' TWO MISPLACING OF CKOSSON BILL. ^ Yernor's Secretary flakes an Explanation?Dispensary Committee to 3Ieet March 6. Columbia, Feb. 27.?Both houses of | the general assembly are making time, i awaiting the three-day limit to expire m all acts passed after they have fceen placed in the hands of the governor, and they are determined to take no chances on matters which they have passed not becoming law. to this end both houses are having .rvpcknor.cir? a lief j-vf s>ll .rip>livprpri ! J'* W* VU. C*r **MV *^4. w,** IAV.VK, V?v? - to the governor, the date of delivery,' the ones sent to the Secretary of State, j those signed and those unsigned. This list will probably be furnished tomor- j row, and it is possible that final ad journment may be reached tomorrow : aaight, although this is to be decided' later. Several acts were on Monday sent to the Secretary of State unrtpied, and that these may become, daw this session the legislature will kaTe to sit Thursday. The only vetoed measure remaining to be disposed ?f is that of Senator Sullivan's telephone bill. The Anderson senator will all this matter up tomorrow night ii tne senate ana move ior its passage over the v autcu cut: ocuaic w meet tonight at 8 o'clock, at which fcour the house was in session, but the majority opposed this, Senator Weston, tating there had been an understanding that the adjournment would not; lie reached before Wednesday or I Thursday, and offered as a substitute! that when the senate adjourn it ad-j journ to meet tomorrow at 1.15 p. m. Then on motion of Senator Young the senate adjourned. A Y A f n^uuua; .nduiiiia; POPHAM'S ASTHMA REMEDY gives instant relief and an absolute cure in all cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, and . Hay Fever. Sold by druggists; mail on receipt of price $1.00. Trial Package by mall 10 cents. WILLI \MS MFG. CC , Props., Cleveland. Ohio . jar SOCIETY WOMAN ATTACKED. Assailant Attempts to Cut Throat of Aiken Winter Kesident. Aiken, Feb. 26.?Hearing some one at her front gate shortly after 10.30 tonight, a prominent New York society woman, former wife of a member of a : well known wealthy family, went out to investigate, and was attacked by a negro who attempted to cut her throat. An ugly wound was inflicted on the side of her neck, but physicians who dressed the wound said the in jury is not necessarily serious and she will recover. The victim says she was called to the gate by a negro telling her he had a note from "Katie, who is in the employ of Mr. Harriman/' and as she reached to take the note she was attacked. j "THINK IT OVER" Governor Beplies to Editorial Paragraph in the News and Courier. Columbia, Feb. 27.?An editorial in th? News and Courier thie morning, suggesting that it was possible Governor Blease would not be in the race this summer, brought forth the following statement from the governor: "Columbia, 8. (J., ireD. zit iyiz. j "My attention has been called to aj paragraph in the morning News and! Courier, saying: "Strange things are happening politically. It is entirely possible that Governor Blease may decide not to stand for re-election. TninK it over." The editor of the News and Courier may think it over, and think it over again, but the last thought he will have coming to him will be on the night of the primary, when he will find that I was reelected by a larger majority than I received in 1910. The only thing that would keep me from being a candidate for reelection as j governor would be,death; and his! mind will have to get up some other j folly in order to get the people to doubt as to whether or not I will be in the race." "Strong Sentiment For Harmon," Says Governor Blease. "Washington, Feb. 26.?The Harmon : j ? x-'.i i j pr?Slueuua.L uea.u4.uaruns 111 waaiiiug-; ton today gave out the following j statement which had been received from Governor Blease, of South Carolina: "While it is true that the Woodrow family, closely allied to Governor Wilson, are highly respected and in-a iV O liuexiucti in ouulij. vaiiuma, mcic i? ? strong sentiment here for Governor Harmon. We expect to send an uninstructed delegation to Baltimore, but it will be a delegation friendly to the Ohio governor." NOTICE. We will sell the old Trilby school house in Flint Hill school district, No. 51, at the old school house, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, March 2, at 3 o'clock p. m. Terms cash. W. J. Duncan, N. B. Johnson, C. I. Abrains, ! Board of Trustees for School District ! No. 51. 2-23-3L | STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. By Frank M. Schumpert, Esquire, | Probate Judge. WHEREAS, George W. Eddy hath j made suit to me to grant him letters 1 of administration of the estate of and effects of Susan E. Eddy, THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite : and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Susan | E. Eddy, deceased, that th-ey be and ap; pear before me, in the Court of Proj bate, to be held at Newberry, S. C., on the 11th day of March, next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in , the forenoon, to show cause, if any | they have, why the said administration should not be granted. GIVEN under my hand this 21st day of February, Anno Domino, 1912. Frank M. Schumpert, T P. N, C. INDIGESTION Kidney and Bladder Troubles and Nervous Debility Yield Readily f? aad Quickly to Treatment with USGARD'S SPECIFIC TABLETS "A SURE CURE" ChattfthoochM, Ga. BuESKd Specific Co.. Atlanta. Qp. Gentlemen)?I have used your tablets for Indt Section and have found them to he just what yon claim for them. I have tried several remedies, bul did not sret any relief until I tried your tablets. 1 would cheerfully recommend your tablets as a ore cure for indigestion. Yours truly, S. H. GREEN. UL D. HAGGARD'S SPECIFIC TABLETS will pu1 jnou on the road to health, make rich, red blood, ~ TTTQcfArl fioaiioa an A nnt r>PV7 lif^. V1H and vigor into you. Take Haggard's Specific Tab lets. Be a man! If you are a woman who ia heii to the ills of her sex, this remedy will alleviate your sufferings. Try a box at our risk. If it do? act benefit you. your money will be chosrfulij refunded. 60c a bos. Sold Wm. E. Pelham & Son, dewberry, S. C. THF HERAL A GREAT DISCOVERY, Certain Ingredients That Really Promote Hair Growth When ProperIy Combined. Resorcin is one of the most effec; tive germ destroyers ever discovered | by science, and in connection with Beta i Xapthol, which is both germicidal and j antiseptic, a combination is formed ! which destroys the germs which rob I the hair of its natural nourishment, I J - t - _1 1, 1 4-1 ? ? ? ! aim fcUSO creates a ciea.ii, tuu; dition of the scalp, which prevents the j development of new germs. Pilocarpin, although not a coloring! i matter or dye, is a well-known ingre-! i t dient for restoring the hair to its natural color, when the loss of hair has 1 ' b-een caused by a disease of the scalp. These ingredients in proper combin- j ation, with alcohol added as a stimulant and for its well-defined nourish: ing properties, perfect perhaps the ] most effective remedy that is known! * * 1 ior scalp ana nair trouDies. We have a remedy which is chiefly composed of these ingredients, in combination with other extremely invaluable medicinal agents. W? guarantee it to positively cure dandruff and to crr/var hair ATftn though the. ficaln in spots is bare of hair. If there is anyi vitality left in the roots, it will positively cure baldness or we will refund your money. If the scalp has a glazed, shiny appearance, it's an indication that baldness is permanent, but in other instances we believe! baldness is curable. We want every one troubled with scalp disease or loss of hair to tryj Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. If it does | not cure dandruff and grow hair to the satisfaction of the user, we will j without question or quibble return j every cent paid us for it. We print! this guarantee on every bottle. It j has effected a positive cure in 93 perl cent, of cases where put to a practi-j cal test. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is entirely unlike, and we think, in every parti cular, better than anything else we know of for the purpose for which it is prescribed. We urge you to try this preparation at our entire risk. Certainly -we know of no better guarantee to give you. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Newberry only at our store?The Rexall Store. Gilder & Weeks. Why Do Ships Carry Anchors ? In Fair Weather? i Why . Should You j Carry Insurance? Because it is better to liare it and not use it Than to want it and not have it Moral?Insure with 1 BURTON toiSZistit 1 BROWN'S LITTLE TABLETS Cores Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Heartburn 60C PACKAGE Gilder & Weeks. I [Wood's Seeds I For 1912. Our Mew Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, and tells all i auuui Lin- ijgoi Garden and | farm Seeds. I Every farmer and gardener J ! should have a copy of this cata- j log, which has long been recog1 - -A J i Al I nizea as a sianaara autiiurn^, for the full and complete information which it gives. * We are headquarters for y Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed y Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and all Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriotive Catalog mailed i free on request. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, * Seedsmen, - Richmond, V&. D 'AND ISTATEMEIN The Coi I! OF N I At the close o DUCAI TDPU Loans and Discounts, $ Overdrafts, Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank, Other Real Estate own< Due from Banks and Bankers, Currency. Gold, Silver and other Minor Coin, Checks and Cash Items \ STATE OF SOUTH CAR County of Newbei Before me came J. Y. McFall C that the above and foregoing of said bank. Sworn to and subscribed b r>nnnr?r"T k TTrcT. LUH1VLV/ i All LJ I ; O. B. Mayer. ' Z. F, Wright. W. H. Hunt. Directors. [tomb INTERSTATI ^at t"1C ^00C^ % the crop sta time. T * * * AT THE THE AT BE. * * Coming Attractions. March 8?"Baby Mine." March 29?A Woman of the Hour. April 6?Christy Bros. Minstrels. April 12?"Polly of the Circus." April 24?The Traveling Salesman. i . i The Herald and News, 1 year, NEWBERRY OPERA HOUSE FOR! RENT. The City Council of Newberry, S. C., IT OF THE CONI 11111VA V1U E WBERR Y, f business Febru S LI oaf- A n P n ni fol Qf apL VM? Ik/hWO 3,756.12 Surplus Fund Undivided Pr 1,000.00 Current Ex] 3d, 9,750.00 Taxes Paid Dividends Uk 114,415.44 Due to Ban] 7,638.00 and Bankei 1,917.50 Individual D? posits Bubje 847.34 to Check, , 2,285.61 Savings Deposits, Cashier's Checks, * 507,005.49 MOLINA, ) ry. f Cashier of the above named bank, w' statement is a true condition of said J. Y. McFALL, Cashier. efore me this 26th day of February ] R. L. TARRANT, Nc fltfEm 415 LIKE PLANT C FERTILIZERS arc made is available to the plant all thr rved. The needed elements j he crop is nourished to a full: lies the skill of mixing fertilizers. We ma 1st compounds a doct >r's prescripion. The c There is no guess work?no mystery. It is but the result of scientific mixing, sources of plant foods?which are quickl are slowest It must be known, exactly what ?lerr gf.C' v.'-:v.: - ;.i : ' : . v>M D:li and FE ?-^?ijlil|Oni0L*v))^i#?y#r#^?^vV#t*fV?' vy:. | ^ ^ 6 ^)p01^ >I ^ ^ ^ piiStiWMiili ? wiiiSiiliiS invites sealed bids for the lease of the Newberry opera house for & te;ai of three (3) yeare, beginning Apr 1 25, 1912. House ha? a seating capacity of 905. Onlv theatre in Nevborry county. Town hae population o^ 6,000. Bids must be filed prior to i.pr ) 1, 1912. Rent to be paid monthly i*. advance. All bids to be accompanied by a certified check for $50, as evidence of good faith. Checks will be returned to unsuccessful bidders. Successful Didder will be required to give surety bond for five hundred ($oUUj aonars 10 guarantee performance of conditions of lease. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. For further information, address, and file bids with Jno. R. Friday, March 1, 1912. MTION OF 1 Bank s. c. ary 20,1912 =? I n *17 ft* HA AAA, A A raia in $ ou,uuu.uv 40,000.00 ofits, less penses and 28,318.49 tpaid - 1,478.00 ks r?. 1 n#WtR2 _ - 5- set 186,356.72 199,741.21 : 22.55 387,209.00 ' ' i 507,005.49 ho, being duly sworn, says bank, as shown bv the books otary Public. MRS IN6 DOLLARS of plant foods, so mixed |n ough growth. Never is | ire supplied at the right | growth. U; ke thes$ fertilizers as accurately as a Jul nalysis on every bag ii lived up to. jm We must know what are the best ]J|l 7 available?which are slower?which nil ents are drawn from the soil by each I It crop?the amount of plant foods that I it they require. It would be utter waste tj It to apply certain plant foods upon certain soils for certain crops. o we have INTERSTATE FERTI- III ( 'ER for each crop that the South j|||I ws. The needed elements are sup- I It d. The fertilizer is suited to the soil h||| croP- ' (|{|i \ riA TWrTOCTATT Hill. inu uiai io rvnj 111 UTILIZERS are winning prestige ywhere?why they are causing in- [ -sed yields. i 'ur lx>o!:let would prove interesting to i ]: tcl s of our tested formulas for , Cr0ps. Write for it to-day and J c; oar nearest dealer. 1 TERSTATE CHEMICAL Corporation, : 1 ARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA '* Scurry, C'erk and Treasurer, New- berry, S- C. 1-1#-tt. j A Were? light Alarm. r is the h&oarse, startling cough of a child, suddenly attacked by croup. Often it aroused Lewis Chamblin, of Manchester, 0., (R. F. D. 2) for their four children, were greatly subject to croup. "Sometimes in severe attacks," . he wrote, "we were afraid they would die. but since we proved what a certain remedy Dr. King's Xew Discovery is, we have no fear. We rely on it for croup and for coughs, colds or any j throat or lung trouble." So do thou- 1 sands of others. So may you. Asthma, hay fever, la grippe, whooping cough, hemorrhages fly berore it 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free". Sold by W. E. Pelham & Son. . .i..- lv.i2iw&45t. . ,.?c