and in case .Phillips is not located in Washington it will be turned over to the Unitd States marshal in whatever district Phillips is to be found. His home is in Georgia and he is said to have an office in Philadelphia. * * xv _ "j-T- - i. . JJ.J A pnase 01 tne case tnai, auueu lv the mysterv is that despite the department uf justice's demial of knowledge of the matter, the United States marshal's office was notified on Saturday to send two deputy marshals up to the department of justice prepared to act in connection with the Phillips warrant. Washington, June 5.?Issuance of a warrant for the arrest of J. L. Phillips, chairman of the^republican state committee for Georgia, charging^ fraud in the execution of war contracts, led to expectation of further rapid developments today as the special grand jury investigating war fraud cases entered the second week of its deliberations. Phillips, as a member of the firm of Phillips and Stevens, shortly after the armistice > obtained a contract from the government, as the agent of a conference of lumber dealers, to dispose of surplus lumber left from cantonment and camp construction and other war developments. Proceedings of the grand jury which so far as can be learned has yea to hand down its first indictment, have been veiled in secrecy, and United States Commissioer Hitt, who is * i J*. mi ; T sued the warrant ior rnnaps, uivond confirming reports that it had been issued has refused to discuss the case. It has been generally reported, \ however, that lumber contracts have been the first to be considered by the grand jury. / In a recent speech in the house, Representative Woodruff, Republican Michigan, asserted that government aud?tors had filed report? with the department of justice in September, 1921, showing that Phillipsp and Stevens still owed the government under their contract more than $1,850,000. While the contract called for the disposal of spruce, pine, hemlock and ^ -* lnm hpv onlv, Mr. Woodruff said. A 411 7 the report showed the firm had sold more than 50 varieties, including much valuable hardwoods. Will Demand Hearing Philadelphia,, June 5.?John Lewis Phillips, Georgia Republican state chairman, for whom a warrana has been i.\-ued in Washington, charging . conspiracy to defraud the government through war cotracts, said here today he would return to Washington at once to demand a hearing. ' Ph illips is a member of the lumber firm of Phillips and Stevens of Atlanta. "I know absolutely nothing about this," he said as he made hasty preparations to leave for Washing"* ^-1 T 1 1 . . / * ton, "aria unnni i cio iearn isomeinmg there is nothing' I can say." He spent the week-end with his family at Bryn Mawr, near here, where his daughters are attending school. A. BAKHMETEFF MUST SOON LEAVE THE U. SJ Recognition of Russian Ambassador , Terminated Washington, June 5.?Recognition ! of Boris Bakhmeteff, as Russian am- 1 bassador to the United States, con-. tinueil despite the collapse five years ago of the Kerensky government ! which appointed him, will cei se after June oO. Mr. Bakhmetefif has been notified of this decision of the American government in a letter from Sec-' retary Hughes, replying to commun- ' jication from the ambassador in which the latter, stating that his chief func- 1 tion in recent months of liquidating preperty claims growing out of the war was now about completed, has offered to retire should the Washing-1 ton government desire it. i i The correspondence, published to-1 day, was dated late in April, after Senator Borah had ..challenged the ambassador's status, long the subject of controversy, in connection with attempts to hail him before a senate , committee, and in his communication Mr. Bakhmeteff states that the "renewed discussion" of the subject had led him to question whether hi.; con, tinuance as ambassador would "serve the best interests of my country and the convenience of the United States." ! Both this letter and the secretary's reply, however, antedate the climax of the senate discussion of the subject during: which charges were pro-! duced by Senator Borah of misuse of Russian embassv funds, of \Vhich. i , cognizance is taken in an exchange 1 of letters between Secretary Hughes and Secretary Mellon of the treasury , department made public with the oth! er correspondence. Giving a detailed statement of the embassy's expenditures, Mr. Mellon declared that the ?187,000,000 advanced by the United ?,ates was "used solely for the purchase of obligations of the Russian ; government in accordance with the ' Liberty loan acts." i Of the $62,000,000 of this total j left "for expenditure" in this coun; try after transfer of $125,0o0.000 i to the account of the Russian finance ' ministers, the treasury secretary ; said, a balance of only $10,000,000 remained as a Dart of the total of I $50,000,000 which the embassy had : on deposit in the United States at the j time of the fall of the Kerensky gov! ernment. Expenditure of th:s : amount on deposit, together with : sums added through sale of Russian j property in this country, for liquidations has been under the supervision j of state and treasury officials, Mr. Mellon said, giving the total of liquidations effected at approximately ] $102,000,000. To permit the nego ; tiations regarding these to be carried to completion. Secretary Hughes ! informed Mr. Bakhmeteff that, upon his retirement, Ser^e Ughet, linan! cial attache of the embassy, would j continue to enjoy a diplomatic status. Nance-Parr Married, by Dr. J. W. Carson,, at : the A. R. P. church on Wednesday j morning at 8 o'clock, Miss? Mary Au-1 | relia Xance and Mr. Callie Boyd Parr. Abrams-Taylor Married by Rev. E. V. Babb, at the | residence of the bride's uncle, Mr. H. H. Abrams, on Wednesday noon, I Miss Maude Amelia Abrams and Mr. Jackson White Taylor. ? . . . .. ; ;y i <$, ? <? ; <$> <?> <$> ^ I ? SCOUTS ON TRAIL <s> 1 ^ & <$> <?> -*> <$> <3> ' ? <?> 's $><?> $ 'JWe're off! The morning has dawned pretty and fair, and we are ready and impatient to go. Which means that the day set for the de' parture for the summer encampment ; has arrived, and that we know it. Xow for one solid week of work, play ' and fun. Fresh air, work, wholesome 1 food, and sleep will be the best ! things which we can receive this ! summer. So will our meals. The | director of the cuisine is Mrs. Carl . T. Julien, wife of our beloved scout master, and since eating two of her - 1 - - - ~ T ah* Vv o f c* V* & r> o >1 /-to aI" ' COOKIES, 1 .>V1IUV\ Lil;u Jilt t?;i ! Owing: to the fact that the ration ;; list is figured pretty close, each boy j paying h;s pro rata share, visitors re:; maining for meals will be asked to , I pav the sum of 35c. ' ;; Well, for a parting word, as the j French say, "Olive oil." M HOWARD JENNINGS DROWNS IN LAKE South Carolinian and World War Veteran Loses Life Near Boston Fitchburg, Mass., June 5.?Howard S. Jennings, a member of Company K of the Fifth United States infantry, stationed at Camp Devans, and a res " c< n v,ic ident ol nonea i'aui, O. Vv.j 1U3U liio life by drowning here this afternoon. Jennings, who is a veteran of the World war, lost h:i? balance in shifting positions in a canoe with two who were with him on Lake Whalom, which lies between Camp Devans and this city. Up to a lata hour tor.ight the police had failed to recovcr his body, although the lake was dragged during the afternoon and night. Jennings, according to the story told by the other two soldiers to the police, refused to heed their repeated warnings and startd to change positions, falling over board. Being unable to swim he sank out of sight before his companions could make, any attempt to save him. j The other men, B. R. Sherman and j C. S. Merkie, who are members of the J same regiment, are broken up over | the tragedy. Calling for"help, Sherman and Markle paddled to the Leo- j minster side of the lake and notified j the Leominster, Fitchburg and army ! police of the accident. All three re- j sponded, the two men being placed j under arrest by the latter body pend-1 ing the outcome of the investigation. FUNERAL SUNDAY OF EX-SENATOR POLLOCK Cheraw. June 4.?Former United States Senator W. P. Pollock's funeral was held at St. David's church at 4 o'clock this afternoon. > In spite j of the inclement weather, the large church was crowded to the doors. There was a very large attendance of members of the bar and a large number of relatives and friends from a aistance. There were more than thirty honorary pallbearers, among them being Judge Edward Mclver, Senator G. K. Laney, Judge M. J. Hough, D. D. McColl, F. P. B. Pegues, 0. M. Pegues, Col. T. C. Hamer, J. J. Evans and Mayor C. L. Muntley of Chesterfield. The active pallbearers were C. K. Waddill, L. C. Wannamaker, E. H. Duvall and R. R.. Hickson of Cheraw, and Dr. Bruce Edgerton and Rutledge McGee of cThprp were manv floral tributes of beautiful design which covered the grave and the.ground around. The Rev. 0. T. Porcher of Bennettsville conducted the services and the double male quartet sang hymns. Mr. Pollock, by his interest in others and his mnay deeds of kindness, many of which are unknown to the public, had endeared himself to both white and black in town and in country. He will Jbe greatly missed, -- Via + nnlr livplv rrnrf in public affairs. The sympathies of the entire community are with Mrs. Pollock, who is greatly beloved by a host of friends. Ward 3, Club No. 2 ! The members of Ward 3, No. 2 Democratic club, will mee: at I. T. Tim merman's store at 2 o'clock Satl urday, June 24, 1922, for the purpose of reorganizing, in accordance with permission granted by the coun ty Democratic executive committee. | 0. C. Wilson, Sec. I ? Drayton Rutherford Chapter The Drayton Rutherford chapter will mett with Miss Mamie Crooks Tuesday, June loth, at 5 o'clock. The members of the J. F. J. Caldwell chapter will be our guests at this time. A-i this is the last meeting of the summer every member is urgently requested to be present. I " ^ t Leaves After Visit The State, 4th. Mrs. H. Bryan Miller of Salisbury who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. George X. Dickert, has returned to her home, accompanied by her little brother, J. C. Dickert. T - J! A :J JL.dU:cd rxiv* v./ w\< iv. %.j The Ladies Aid society of the Church of the R.* ! .? n>~r will meet Monday afternoon, June 12th, at : o'clock at tin* home or Mr^. E. H. Kibler with Mrs. J. L. l>onini?'k as j associate hostess. STATE TO RECEIVE | MORE FEJERAL AID Large Amount to Be Available July 1?Funds From State After Next Year + o + uinrvitro^' o 11 tilnvi + ipc U'kVP oi} U LU IL UM VitVA ? V 1 V tA ; vised yesterday that a free confer' enee committee of the house and sen| ate had agreed on the federal aid appropriation to be made by congress f within the next two or three weeks and that the amount would be $50,000,000 for 1923. Of this $">0.000,000 South Carolina will receive approximately $700,000 land this will be available July 1 of j this year. The appropriation will be I for the fiscal year beginning'the first | or next month, but the entire amount jean be had July 1. Charles Ji. Alooreneid, state nign. way engineer said yesterday that suf! ficient funds to match the $700,000 j for South Carolina were already [pledged by the counties and it is expected that many applications will be made for the money. Under the agreement of the free i conference committee, $65,000,000 for federal aid is to be appropriated for 1924 and ?75,000,000 for 1925. | South Carolina ,can share in this i year's fund and the 1924 amount under the present system of county matching, but will be unable to share in the 1925 appropriation-unless some provision is made for the state to match the funds. Under the provisions of the recent federal aid act the government will begin to deal only "? ' ? ? 1 Ml X 2. | witn tne siaies ana win noi accept ! the county matching scheme, this to | become effective after the 1924 appropriation has been allowed and used. JURY LIST FOR CRIMINAL COURT I ~~ The following jurors have been I drawn to serve at the ccurt of sessions to be held in Newberry the ! week beginning the 19th of June: H. F. Lominick. J. L. Long. Tnn; 1,. Shealv j J. S. Williams J. T. Baker J. W. Wilson j Wilbur J. Ringer M. E. Wilson [ Joseph H. Baker. R. D. Smith, Sr. G. W. Eddy. N. Y. Dennis. 0. L. Cousin. C. P. Teague. i P. E. Anderson, j L. C. Hargrove. : Louis G. McCollough. i Clon A Fntiner. i S. T. Matthews, j T. J. Wicker. J E. A. Hentz. i G. L. Bowers. | J. H. Wise. ! W. L. Mills. M. L. Hawkins. W. M. Buford. | H. B. Lindsey. | J. it. Epting. j Jno. H. W. Long. C. G. Johnson. W. S. Schultz. G. E. Dominick. j D. L. McCullough. * T. H. Kunkle. I B. L. Kyser. j L. M. Nichols. To Son's Graduation j The State, Gth. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Aull of Green : wood will patss through Columbia to 1 (Hv motoring to Charleston to. atten( the graduation from the" Citadel o1 their son, L. B., Jr. Cadet Aull has I won, among other honors, a fellow ship to the University of North Caro | lina, at which institution he will 1>< ! an instructor in the school of engi j neering and will also take sorm j courscs. Mollohon vs. Whitmire J There will be a baseball game Sat urday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock a {the Mollohon ball park between Mo! lohon and the speedy Whitmir< j bunch. Mollohon is getting togethei a good team and will give the visitor a tfood time. The Mollohon band wil give a concert from 3:30 to 4:00 p m. Come early and enjoy the con cert, then see a good game of ball i Admission 20 and 30 cents. 1 'COLUMBIAN NAMED | TO HEAD DISTRICT .1 % List of Cities in Thirty-eighth Division Announced for First Time . The State, Gth. Announcement was made at the . regular weekly luncheon of the Roi tary club of Columbia yesterday that ; Carroll H. Jones has been unanimous. ly nominated for district governor of tthe new Rotary district to be formed this week at the Los Angeles interi national Rotary convention. The un animous indorsement of the Columbi , an, who is past president of tne notary club, was voted by delegates from the new district on a special I trajn en route to the Pacific coast. A , telegram from J. Perrin Thompson, immediate past president, was read to t the club at the luncheon yesterday. The new district will be known as the 38th district and will include 15 clubs in North Carolina and the 12 i South Carolina clubs. i Clubs in the 38th district will be: Columbia, Sumter, Spartanburg, Greenville, Anderson. Greenwood, "? "I- TT !11 Gaffney, Newberry ana nock run m South Carolina and the following in North Carolina: Asheville, Charlotte, I Concord. Gastonia, Greensboro, Hick: ory, High Point, Lexington, Monroe, Moore*sville, Reidsville, Salisbury, Statesville, Thomasville and Winstofij Salem. I The vocational paper at yesterday's i, luncheon was read by J. W. St. John, . his subject being "Fertilizer." Harry H. Root wat3 chairman of the program ! committee for the day. President C. Fred Williams presided at the recepj tion of two new members, the Rev. j Wade H. Boggs and J. P. Boyd. I The program was featured by the _ music, Maurice Mattesor. Ringing twc , songs. i ! I>eath of Miss Fulmer j Miss Mary Maude Fulmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Fulmer, died of typhoid fever Wednesday afternoon at the home between Little Mountain and Chapin and was Juried from Holy Trinity church, Little Mountain. Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, services by Rev. J. J. Long, Miss Fulmer was 35 years old. Besides her parents she is survived bj the following brothers and sisters Messrs. W. S. and C. K. Fulmer ol I Columbia, Henry P. of Little Mountain, H. L. of the home place, Mrs Lon Hartley of Lexingtoyn and Miss Catherine Fulmer at home. Jasper Chapter The regular meeting of the Jaspei chapter D. A. R. will be held Fridaj afternoon, June 9, at 5 o'clock witt Mrs. W. H. Hunt. Mrs. F. W. Chapman, Sec'y. Mrs. W. H. Hunt, Regent. GETS MAXIMUM FINE Eetectives Bring Liquor Cases t< Court in Columbia I ? The State, 6th. Clem Rice, porter at the JefTersor hotel, was given the maximum fine oj $100 yesterday in the city court or a charge of storing seven quarts o! liquor. An officer said he went t( the hotel Saturday night and tha' Rice brought him some ;ce water | The witness said he asked the portsi j if he could bring him liquor and h< I was told that he could get a quart foi j $ 11. The witness said he gave Ric< j $15 and in about 20 minutes Rice re turned with a quart flask. The officer witness told the judge that he sue ceeded in obtaining a statement fron P Rice that led to the seizure of a valis< 5 containing seven quarts. The liquoi was in a store-room, according to th( witness. Rice pleaded guilty to th: " charge. "j W. M. Alley, white, was fined $ 1OC 3 to cover two charges of violating th: liquor laws. i Columbia detectives made a deter 'mined search for booze last Saturday " visiting nearly 25 stores, shops ant 1 rooms, me omcers reponeu seizure " at three points. The officers are mak - ing daily raids and their activity ha: r caused considerable commotio: 5 among: liquor salesmen, according tc 1 reports. -1 So far, whenever a crisis has c-allec . Lloyd-George it has found him with i |winning hand. 'protest embargo southern produci ! _ ? Pennsylvania Railroad Proposes t Hold Truck Shipments at Kearney, N. J. j Washington, June 5?Before Con: missioners Potter and Aitchison an I Director Roth of the interstate con merce commission's service bureai New York city and the port of Nei York, authority today presented ai guments and objections against a '.embargo on shipments into New Yor | of Southern produce ana pouuues uj (dered by 'the Pennsylvania railroat '. effective at midnight tonight. ;; The road proposed to hold all sue freight for New York 'at Kearnej j N. J. instead of transporting it acros > | the river in the customary fashion t 1 Piers 28 and 29. j Wilbur Laroe, special counsel fc 1 the port of New York authority, ar ! serted the embargo was unnecessar and called several witnesses to su* tain the position. , j would~runHfoT president if the people so desir] t\ _ j.? t? ? " "cj^viy.,7 ttnrh v?n i^eil'OlL, J UliC O. ixtm j ^ viu (j intimated privately that he would ru .. for president "if the people of th 1 country desire him to do go," but "h : would refuse to spend any money t ! bring about his nomination or ele< j tion," according to William T. Kror i; berg, editor of a Dearborn newspape ,! and one of the leaders in the Deal born "Henry Ford for President j club. , | Although he has made no publi . statement, Mr. ForcThas intimated t members of the club that he woul be in a receptive mood should th . demand for his candidacy come froi ,' the people of the country, Mr. Kroi berg told, the Associated Press. Members of the club who lact wee ! planned to see Mr. Ford and official] j ask him to run for president haA , ] decided 10 wan umtu aner me tiuu - J organization meeting at JDearborri t< i morrow night, Mr. Kronberg said t< 11 day. It is probable, Mr. Kronber i; said, that a committee will be del* > gated tomorrow night to wait on M . I Ford and make the official request. mmom. r LIGHTNING STRUCK WAREHOUSE?400 BALES BURNE I v. . j Ridge Springs, S. C., June 4.?T? j Monetta cotton warehouse, thrc .' miles north of Ridge Springs, coi taining about 400 bales of cotton wf completely destroyed by fire at 1 j o'clock today. r Lightning struck the building an r j caused the fire. The loss which i between $40,000 and $50,000 is ful! covered by insurance through th state warehouse system. S WILL KEEP A SMALL FORCE OF AMERICAN TROOPS ON RHIN > Washington, June 5.?In oompl a rice with requests from Germany an of the allied powers, a small force < American troops is to be retained ? 1; Coblenz on the Rhine beyond July f the dste set originally for eompletic 1 of American evacuation of Gernm f {territory. > j Secretary Weeks announced tod? I; that decision had been readied to r< . i tain at Ccidenz Major General All;*] r1 and two battalions of the Eighth ii 2 fantry, which was scheduled to iia\ r sailed for home on June 20. Th 2 length of time the troops will be kej -; not been determined. - j The secretary said the troops wou] -! not come home this month, but woui i!stay on the Rhine beyond July 1. H 11 would make no other comment as 1 r 'the change in policy in accordant j: with the requests which have read t j ed Washington for retention of An ! erican troops at Coblenz. ) i The first battalion of the eighth ii i' fantry has already been withdraw land the two remaining battalion -1 with supplementary unite, make up ,1 force of about 1,000 men at Coblen 1 which will be reduced to 1,000. Th 5 two battalions of the eighth infantr . to stay in Coblenz were listed to t = stationed at Fort Scriven, near Sa^ I annah, on their return and the wa I ) department has not as yet designate j units for that station to take th I place of the men on the Rhine, ij II Maybe Europe thinks Uncle Sam > Rube because he wears whiskers. (UNIONS HELD LIABLE E ; 6Y SUPREME COURT 0' Labor Organization \menable to j Provisions of Sherman AntiTrust Law I Washington, June 5.?Deciding the j celebrated Coronado coal case, the i isupreme rourt today held that labor organisations although unincorporated, are amenable to the Sherman anti-trust act, and that under it such ' organization may be prosecuted for . restraint of interstate commerce. The court also held that labor unions are fj suable. Chief Justice Taft in an' nouncing the decision did not indi^ cate any dissent. J ' The case which presented the questions passed upon by the court was an appeal by the United States Mine Workers of America, district No. 21 of that organgization and the offic, ers, 27 local unions in that district y and their officers and 65 individuals, , some of the latter not members of any union, from a decision by the , United States district court of Arkansas, approved by the circuit court E of appeals holding them guilty of violating the Sherman anti-trust act LS during the coal mine strikes in Arn kansas in 1914, and imposing damage es of $200,000, which were trebled e under the anti-trust law. 0 Labor leaders in Washington, in/ > 111r)i'n<r nffioeft! nf tVio Ampr.iMn Fed LlUUlilg W*. V?*V ?. .??... . , !_ eration of Labor, while expressing >r concern over the sweeping provisions r_ of the decision, declined to author? ize any statement in advance of a careful study of the findings of the |c court. They were particularly in0 terested in that section of the opin^ ion which held that the treasury of ie labor organization# could be Jwpld Iiam ble for damages caused 'by labor ? unions. The "Coronado case" was the nam { ^ applied to one of the most famoui y proceedings to reach the supreme re court within recent years. Its fame >s arose not only from the long period it remained on the docket but from 3_ its importance, involving as it did the question 'of whether organzed labor as represented in the United Mine r Workers of America could be prosecuted under the Sherman anti-trust law for restraint of interstate comt ' merce resulting from strikes. D The Coronado and Associated Coal companies of Arkansas instituted in \ le the United States Mine worKers naa ;e unlawfully conspired to suppress noni union competition, and that the deis struction of the property had been re2 sorted to, with attendant restraint of interstate commerce, to accomplish id that end. The decision of the court is dismissing the suit was set aside by [y the United States circuit court of ie appeals for the Eighth circuit, and i in the same court, on second trial, | before a different federal judge, the jury found that the destruction of E the mine property was due to a conspiracy to prevent the mining of coal 1- by non-union labor, and had resulted id in a restraint of interstate commerce. >f The jury placed actual damages at $200,000, which were trebled by the 1> court under the Sherman law. The n award, affirmed by the circuit court n of appeals, was brought to the suj preme court by the labor unions on y the ground that being incorporated 2- they could not be sued. n, v BIGHAM IS TAKEN re , , BACK TO FLORENCE te i it Columbia, June 5.?Edmund D. : Bigham, Florence county man conId victed of murdering his brother, Smild ley. and charged with murdering his [e mother, his sister and his sister's two o adopted children, is ? today in the >e Florence county jail, where he was 1_ taken from the state penitentiary, on 1. order of Judge Shipp, issued at Florjence, for Bigham to be brought beq_ fore him for resentencing. It was n announteu at, uie i^imc nine ui;u ?hjs ham's counsel would.make a motion a for a new trial, on the ground of after-discovered evidence. The al,e leged after-discovered evidence is let y ters said to have been r??cently dis,e covered, signed by . the late Smliey v. B;gham. ir Two deputies took Bigham from d the penitentiary to Florence by auie tomobile Bigham's t-> tne I state s ip *:me court was rejeci.0;! by {that trjtii'al. and his la:ar appeal to a the United States supreme court w*s I w.t;.o? k uJ