NEWBERRY SCHOOLS CLOSE HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL YEAR (Continued from page one). representatives of the Athenaean so ciety. The decision was announced by Mr. R. M. Werts. Theo. Riser, of the Athenaean society, presided with grace and dignity. Grammar School Commencement. The grammar school commencement was held in the high school auditor ium Thursday evening. the address of the evening being delivered by the Hon. J. H. Craig. of Anderson. Mr. Craig is an eloquent and forceful speaker; and the grammar school was very fortunate in securing him for the address. Mr. Craig also presented the J. Ma rion Davis scholarship medal, whichl was awarded to Turessa Maybin. Miss Maybin is a member of the seventh grade of the Boundary street school. There are two divisions of this grade. one at the Boundary street school and the other at the Pope school. Miss Maybin was awarded the distinction in scholarship in the part of the grade t the Boundary street school, and Miss Marion Earhardt in the part of the grade at the Pope school, and in the contest between these two, Miss Maybin was awarded the medal. Ths following program was carried out Thursday evening: Program. Music. Invocation, Rev. M. L. Banks. Recitation, "Things Are Not What They Seem"-Maud Abrams. Recitation, "Hiawatha's Wooing" Sarah Haffacre. Song-"Sweet and Low." Recitation, "And So Was I"-John Kinard. Recitation. "The May Queen"-Ma Tion Earhardt. - Chorus-"May Time." Recitation, "Don't Be in a Hurry" Julia Lake. Recitation, "The Children's Hospi tal"-Turessa Maybin. Song-"Carolina." Recitation, "We Reap What We Sow"-Rebecca Sligh. Recitation, "Entertaining Big Sis 'ter's Beau"-Oscar Blackwelder. Chorus-"Merry June." Address and .presentation of Davis scholarship medal-Mr. J. H. Craig. Duet-Sarahl Halfacre. Annie Mann. Presentation of flowers by ushers. ~Presentation of certificates. Benediction. High School Commencement. The regular 'high school commence ment will be held in th,e city opera hiouse this (Friday) evening, the exer cises beginning promptly at 8.30 o'clock. Six graduates will receive diplomas, and one member a certifi cate The graduates are: Misses Kitty Mayes, Louise Jones, Margaret Bur ton, Leila Dennis, Geneva Thornton, Robert Porter, who will receive di plomas, and Miss Brooks Dennis, who will receive a certificate. Dr. S. C. Mitchell, president of the South Carolina university, will be the orator of the evening. The Medals. Dr. George 13. Cromer will present the meda1 offered by Trustee John H. Wicker for the~ highest average in mathematics in the high school. This medal has been awarded to James Kinard. Mr. W. A. McSwain will present the medal offered by Mr. L. H. Hunt for lie best standing in history in the h.igh ehool. This medal has been awarded to Geneva Thornton. The first honor medal goes to Rob ert Porter. This medal is offered by Trustee Otto Klettner, chairman of the board, and will be presented to night by Dr. W. G. Houseal. The way some of the carrier mail fellows get around reminds one of the carrier pigeon in his flight for homa. 'They are all more or less great horm ing men. THE LIST STILL OPEN. Come Along and Take Your Subscrip tion to the Park-Now is ' the Time. The subscriptions to the park for Newberry continue to come in, and, while none of them are large, in the aggregate we can make up the amount if we can secure enough small ones. We would prefer to have the amount made up of small subscriptions rath er than in one or two large ones. This is to be the people's park, and if ev erybody is interested, of course, it follows that everybody will take more, pride in keeping the park up to the standard. We already have a sufficient amount subscribed to assure the park, and to begin operations. Of course, we would prefer to bare a little more, buit it is the hope of those who are in erested in this movement to organ the Park association, and to begin 'ng out the grounds in the very; future. Let everybody who is sted come along now and get in on the ground floor and help to push the enterprise along. The following is the list of sub scriptions to date: J. A. Burton.. ..............$600 W. H. Hunt... ... ... ..... ... 100 H. L. Parr... .............100 .. L.Spear .... .......... 100 B. C. Matthews. ............. 100 I. H. Hunt... ....... ...100 0. B. Mayer.... .... .... .... 100 J. H. West... ...............100 E. L. Bailes.... .... .... .... 10 G. F. Wearn... ... ... ... ... 10 W. B. Wallace... ... . .... .... 10 W. E. Pelham........ .... .... 25 J. W. Chapman... ... ... ..... 10 J. E. Norwood.... .... .... .. 25 I. L. Blaustein... ... ... ... ... 10 L. W. Floyd... ... ... ... ..... 25 Thos. P. Johnson. .............10 P. E. Scott... ... ... ... ..... 300 W. A. McSwain... ... ... ... .. 50 R. M. Werts.... .... .... .. .. 50 J..N. McCaughrin... ... ... ... 50 W. G. Houseal... ... ... ... ... 50 T. C. Pool.... .... .. ....... .. 50 Arthur Kibler... ... ... ... .... 20 C. J. Purcell.... .... .... .... ....e W. G. Mayes... ............ Van Smith... ...... ... .... ... 20 0. Klottner.... .... .... .... .. 30 J. W. White... ...............10 Mrs. E. M. Evans... ... ... ... 10 R. M. Lominack.... .... .... .. 10 Pope L. Buford.... .... ...... 10 T. W. Smith... ... ... ... ..... 10 T. M. Rogers... ........... 10 E. T. Carlson...... .... .... .. 10 H. D. Havird... ............ 10 E. Y. Morris. ...... ... ... ... 10 J. Claude Dominick.... .... .. 10 A. J. Bowers, Jr..... ... ... ... 10 R. G. Parks... ... ... ..... ....10 J. M. Ward........ .... .... .. 10 H. S. Chapman... ... ... ... .... 10 W. S. Langford....... ... .....10 Eugene S. Blease.... .... .... 20 Jno. B. Mayes.... .... .... .... 50 Nat Gist... ... ... ... ... ..... 10 R. D. Smith... ... ... ... ...... 10 . N. Martin...... .... .... .... 10 . B. Hunter.... .... .... .... .. 20 Ewart-Perry Co. ....... ...... 10 Harry W. Dominick.... ........ 10 Geo. B. Cromer... ... ...... .. 10 Cash Store... ... ... ... ... -. 10 [x. E. H. Kib!er.... ..........10 J. M. Davis.... ...... ........2 . F. Wright... ... ... ... ..... 50 S. H. Aul1 Co... ... ... ... ...5 H. W. Schump'ert. ... ... ... ...10 Wmr. Johnson... ... ...-.-.....20 ohn Henry Baxter... ... .......30 . LDean... ... ........--...10 Anderson 10c. Co... ... .. .......10 . M. Kinard... ... ........ ....50 . W. Bishop... ... ....... .....101 . J. Langford.......... .......20 rank P. Devore... ... ...... 10 T. A. Peterson... ... ... ... ...10 . E. Stuck... ... ........---.101 . H. Longshiore... .........--10 Dr. W. E. Pelham, Jr.. .. ......20 Mrs. C. E. Garviin.. ...........10 T. C. Sample.. .... .. .........10 . C. Boyleston.. .... ........10 ried. H. Dominick .. ............50 Total .. ............. ..$2,855 TATE OF SOUTH CAROJINA, County of Neiwberry. By Frank M. Schumpert; Esquire, Probate Judge. WHEREAS, D. P. Bournignt maae suit to me, to grant him Letters oi Administration of the Estate of and effects of J. Alonzo Bouknight THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said 3. Alonzo Bon1rnight deceased, that they e and appear before me, in the court f Probate, to be held at Newberry, S. C.. on the 15th day of June next alf ter publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, I,f any they have, why the said Administra tion should not be granted. GIVEN under my hand, this 27th ay of May, Anno Domini, 1911. F. M. Schumpert, J. P.N. C. BARBECUE. We, the undersigned, 'will gtve a first-class barbecue at the old J. A. Cromer place Saturday, July 22, 1911. The public is invited to attend. Guar ateed enjoyment for young people. B. M. Suber. 0. A. Felker. -30-tf. CERTIFICATE RE-EXTENDNG CHARTER. Treasury Departmant, Office of Comptroller of the Currency,. Washington, D. C., May 6, 1911. Whereas, Dy satisfactory evidence! resented to the undersigned, it has een made to appear that "The Na :ional Bank of Newberry," located in he town of Newberry, in the County' i Newberry, and State of South Caro ia, has complied with all the pro-i visions of the act of congress "to en-j ble National Banking Associations to~ ~xtend their co'rpr .- - ++once, and~ Half Pric Saturday at 1 14 qt. Blue and White Enamel Dis 1o qt. Blue and White Enamel Buc 3 and 4 qt. Blue and White Ename 8 qt. Grey Enamel Boilers with top 6 qt. Grey Enamel Tea Kettles... One piece of each kind to a custc Reduced prices on Embroidery a: "Save the Diff Anderson U. R. S In Buying Your Grocer His reputation for handling groceries is wide spread. Pr< all those who will patronize t Just received, fresh shipm4 Hams and Breakfast Bacon. Olives, Pickles, Catsup, Cal Peaches, White Rose Celon ' apple, sliced and grated, I< Flakes, Oat- Meal, Welch's best Ice Cream preparations I thing seasonalble, at the lowe Yours to please, W. o. W 'Phone 20 Invitations to "Home Corn The chamber of commerce has issue tions for "Home Coming Week, and "0] 24, inclusive. It is desired that all pel Newberry county, or whose ancestors]1 during that week. Invitations, incluc nishied free to those who wish to send 1 Those who wish such invitations cani B. Mayes-, president, Frank P. Devore, of the entertainment committee. I. H. Hunt, Chairman pril 12, 1902. - 001u Now, therefore, IL Willis J. Fowler, eputy and Acting Comptroller of the Sc urrency, do hereby certify tha.t "The Subi ational Bank of Newberry," located sche in the Town of Newberry, in the teed ounty of Newberry and State of outh Carolina, is authorized to have L i'ccession for the period specified in 'v s amended articles of association: Lv. nmely, until close of business on ay 6, 1931. Lv. In testimony whereof witness my Lv. band and Seal of office this Lv.. (eal) sixth day of May, 1911. Lv. WILLIS J. FOWLER, eputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency. Ar. harter No. 1844. Extension No. 1033. Ar. -9-mo Ar. NOTICE TO TAX DELIQUTENTS. Ar. -- Ar.. Hon. Jno. L. Epps, county treasurer, Ar. as placed in my hands executions or the collection of delinquent taxes Lv. or the year 1910. Lv. The law imposes upon me the 'duty Lv. to levy and collect this tax at once. Lv. his is to notify all persons who have Lv. ot paid their taxes that they may ave cost by comning to me and paying the same promptly. The number of Ar. xecutions this year is large, and I urge those who have not paid to at- Ar, nd to it at once. Ar. M. M. Buford, Ar.. 2~ Sheriff Newberry County. Ar. Sheriff's Office, May 25, 1911. N _____.-_from If I Had Eczema and and Ia wash it away with that mild, I N othing liquid, D. D. D. Trial bottle, Gerv 2c. Relieves all kinds of skin trouble' cept eansing away the irmpurities and earing up the complexion as noth- Fo: g else can. Yes, If I had any kind of skin trou e IPd Use ID. D. D. .1. F. Gilder & Weeks.J e Sale 0 O'clock. 2 Pans ............. 2;C kets................ 25C 1 Coffee Pots........ 25C ................... 25C ...................... 25C mer. ad Lace. erence." loc. Co. AFE ies From Wilson. nothing but first class mpt service is pledged his store. .nt Kingan's reliable ifornia Lemons, Cling 'ea, White Rose Pine ellog's Toasted Corn Grape Juice, and the mown. In fact every -t possible prices. ILSON. 2. ig Week" Free. d neat and attractive invita iautauqu2a Week," June 18 to 1sons who have ever lived in ived hiere, will "come home" ing envelopes, will be fur ern to relatives and friends. ;et them by calling on Johni secretary, or the chairman Entertaiment Committee. mbla, Newberry & Laurens B. B. hedule in effect October 6, 1910. et. to change without notice. ules indicated are not guaran A. C.L. 62. 53. Charleston.. ... 6.0am 10.00p'm umter.. .. ... 9.4am 6.20pm C., N. & L. Columbia......11.5am 4.55pm Prosperity. .12.42pm 3.34pm Newerry.. .. .12.56pm 3.20pm linton.... .... 1.5pm 2.35pm Laurens.. ..... 2.35pm 2.12pm C. & W. C. reenville. . .. 4.00pmn 12.20pm partanburg. .. 4.05pm 12.20pm S. A. L. Abbeville .. .. 3.55pm 1.02pm Greenwood.. .. 3.27pm 1.33pm athens.... .... 6.5pm 10.30am Atlanta...... .8.45pm 8.00am A. C. L. 54. 55. Columbia.... .. 5.0pm 11.15am Prosperity... .. 6.26pm 9.50am N'ewberry.. .... 6.44pm 9.32am linton.... ...7.35pm 8.44am Laurens.. .. ...7.55pm 8.20am C.& W. C. reenville.. ... 9 '10pm 7.00am s. A. 1L Greenwoon1.. .. 2.28am 2.38am abbeville.... .. 2.56ain 2.08am .thens.. .... .. 5.4am 11.59pm Atlanta.. .. ...7.5am 9.55pm s. 52 and 53 arrive and depart Union Station, Columbia, daily, run through between Charleston reenville. s. 54 and to arrive and depart ais street, Columbia. daily.. Sunday, and run through be 1 Columbia and Greenville. information ask agents or write W. J. Craig, P. T. M., Wilmington, N. C. Livingston, S. A., Graduation I have mani propriate ang essary pre, for young and gentlem Call and se< Mayes' Booh HOUSE OF A THOUSANI We use Live Leal Some shoe you they can't durable shoe f< They are ri The $2.00 shot to fill a demar not to wea .. seconds-I This same shoe Ia braid, $2.50 aid $3.00, is Goodyear well sewed;So Ia our College W omas's Walk.-20 ing Shee, $3.00, $3.50, $.00, It equals the best cuslom make. is a revelation to every woman w first time. In style it is the equal double the money. It makes the fo home. Itwears better than anysho for $2.00-because we use live leatf insole, counter, heel, linings. Hoa a Go to the Cradldock dealer in your tow: tell ybu. Look for. the Red Bell on the B CRADDOCK-TEli Lynchburg, Vi Telephone and -9-0 What wasflhew What is the ma - ~ iiHas mytlean Is there any Do you war When is th The telephone answe tons for thonsands of Fari t will do this and more cost of a telephone on small; the saving is great. Our free booklet tells t. Write for it today. 2 Farmers Line Departmeri SOUTHERN BELL TELEE & TELEGRAPH COMI 163 South Pryor St., Atlanta, BARBECUJE ON JULY 4. E. E. C boldly act of ste.alin here will be a barbecue given at salds--ti noaria on July 4, for the benefit of kins-t enew church. Ice cream and oth- spaa refreshments will be served also. he sas Ltaw. Committee. equal don SGifts pap Inec sents ladies en...... p me. ;Store THINGS* ther only dealers will tell give you a good, r $2.00 or $2.50. rht, they can't. they sell is made Ld at this price r It is made of rom sole tp heel. The thern Girl Shoe $2.50 ho tries it for the of shoes that cost ot feel perfectly at eyou ever bought er-aqualitysole, v can we afordit? 2; he knows-he will tRY Co., Find Qui sat her report irket price of cotton i left town freight for me ttto buy eggs e meetin, rs these ques ners every day. for you. The your Farm is you all about address^ Ga. hamberlain. of Cliniton, Me., uses Bucklen's Arnica Salve g-the sting from burns or e pain from sores of all a distress from boils or robs cuts, corns. bruises, ad injuries of their terror," 'as a healing remedy .3 't exist." Only 25c at Win.