The herald and news. (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, March 24, 1908, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Every freight train that reaches Ne shipments of new spring goods. I meet the growing demands of our worth of spring and summer merch while in New York a few weeks ago, est trade event that has ever occurn have lots to tell you and still more tc I am going to make it lively for the I: Wednesday morning wh? nine o'clock we sta An Embroidery Sale. If there is any one tiling the people of this section are familiar with it is a Mininaugh Kmbroidery sale. About five hundred full pieces picked up in New York go on sale Wednesday morning. Never in the history of our business have we offered such Kinbroidery values. No. i. A big lot not a yard in the lot worth less than 15, 20 and 25c., buy all you please as long as they last at the yard ioc. No. 2. This lot is wide and narrow, heavy and sheer Embroicieries for flounces, Embroideries for corset covers, in fact you can find them for any purpose. Not a yard in the lot worth less than 35, 40 and 50c., none sold to dealers, take your choice at the yard 25c. Hunt the Big 5c. Embroidery Table. Embroideries worth S^, 10 and i2j^c., your choice for the yard 5c Cash Buying & Cash Selling, That's Mimnaugh's Motto. One case Androscoggin Bleaching, this week instead of 12^0., only ioc. yd. i One case genuine Lonsdale Cambric, lliis week 1 instead of 150., only i2|'?c. One case Poe Mill Bleaching, made in Greenville, S. C., ioc. kind 8V;?e. yd. One case White linen finished Suiting, just the thing for spring suits, 20c. kind i2^e. yd. One case White I,awn, short lengths, 2 to 10 yard pieces, the i2^c. kind at S '/jc. yd. One case 40-inch White Lawn, the 12^ <c. kind., this week 9c. yd. Black Wool Dress Goods. A fifty foot display of fine Black Dress Goods. Never have we had such an array of matchless values. wnii me venciy casn we gainerea me cream of the market and placed them here at your disposal: Voiles, Mohairs, Sicilian, Panama Cloth, Shark Skin, Serges, Batiste, and all the leading up-to-date black goods. !? ! Watch lor Our Big 1 STREET DUTY. l)e imprisoned for n Notice is hereby mi von that all par- days or sentenced t ties who have not 7>ai<l street duly t'he public works of must do so on or before April first, provided, that t.lie | 1008, after iwhicli the ordinance will ordinance shall nol be enforced to the leter, and those 'holding a certificate failing to pay dealt with accordingly, ability from a repnti No individual notices will be mailed. 1 ?ieian, sarid certiificat By order of the council. one vear old. and an ?T. J. Longford, im*- such eertifieat-e Mayor. before the said Clei 70. S. Werts, (that such disability ;ri Clerk and Treasurer. >The act relating To same is as follows: 'Section 1. That from and aiPler tlva passage of this ordinance all persons between the aires of eighteen and fif- THEr COM1V1E ty years in Hie Town of Newberry, Under Call of J S. (\, are hereby required to perform six days labor during each year upon the streets of the said town, under the direction of the street overseer, , , or to pay Throe Dollars lo the Clerk Loans and dlSCOU and Treasurer of the Town Council Overdrafts of tihe Town of Newberry eaeh year Furniture and F .in lieu I'hereof, which shall he due Cash and payable 011 or before Hie first day of April, provided (hat- a receipt in full of commutation lax shall be issued lo any person wiio shall pay the same prior lo (lie month of April: Capital Stock Provided, however, that not bin-'here- Undivided profits in eonlained shall be so construed as / to exempt any person Who shall be- Dividends (imps come a resident of lihe Town of ^3-Shier S Checkj Nenviborrv, at any lime of any year, Deposits, Banks.. from performing the labor or pay- Deposits, Individl ins' the commutation tax lroivin re(| ui red. S.'c. 2. All persons violalintr the provision of this ordinance by failing *JNO. M. KINAF lu perform t'he said labor or lit pay snid commutation tax in l\eu thereof, shall, upon conviction thereof, be 4 per Cent, fined not more than five dollars or jwberry is helping to complete the Every stock will be increased to business. Thousands of dollars landise purchased by Mimnaugh , has paved the way for the great3d in Newberry. We are going to > show you. Keep both eyes open, >oys this spring. 3n the city bell strikes rt the ball rolling. ??D??? ? ??I??I ?? A Big Silk Sale. 1 36 inch colored Taffeta Silk, blue, hro;vn, ^ champagne, white, cream, and all the leading shades, the $1.29 kind, at only the yard 98c. 36 inch black Taffeta Silk, the Si.ou kind, at only the yard 79c. 36 inch black Taffeta Silk, the $1.50 kind, at only the yard 98c. 36 inch black Taffeta Silk, the ?2.00 kind, at only the yard $1.39. Be sure and visit our Dress Goods and Silk department. MIMNAUGH'S BIG SHOE DEPARTMENT. The renowned Drew Sclby Oxfords for Ladies in black, tan and patent leather "lias a waik over." No such dependable leather is put in | other Shoes and Oxfords for the same money. All sizes and styles, and every pair guaranteed) or a new pair for the asking. We can save yon .r>oe. on every pair of Oxfords yon buy of lis. When yon want Shoes and slippers eoine direct to Miinnangh's. Millinery Preparations. Our milliner, with her assistants, is hard at work night and day getting ready for our big Hat display. We will announce the date of our opening in our next ad. We mean to give the trade th best and most stylish and most economically priced millinery in this entire section. Vlillinery Opening. ill ft Hi iNewberrv's Bicccst ?MB?PBHMW??WMWW?H?M?a? ! III11 ! I MM IBWIil ! Ill UMJU> ot more than leu making a livelihood at has usual avoo hard labor on cation; nor to ministers of the gosIhe said Town; pel in actual charge of a conregation, H'ovisions of this teachers employed in (lie public a])ply to pei'sons schools, school trustees, and persons of physical dis- J permanently disabled in military servble licensed phy- vice of the /State, any person who e not to he over sawed in tilie late war between the y person present- 'States, all persons actually employed shall make oath in the quarantine service oif the Shite, k and Treasurer and members of the TAire Department irevents him from of the Town of Newberry; Provided, statement" ' *"' OF RCIAL BANK OF NEWBERRY, S. C. Ratilr 17van-?J?irt?" n4- 4-l,~ ~l ~x 1 I ???? ^umiiivi ?i uic ciuv>i; ui uusiness March 9th, 1908. RESOURCES ints $335,54 1 29 9,713 06 ixtures.... 3,1 1 6 93 : 52,708 19 | 401,079 47 I LIABILITIES. $ 50,000 00 ' > (less expenses paid) 48,958 32 r lid) 1,247 00 3 1,236 24 & 1,202 71 \ jal 298,435 20?299,637 91 $401,079 47 j ID, Pres. O. B. MAYER, Vice-Pres. t J. Y. McFALL, Cashier. Interest Paid in Our Savings Department. * > For Spring Our New York buyer 1 merchandise in every lin< berry city and surround Dry Goods, Dress Goods, S Iff 4 T\ men ana Boys, mio< Trunks, and a < as will be shown in Newl It is no trouble for us to s with quality and styles rij 1304 and 1308 Main st however. Him! only twenty nicnihei of cm I'll company ill' the sm'uI <lepa r aient > ia!I hi* exempt itiiiiVr the pr< vi>ions ut' '.his section, ami it sha i'i' 1 i" ?1 si! v "1 ! ae si ei'et i'.ry iif e:i< company t-> lilt* with the Clerk an Treasurer I" -niii t'i nncil ;i Ii~.i . all member* .if hi- company on <h* hi fore Hie lir>l tiny <>1" .1 ail nary of eat year. See. Tiiail all ordinances or par of ordinances, inconsistent with 111 iii*(linnr.i*M li.? ntui nlw? <01 tm? *?r<? lin* by. repealed. Why buy art Organ from a Peddler? When yon can buy n superior organ from vo factory representative for less money, ami easier terms, and have absolute protection the guarantee given by the makers We make low prices ami grunt from one two years?without interest?for settlement, a onlv him! the organ as seem ity. We save you money ami supply Organs tl: will prove a life long pleasure. Write at once for catalogues and special pri< and tei ins to the old establish' <1 MALONE'S MUSIC HOUSE C< )1,IIM HI A. S. C. PIANOS AND ORGANS. Thinking Farmers you will find it to your advar tage to SEE US for Distributors and Planter: WE HAVE THE CELEBRATED COL ?.t> it ?i wnicn is considered oy an wn have used them to be THE BEST IN THE WORLD We guarantee ill "COLE MACHINES" to d setter work and a greater va 'iety of work than any othe nachine made, and to give en ire satisfaction or refund you noney. This is sufficient reason wir rou should buy a COLE. We couldn't supply the de nand last season, so don't de .ay. Have us save one for you SUMMER BROS. CO -ATlas been sending to us for the i 3. We believe that we can shew ing country as well selected ih *tr 4 t . n * 1 tit HKs, wiute iiooas, tniDioiaene is and Slippers, Hats, Shirts, G?1 complete line of Furnishings for L; berry this season. Come to our how our goods, rathei a pleasur ght. I fPII WI ! !! I I I BBflBWBBBWMPnBWMMWBW Bill 11 W I???BP reet. FREE! ' II n WW Si VA El fa KBB W HK01 ,s These are all new seed, is absolutely nothing. Commencing Wednesd - every customer whose pi 50 cents, two papers of st customer whose purchas 15 papers of SEED FREE I Be sure and attend our 1 11!" h!! beginning Wednesday m< lot you ever looked at for SEE WINDOW n k l iNjewDerr> I We are always busy. 3* As we have bought both stc we have decided to do away i Planter's Choice, worth 60c., cc E Now in order to do this we w -a _ _i. ij r i. .. iit cost uiini soiu. mere are st Molasse ! Best New Orleans Golden Gate, i | Morris Gold Medal, worth 60c., < Golden Drips, worth 45c., cost p Karo Corn Syrup in cans, cost p Coffe< 0 Best Green Coffee, worth 15c., c Good Green Coffee, worth 10c., rj Leverin's Parched Coffee, v/orth Golden Drip Parched Coffee, wo r Carolina Belle, worth 25c., cost Fine choice Tea, worth 60c., co< / i Kraul Half barrel of Saur Kraut, worth | We will also sell to the highest bi "I thing else is closed out. Come qui :i SMITH 1 | At Smith Co.'s Old ( Business ?ast two weeks choice rT to the people of Newanil complete stock of s, laces, Clothing, for lars, Cuffs, Ties, 3dies and Men store and take a look, e. Prices always low, Newberry, S. C. FRF Ft and they cost you lay, we will give to urchase amounts to 3ed FREE. To every q n m m 1 nlc 4 r\ $ I HO io ainuv.uiio iv v(J i . your own selection. 10c. sale of Pictures, Drning* The prettiest 10c. each. DISPLAY. % s. c. There is a reason. $ H J51 P Ml i I >cks of The Smith Co., with the Grocery Store. ist price 44c. ill sell all goods therein >me of the cost prices: US. worth 65c., cost pricc 49c. :ost price 44c. rice 33 cents. rice 9c. a h* :ost price 1 1 c. cost price 8c. 1 7 1 -2c., cost price I 4c. rth 20c., cost price 15c, price 2 lc. >t price 38c. t. 1 Oc. qt., cost price 5c. dder all fixtures after cveryick if you want to be in time. >o>-, grocery Stand.