The herald and news. (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, March 05, 1912, Page SIX, Image 6

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RUNAWAY COUPLE IX SALUDA. reeiiTille 3Ian and Girl of Sixteen Ar-, rested?Said to Have Walked From dewberry. Saluda, March. 2.?Following a 'phone message received here yesterm 1 M? rt ay anernoon irom um j, <x nmi.v van of Greenville county was placed Is jail and a young white girl accom-; ^anying him was taken into custody the heriff's deputy. Last night Wayman Vinson, the father of the girl,; rtd Constable Campbell, of Greenville | ounty, reached Saluda. According to - - - ttt^ J "Hie consiaDie me gin is rt?u.uie vm-; 011 and the man is George Marlor, her incle, who has a wife and two children. Ihe pair ran away Wednesday. On that day it was learned that Marlor went it Belton and hired a horse and buggy j * " - x - AAl O &n<2 going 10 U10 CUUIiHJ Stuuui, a. o tended by the girl, got her and left. For two days the girl's father and the onetable have followed them. Learn-! fag that they were probably at New%trry, from th? description obtained, Hief ir?nt to that town, on the early train Tkuradasr, but arrived there just at time to mis# the parties. Finally it w&s learned that they had headed to warda Saluda and *phoned the officers here. 9oob after the meaaage was reoeiv d yesterday evening Manor ana uiw girl win found In a restaurant quietly ating a lunch, having walked from Kewbtrry?twenty-four miles. Marlor gave hi? name as John Smith and ?3aimed that the girl was his wife. This Bhe corroborated, but on being fuestioned they often made contradictnrv ctatft-mentfi. I^ast nisrht. when the firl's father walked into the room at Iftie jail and faced his daughter, she broke down and cried piteously. It appears that Marlor married the girl's annt, her father's sister, and that he has for the past seven years lived n her father's place in Greenville AAHTltV W > Vinson, who appears to be a substantial and respectable man, is heartbroken. He today left with his daughter for his home and the constable carried Marlor to the Greenville jail. Marlor looks to be about 34 years old. It is said that he worked in the cotton mills at Pelzer some years ago. It iftm hii intention to leave Saluda n the afternoon train for Ward and townee to Augusta. Had tHey not been aifprehended when they werfe they would have been off for Ward. The constable stated that Mr. Vin Qi! would push the case against Marlor. The girl gave her age as 17, but iker father says she Is not yet 16. j TOLBERT FACTION FOR TAFT, \ lfonr delegates Instructed by Soath Carolina G. 0. P. CouyentlOHn Columbia, Feb. 29.?The State oon Qjf^ion .of on? wing of the Republican jarty, meieting here this afternoon, endorsed the administration of President Tal't and adopted a resolution in tncting th? four delegates at large to vote for Mr. Taft in the Chicago onvention. The district conventions ' "Will be hJeld at a later date The convention also asked that the district delegates go instructed for th? reaomination of Taft, There was one peecih delivered in the convention in Hie interest of Theodore Roosevelt The four delegates at large to the Chicago convention were elected as AaII/vvtmo T/\c? W TnlnTaaTTnr/wl JVnUWD. U VO. IT ? XWAWAV; \4 1 VVU TT wv? ) J. Duncan Adams, Charleston; J. R. Levy, Columbia, and W. T. Andrews, Sumter. The alternates are: A. H. Johnson, Columbia; T. A. Williams, Newberry; J. H. Fordham, Orangeburg, and Robt Smalls, Beaufort H. L. Johnson, the negro reorder of deeds of the United States government was present at th# coaventio* aid delivered an address. John G. Capers, the national oomnitteeman from South Carolina, was denounced in many speeches in the onvfention. The executive committee f the Capers faction of the Republi an paity in this State will meet here n March 4 to call a State convention. % is expected that the delegation fori Ibis faction will go to Chicago instructed for the renomination of President Taft Freedom of the Press. Around her waist I put my arm? It felt as soft as cake; " ? ? ?"U~^ w "Un, a ear: says sue, wuai uucuj You printer men do take!" "Why, yes;, my girl, my charming, girl. (I squeezed her some I guess,) Gan you say aught, my love, against The freedom of the press?" I kissed her some?I did by gum. She co'ored like a beet; "Upon my loving soul, she looked Almost too good to eat! I gave another kiss, and then She said?'I do confess I rather, kinder, sorter like The freedom of the press." s- > \is%y JMBBmM'-M I MARJORIE CORTLAND, WHO WILL GARET MAYO COMEDY, '"BABY ft *************** * * * * * AT THE TE1AT1E. * * ******************* Onisf AlfaactfoM* March 8?"Bab/ Mine." March 29?A Womaa erf the Hour. April 6?Christy Bros. Minstrels. April 12?"Polly of the Circus." April 24?The Traveling Salesman. "BABY MIXE" PLEASES LABGE CROWD AT GRASD Atlanta Constitution. Wives do not lie to your husbands. This is the great moral that "Baby Mine" will carry home to every marri<>4 pemoa, entry peiwoa about to \>\ married or every person that want# to be married, If the reader dees hot fcome under any of these heads he or she is probably aither a woman-hater or a manhater, and in this event, they will have the blessedness of single life impressed upon them fro ma new angle. The lies of a husband to the wife are proverbial. "Baby Mine" tells of title lies of the wife to the busand. Husbands should all take their wives to sea this play for the example of vera city it carries to the "better nair." The story deals with a young married couple that were without children. The husband's jealousy and suspiciong were finally aroused to such a point that he left home. Friends of his heartbroken wife suggested that the announcement that he was a father would surely bring him back. Plans were laid and the "father" telegraphed for. He cam? before he was expected. There wag no baby, but a little later there was one, then there were twins and finally triplets. The situations which occurred keep the audience in an uproar. Beneath the absurdities of the play is a gentle thrust at what is generally termed as "race suicide." Very few brighter, more clever or better presented comedies have, ever been seen in Atlanta. In marked contrast to many of the popular plays the fun starts right off the reel. Instead 1 ?- ?? J f ? v/v?Arr? A Ui & HJIlg Ul CkWU UUl <mu Ui towiuc uiiib &#i tiven over almost entirely to explanations unfolding the plot, "Baby Mine" opens up "with a rush and the fun keeps fast and furious until the final curtain. The company is one of the best seen i here this year. There are eight mem' 1??? ~ ^ Votta 1 Tr -minm* iuur Ui w 111^11 nayx uu i j uiiiavi parts and are on the stage but a very few minutes. Earle Martin is especially clever in his interpretation of the man who tries to help out a friend but is the victim of circumstances. Marjorie Cortland is pretty and puts lots of life in her lines. The other members are entirely satisfactory. , to < ^ y v* jj ' I \ w BE SEEN AS "ZOIE" IN THE MARIINE," at Opera House Friday, Mar. S. There is nothing complicated about "Baby Mine" except the funny situations. From first to last it is just one big long laugh and those who enjoy comedy Trill miss one of the best attractions in yearg if they fail to visit the Grand opera house this week. Ther# will be a matine* Saturday. PLEASED WITH SALUDA BOAD. Officers Getting Operations in Fine Shape?Mail and Express SerTiee. Saluda, March 2.?M. C. Wood*, W. J. Montgomery and Dr. J. C. Mace, officer! cf tki Augusta, Northern rail ~~ '? Ortlw J* +WA + V? T m I | w?.t, irere iit cwiuu* ivi i,nw uajc iu? i Tf?ek{ looking aft#r th# iattrest^ of the j road in conjunction with. the' general; tittafcffer, L. JL Boyd. In ?peaking of th# r#turn? of th# line for the past four ireeka, since it irae put into operation, in a general it ay, they expressed thems#lve? as beiaj very much grati-; aed. The passenger and freight traffice, even im the fact of adverse conditions, hag surpassed their most san i guine expectations, ana wiui me prospect of clearing weather and the approach of the fertilizer movement it will be greatly intreased. Th# announcement wa? made that the postal authorities were expected to put on mail service in a very short while, thi? matter now being worked I .L * T1 lil +V.or+ uuu jit was imewiee 5i?cu uui uuai plans for express service from Ward to Saluda were almost completed. At presnt all express lor Saluda has to be eent to Ward and freighted over from that point. With the improvements the officers expect to make along the Dry Creek Valley within the next two weeks they feel confidnt that any possible inundation of the track will be entirely removed. The freight and passenger station at this point is now completed with the exception of some painting, and this will be finished in the next day or two. A really neat and commodious station building ha? been erected here. BLEASE PABOLIS fi. A. ADAMS Graats Liberty W Colletea Ku #ae? SuteiNl H Half. Columbia, March 2.?The gorernor has issued a parol? to R. A. Adams, convicted of murder in Colleton county in March, 1903, before Judge Gary, contprirrH trv hnrip' Thi? RPT? | Uliu kiVUl,Vi. VVU I.W Wf * " w ~v~ j tence was commuted by a former govi ernor to life imprisonment. The parole is during good behavior. Now is the time lo c ubscribe to The Herald and N?1^. $1.50 a yeajr. Why Do Ships Carry Anchors I- r_ inrairTfttuirci: Why Should You Carry Insurance? Because it is better to have it and not use it Than to want it and not have it. Moral?Insure with J. A. BURTON S>M MMOWN'S ff LITTLE TABLETS . Cvn Indirection. Dj?peptic, IlmHim N? PACKAGE Cilder & Weeks. Wood's Seeds For 1912. j i Our New Descriptive Catalog I is fully up-to-date, and tells all l about the best Garden and Farm Seeds. Every farmer and gardener should have a copy of this catalog, which has long been recogi mVprl a* a standard authority. for the full and complete information which it gives. We are headquarter# for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed ' Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and &U Farm Seeds. ] Wood's Inscriptive Catalog mailed I free on request Write for it T* W. WOOD & SONS, I * Seedsmen, - Richmond, V&. \ ? ***************** LODGE DIRECTORY. * * ***************** nf fhA World. Maple Camp, No. 437, W. 0. W., meets every first and third Wednesday evening at 7.45 o'clock. Yiiiting brethren are cordially welcome. D. D. Data*. ' T. Buwkon, Clffk. C. C. 1 Newberry Camp, No. 542, W. 0. IT, meet* every second and fourth Y?inesday night in Klettner's Hall, mi I o'eloek. Amity Lodge, 5o. 87, A. F. M. Amity Lodge. No. 87, A. F. M., mMts every first Monday night at 8 o'eloek in Masonic Hall. Visiting bretluren cordially invited. Geo. S. Mower. J. W. Earhardt, W. M. Secretary. Bergell Tribe, JTo* 24, I. 0. B, X. Bergell Tribe, No. 24. I. 0. R. M., meets every Thursday night at 8 o'clock at Kleiner's Hall. O. Klettner, C. X. J. E. Franklin, Sachem. Signet Chapter, >'o. 18, B. A. IL Signet Chapter, No. 18, R. A. M., meets every second Monday night at 8 o'clock in Masonic Hall. TJ Tlnrr. ? n i r? lr JL' 1 W. XX* Harry W. Dominick, E. H. P. Secretary. Lakota Tribe, No. 79, I. 0. R. M., will meet at .Jalapa Wednesday erening, January 17, at 7.30 p. m., and every i?eond ^Wednesday night thereafter. Wm. C. Sligh, J. Ute. Folk, Saehwa. Chief of Records. fwtmnTrnii C#*?cC, Now 4, D. ei Tr I. 0. R. M, Cateechee Council, No. 4, D. of P., meet? every other Tuesday night at 8 CHICHESTER 8 PILLS Tij" *n.\?wxi> r.iiwv. /. X?adle?! At), your iJrajgNt lor A\ Olit-chciuter jt JMatrtrnd Jlr.iiid^ftvN I'iil.H in Kc-<1 sn.i <roid ""rtallic'^W^y ?TV^v'S boxes, sea.'cv' Blue F;l<bon. y/ vV-3 no o'lior. It:ir of four V / ~ f// /> 1 frr< :fi.cires-TEK a T?iAjn>\T> J:KA V?; PILL.?, for ?<? \\r- yraisfcnovn as "ifesi,AlwavsRelis1"!* I, "W Sflis BY fiiJiiSGISTS EVERYWHERE I Right I? flip firrip tn I- VAUJIV W Tree Tangle your fruit tree climbing insec 30c. and 50c. J Gilder# I The Right 1 II ' * The Tii = Consti ATLAN' 1 Tuesday, Thursday, Si ; Every Week. The Fart i Paper?A Imost a Dailj ford to Miss It During Only $LO THE presidential canvass, an 4 discussed, election gress, new governors, state 1 line t? the smallest local offic that ?tenwuad8 the hearing of 1 Tri-WeeMy Constitution 1 'farmers, the most extensivel; | paper tn the world, meets ail j ( news, gires special articles o: departments sad regular f mem%er ef t&e family?the 1 , even ths hired fcelp. Areata wanted ererywhe > pestoffiee, Tfilftge aad haml< in. erery farming community dirt) offers, waall mail prer ! sicms aad contests. Send yea sen werfc. A free ssnpple to anyone ths wnaes addresses of t Quest for same. ftond H t# for a Yearly si pa*?r stMtM at once, three tij AMnm all orders to Tri-Weekly Atlairrt I INDIGESTION |UMf wsA BUiir TraUn sbkA few DdwEty TieM Rtaigy mi Qmfclj to Trcatacst witk UtUBDJS SPECIFIC TABLETS ^"TsttU! CURS" ffmifi 8|wH> C?.. Attest*. Go. SnrtkaM*:?I hav? ct?d yomr tabkte fir ia# >?ti?m sad kara Iwui tfcaat t? to Jest vfeat jaa late far tfcw. I )mt? triad mtm! nwiadtw. bal did ami mmt mmr *al*f aaci! I triad yoar taMata. I wnli dwniilf MMMtad rev tekiMi as a UMAm amw? tablstb wm mi antfMMrf U )wartfc? Mk? M, Mi MM rw vaata* Hmmo ndfttMv ndt^rktim Taktlan^iflpatttT^ lata. BaaaM?( KyMiratvcMavtoliMi tatfca toatWw. rjwdywili atMMj Sold iy Wm. E. Pelk? k Xewbtfry, S. 6. CHICHESTER S PILLS tuf nnuAflk RRjixn ? L?4I?! Aikjrr .V*c*lrtfor/A ( hl.cbet-tor'iDltHndBraai/(V\ 1111s in Red and (k>U inetalIic\W/ I Vv boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. \T/ w Take m ther. Buy mf tmjp " \'f ~ m fnwrlM. AskforClIi-CHEo-TZiaS i U UIAJiOND JtRAND PILLS, for y$ \ years krowa as Best, Safest, Always Keliabla K?^ Sffl I) BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHESf Asthma! Asthma! POPHAM'S ASTHMA REMEDY gives instant relief and an absolute core in all cases of Asthma. Bronchitis, aad Ha7 Fersr. Sold by druggists; mail ? receipt of price $1.00. Trial Packajr* mall 1? cents. WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. Prop*., dersluxl. Otto STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ' COUNTY OP NEWBERRY. By Frank M. Schumpert, Eaquirt, j Probate Jnage. j WHEREAS, George W. Eddy hath i made suit to me to grant him letters of administration of the estate of and j effects of Susan E. Eddy, j THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite and admonish all and singular the kinj dred and creditors of the said Susan j E. Eddy, deceased, that they be and ap BHraBBHmHHHH iid^i Now | put a band of foot around I ;s to keep all I ts out of them. Lat I Weeks J Drug Store. | * if J T V V V Atk. A ^ tuition- . V FA, OA. 1 'i ;' 1 ; aturday. Three Times ^ ner's Every-Other-Day ,r No Farmer Can AfThis Presidential Year. a *771 cm fpo &L 11 conventions, issues involved of president, of a new conegislatures and on down the ials, will make a year of news ^ every voter. in the homes of over 100,000 7 circulated tri-weekly newsl the needs of the people for f unusual value in its various eatures, and interests every father, mother, children, and ! ! ' jre over the South, at every 3t, on ever rural route and Splendid i?d*cements in ninmc rash rommis for an outfit today, free, if > sending his cirn name and en neighbors kjr *o?t card r?. 1 4 is 1 abscrlption now an<l get your ~ neg a week. Almost a daily I * , 1 V' '. ; j Constitution ? r.o ' it V#CA. -/ I.'i? ! f ft 4 i pear befos? a*, te Ike Court ?? bate, to * M?ll Mewberrr, . on the lit* 4aj of March, next affcr publicatioa fh?r?of, at 11 o'clock la the forenooa, lo show cause, if qpp they have, 1rky the said admini?ttk1 tion should a?* be granted. f | GIVEN vsdei my hand this 11* day of Feferaary, Anno Domino, 19XL Fmmk M. Sc\umpert^ j I 1 P. If. c. 1 * MWBER1T ?PJB' HOUSC FOB ^ BUS. Th* City Qaaacil ?f Newberry, & C,. invites seek* Wds for the lease otf tto Newberry i|m kouae for a tem of three (3) ymr%, fcaginaing April Xr 1912. Homi baa a aeatiag capacity oi 900. Only Mm 1b Keir berry couatfTown ba? pepakrtkm of 6,6t)0. Bid* must be >M prior to April 1, 1 tl?vRent to be paid Monthly in adran?L. All bids to he accompanied by a oertt^" fled check for J56, as evidence of good A faith. Checks -will be returned to ugfT^ successful bidden. Succeesfal bidder will be required to give surety bond for five huadred ($500) dollars i*> pcnuz-mam^j ui of lease. Right racerred to reject any and all bide. Tor fnrtiier information,, address, ami fl? bide with Jno. R. Scurrr. C*nk ami. Trtamirer, New berry, & . 1-l^y. A Willi X|M Uin. is the h&fjMt, stortlinf cough of * child, eu?4s?ly gWntid bf croup. Often it aru i ?j I*wfc Chamblin, of MamChester, 0., (R. F. D. 2) for their four children, were greatly subject to eroup "Sometimes te severe attacks," he wrote, "-we were afraid they would (Be* | but sinrr> we proved what a certain ; remedy Dr. King's New Discovery is, i we hav? no fear. We rely on it for i ATvuirk and fnr oonehs. colds or any ! throat or lung trouble." So do thA- A ! sands of others. So may you. Asthma, fl j hay fever, la grippe, whooping coughr*^ hemorrhages fly before It 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Sold by W. E. Pelham & Son.