r * VIM.I ME UT, NVKBEIK . JJBW8EH8Y, 8. C? >'?IIUY XOTMfSBS 8# 1?17. TWIG* A UBS, GLil i WAS ? - _?^ ^ 1 0m I II ?^>4 ?? I I ????? / ? U** ???wmmmm??? i i ?m???????tkOmmmm???>? wm tABFlSL? RECOMMENDS FBBUAL ePEJUTIGS WAL ASB BAULlttADS i MM* to President?Peoliag of ? as term Koads Regarded as First Step t* 0#?erumeBt Central ?*rN luf War. ? ? ?>. ^terfields's suggestions bat that no statement would jet be forthcoming; s& the president's decisio*. * ? , It was Indicated unofficially!, howthat Dor. Garfield has been siren ijtthorlty to notify coal contractors to 'fcet oat from uader" as the gorerftment would take over all fiel at the of nresent contracts. Thla ^rculd be ia April At the latest. It is anderstood that Dr. Garfield \ ^pclared the rail situation is far more serious a factor in the present fuel portage than any other and that gov#nment operation ii the onlj solu| This opinion lias previously been expressed to the president by*other government leaders and the belief here fco^ fght Is that the pooling of resources by the eastern roads is only the first forward stop toward complete government control for the period of the war Shortage of equipment will hare to fee met, it was stated, by control of all *trs to such an extent ttet each will ?e made to do the full service. Under any other than a central direction tbere woald be overlaping and days lest on sidetracks which could be illafforded. x . J Coal production can be increased to ach an extent. Dr. Garfield is understood to have told the president that ?nf nroser eco WUU tilC luovwiiwuvu ?- t . mi>mic methods in the use of fuel, the rupply and demand can be brought to & line. if adequate transportation can $e secured. In other words, car shortage is the main thing to be dealt with in fur v mishinsr the nation the coal it neeas. ?*e?s have been taken to remedy this as far as it possible without definite ?tnd complete control by the government of all railroad trackage and equipment. ? | FMON THA>KSGrme SERVICE.' There will be a union Thanksgiving oor-rf-p. fit the Mayer Memorial E. L. ofrurch Thursday nig-ht, 7:50 o'clock. '*0 give thanks unto the Lord, for He Is gorxl and His mercy endureth forever."' The following will he the program: "j Offertory?"by choir. Hymn 128. ScriDture lesson and invocation? - Rev. H. W. Stone. Hymn. 106. I "Remembrance of His Mercies," in tbinsrs material and spiritual?Rev. H. W. Stone. ! Anthem. "0 That Men Would Praise the Lord.*' Hvmn 120. Address?by Mayor 5. F. Wright. J Hymn 83". Address?toy Mr X M. T>jlt1s. f^mmary remarks?Rer. W. H. Dn+ton. Fvmn 154. b P^vpr. i Doxolosry and bene?TTB?KST SKftTE* FIRST eiBMAN PRI3#S?K Dr. W. H. Bickley of Newberry wha has been "somewhere in France" fei several month* had the honor and tk< distinction of seeing the first prisonei taken by the first company, first battalion, first divieion of the American Expeditionary Force? now in rxaaoc and of administering to hie physical needs. Dr. Biokley is a son ef Mr J. 3. Bickley who llree in No. ? aai holds a commissioa a# irst lieata?^a< and tailed for France tome moatki ago and fee* bee* seeing duty vritk the America* ferees. #P11A?I#9 INI TI1A1M Rftilr*?4 X?e4* Ihu-Ugr rWar Mak< Thli Nwwniy- #! f#?fir#l Als< ^ lilttrtiL Washington, if or, ?6.?Goveranien aontrol of railway* iuring the war i* prpptically aasmred. Bren while th< presidents'oi easter* railroad* pre pared today t? operate those aygterai as a untt, it was stated ia higii ?fli cial quarter* that ^ ths gorernm^a must assume sbarge of rail tranapor tatloi. Sooner or later?and rather soonc than later?the fttep is inevitable i was.said asssrtJrslr Y?B16Wi AN# ALL ABOfTT. Mucli business will confroat thi criminal court nsxt we#k ! Some peop!? wdn't do their Christ mas shopping arly this year. . Think of Saturday being the fira d*y of Deatoihtr?and Christmas no long off. * Thursday - being a legal holidayThanksgiving?business and school: will take a rest. While it was a little cold in New berry Tuesday it was 16 below zer< in Canton, New York. The ?>. A. Dickert Chapter will mee with Mrs. John M. Kinard on Sat urday afternoon. Dec. 1 at 3 o'clock We hope you didn't look for mucl in this issue of The Herald and News Matters had to be rushed up a daj ahead for Thanksgiving}. The Thanksgiving .football game a* Clinton -between the Presbyterian ant Newberry colleges dr? s an annua crowd. The regular monthly meeting o the Drayton Rutherford chapter, U D. C., will be held at the residence o Mrs. 0. B. Mayer Tuesday afternoor at 4 o'clock. Everybody has something to be thankful for, no matter what his con dition or circumstances. It always could be worse. And sometimes tlit fellow you envy would like to swav places with you. YvTe don't a!way: know. Many lf:d'e3 in Nowbcrry like Carly!< Blackwell in the pictures, while manj men like little Madge Evans. Thos. two will be in "The Burglar'' at th< opera house Friday. Then the nex 'episode ia "The Fighting Trail/' am two comedies, Saturday. Herbert Hoover advises "Happj Hooligan" people and others to ob serve m^tless days. Some will ob serve turkeyless day Thursday.,Here's hoping that Herbert may soon hav< the turkeys and other things dowr aerain to the reach of ordinary people. If the city council wants to .et yoi ' T<> i* Armt na.ve a pig ii win uo bu. At iu uuv> not want to let you have a pig i will not do so. Don't ask us. AsP I your alderman; that's what he is then for?that is to consider consultations among his other arduous and strenuous duties. Woman suffrage will get a boos! Friday afternoon at the public meeting in the high school auditorium al 2 *30 o'clock, in the addresses by Mrs bonT Ware Allen and Mrs. Edward E. Yaggy. Hear these ladies and oo-ncHe^ t^e <^.use of the suffragetE and suffragists. Moo^h Hart. co^'Pd. was i'P 7*t> against it Tre^d^y. He w?' before Recorder Earhardt on three n1 ' ' ' 1 HW ' f\ HAD TO GET I FIFTY POUNDS* > llCOULONT G?T 17 ' 1? iA*. rvMrc l IAJI C?; 1 IAI. f riMi rrovu wMbto? IjOROEREOA 9UANTJ" t r" ~ t'.. '! ft? ^ '1 '! *! |P | . i | V . " THE only road to REAL ec the FIRST COMMANDM , up ourown community and set " by one stroke of the pen. Giv j the same conditions, HE can I ?^ ? ii. j j.^ . Distance route is tne roau tu .vividly the ECONOMIC WAS t' 11111 " " I charges, two cases of petit larceny j' and one case of carrying concealed | weapon, j The recorder made it twice I $10 or twice 30 'days for the larceny f cases and $25 or &} days xor the wea. pon toting charge. Mooch took the ~ f f darf, |v g j The people -generally ought to at! tend the Thanksgiving service at the - Presbyterian church Thursday morn ing. It will be a little prayer and 3 praise worship directed by the Rev., J E. V. Babb and will not take much > of your valuable time; but even ? though it should that ought not to matter, because your time does not 3 belong to you, as much as you thinl? 7 it does. ^ We like the way the Rev. W. H. . Dutton doc? things. He came to The i p j Herald and News office Tuesday in . nlftnt.v of time with a noiice for this j issue. The notice was already pref pared and he had a copy for the Ob server also. He did not come in and say "I wish you would please write > so-and-so for your paper and hand - a copy to the Observer." Now the lat_ i ter way is the way of,a great many people, in fact most people. They come in at the last minute while we are very busy and don't seem to like * it if we show that we are not in much t (of a humor to aocomodatte them. Mr. Dutton's way is such a good way.; It is such a little thing to da that \ it seems to us everybody ought to have the same consideration. j The Eiffel Tower. t The Eiffel tower is Just twenty-eight J . years old, having been erected for the : (. Paris exposition of 1889. Although It was denounced as ugly, for the same reason as a skeleton, because it is unusual, Its rigid lines are really graceI ful. It has outlived its popularity as : < a pleasure resort, although it offers a wonderful panorama of Paris, but it | serves a far more important interna- ! i tional service as perhaps the most iin: portant wireless station in Europe, for > It Is in direct communication with f1well ! a \ it's what s'v f have got to /?ttrbt^ drink-^oft f oay? ^ r nfV/TT I TUlC l< TUC a V IMC ,1 ?n? ? ? *"Y \ I SIX MONTHS.lj PUNKfiSTCOfTE JJ jy\ ,eve* DRANf< iflRpp i! ? [ * .ft ^w| bit * < * '0 ECONOMIC WASTE. ionomy is thj road that leads r~ ENT in the community dev< id an order away from home e your horrid dealer the CHA beat any out-of-town house waste, over-buying and false < ;te in long distance buying. BBBnMBnHHMHmnM Canada, 2,500 miles off. Its mass or 8,000 tons of iron Is 984 feet high, or, If its lightning protection be added, just over 1,000 feet, which is five times the height of the monument on Fish Street hill. In England William Holland's enterprise in imitation of it, the Blackpool tower, still flourishes, but Sir Edward Watkins' scheme, the Wembly tower, had the fate of the Tower of Babel, and the uncompleted fragment, which was for years a landmark on the G. C. R., has long been swept away.?London Globe. Plans Historical Park. Pennsylvania plans a park to commemorate the site at Taylorsville where Washington and his Continentals embarked on their trip across the Delaware to capture the Hessians at Trenton, writes a correspondent, and Governor Brumbaugh recently signed a bill appropriating $25,000 for i-niY-hosft of'the land at the place of embarkation. The Pennsylvania Historical society and the Daughters of the Revolution of Pennsylvania four years ago each pledged a sum equal to that the state might give for such a park, and the payment of these pledges will give a fund of $75,000 for the establishment of the park. Actual construction, however, will not begin until after the war. The place on the other side of the river where the Continentals ianded was utilized several years ago oy the state of New Jersey for a park similar to the one planned by Pennsylvania. Judge Goes Solomon One Better. In Asheville, N. CM a judge decided that a hostler charged with drunkenness was not to blame, because he had been sold horse linbnent by a druggist, who knew what he really wanted it 4-V? n ^nif?orlcf??.hnf An lur, BU iiC lillCU IL1U ~ second thought, he also held the hostler for cruelty to animals in depriving horses of medicine. Uncle Hy Explains. 4lWTiy," asked the summer boarder, "are they so often referred to a;? 'smiling fields of corn'?" "Because," replied Uncle Hyperbole Medders, "the fool questions some city folks f.:-k when they see cornfields make 'em smile, from ear to ear,"? The Lamb. - * J ' . = X'~* ilSBii1 f to the Home Town. This is 3I0prnent: Whenever we pass j we break this commandment, . " ' t r-\ ' NCiii to 111 tftac order, uiven j in the country. The Long; jconomv. This cartoon shows 4#' BIG COAL LAND DEAL i i Tract of 54,000 Acres In Tennessee Changes Hands. I Purchase of a tract of 54,000 acres ; of coal land In Scott country, near Oneida, by A. B. Day and John F. Shea of Knoxville has been announced at Knoxville, Tenn. The tract is said to be the largest single coal property In the South and more than $500,000 is ! | involved in the deal. ! Five coal operations already have : been opened on the tract and additional development work is In progress. : The tract is near the Glen Mary oil crushers and the new owners expect to sink oil wells that will yield a produc tlve flow. i j I CONVICTS MAKE GOOD j Win Snug List of Honors in the British Army. Convicts In the royal armies seem to | be making good. If the list of honors won by these men is a criterion, they are indeed second to none In valor ana editing spirit. Almost 7,000 have enlistee! since the beginning of the war. Of these, three received the Victoria Cross, twenty-five received the D. S. ; O. and twenty have been mentioned in dispatches. The former convicts have consistently shone in the greatest battles and it is reported that over half } of them have been killed, and a high percentage of the remainder carry wound stripes on their arms. i i " i i i Indian Worked With Broken Leg. 1 Simon Booth, an Indian employed at ! Smith's Gove, near seatue, vvasn., ! broke his leg while assisting in unload| ing plates from the hold of a vessel, j He gritted his teeth and kept on work| lng for two hoars, then gave In and : asked for a doctor. ' Monday Is Shaveless Day in Berlin. Darbcrs In Berlin have designated Monday of cach week as a shaveless day. Shops will be closed t* save coal. Tl-e shops nofa close an hour earlier each day to save light, and prices, have been advanced. I - jTy' V . WHEELEK ? 4> <* In loving rvmembrance of our dear baby,, Murrell Schumport Wheeler, who departed this life on* year afe?. Dear little hands, I mitt them so! All through the day whtrertr I WfcrAll through the night how loaely it swmiw ' For no little hands wak? ne eut of mtf dream*. * , I miss them all through wearf hoar*. I miss them at others do suasWas a*i flowors. Daytime or night-time, wfcerava? X 40, Dear littla hands, I miss tksan s*. Two little haads crossed erer Ife* tirMaf ftSA VUUUt Two little feet hid down t? rest, Two little eyes ia slumber ?l#s*d?How our hearts bleed noms twit ? kaows; One little voice that prattled i* lefe Sweet song is now making ia Hea^K. above, And an angel is watching and waiting for me, Till I shall cross the dark. roIHa;* sea. IT ny iWUuari # We spent a few hours; in Greenri^e on Tuesday with our soldier b?y. That is a big thinj? out there and lots of work has been done at Sevier just as at all camps we suppose. * 1 ~ ~ a?a frAT* mere nkj measles and pneumonia and the caiju^ has been quarantined but it im* thought the quarantine would be ljp> ed in a few days. We are not golkff to write anything about the trip or what we saw and the opinions we formed, because we might say something that should not be said, not that there is any criticism we would make, and we are writing trM paragraph only to say that the -New" orry -boys so as could gather are - doia? well and none of them in t'.:c lios* pital. One or two were complaining, a little but were up. (We did not sea all the boys. The company was drilling when we arrived and did not com? in from the drill fieli until we had to leave. That is a nice place out there and the boys seemed to be happy and contented and ready and willing to entrain whenever the government thinks they are ready. ? One lins heard a jrooti deal about tha Russian woniiin warriors. Scnsatienal ^ * ~~ ~ - * Vio-,?rt (innonwd "from sionps ijwuii in V"in im > t vv* ? ? time to time in the European press. Altogether, there is a flavor of romance about the Russian amazons which 13 lacking entirely in the totally unlookedfor defense put up by an English workn ing woman. A suit hnd been brought against her for having failed to pay the mone*- due for the hire of her sewing machine. Asked what she had go to say for herself, she replied: "Nothing; I am unable to pay, as I was wounded a short time ago, fighting * against the Austrian:?." It quite dis* concerted the court! Her papers weral examined by the judge, and found to be in order. Needless to say, the charge against her was withdrawn.? christinn Science Monitor. Rather Crude Pun. Persons who laugh at the unspeafr able efforts of the ordinary vaudeville wheeze escator missed a bit of de? legtable comedy in connection with ? rather faint subway explosion above! Thirty-eighth street, in Broadway, says a Gotham exchange. The usual precautions had been taken ana ex* cited workmen were stationed north and south of the anticipated crash when a woman with a baby carriage came along hurrying south. The flagman told her that there was to be an explosion, but she nearly knocked him Knmnt^ him with the car OVt?r 911U ijumjL?v\* riage and hurried by. She had hardly J passed when a foreman stuck his head out of one of the street fissures and saw her. "Hey," he called to the workmen who had permitted her td pass. "What's the matter wid you? Didn't I tell you not to allow anyone to pass? wnars juur unmc, ???.,way?" "Me name is Cannon," answered the flag-bearer. "Well, yer fired," bawled the boss, with trut -wartime decision.