i \ \ ' -V . " k r .y N|r >H -: # ' ' ? n^n ^wksp i . ~ 4 " ./1: !! .V r\ ^ S * ^Jnk?C- *( JL-4 * r Vfj: J Hh !JV, >TMBE? 02 TUESDAY .\3.I I. '. . * *'^ * 5 * i ~ ! Oiiiii) SWALLOWS ri>i . f ~ SEAR FATAL A(Xil>ENT i Little Mary Hipp Wilson ol Spartanburg, while on a visit here to her -grandmother Mrs. E. R. Hipp, swallowed a pin last Tuesday evenrt'nlA/ib Mrs Winn SPTlt iug auuai u u u. ? ? a message to the little girl's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Willscn, who left jm-j mediately for Newberry, motoring here1 and arriving at p.2 o'clock that night.! Dr. and Mrs. Willson returned to; t Spartanburg Wednesday morning with j j the child and had examinations made; "by the X-rayj. The second picture re- J tl?Q niri in tho lpft hmilfihial i ? yiu *** v** w *w?v ? - | tube near the sixth rib. They carried lier to Greenville to have an operation . ( performed by Dr. Carpenter, an experienced surgeon in those difficult operations. Dr. Carpenter removed the pin Wednesday night. Thursday morning Mrs. Hipp went to Greenville and. ^ found her little granddaughter doing ^ fairly well. On Friday, in response to a message from Mrs. Hipp, Mr. and Mrs. H|. W. Schumpert, accompanied ^ by Miss Rosalyn Hipp, went to Green-i vilie and found 'the child improved, as! * ti tube had been insterted to let the ! abscess drain. Mr. Schumpert return.! ?d to Newberry, leaving the others in; Greenville with the little sufferer, who was somewhat improv&ig, although still in a serious condition. She is only a little over two years old. Dr. W. W. Daniel one time pastor in Newberry but now a member of the Lower conference-has been stationed ^ at Bennefctsville at the first church. The Ladies Aid Society of Smyrna church will give their annual hot sup[ per at the residence of Mi\ B. Y. Abrams on Thursday November 29 5 to 10 p. m. < j Condensed ? ^ ^ i . [ - " * ; ~ of Newbe y -v ' At the Close of Busines TO STATEBA1 s r' . . Loans and Discounts $348,652.97 < Owrcrafts, secured 38,322.17 ! Bonds and Stocks 9,651.00 Fmmitnre and Fixtnres 4,060.00 1 i, t Banking House 9>450.61 ] Real Estate owned 20,475-00 Cash on hand and in Banks 8?315.68 i $512,867.43 i The Bank of / 9H. L. PARR, Pres. W.1 M. L. SPEARMAN. Cashier " I i*;T;^>U>'?iii>'3 ( ON VtM'iO.N at sr. pfiilurs >: "The Old Maid's Convention," will be :-iven at St. Phillips, School, Wed nostlay r.ight, Nov. 2S, 1917 at c-i^at o'clock. The characters are:# Maribah Lovejoy, President x V Luc?Stone Armilla Heywood, Secretary . Oscar Stono Priscilla Hope( Treas ' Ida Mae lunger Anxiety Doherty Fannie Mae Sease Augusta Prim Claudia Kibler Faithful Blossom Leoia KinarJ Freiora Bobkin L Lenora Halacre Rhoda Larkin.. .Brunelle Lojninicl: Selina Paxter David Stone Susannah Smith v David Kibler Miranda Price Frances Prester Mary;Ann Barnes Mary Stone Sarah Jane Springster Perry Wicker Eliza Hooker ' ~ Ruth Kibler Esther Snyder Henry Lpminick Marion Perkins J. B. L^iriCK Asenath Baker ' Govan Sease Amanda Horn ; Myrtle Lominick An^* Little ,. Georgia Shealy Sophia Potter Luther Crumpton v Artmififtinn 10 cents. After the Old "Maid's Convention has adjourned the young people will enjo^ a "Box Party/' * y tatement of 2 l! \ .. 'j||' . Jlijif. 811 I rry, S. C. % s Navember 20, 1917 WK EXAMINER Capital Stock < $ 50,000.00 Surplus Funds and Undivided Profits 26,823.05 Dividends Unpaid 324.5(f Deposits ...4 ... 435,719.88 ? S512.8S7.43 * the People & G. HOUSE AL, V. Pres. I B. WALLACE, Asnini C-.i'sjt. VAKiOUS Ay.I) ALL AJJOFT. ii tiicre io anyt'iLig in a name we would not care to live in Sufferin, X. V. -Spartanburg Journai. Vv'eil, tliea '( rbablv you could find some comfort r ~~ n Pleasant Hill, Mo.?Greenwood In der. WouWn't Poverty Hill, S. C., be a more appropriate residence for a newspaper man??Greenville Piedmont Xope we'd prefer Prosperity, S. C.? Gaffney Ledger. We let it stop right there and stay there. \ Mary Anderson, with Alfred Whitman, in "The Fuming Omen," at the opera house Tuesday, will show "how the call of blood, echoing "down through the centuries, was answered by a lone survivor of a noble race.'' In a game of football between Cam, den and Hyatt's Park last Friday afternoon John DeLoch was quite badly injured by a fall and was rendered unconscious for some time.?Camden Chronicle. Don't let a little thing like ?that worry you. A man on a river side plantation several miles from Camden killed two wild gesse at one shot early one morning last week and a man trapped a wild duck on a cre<'k in Anderson county. There has been no report / from Newberry county. Outlaw band tricked' by Roy stewart in "One Shot Ross." See it at the opera house Thursday. He is progress with the building of his $250,000 mansion in Washington ?that is Mr. W. A. Hill of Washington is. Some of our citizens thought the owner was Postmaster W. A. Hill of Newberry. This newspaper is anxious to issue ' each week a spicy and interesting local page.?Fort Mill Times. Well, you will have to work hard, and if you had to come twice a week and then had a whole lot of your stuff crowded out you would get mighty'tired. ; A little pig in a little pen will come in mighty handy along about this time in the good year of our Lord 1918 raising of pigs i*iii t^e city on a smny scale as a war I ! r^e^snre, says tve Bamberg Herald, to j which t^at parer adds: "Under proper I restrictions we can see no objection , to this plan. Of course when normal ret'-^n h^"- racing in the rit"- would rot be allowed." There will be a hot supper at the i T'nion f?>ohr?ol ^o'^e ^ext Fn*av night, ! The public is cordially invited. ' Since a parkin? eround for automo^ Kooti provided bv city coun. j oil it should be used by the cars com j ins: into the city. The streets are too I narrow for the cars to be parked In j t^em, besides the cars are too num| erous and they block the streets. Aft?r the bi..? sale of the knitting mill nrone^tv bv Aeent F. R. Hunter it will be 22 davs till Christmas. 'Next Thursday wiH be Thanksgiving i day. The "He^ad 'and News is going to observe it. as usual. All ads and notices mi'st be sent in by Wednesday morning. Fripn^s of Hattie Peterson, colored, be7*' fine o? in th<* recorder's conrtj. H^ttie tried for vagrancy So al-o was Emma Scott, colored, at the sfl'^e ti^e* ^t Emma's friends 1^4. V?/?w f nlr a 4-Vi s\ OA rloVC ' " C U 'rj ov T'Vifi vow^fiTv Meh school eirls def^atel t^e Virietv Six high school girls at the game here Saturday afternoon, 20 to 10. A load of aviation trainees passed over the Southern Satnrdav afternoon en ro'-te t"> S^-n Antonio, Texas, from OoiiimVMo to city they had come f^om CamD Pike. ? v>n a v>nx parfv at Fair view school on Friday November 30. T'v.prft vi1] hf? p^nserpe^ts for all. "y-r\~*- 4-m'if g 1 'T"- o p ? ? A Vg^c; |^ff fVe fOT'r'^^o TTri "* *> . - r>-^ ""p'l t' o r"^ "Q C c p~r>^V - p "i T"*o T* '' * - ^ O Cri"'--'- m1 ^ .-.. . .... ^ ,. ^ 1 v '' -' t ''if / / I ( out; o! ?>n i.oili sivh-s tlie case was withdrawn r?*or man in this county paid a "debt ' cf fifty dollars the other day after a lapse of twenty-seven years. He bor1 rcwcJ rr."~:ey from Mr. H. H. Ab rams. He ' hadn't paid it before i because he "was up against it?" ! during those, years. The hi^h prices for cotton enabled him to send his I check to -Mr ADrams u was u ?.c I i , i "bread c*st upon the waters,' but it "*as net Tjite like "if if had not been for Cotnigh Joe I'd been dead twentyseven years ago.". j Have you seen those fine hogs ' Boozer and Hutchinson have for sale? j Fee them. See ad in this issue. If i you don't want pork for Thanksgiving j mnvbe yen will frant it for Christmas. ' ?lon ^ . ? i ??->?* ston^ei. It. a good thing for the countv at lnr?e that ther is no se?_ : w?e'rof this court ; , yimnai'eh's sale of co">ts and coat , \ ' s'.nts and ready-to-wear has be^n un- j i r>oT.piio^ tvis season and he is still ! I riling the goods in by every express, j 1 He tells the ladies about them in tot : day's paper. Read his ad and visit 'his store. The case in the Parr Shoals litiga- s i tion was withdrawn from the Jury ,)y I consent of counsel on both sides and 1 not on account\of any irregularity in j tbe Rawing of the jury. i Tbe bank statements show up well, j " 1 1-- r%1 ?n+xr rvf mOTIPV All tne Danivs netvc picu\.j vt. ?-? . * i now. j I Copeland brothers offer you a complete outfit for a liberty bond. If you want to .get more than you paid for; your bond see them. Mr. N. W,. Workman has been ap-; ' - x .1 pointed Second lieutenant nr. run Oglethorpe. - -? j j Treasurer and Trinket Day will be t observed by Jasper Chapter D. A. R. today (Tuesday Nov. 27th)- Let every-1 body do his or her bit by giving all the old and broken pieces of ^old and silver. Help the 'Wings of the United States win in this war. COTTO\ Jf \ RKET Newberry Cotton 30 Seed 1.11 Prosperity Ctton * 30 ScQjd 1.11 | Little Mountain Cotton 30 ; ?pei 1.12 1 2 Chappells Seed 30 1 2 See3 1-15 Klnards Cotton 30 1.06 pomarla CnUnn ?# Peel 1.09 1 2 Cr>+"tOT! ^ l.^S no fVri'l 1.12 / i '> i S*. r. J* It.' ?.i<" If < I', i) AT J;Y\>?ovh:? statement on the HriiiVn against Camhrai. .."Tlic Yinr (IepartUi<-i! and the en s'ic American army is delimited with ( ojieral Byng's athairce. Wt is a brilliant an spectacular sue ess." I i GREECE GETS READY TO DO SOME FIGHTING! _____ | Washington, D. C, Nov. 22?Greece is rapidly preparing to take her part in the war. A cablegram received \ here today from Athens via Switzer-' land and says many new divisions of _ Greek troups swiftly formed have taken their places at the front. The morale of :he new troops is declared; to hi' excellent. TIJEASI UE WXD TKINKET DAY POSTPONED TO \OYE3fBER l>7i Rv reason of the absence of some of ] ' f co*r?mi^tee chairmen, the D. A. R. i founi it impracticable to observe' '"Treasure and Trinket*' day, as had i boen planned this week. The regenthas, therefore, aopointei Ti?es*lay. Nov. 27th, as the date, ami asks that tne committees apijumieu yicasc c t an hour or so of their time to the thorough canvassing of the wards The D. A. R.'s did not ask for monev, hut for tbe hrolcen and useless bits of silver a-d gold which are to be found in every home. Even the school children can help. Many of them possess broken beauty pins yor rings which are unf.t for use. 0\tr airmen have need of help?your help * * - > _ ~ i j : TITa ?as wen as me oiner suxuici a. ?< ^ < "beg you do not withhold your mite One broken collar button or a piece i of silver mounting may seem very litt'e to yon. but will crunt lar-e j when many have given such seeming- j ly small pieces. The committees are as foliows: Ward 1.?Mrs. J. H. Harms, Mrs. P D Wright. ~ I Ward 2.?Mrs. W. G. Houseal, Mrs | TV. H. Hunt. Ward 3.?Mrs. J. M. Kinard, Miss Kate Summer. Ward 4.?Miss May Dold. College.?Mrs. 8. J. Derrick. Mrs. T. W. Keitt for her section. CARD OF APPRECIATION. _____ To the many friends who were so i kind during tile severe iimess 01 my | husband at CKappells, 1 wish to ex-*i press my sincere and heartfelt appreciation. The kindness of the doctor , the neighbors, the eood people all can never be forgotten. Gratefully, Mrs. J. Q. Long, j ORDERED TO FORT SILL Capt. E. H. to Have Bavonet Trianine. News and Courier, 26th. Capfc. Heirv F Cspr^rn^n "*** cers' reserve, the Uni>d States was in Charleston yesterday on a short visit to hi3 familv hc-e. before proceeding to Fort Sill. OVTa^n?s -where he will rpcei^e ^avo^e* ing. After t*>e co^^e ?t Fn-* ?;,t Capt. Cappelmam win ret,lT"n t? Jackson, Columbia, a^-* t^Vo of his com pan v of i^fa^t7"^ F> been ordered to proceed at rr"*- + * Fort Sill. In addition to his d"t?es a*- ? Jackson, OaT>t Ho' -o .time to instruct st"^*1** XT->"-" Colleee in mi^'t^T-v. T^o "* thorites we-e mn^vi 1 get him ani uTr'pr **? * stn^e^t botfv ^a<5 ?niJp, -* progress. Afflf jCp f *>!??.?/? The rolo-p'1 "v Xewber^v ' n*'-*** ' " v~>*1 ~ on SatuTdf>'" r,o-'>?' n- tc* ? o'clock n. *** ' " ? ? < rr ' " ' iy" ^ f. " to v?' 1^ * ? r-1 ; \ % ._ TARREI* AM) FEATHERED FOR DISLOYAL REMARKS Osakis, Minn., Nov. 22.?Because oC alleged disloyal remar/is, E. H. Stratemeyer, a naturalized American of German extraction was given coat of tar aiiu laai t Stratemeye cold tre authorities he did not recognize any of his assailants, IMPROVEMENT CLUBS ASKED TO MAKE REPORTS i Since nearly all of the rural schools in Xe wberrv County have started another year's work, your county organizer of improvement clubs, Kate Summer, urges you to h^in your pln'h mootintre as snnn as linssiiblft and send vour reports in regularly each month. If you have no association in your community this is a good time to organize one and do your bit towards helping your teacher, your school and your commusity. COL HOUSE ARRIVES IN PARIS Paris, Nov. 22.?Colonel E. M. House and the members of the American mission which he heads arrived in Paris from England tonight. % November ' V./ Will be f !:e reit visit CFCtR Fe wril h vitfc us for /t?Tr? TV a 17 />fcT? ir iNfc UAi mu 5ee him on a hove c-ate if }cu reed op ical wcrk of any l^r r. ?r _11__ vy e personally eiu rfntee his work to give entire satis/action or your mcrey back. Rt member he ccn examine' your 'jis end iit your, / lcci.es CTid save } cv ncrty just as ucli cn a rainy tcy csc sunshiny tnc, so ccme rain cr thine. P.- E. WAY r-tf ---re t ? T' rrvj v V_ n . I. Vi * J i