The herald and news. (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, December 13, 1910, Page TEN, Image 10

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PURELY PERSONAL. Novements of Many People, New %errians and Those Who Visit Newberry. Mr. Casper Stewart is in the city. Mrs. Annie R. Harris has moved from Brady, Neb., to Kansas City, Mo. Dr. J. Henry Harms has returned from a trip .North. Miss Essie Pearson spent .the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Pearson. Mr. Chas. W. Douglas returned last week from Atlanta, after a month's absence. Mrs. L. W. Keitt, of Clemson college, - spent the week end the guest of Mrs. C. A. Woods.-Marion Star, 7th. Miss Mary Wright, teacher in Sa 'luda county, spent the week-end with her father, Mr. Robt. D. Wright, and family. Mesdames Alice Berry and Essie Mc Carty went to Newberry a few days ago shopping.-Butler cor. Saluda Standard, 8th. They show that they know a good thing when they seie it. President Harms, of Newberry col lege has a number of calls for. ad dresses along educational tOines this winter in different sections of the contry.--Lutheran Visitor. Johnstone & Cromer axe of counsel mpresentng Clemson college in a suit brought by John Hopkins, of Seneca, now before the United States supreme court. Hon. G. S. Mower, Dr. Van Smith and Mr. H. W. Dominick left yester dW:for Charleston to attend the Ma 'son'emeeting. Dr. Smith was accom panied by Mrs. Smith, who is visiting Mrs. M. G. G. Scherer. Mr. J. B. O'Neall Holloway, State lecturer, will tomorrow address a big farmers' ralily in Camden. The latter part of .the week he will be at Swan sea. Mr. Holloway will canvass Lan caster county next week, having eight or ten appointments for the week in that county. Mrs. Mark Long and Miss Clyda Yarborough went to Newberry on Wednesday to do some shopping. LeesvHlle No. 6 cor. Saluda Standard, Sth.. Of course they did. Lets of them oomie here to do their shopping. Nawberry is a get there place to a 'whole lot of people from- the encir clnng surroundings. Dr. Geo. B. Cromer, of Newberry, S. C., is delivering a number of ad dresses by invitationa of the Y. M. C. A. organizat-ions in South Carolina, two of his recent addresses, at Honea Path and Anderson, respectively, being en titled, "Giants and Grasshoppers" and "Playing the Fool."-Lutheran Visi 4or. VARIOUS ANi'D ALL ABOUT. Receipts for week ending Decem ber 9, 623 bales. Take in "Esther," the beautiful queen. t t Elections like that of today are very tame affairs, no stimulation. If you don't need the piano, you do need The Herald and News, so subscribe anyhow. The Newberry Concert Band will furnish music during the big sale at Silverstreet on Thuirsday, December 15. The Brigade of Central church will meet at the residence of Mrs. 3. W. White on Saturday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock.. The piano makes good music, and :there is music in The Herald and News contest too. Fall in and keep .step to it. The Herald and~ News is informedl iat the bridge at the Wallace Koon pliace in No. 10 township is in nead ao repairs. The Herald and News is worth a dlollar and a half for one year, and j -&1e "Cote" piano is worth $425 for the years as they come and go. rhe Hlome Mtasionary socie'? of Central church will this after noon at 4 o'clock In the church parlor. All comnmittee chairmen are requested to meet at3 o'C ck. Mr. 3. M. Riley has received a lu cr-ative positcn in Newberry and will operate in that county in the future. Leesville No. 6 cor. Saluda Standard , i December S. Keep up with Mayes' Book Store by viewing and reviewing the window display of dolls. Mayes desires your especial and particular attention to Hhe bridge at or near Kempsoni's 1s nearing completion and another link is forged connecting Newberry and Saluda.--Leesville No. 6 cor. Saluda Standard. That's good. On January 19 crosses of honor will be presented by Drayton Rutherford chapter, U. D. C., to veterans or de scndants. All are urged to send in their applications to Mrs. J. E. Nor wood, president. The ladies of the Cantral Methodist church will hold their Christmas bazaar Friday afternoon at the Wallace Co.'s piano rooms. They will have a Larkin booth, fancy work and refresh ments. The Dachelor Maids are very anx ious for you to see Esther at the opera house Thursday evening, Decembler 16. By the kind consent of the Or pheus club part of the proceeds will go to this organization for charity work. "Loyalty" is one of the greatest words that was ever coined. You are not loyal to your home, nor to your self unless you take your local paper. So subscribe today to The Herald and News through your favorite oontest Mat. As Christmas falls on Sunday this year, Saturday, Christmas ev'e, wil be the biggest kind of a time, especially Saturday night. Read the ads in The erald and News ad do your shop ping early. As a result of the ads in the big edition of this paper last week the stores were crowded Saturday. A darkey once -complained to a New erry dentist of having to pay as much or a tooth pulling as he made in a whole day. The dentist, who is also ?. good wit, said: " Well, I'll take, all 1.y on the job, if that'll do you any good." The darkey was satisfied to 2ave it done right now. Living today are how many who 3aw "Esther" thirty-five years ago? gee her again Thursday night. The )eautiful cantata was well rendares! iere thirty-five years ago by a splen lid local company, some of whom ar( till living in Newberry. The return 7isit of "Esther" ought to be greeter] y a capacity votise. NEWBERRY COLLEGE NOTES. Dr. Harms Returns After Extended! Trip-Football-Society Officers Elected. The college boys were glad to sea )r. Harms return to their midst lastj Friday morning, atter a very pleas Lnt trip north. In New York city he saw our ex ,esident, Dr. J. A. B. Sdherer, and >rings to us good news of him. From Washigton, D. C., be brings to us reetinsgs from several of our well -eebee alumni, B. J. Ramage, lsq., B. B. Hare, H. B. Hare, Dr. Gus av Werber, and Mrs G. H. Swygert, vitih whom he spent a most pleasant ~vening on Tuesday, December 6, In he MetrorolIitan hotel In Washington. unday afternoon Hon. Arihur Kib er gave t"e v. M. C. A. boys a very nstructive tMk o~n temr'ers:nce. The enfitusiasm among tbe boys for ootbalF h not d'enne'i vet. Last Fri1ay "igt both the Fvedsior and1 b'o moien snxigine lai foot-' all as a obiject for deh.ate Prof. Dee ic m' 0rnntree andl Dfr. Harms vere visitors. As ti1i was the .last me#tine befo'e he Co"w+mss holidiays the officers for he nevt t'arrn were electedl. Te U'reesior fSociety. President-R. D. WilIson. Vigo-rident--A. N. Kieffer. Reording secretary-R. H. Folk. Ae.r.M:t -recordliing 4'eretary-E. Y'. Rentz. Corresponding secretary-H. E. ~or'dand.I CMain-J. L. Renstjerna. Tresirer-N. B. Hendr'ix. Fi'st reporting critic-H. Boldt. ndm reporting critic-E. H. anz. Monthly orator-J. M. Black. Sereait-at-.rms-J. W. Shea1y. Librarian-W. A. Riser. Pge'-J. G. Copeleind. The Phrenkkosmian. Presdent--G. H. Hinp. Vice-nresdent-A. W. Snearmnan. Prosp.enting critic-W. G. Cobb. Recording secretary-H. S. Petrea. Amitant recording secretiary-J. B. !'allentne.I Cv"esponding seoreta,ry-W. 0. werrtt. Treasurer-G. E. Finck. First reporti-ng oritic-H. J. Sbealy.I Scond rerpowting critic-J. C. Sease. Third reporting critic-D. I. Wing Sergeat-at-arms-D. L. Rrldenhiour.i Executive committeeA. W. Spear nn. R. R. Cannon, H. A. Counts. Excuse and anpeal comittee-W. ;. Cobi,, E. 0. Wood. J. B. Smeltzer.l The Newherry Hardware Co. The Newberry Hardware Company las a fine line of Christmas goods, in sluding cut glass, china, cutlery, and nany other things which will make ,seful sand attractive Christmas gifts. Pheir general stock Is always well se-1 '.ected, and their enecial ChTistmas line will appeal to every one who sees it. Christmas presents and wedding presents form an Important part of a stock which fills one of the biggest, k N~'~ e stores in this section of the NEWBERRY AND SALUDA. Bridge at Alligator Rock Brings the Two Counties Yet Nearer Togeth er--Now for the oRads. The county supervisor and co.mmis sioners and the commission appointed by the legislature inspected the new bridge at Alligator Rock last week. This bridge opens and brings nearer a large territory of Saluda county, and makes it much more convenient for them to come to Newberry and to Prosperity. The bridge is a good steel structure and is above high wat er mark, and the approaches on either side are substantially built. The road from Newberry to the bridge hass been put in good condition, and the same may be, said of the road from the bridge to Prosperity. There are now three steel bridges scanning the Saluda, bringing the peo ple on the other side much nearer to Newberry and to Prosperity, not counting the bridge at Chappells. The one at Higgns' Ferry is about ten miles from Newberry, and the one at Wise's ferry is about ten miles from Prosperity, and the one just complat ed at Alligator Rock is about nine miles from Newberry, and the same distance from Prosperity. This net work of bridges makes a large and prosperous section of Saluda county much nearer to the business points of Newberry county and is a great con venience to those peop>le, and should prove profitable to the merchants and business men of Newberrv county. The main thing for the people of New berry now is to keep th, roads ladin, t these bridges in good condition so tat after the Salr,n nenle crosg the river they may find it easy a.nd nrrev.h their tradlne int in this county. is understood that the section of -rad beyond thpT Higgins' ferry brid4re i the Saluda side for several mi;les has been put in fine condition. and w-i bhnre that the same is true of the roads leading to the other two bridges. The imnnortant thing now for the merchants and business men of Newberry and P-osperitv is to nay the hiMgest mar ket price for what the people of Sar luda have to sell and sell in return to them the wares the people may de sie to purdhase at the lowest market price. The farmer will1 baul his cot ton or his cotton seed or his chickeis and egs farther if he knows that the price is a little more. - While at Chappel1s a few dayh ago, otton was seen hauled in there frani within two or th'nee miles from Paty brg because the Ohappd11e cottca market was fromt 1-16 .to .1-4 of a ent above' the other markets: and the rotton seed market was from 3 to 5 ents a hushel above oth'n marke*'s. f course. every one understands that where the farmer sels hiqn rodineO. e wm rend woe of his money. We a bi,1l h-ijeen and work :roati( !eaina to Newhe'rv. hnt n'"ees on'~ hFreineq men make the selling and buvig markets an ineremt" to tI rs.'W1 who may come, they are not :oming. A TTEMPT TO WRECK TRAIN. BenI*e Train on C., Ni. & T.. Rtruck -Cross-ties Whah Were Placed on Track. . Friday evening an attemnnt *was ade to wreck No. 54, from Columbia. .. N. & L., due hare at 6.44. About 300 yards this side of the 47 mi-le nost. t ont from the city someone bad >eced four crossties on the track. 64 enw-~cte?e struck itle crostes .d carried them about 200 v'ards ba rwe rettinae rid of the obstruct)in. &.side from tearing up the cow-catcher n amnee~ was done. Sheriff Buford vas notified of the attemnted wrack ig and investisated the s.amre next norning. He has not reported any l'e as to the perpetrator of the rime. The Exnress Company. Cant. W. S. Languford, agent of the 3oulern Express company bere, a1 ways makes special efforts to serve e ne+""., of Wi comnany during ihe Christmas season, Which is tha usiest season of the year for the comn anv and all its employee. Thi's ver Cnnt. T-ngford will put m several days before Christmas ex r" deivery and transfer wagons, and wil-l run two of each during the busy *This service will be appreciated by bhe patrons of the company. Santa Claus Headquarters. Santa Claus has already arrived in gewherry, anid his headquatrtersas ait Mayes' Book Store. From show windows to the rear of the store and ll un-stairs in the store room there are Chisritmas presents for young and o1d. from thb a ahe who will pass through its first Christmas this year n un to the aseed. Where Snot.a Claus i there are always things which make lor happiness, and there is an almost [n.fini.te variety of Chr-tmas vo'h 9t yM,,ws' Ponk store which will bring anes to+ the recipients. BEAUTIFUL CANTATA "Esther" Will be Presented by Local! Talent In The Opera House On Thursday Night. The beautiful cantata "Esther" will be given in the opera house on Thurs day night, December 15, by the Or pheus club, assisited by outside talent. A portion of the proceeds wil-l be giv en the Bachelor Maids. Prices 35c. lower floor, 25c. gallery. No reserve seats. Curtain rises promptly at 8:30. Following is the cast of characters: Esher, -the queen-Mrs. G. W. Con nor. b."Auerus, the king-Mr. C. H. Kreps. Haman, the king's counseller and overseer of- the realm-Mr. W. G. Cobb, Jr. Mordecai, a Jew-Dr. G. W. Connor. Zeresh, Haman's wife-Miss Mabel WdIliamson. Mordecai's sister-Miss Ethel Booz er. Prophetess-Mrs. S. J. Derrick. Beggar-D. John B. Setzler. Herald-Prof. C. W. Riser. Harbonah-Mr. Marion B. Bowlas. Queen's maids-Mrs. J. H. West, Misses Mantha Johnstone, Caroline C-om-er, Ruby Holloway. Guards, pages, etc. Synopsis. Esther was born in Persia 500 yeaas before Christ. Being an orphan from infancy, sfhe was adopted by 'her uncle, Mordecai, who recognizing her great niatural beauty, trained her in the ac complishments of highest womanq2ood. She was chosen by the king of the rialm to be (bis wife and queen. She did not discloc.e her nationality. Ha man n wns premi,r and favorite of the V4r-,m Tr,m.: I-o4AA Mordecai beciause he woid not wrne.hin him (as the king commanded. He ddd not know Mor dai'c r.lation tn the queen. To be revz leI n rthOined a decree de stroing P.1. the Tews in the provinc e. Mor4ei 4i-/vered - plot and chrrs f1le ni,pa- to petition the king for the -, of her peonle, which so 'Ann- 'n+ +-~ -- ofher life on ac co1.nt of the I.w t.h,, no one shall go unto t(he king hiMAer. TI'e ki'1g beans 'ber r.Mtit+o" md Harnan is d'e feated. Homan *-s rrepared a eal lows for Mordieei. An e.tstendant in forms the kin of +Ufe fAt. The king orders Haman to h0 hanged fnom it and nrociaine Moa m ramier in bi1s stead. After this the, people re R1E1TOUR4TY JTURED. We. r+ ln?+ %"n,o-pn Cttron Oil comn stanaing M+mnn to not g M' " - M"- A *>" one twelve or four teen foot etrn~w rn h4, ,9h"7ld* General F1eetion T'dav. rrs ~-,-~1 L?1se%4.W 2'V- PI+v offi of course, no contste for anv o' t*'* Democratic ~ne'r wil he elected. "Toyland." The Anderson Ten-Cents Store is Newberry's "Tovleand " Tt in tN'~ s-"M* deHe'ht of tibe vne neno"e thee daa for there they can find evervtbing they wa:nt Senta to brine them. And not ony is it the delMeht of the young neo Ie. but of the oler ones as wel.1, for there are su.w ChrisMnas pres ents for those of nil sges. This stAore is a credit to Newherry. and all Christ mes shoppers sbonlM se'e it. Mimnanrb's .BIG Store. Miminar' gh's biea ienartmen't store has a fil!-er Christmas lina this year thn 'ever before i i+q hj.W-V. p1" this is sayinz as 'mnA~ as en he Mid 1This is on'e of tihe hierast denartmrent stores i the State. and :ihe- h.t mes DrPen~ts TonPy M fro""n 'v"* body. Mlmn'augh to"ls WM-at 1,. " sen. herreains Ir thi, issue of The; Herald and N.ews. o-,A -^ e, +N- - doen what 1'e advertises. TaIlore'i for m an, and in the boys' aagvnn everything for boys. See 'hl<m. - er you want somefhing for yourself or something for Chrristmas present? He has it For New Road Law. The towns~hit road inspectorsre quest that the supervis~or arnd county cmisioners. and siso the senator~ and repreentatives from Newberry, county, meet togetber at the court! house on Saturday, December 17. a.t 11 o'clock in the forennon. for the purpose of discussing the advisahility of adnting a new connlty goVeT'n!ment lw. The mneetins- will no~t he sec'et aid a:1l wh o a r' ""' of good road' re invitedr to be present THE COUNTY TEACHERS. Officers Elected' For Ensuing Year Valuable Address by Superin. tendent Dean. At the regular annual meeting o: the Cuonty Teachers association o Newberry county, held in the hig sch-ool building on Saturday morning the following officers were elected fol the ensung year: President-Prof. F. 0. Black. Vice-president-Prof. Olarence F Werts. Secretary-Miss IA-1ian Hill. Preceding the election of officers ithere were a few appropriate remark by the retiring preident, Prof. Georg4 D. Brown. Prof. J. S. Wheeler and Prof. Henrn Lee Dean were chosen members o the execu,tive committee, the officen of the association being members ex officio. An interesting and valuable adres was made by Supt. Henry Lee Dea on the subject, "The Effect on Edu cation of the Lost In:fluence of thf Fireside." Tht is an address of public interest which will repay a careful reading and it will be publihed in full in The Herald and News. Everything for Ladies. The Mower Company have a line oi goods vwich wiU make choice Christ mas present for ladies, both youne and old, for young girls, and for babies. 'Tis store always carries a well-selected line of goods, and al ways has on h:nd a special ChTistmae line, but this year the -stock is more complate than ever before, if tbat be possible. They will be glad to see their numerous patrons, whether they want to purchase or not. A Beautiful Jewelry Store. The jewgry store of Daniels & Wil li-amson is a thing of beauty. There is a dhoice selection of jewelry, cut glass and everything else suitable for Cristmas presents. Both Messrs. Daniels and Williamson are artiets In their line and their combined skill presents to the Christmw shoppers anything they want in the line carried by this moderh jewelry store, which is a credit to Newberry. .Snow Storm Show Window. One of &e most novel windows of the Christmas season is d~bat at Fel lr & Morgan's rents' fumnIshings store. The window represents a Chirstmas snow storm, and the snow is actua;Hy falling. It Is a cleverly executed piece of work, and has been generally admired. FeHlers & Morgan's store is also altogether a*tractive In thle goods which awe on sala for the Cbristmas trade. See the window, and don't fail to see the store. Dinner Party For Mfiss Gilder. No- T'e e ider of Newberry, wiho is the attractive guest of -Mise rz. WjrNisho. was the hlonoree at a pretty 7 o'clock 'dlnner' on Saturde" er"se'. Pesl an'd geen with .ho1v and re1 cares8tione made a ;ove1y 'M o' sc'hme for the luncheon Ma1le. RPM mae hoirn~A ~oftly onder 90 ver flirrsee cAhdes. The place card* w're avrntv nf Christimas. An eig'ht course dinner was serve.d to tN~ SmnWh. Tone Smith.l of Abbeville. n Tnhn Clev-eiwrd. .T R. Fair. (hf oTW Kagonle Election. At 'ae gal commandodion ha1v Moday n-leibst. the folilowing officew were elected by Amity Todwe, No. W7. A. F. M., to serve for the ensuing Ma monic yaar: W. M.-Geo. R. Mower. S. W.-H. H. Rikard. .T W-T. P. -T'e Tre,e~.sqrer-W. T{ Shellev.. Secretary-J. W. Ear'ardt. FO'? SALTE-Two Iron safes, one mue dium . practically new, and one small one. C. L. Blease. 12-13-2t. [0 REN~T or to farm on shares, one horse or two--horse farm. ile an)' a beh from Helena. Good pronoei tion for re'iable person. Annly a.t o"ce to E. B. Setzler, 2001 Caer street. 1213-it EATE-To buy county claims. 12-13-2t. M. L. Srearman. PAN{CY WORK SALE-To be conduct ed, beginning Thursday, thle 15th In stant, and lasting th.rough the 244.' Meante A. Pearson, Coipeland Boild Sing, Main street. up-etars. 12-13-2t. F0O? RENT-Store and two acres of land at McIn:tosh beid~hts. Tw" cottages. All modern lmorovemnentr Also a fine milch cow for sq1o. P L. Pave.inger. 12-13-it .-r had a little iamb, And sh e also h ad some gnats, %+ wbe,in Pt he CONTEST Mqrv wen' t w.c enrwa -N'W Votes! Voter' COTTON MARKET. (Corrected by Nat Gist.) Strict good middling ............14% Good middling .. .............14% Strict middling .................14% (By Robert McC. Holmes). Strict good middling ...........14% Good middling .. .............14% Strict middling .................14% (By C. J. Purcell & Co.) Strict good middling ...........14% Good middling .................14% Strict middling ..............14% (By Sunmer Bros.) Strict good middling ..........14% Cotton seed ...................42 Chappells. (By A. P. Coleman). All white cotton .............. 14.60 Cotton seed ....................45 SJIverstreet. (By J. P. Long). Good middling ........ 14% Cotton seed ...............44 Pomarla. . (By Aull & Hipp). Strict (good middling ...........14% Cotton seed.. ...........42 (By Smith Bros.) All white cotton .............14% Cotton seed ....................40 Prosperity. (By J. L. and A. G. Wise). Al whte coton .................14% Cotton seed .................42 Little Mountain. (By C. F. Lathan). All white cotton ................14%' Seed ............................ WhItmir. (By Glenn-Lowry Mf& Co.) Al whfte cotton ...............14% Cotton seed............... SPECIAL NOTICES. One Cent a Word- No a&-" vertisement taken for less than 25 cents. LOST-Fine umbrela with Fellers & Morgan's selling mark. Finder w1 ,return to 7%e Herald and News of flce LOST, strayed or sto&en from a premises on &he Chick quarter pla' in Maybintion, die red cow wi borns, and piece cut off rigt e. Please retm to Levi Hendersom. The Newberry Concert Band wiU furnish music during the big. saleAt Silveratreet on Thursday, Decemse 15. GOOD SECOND-HAND) bgg and a mess for sale. Apply to G. Y. D.ia ert, Mollihen Mill, Newberry, SQ.jC 12-9-2t. 'The Newberry Concert Band R~ furnishi music during the bigsale gt Silverstreeit on Thusday, Decemer 15. QPP1) WW!EAT for sa'e. Home raised t I 'o w1eat for sale. Georgia Fliunt o" Purple Straw variety by A. . Co''man, Silverstreet, S. C., R. P. nl No. 1 12-6-taw4L Th Newberrv C'oncert Pand wIll f"',4h monsic doinig the big sale at Silverstreet on hursday, December 15. ""' e A RON for Spanish mackeral ' - F'-t nvren,ed.. First barrel will o 'eceiele tom~orrow and the flsh I"~" 'M bandl'e4 fresh during the I2-n by Parsinger & Coward. 11-29-4t. TeNewberry Concert Baind will fr idhmese during the big sale at Silvesteet on Thursday, December 16. FOR RENT-One or two-horse farm in No. 10 township. M. C. Moore. Newberry, S. C. 11-224t-ltaw i tv4PRD& BURRHAIIDT are .In the market for cotton seed and will pa,y the highest rrices. Rest shingles in town. 9-13-tf. NOTICE,'eIt will pay you. to see T. x. Sanders before you sell your hd. He will pay you more~ than any one in the Carolinas. 1O400 Main street, Opposite Dr. Van Smith's drug store. 11-18-3t-1taw. E. E. STUCK, D. D. S., Office 1321 Main Street Newberry, S. C. 12-13-2t. _______ CIGAR SALESMAN WANiTED. Experienee unnecessary. Sell our brands to the retail trade .Big pay. Write for full particularn at Globe Cigar Co., Clevelar. Ohio 2-15-100t. (ET YOUR GLASSES from r G. W. Connor. a graduate of the larg. Nor+hern Tliir.ois College of (Chieg e-* Dr (>nnnr is located per-r an ently in Newberry. gin e. both the