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f :hi'' ' " s " VOLUME LVUI, NUMBER 35. NEWBERRY, S. C., TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1922. TWICE A WEEK, $2.00 A YEAR VICTIMS OF FLOOD FACING STARVATION 1500 IN LOUISIANA MUST HAVE FOOD SOON Every Agency Busy in Extreme Crisis ? - ? I ? ? /N . O Many isolated communities completely Surrounded by Water New Orleans, April 29.?Reports from Harrisonburg, La., late today that the 1,000 residents of that town ' in addition to 500 refugees from Catahoula, Concordia and other flooded ! parishes in that section face starva-1 tion unless food supplies arrive speed- i ily have greatly intensified the gravity of the flood situation and every ^ agency is tonight trying to overcome , the difficulty f transporting supplies t.r> thp stricken Deoole. The most serious phase of the i flood situation is in northern Louis-, ? j iana this time, aside from the danger i of continually rising waters, is that of Ihreatened food shortage. Many j isolated*communities have been com-1 pletely surrounded by water and res- ( idents forced to depend upon the , small stocks of food on hand when , flood waters rushed through the break near Ferriday. Countless numbers are livintr on canned products that they are securing from community grocers, but reports from some sections indicate there are other communities not so fortunately placed and that many people are very little ahead of starvation. In many isolated farm houses, where residents have remained in their marooned or flooded hones, there is very little, if anything, to eat. With depleted stocks of food reported from all refuged camps in the ' Louisiana flooded area, and a real. - - " i r.. crisis existing at narnsourg, xeiugee workers today expressed the be- i lief that those who remained in their flood swept homes may in the long run be better off than those concentrated in the refugee camps, unless some means * of reaching the camp with provisions is found without delay. # I CRAZED BY JEALOUSY SHOOTS UP A HOUSE RARTY Mamie Robnison a dusky damsel of the town became very jealous because her man Jule Garrett had failed to come home for a few evenings, and she thought he was lavishing attentions upon another, even though that other had a real husband living. So it seems that on last Thursday evening Jule was enjoying a house party at the home of Hattie Gates nnrf that there were oresent at the party besides Hattie, Rufus Farmer, Jule Garrett and Will Abrams, and they were all sitting around a table enjoying the evening in pleasant conversation. 11; fr?*t we believe the evidence is that they were sitting down enjoying a meal. At any rate Mamie heard of it and she armed herself with a good magazine gun and proceeded to the party herself. When she arrived she called to Jule to come out and he replied that he would not. Mamie then gave warning that if he would not she would shoot the door down and she proceeded to carry out her warning and in response to the shots the door swung open and Mamie entered, keeping up her shooting. Jule jumped up from the table and started back '" fUn vnr\m Kilt o C Via WPTlt Ill HIT UCW I wut k/MV uo 4?v V. V .. w caught one of the balls from Mamie's pistol in his hip. Mamie then turned her magazine upon Hattie Gates, the proprietor of the home, the wound being in the abdomen and a very seriuos one. It is stated that as Mamie turned on Hattie that Hattie held up her hands and begged her not to shoot. Hattie was taken to the hospital and -Jule is not seriously hurt and Mamie will be held in jail until the court meets. TO BOYS OF SCOUT AGE WHO WISH TO JOIN TROOP THREE All boys wishing to join Newberry troop 3, B. S. A., will meet in the back room of the chamber of commerce at 7:30 o'clock on Wednesday evening, May 3rd. Dr. B. E. Kneece. Another nice thin* abou: that bobhair is that >ou can be sure there * isn't 'i rat in it. | NEWBERRY DEMOCRATS HAVE HARMONIOUS CONVENTIOr Women Elected Along With Con gresSman Dominick by Accalmation to State Convention The county convention met 01 j Monday with a fine representatioi j present and for the first time in th< ! history ol tne county wmi wumei 1 representing the clubs and two o : them elected as delegates to the stat | convention. Eugene S. Blease, after the conven ; tion had been called to order b; County Chairman J. B. Hunter, aros< and placed in nomination for tem porary chairman of the conventioi Senator Alan Johnstone and in aoin| so paid tribute to him as a senato: and to the fairness with which he al ways met questions in the legislatun and the fine harmony and good spiri which existed between the senaio and members of the house in the las legislature. Mr. Johnstone in assuming th< chair said he did not esteem it an: slight honor to preside over a con vention of the people, a conventioi which had for purpose to main tain and perpetuate the rule of th< people. It was a great privilege t< be an American citizen. While h< must admit that he did not look wit! so much favor upon granting the bal lot to women he welcomed them int< the party after it had been decreet that they should come in. He feare< that it would not be for their good t< be given the ballot. They have com to make demcoracy pure. They ha< worked for the purity and upbuilding of the church and while he did no' believe the ballot could be conferre upon them for their betterment, ye' i'f iim-.-iM Vna fnr mir betterment and hi gladly welcomed them into the ranks B. B. Leitzsey was elected tempor ary chairman. The roll was then made up and th ' following is the list of delegates an 1 committeemen: Townshhip No. 1 Ward 1 Delegates?E. S. Blease, G. B. Crc i mer, W. B. Johnson, L. M. Player, C ! G. Blease. j Committeeman?j. sample. Ward 2 I Delegates?L. W. Jones, Mrs. "W : W. Cromer, M. M. Buford, J. E | Wheeler, C. C. Schumpert, R. C Sligh, Mrs. R. H. Wright. Committeeman?J. C. Kinard. Ward 3 No. 1 j Delegates?Alan Johnstone, J. L Keitt, C. B. Spinks, J. L. Paysinger , W. F. Ewart. Committeeman?C. B. Spinks. Ward 4 | Delegates?C. W. Douglas, J. W i White, F. R. Hunter, E. H. Aull. i Committeeman?E. H. Aull. Ward 5 ! Delegates?John E. Franklin, ohi ' Cook, W. M. Thomas, J. H. Chap*, "*11 ! Jim Bannister, Sam C. Hiller, H. C Longshore, A. S. Leopard. I Committeeman?J. H. Chappell. Johnstone Academy Delegates?Mark M. Mills, P. E ; Banks. Committeeman?P. B. Banks. Oakland I Delegates?F. J. Scari)oro, Georg 1 Attaway. Committeeman?Jeff T. Cromer. Helena Delegate?J. W. Henderson. Executive committeeman?J. G j Miller. Hartford Delegates?J. %T. Hawkins, C. L ! Lester. Committeeman?Z. W. Dennis. Townshihp No. 2 Mt. Bethel Delegates?C. H. Alewine, G. ? Ruff. | Committeeman?W. C. Brown. Garmany > I Delegate??L. I. Feagle, Thos. W Folk. Committeeman?B. B. Leitzsey. Township No. 3 Maybinton Delegates?J. L. Thomas. Committeeman?J. L. Thomas. Mt. Pleasant J Delegates?T. P. Adams, J. S. J Suber. Committeeman?F. G. Smith. Township No. 4 Whitmire 1 Delegates?W. G. Puc-kett, S. A ! Jeter, -J. A. Darby, R. M. Aughtn |W R. >?nt?on, A. N. Fortune, .T T j Baker, J. R. Baker, H. R. Murph, ^ H. Wicker, D. L. McCullough, W. ] Howard. Committeeman?R. M. Aughtry. Long Lane Delegates?C. M. Folk, B. H. Cal well. t Committeeman?T. W. Hentz. j Township No. 5 2 Kinards ? - ?^ irr ni 1 ( i Delegates?Kev. l. w. sneajy, . f B. Evans. e Committeeman?R. G. Smith. Reederville Delegates?R. E. Livingston, J. I y Derrick. i Committeeman?R. E. Livingston Jalapa ri Delegates?J. Wm. Folk, L. IS r Long, W. E. Epps. r Committeeman?O. H. Abrams. T Aurnckm Nft fi ? I UTT A * w a Longshore t Delegates?V. C. Wilson, J. I r Senn, J. V. Clary, J. R. Spearman, t Committeeman?J. R. Spearman. Trinity 5 Delegate?G. E. Abrams. f Committeeman?C. E. Abrams. Dominicks -i Delegates?Maxwell McKittric' . M. M. Livingston. 2 Committeeman?F. J. Harmon. 3 Township No. 7 fliaDnells a f rr i Delegates?J. L. Watkins, J. . Fellers, H. C. Dommick. ) Committeeman?J. B. Scurry. J Vaughnville i Delegates? ) Committeeman? e Saluda No. 7 .j DpIp^ate?H. T. Fellers. r i Committeeman?H. W. Bowles, t Township No. 8 d Silverstreet t Delegates?J. M. Nichols, H. < a Long, Geo. P. Boulware. i. Committeeman?0. W, Long. Utopia Delegates?J. K. Ferdue, joi e Herbert. d Committeeman?H. L. Boulware East Riverside Delegate?A. C. Wheeler. Committeeman?E. Lee Hayes. . Township No. 9 j. ProsperityDelegates?Mrs.C. T. Wyche, Mi T. A. Dominick, Mrs. M. C. Morr: Dr. J. S. Wheeler, J. D. Quattlebaui Dr. E. N. Kibler, Dr. C. T. Wyche, ' ^ A. Dominick, B. M. D. Livingsto M. C. Morris, S. A. Quattlebaum. Committeeman?Dr. J. S. Wheele Sf T.ulret Delegates?N. E. Taylor, C. u Nichols. Committeeman?C. S. Nichols. J > Liberty Delegates?Geo. F. Hunter, N. j Hunter. Committeeman?J. T. Hunter. O'Neall Delegates?N. L. Moore,, Jno. 1 Koon. n Committeeman?0. 0. Shealy. j Monticelle Delegates?W. D. Connelly, H. ( Counts. Committeeman?A. C. Dominick R$g Creek Delegate?H. P. Leaphart. Committeeman?J. P. Harmon. Swilton Delegates?J. W. George, Geo. j e Counts. rA?v.miUAAwnvi T C Woffe. I L/Uuimuicciiiau u . kj. naiw. St. Paul Delegate?G. A. C. Wicker. Committeeman?J. J. Kibler. < Central Delegate?A. L. Aull, E. S. Sheal Committeeman?A. L. Aull. Township No. 10 Little Mountain Delegates?W. A. Counts, J. ! Derrick, A. X. Boland, W. B. Sheal C. E. Wheeler, S. W. Young. ; Committeeman?J. B. Derrick. Jolly Street Delegates?W. B. Boinest, Georj Richardson. r. Committeeman?A. C. Richardsor Union Academy Delegates?J. A. Kinard, T. Wilson. Committeeman?T. J. Wilson. Nn 11 TownShhin Pomaria Delegates?J. H. Koon. J. H. K F. nard. W. D. Hatton, L. A. Shealy. Committeeman?H. W. Lominick Walton Delegates? C om mitteeman? L. Zion \ ! Delegates? !. i Committeeman f RULING ON FUND WAITS FOR TIME WILSON CONTRIBUTIONS MAY NOT BE TAXED ' Secretary of Treasury Orders Decision by Internal Revenue ^ Bureau Withdrawn Washington, April 29.?Secretary Mellon today ordered withdarwn, j 'pending further consideration, the ' i ruling of the internal revenue bureau I that contributions to the Woodrow I ? j Wilson foundation were not exempt , from income taxes. ' < Announcement of Mr. Mellon's acjtion was made in a letter to Senator I Glass of Virginia made public today jby the treasury. The letter was ,, ' made public following a conference ^ | of Mr. Mellon, with Assistant Com; missioner Smith of the revenue bur j reau acting in the absence of Comj missioner Blair. ! ____ SUCCESSFUL CONFERENCE M. E. CHURCH AT WHITMIRE Whitmire, S. C., April 29?The annual conference of the Cokesbury . district, upper South Carolina conference, convened Wednesday even " Hlg <U O p. 111., Ill W 1C lUCbUUUlOt J church of Whitmire. Rev. E. S. ; Jones of Greenwood, presiding elder, I was in charge. The opening sermon | was preached Wednesday evening by i Rev. J. F. Lupo, secretary of the con! ference, of Waterloo, S. C.. There were 75 in attendance from the 23 charges comprising this district, about 50 of which number were laymen. Presiding Elder E. S. 0. Jones in his address to the conferj ence Thursday morning showed the j phenomenal growth of this district i since the state was divided into upin J per and lower conferences. There I has been among other increases a . | growth of 28 per cent in increase in ! membership of the church. On Thursday morning Dr. J. C. Roper of Chester, who is secretary of the education movement of the Upper S. C. conference, addressed the conference. Dr, rs. Roper stressed the cause of Christian is, ! ducation and showed that te MethO' n,,| dist church is doing a great work in T. her Christian colleges and schools, n, Thursday afternoon Mrs. J. W. White of Newberry gave a report and gave r. an interesting address 'on the Women's Missionary societies of the conS. ference. Dr. J. L. Daniel preached the sermon Thursday night. Rev. C. E, Peele of Abbeville preached Fridaj E. morning. This was followed by z business session after which the con ference adjourned. Winthrop Daughters The regular meeting 01 tne winthrop chapter has been ca^d off t< meet at the regular time in June. '4 3 Mrs. H. M. Bryson, Pres. Miss Corrie Havird, Sec, Township No. 12 Peak Delegates?F. T. Chapman,. Joe E Mayer. Commit.eeman?F. T. Chapman. Cross Roads Delegates? Committeeman? The following delegates were elected to the state convention: Mrs. R. H. Wright, Mrs. M. C. Morris, Fred H. Dominick, Alan Johnstone, y* E. S. Blease, W. M. Thomas, W. R. Watson, J. B. Derrick. Under the law the delegation has authority to fill vacancies. J. D. Wheeler was elected county chairman. E. S. Blease was elected member state executive committee. Meeting of Executive Committee At the meeting of the executive committe immediately after the adjournment of the convention B. B. Leitzsey was elected secretary. J- Committee was appointed to audit the books and also a committee to | arrange a campaign and assessments of candidates and will report to next meeting of the committee, ^i-1 Magistrates in 1 and 8, 4 and 9 were placed in the primary and the other magistrates as to primary to be 'considered at the next meeting-. The name of Swilton club was changed io Midway and the voting place will be at Midway school house. Committee adjourned to meet at rail of the chairman. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS PROSPEROUS PROSPERITY Prosperity, May 1.?Unique in ev- < ery detail was the "backward party" 1 j which the Luther league enjoyed at J ! the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. San er on Friday night. All guests in ' ' 1 J tviof ut the ! j oacKwaru ctutnc, nuic i w?_? ^?v ?... ! back door. After the opening song, | "Goodnight, Ladies," a swet course was served, every detail of which was backward. The many games and stunts were all suggestive of the 1 backward idea. ? i The Epworth league gave a "chicken roast" Friday afternoon at the | home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Roof. Quantities of roses and sweet peas gave to the rooms a glow of pink in j contrast to the dismal evening on the j outside. Twenty-five members were [ present and enjoyed the tempting me- j oc -Pniiniv;* Roast chicken, pimen- [ to sandwiches, pickles, crackers, strawberries, cake and coffee, j Large congregations attended the services held at the A. R. P. church j Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Rev. C. B. Williams of Due West preached twice daily and the sermons were excellent. The Black Bear troop of Boy Scouts, with their leader, Rev. J. E. Williams, went on a hike last Thurs- j nav to Saluda river. They enjoyed j fishing1, boating and especially the ! picnic dinner eaten on the banks of j i the river. The scouts are phnning to j give a 'play entitled "The Scout Mas-, ter,'' the money to be used for the j benefit of the Black Bear troop. i The Community league met Mon- j day afternoon in the school auditori-: um, with a large number of patrons j and friends of the school present, j Miss Berrie, county demonstration | agent, gave an interesting talk on ' - community marketing. The league , vnted to cooDerate with the marketj which is at Newberry. This Friday j night, May 5th, the league will have i with them Whitmire talent when they will give at the town hail a play, "Dot, the Miner's Daughter," with a j thirty minute musical program by the I . Whitmire orchestra. The admission is 25 and 15 cents. Hour, 3:30 promptly. Everybody is asked to come and help this worthy cause. . 1 i Fairview school closed Friday, af J . ter a very successful seven months' ! session. "Poor Married .Man" was the 1 name of the play given two weeks ago, in place of the regular com*, mencement exercises. Rev. J. E. Wilj li'ams had as his assistant Miss Hat tie Bell Lester. Mr. Williams says " ' 1i i .Kairview nas me uest, tuiuiiiuju^ r i spirit that he has ever experienced in 1, his eight years of school work, also " that excellent work was done by the students. Master Allen Newton Crosson will be host to the James D. Nance C. of I C. Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. }J The Eastern Star convenes Tuesj day night at 8:30. t i A meeting of the Tithers league of the Baptist church will be held at their prayer meeting hour Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Public . cordially invited. Following is the program: Our Authority on Tithing?Mrs. | G. L. Robinson. The Need of Tithing?Mrs. 0. S. Miller. How to Tithe?G. L. Robinson. The Results of Tithing?Mrs. G. , i W. Harmon. Appropriate music by the choir. The William Lester chapter U. D. r. C. will meet Friday afternoon at j : 4:30 at city hall when plans will be I perfected for Memorial day, May 10th. j Major Bramlett, who is one of the leader? of the South Carolina Cotton j Growers Cooperative association, was ^ in Prosperity last week and says ; i Prosperity has already signed up for : the cotton campaign, and a large ' number are yet to sign. J Midway commencement will be 1 held at the school house Friday night, May 5th, at 8 o'clock. An interest- j' i ing program has ^een arranged. Pub- { . lie cordially invited. I "VTi'cc r,iri t.po Cook and Mr. j _ ( Sease were married Saturday even-/ i I , ing: at the home of Mrs. Elvira Kibler 1 by Rev. J. A. McKeown. The bride j i is the attractive daughter of Mr. arid 1 j Mrs. E. M. Cook. Mr. Sease is a pro- J ; gressive young farmer, being the son j of Mr. John M. Sease of Excelsior. j5 Mrs. Lindsay Fellers entertained | with a dinner party Monday in honor t of the third birthday of her little son I Robert. In the center of the dining * table was a lovely white birthday | :ake surrounded with three tiny can- j dies, the cutting of which brought great pleasure to the little host and . his invited guests. t>~? t r> vu r JLVCV. U* 1/. \J 1111111, ff V? l/vuuiiivn j and J. B. Stockman have returned ( from district conference held at Whitmire. Mrs. J. D. Quattlebaum has returned from a short visit to Mrs. G. C. Caughman of Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bomest, Jr., of Pomaria, were week-end guests of ^ Mrs. B. M. D. Livingston. Mrs. iTddie Hodges spent the past ^ week in Columbia. | Miss Betsy Hunter of St. Lukes has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. I rr xj t ' XX. XX<& WlYlliO. Miss Grace Sease reached home Saturday for .the summer, after hav- . ing taught at Pelham. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hunt, Mr. and . ; ] Mrs. D. H. Hamm, Mrs. Nellie Hunt 1t and Mrs. J. A. Counts motored to Co- j lumbia Thursday. J Mrs. Henry Parr and Mrs. J. D. j ^ Wheeler of Newberry spent Friday j ^ with Mrs. J. r. Wheeler. Miss Marguerite Wise of Columbia j ^ is spending a few days with the home j folks. / Mrs. Horace Counts has been on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Carrie ] Mc Waters of Columbia. Ira B. Nates of Columbia has been home on a short visit. Miss Rebe Kinard of Bachman' ] Chapel is the guest of Mis3 Quattle-' j baum. . \ R. K. Wise of Columbia spent Sun- , day with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wise, j \ Mr. E. B. Keisler of the Lutheran j seminary, filled Grace pulpit Sunday, , and while here wai the guest of Mrs. ; J. L. Wise. ' ji Mrs. J. P. Wheeler was in Newber- ; ry Saturday to see her little grand- , daughter, little Miss Dorothy Wheel- ] er, who leaves with her mother, Mrs. ', Vernon Wheeler, Monday for their! home in Philadelphia. ) ] Mrs. J. C. Brooks has returned to' ] her home in Hardeeville after visit-! j ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. ] Counts. j Mrs. J. B. Lathan of Columbia is < visitnig relatives here. ] Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wise of Little < Mountain were guests Sunday of Mrs. < J. L. Wise. ] W. W. Wheeler is attending United f tates court this week in Green- J ville. < 1 nr r* r *1 t 1. . J ivir. ana :>irs. iv. nave returned ] to Columbia after a visit to Mr. and } Mrs. G. E. Dominick. i Fred Wheeler of Columbia i^ visiting his mother, J. S. Wheeler, at the 1 home of Mrs. A. S. Miller. i Misses Ruby, Inez and Mary Grey < and Johnnie Fellers of Columbia i't spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. < M. Fellers. f Miss Salter of Newberry has been J visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Blake. | Little Rose Kaplan of Newberry is 1 < spending a few days with ,Mrs. Ira j Gibson. j Horace Dominick and Robert^ Counts attended the Elizabeth Brown- j i iii$; iucictj icucpuun ui KJU.H1111C1. iaiiu j college Monday evening. ( Miss Annie Hunter has acceptet a < position with Hunter and Saner, the ; t office being in the rear of the post. i office. e ? I ROAD TO NEWBERRY Highway Department Gives Tip as to Best Route t The State, 30. t Due to the heavy rains of the last c few days the roads from Columbia to c Newberry and Greenville are not in v the best condition, the highway de- F partment announced yesterday. This j statement does not include the main J a Columbia-iNewberry road which is j closed from Columbia to Chapin be- j cause of paving work. a The detour by the way of the Bush ' a river road and Irmo to Newberry is in 1 i a rather bad way and the road by I wav of Lexington to Newberry is v better, the highway department ad-. t i*ised. Traffic is being directed that t ivay. J \ Persons making the trip to Green- (t rille and Spartanburg are advised to h *o by way of Batesburg, Edgefield p ind Greenwood. This route is con- t ;iderab!v longer than the others, "but 11 should be followed until better weaher, according to the department. )EMOCRAl"S LEAD IN WAY TO LIGHT VOODROW WILSON WRITES TO WOMEN . :ormer President Say* That This is Turning Point in Affaiars of Mankind '* m U.*ocViinrp+r\r> A r\ril 9.Q T^1 ormpr ITUCHHI^tUll, Resident Woodrow Wilson declared, n "a letter read tonight at a dinner endered to Chairman Cordell Hull of he Democratic national committee by romen nembers of the committee, N hat "'nis is undoubtedly a Critical urninj point in the affairs of mankind, and it clearly falls to the Dem>crats of the United States to lead he way to the light." The letter was read unexpectedly >y Mrs. Emeline.Wells Blair of Washngton and was received with cheers. it was written under date of April I on<4 Tiroc in ronlu tn n "from Ilrs. Blair in behalf of the women committee members inviting both Mr. md Mrs. Wilson to attend tonight's linner. Addresses were given at the dinner Dy Senator Thomas J. Walsh of Vlontana, and Senator Jones of New Mexico and Chairman Hull. NEWBERRY LUMBER COMPANY PLANT DESTROYED BY FIRE One of, the biggest fires that New- l Derry has had in a long time took place last Friday when the plant of J the Newberry Lumber company was iestroyed. The fir,e started around 1 two o'clock and was first discovered in the pile of shavings that are | I :nro\vn off from- tfee machines :u the manufacture. JlW'tiot Inrown. how the fire started, whether from a j ipark from the iBiigine of tft?? plant - J? i or irom some ui>uu avuiso) uut juvw probably from the spark fro& the engine.. 1 The fire department did some mighty fine work, for it was naturally a hot and a quick fire, the large /hjj jile of shavings that always accunju ate around such a plant and the big ailes of lumber being a ready and sasy mark for the flames. The office building and the storeroom weffc saved. So the company has'the rec3rds and books intact and this might lave been worse. "* ^5 The loss is estimated at not over - >1 $10,000 with only a small insurance B )n one machine. It can not be estimated accurately until it is found |e iow much damage has been done the $jj nnrhinprv ? ? >' The company was planning to move ;he plant to their own lot on the railroad where the old Cline shop once stood and had a new boiler and engine on the road and they Will go at )nce to the work of building and will ?o riffht on as if there had been ho 5 ire. This plant is one of the big a?ets )f Newberry and we could scarcely jet along without it. It will take a few days to get the new machinery in shape but business will go right on S ininterruptedly and any one want- ' 1 ng anything in the line that is han- $ iled by the company may send the jraers rignt aiong ana iney win nave ;he same prompt and efficient service :or which this company has been not id since it opened for business in ; 'J dewberry. American Legion Auxiliary The regular monthly meeting of ; he American Legion auxiliary has >een postponed until the latter pait H >f next week on account of chautau[ua. The date and place of meeting vill be announced in next week's palers. Sadie Goggans, President. ,ry secretary. Card of Thanks I wish to express my thanks and ppreciation to t)>*"Je who so kindly ,ided me in ministering to my wife n Vinr- locf illnoce 9n^ oan^fiollv Ho ; 11 JiVl iCiO U M1IU ? "M wish to thank three of my friends , I k-ho were so untiring in their efforts * j: o assist and comfort her. And to he faithful and devoted physician vho attended her, I wish to express J ny deep appreciation for the services M e performed. The kindness of these ieople shall never be forgotten. May he blessings of God always attend j hem is my prayer. Her husband. Geo. 0. Grnber, a