1 ": ' ' ' " . -: ? ?^ l?l"'HWW ia== SCENE FROM THE FUNNIEST PL OPERA H< MEANT "3D CONSECUTIVE TERM." How Roosevelt Gets Out of Twice-! Made Pledge?"Perfectly Happy Now,* He Declares. Boston. Feb. 26.?Col. Roosevelt plunged into the thick of the fight for tile presidential nomination today. He said unequivocally that he was in the fight to the endj and was glad of it. TTo renlie^ tf? the nhare-e that h?* would fc? breaking his "third term" pledge if he accepted another nomination, and asserted that, whether or not he should be the choice of his party at the Chicago convention, he would abide by its decision. "I am perfectly happy now," said he, "because I am making a straight?ut fight for a principle. The issue is in no way a personal one." Says Will Support Nominee. "Do you intend to support the Re .publican nominee, whoever be may fee?" he was asked. "Of course, I shall," he replied with emphasis. In response to inquiries as to the principle for which he is fighting, Col. Roosevelt referred Questioners to his speeches in Columbus, Ohio, last week and before the Massachusetts house today. In his address he defended his ? ? 1 ? ? 1 ^ A1A 1 /I AA1P_ proposal ior reca,u 01 juuitiai uctioions, and championed the right of popular opinion to control the machinery of government. Explains Third Term Pledge. Col. -Roosevelt's position in regard to the "third term" was explained to a number of his callers today. "My position is perfectly simple," I Chest Pains | and Sprains I Sloaft's Liniment is an ex- ?j Icellent remedy for chest and gj throat affections. It quickly p j relieves congestion and in- j flammation. A few drops , I in water used as a gargle is L j antiseptic and healing. Here's Proof " I have used Sloan's Liniment for B years and can testily to its wonderful Ej efficiency. 1 have used it for sore throat, gj croup, lame back and rheumatism and H in every case it gave irstant relief." REBECCA JANE ISAACS, Lucy, Kentucky. CIMU'C I vJ'i/vruv. vj LINIMENT is excellent for sprains and bruises. It stops the pain at once and reduces swelling very quickly. Sold by all dealers. Pries, 2Bo., 50Om, $1mOO ill .AY EVER WRITTEN, "BABY MINE," 0 USE ON FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH he said. "I stated it as clearly as I i could in 1904, and reiterated it in j 1907. I said that I would not accept! a nomination for a third term, under any circumstances, meaning, of course, a third consecutive term. "I could not have said less at the time, nor could I have said more. Of J course, I could not then know whether ! or not there would be a demand fori me to acceput a nomination at some I future time. And, believing as I do,! that the selection of candidates for the presidency rests entirely with the people, I could not say that at no time in my life would I accept another nomination. Reason for Precedent. "It must be clear to any reasonable i man that the precedent which forbids a third term has reference only to ft third consecutive term. It grew out of the fact that a president of the United : States under the present convention ; system of electing delegates, can, if he knows how to use the machinery at his disposal, renominate himself, . even though the majority of his party . 33 against him. But after he has been out of office for a term he has lost control of that machinery. He is in , th-e position absolutely of a private citizen. The machinery is then in the + Vi ? r.f_ lianas 01 me ixia.n uwu^ms i?c v- i fice of president.'1 I ] Confers With Supporters. Col. Roosevelt dtvoted a large part of the day to conferring with men who are forming the Roosevelt organization in Massachusetts. He told them 1 he would not identify himself actively, ' for the present at least, with the or- j1 ganization. He also talk-sd for some j time with Governor Robert Bass, of,1 New Hampshire, whom Jie is to meet;1 again tomorrow. ' Col. Roosevelt promised today to j send a letter to be rpad at a Roosevelt i rally, which will be held here Satur- i < day night by the Progressive Republi- ' i can league. Governor Stnbbs. of Kan- < sas; ex-Gov-ernor Fort, of New Jer- i sey, and Senator Clapp, of Minnesota, < are expected to speak. * ] ] IIOISE'IS SESSION TEX XIMTES. ' i Concurs in Senate Resolution Requiring Exact Status of Acts Passed. Columbia, Feb. 27.?The house of ] representatives was in session only 10 minutes tonight, adjourning to meet tomorrow at noon. Only a few members were present. The house < agreed to the senate resolution call- i ing :!or a list of all acts in the gover- < nor's hands, when delivered, etc., and j appointed a committee of their own to cooperate in preparing this list. The ( house stands with the senate in deter- ( mining to see that the three-day limit , of all acts delivered to the governor < shall- have expired before final ad- < journment. j The house was called to order at t p. m. by Speaker Smith. A communi- i cation from L. J. Browning, asking for ; indefinite leave of absence on account i of sickness in his family, was read, j The request was granted. The senate resolution instructing " ?*? ?* - v./-mo.Q o n/^ cenato to 1110 cicrKs ui tnnwu.kj"v_ cti*vx wfurnish certified journals of the two houses to the Secretary of State was agreed to. The senate resolution calling for list of acts in the governor's hands, when delivered, etc., to be furnished by the assistant c'ork of tbe senate and the assistant Secretary of State, was agreed to. The resolution I WHICH COMES TO THE CITY 8, 1912. is as follows: "A concurrent resolu tion: Be it resolved by the senate, the house of representatives concurring: "Section 1. That the assistant clerk of the senate and the Secretary of State furnish to the general assembly as early as possible a certified list of all acts delivered to the governor for approval. "Sec. 2. That in said list shall appear: (a) All acts ratified; (b) when delivered to the governor; (c) such acts as are signed by the governor; (d) all acts not signed by the governor; (e) the date when all acts were filed in the office of the Secretary of State." A resolution by Mr. Stevenson that a committee of three be appointed to cooperate with this committee and report at 12.30 tomorrow, was adopted. The speaker appointed on this committee Messrs. Stevenson, Nicholson and Kirkland. rv oclrorl \t hnrrpri " ^ vy ? w v ~ ~ The former chief justice and the )hief executive have never m?t on the stump. They were both invited to ;peak at the Colleton county fair last1 fall. Mr. Jones attended the fair and j leliv-ered an address, although the po-| itical issue was not mentioned, as he i lad not left the supreme court bench, i rhe governor did not attend the meetng. GOVERNORS FOR HARtfOX. _____ Four Democratic Executives Claimed by Ohloan. Washington, Feb. 27.?The candi- ' iates for the Democratic presidential! lomination are canvassing governors the same political faith to determine j :heir preference. i Twenty-six States now have Demo-| jratic executives. The managers of jforernor Judson Harmon's campaign ilready claim direct pledges of Govsrnor Plaisted,, of Maine; Baldwin, of Connecticut; Gilchrist, of Florida, and Blctse, of South Carolina. William F. McCombs, manager of Governor Woodrow Wilson's campaign, arrived in Washington tonight from a trip through Kansas, Kentucky md Illinois. ! DONT DELAY. Seme Newberry People Hare Learned That Neglect is Dangerous. The slightest symptom of kidney trouble is far too serious to be overlooked. It's the small, neglected troules that lead to serious kidney ailments. That pain in the "sijtail" of: I CAPITA W Oirf I p .. * I4'' FOR NO B I than wit your bo by openi him. M Will ah treatmei I" I he Bank I The New I Jas. Mcintosh, El WIIIWi'IHMJIIiBW1 H'WI'I I " Irf ''I'Ti 1 I i ? /The A Mo That is why it wards off i rapher. In ccnsequencs, is possible to obtain with Monarch Machines may h Monarch Literature. Lea I card will bring full inforir THE Sr Co your back; that urinary irregularity; those headaches and dizzy spells; that weak, weary, worn-out feeling, may be nature'# warning of dropsy, or fatal Bright's disease. Why risk your life by n^glect.'ns these symptoms? Reach neys at once with a tried and proven kidney remedy. No need to experi: ment?Doan's Kidney Pills have been curing kidney trouble for over 75 [ years. Doan's Kidney Pills are used and recommended throughout the civi lized world. Endorsed at ho.no. Read Newberry testimony. John W. Reagi;i, $013 El pa 10 r streo., L STOCK, $ li=#PTvt IjaBBEN ?i?MKATr,i i iiEwSl&Kt fl ACCOl YOUR BOY.T Copyright 1909. by C. E. Zimmeraa* 25 LI lot :h the New Yeai .1 .1 ? >y m tne rignt < ing a savings acc fe solicit your 1 ivays receive c it. : : hat Always Has berry Savii President J. E. Nor ?7 v IIW lonarchTypvwrittr Company f V villi Syn**v9 9fNVt J** J\*u j One secre "es m e writer in t fM ^ m ij readily yi< ^J i of the finj |r^ That'is to operate ? machine. narchf atigue and saves nerve strain ^ A* VA7AI* lr ic mnrp arr.uratft, err 11CI nruin 10 tuva v ? ? ? ? j Q any other writing machine. MONTHLY PAYMENTS >e purchased on the Monthly I irn the many reasons for Mon tation. rATT? iniLi KsKJL\ lumbia, South Caroii Newberry, S. C.f says: "I can strong-! ly recommend Doan'e Kidney Pills and ! 11 advise their use in all cases of kid- J j ney trouble My back was weak and ! ! there were pains through my loins kidneys. Doan'e Kidney Pills brought me entire relief." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 I cents. Foster-Milburn Co., BufTalo, i New York, sole agents for the United j States. \ Remember the name?Doan's?and j take 110 other. ( Jannany School. The trustees of Garnrany school. 50,000.00 I rIG i I T,SO J I Tfs I I NED R AN | " INT s oi)AY t S TIME * to start I direction I ount for | usmess. m, aurtious I - w 99 I n ;,i-_ TheMoney" I igs Bank I ' 4 1 LIKE ANY OTHER t of Monarch superiority ^ wonderful responsiveness 0 action. In no other typehe world do the keys so >ld to the slightest touch ? ;er. I why the Monarch is easier 4 " than anv other writincr - -I igfij 1. nii^" on the part of the stenogeater in quantity than Jt *avment Plan. Send for * arch superiority. A post ,1PANY t na. h i i imbm????mammm a District No. 27, will hereafter meet om the 2nd Saturday of each month. AM school claims will be presented to one member of the trustees before the said date. f B. B. Leitzsey, Clerk. J. J. H. Brown, W T_ Oxner. Feb. 3, IP*J. Trustees. A severe attack on school principal, Chas. B. Allen, of Sylvania. Ga., is thus told by him. "For more than three years." he writes. "I suffered indescribable torture from rheumatism, liver and stomarn trouble and diseased kid- j neys. All remedies failed till I used i