The herald and news. (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, March 24, 1908, Page FOUR, Image 4

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fcto- IibM art 12. II. AULL, EDITOK. Entered at the Postoflice at New berry, S. C., as 2nd class matter. Tuesday, 24, 1908. (Jot*. Ansel has reappointed the ol State board of education for anotlr-j term of four years. Tiro report of (he detective wh went to Wards is to tho etVecl llui the killing of. Judge Huc'hanan \va (purely accidental and was fired froi a parlor rifle will) 22 calibre luille; Hoys or men who handle parlor rifle should be made to understand liui there is danger in stray bullets eve tiom parlor rifles and should no recklessly fire I Iiymu. I he Florence Times d.-sires to kno\ why the ('letnson board" should seel t<> establish (he experiment;!! statioi near (lie city of ('harleslon rathe Inan on the lands of the indnstria s,-i I in that comity. If Ihe Stat s I" build up another industrial am Icchuolo^-ical school in the easleri jiart of I he State al PToremv. w e se no reason why there sfumld not be co operation on the part of the board o ( lemson college. It was our iniprcs sion that the school at "Florence, how ever, was to be rather a reformatory than a higiier institution of learning Wo are inclined to think that lb appropriation of ten thousand doll sir* nOhicli was made by the last Je.uisla lure for this school, was the result o the laigc appropriations which wen invade to the other State institution1 rather than as an endorsement id' ; plan to establish an industrial school It seemed that the ways and mean committee was iucliucil to put in 111 appropriation bill everything Ilia was asked, ami those members win 'had opposed some of the large appro print ions, when this one was surest ed. felt that il was useless to linue opposition, and ii will be re called that the appropriation liil went I In ougli boih houses willnui anything being <-tit oil'. However, if ('lemson college is h blanch out, and we see no reason wlr it should not, ihe suggestion that i put an experimental station at Kloi y'tice is a good one. and wo are ?la to see I lie Florence Tillies calling In attention of both these iusiitulions i this suggestion. W e observe in lite b'eeord of Unci II ill an advertisement signed by lb local meui'bers o| (he eomniillee o I he board o| trustees of W^ulhro] college. asking for bids for the sit for llic model school, and tiiat all hid be subini11e?I to the president of ||| college not later than April loth. I will l?e recalled thai at the session o the legislature lor l!KI7 an appropria lion of twenty t'hoiisand dollars wa made for the erection of this mode school: ten thousand of Ihe appro priation being availatite in l<)07 an< 0 Ien I honsamf in ! {JOS. 1 ^ During the last session of the leg ^ islal lire an Act was passed to appro priale lorty-cight thousand dollar more to Winl lirop for lh.? purpose o civet inn- a new dormitory. We op posed Ihe bill mi the ground thai on< building a year is about as many a the Stale could well afford to erect a any one of Ihe Stale institutions o higher learning. The statement wa also made that the board had not ye decided where to erect the mode school, and that while ten limnsam dollars of the appropriation wa: available in 1*107. and had iilmul; been drawn Ironi the State Ireasurv that no steps had yel been taken fo I he erection of the building. We simply desire to call alkmtiot to this ollicirtl notice, which indicate that even yet Ihe site for Ihe mode school has not been agreecT upon, am the board seems to nave considerahl Irouible in securing laud in liock Hi) ifor the erection of Ibis model school J,"d 'he landscape vf.rdeiicr slate lhat il should not he built upon Hi bind which is now owned by Ihe col lege* It would seem that Winlhro] college has so increased Ihe value o real estate in the cily of Hock Hill lha it is impossible to secure any inor land with which the proper ami net essary expansion of the instilutio may lie made. THE NATION'S CAPITAL. i spent four days very pleasant I in Washington last week. The mai purpose of my visit was to have conference with the post ollicc d< parlinenl in regard to certain post; matters and incidentally I was sit| posed I,, represent the Xewberr chamber of comineree before Ihe con mil tee on public buildings, which ha set apart several hearings for tli eek at the ro(pies| of fougressinn Lever. .ft w>as thought that it migli ? be well to haw Newberry reprcsen f ill litis hem in?r, also, llidii'jii fid lion hail been taken looking' to ,>c niii' a representative or represeii lives and Conyressiiiian Aiken Inul been notified of any Such represeii __ live atul llieref'ore no time hail hi set apart for ;i hearing from this i Iriel. I nasiiUK'h as 1 was v<'in: = way, I 111 < > 11 i?l 11 probably we mi: (1 havo Newberry (presented to litis ei r mittee aticT al least lei them he vised that (here was such a town I lie map in 1'liis neck of I lie won ? I publish below my report to I chamber commerce. I did not s pear hef'oro the committee and my r ii sous are riven in I lie report which !. submitted. A Nm dm11)| Mr. Aiken knows wl 1 is best In be done in order I<> seci n buildimrs for his district and as hr ' Hie representative of the people fi this dislricl in eonirress, of course opinions in such mailers must p v vail an I I am not protestiny avail l< the course which lie lias pursued*, ii course if In* secures Mi.' huSldiuvf p N'ewherry ami I have no <| >ie!>I lie v I do all lie can to secure it, lie will ll e be able In claim :i!l I he credit in 1 own cl'l'm l >, and proTiably. in i opinion. I could not have prop,' e presented the mailer To I lie couui . Ice. Slill I have lia<T some lit lie i f periencc in lisleninu1 to i_)elei?-al ion T h:id a very pleasant cofferer - wil'h the Third Assistant Post mas l' (Icneral, Mr. A. W. Lawshe, and ' addilion to the main question w'n e 1 desired lo see him about he discn eil some of Ihe new niTtmrs which h - been made by the post office depa f nieiil. very pleasantly and intelliyvi p ly. lie is himself an old Tn-M^paj i man and was emrancd in ne>wspa| i work until he heiran his service I. the public. The regulation in re > s lo lire payment of subscript ions, e am satisfied, will k-miTI m bene I both lo liic subscriber ami* |<> | ii publish.-r and will elini'innfe Tr - Ihe mails al second class an iminei - aiiiounl of mailer which is not le - linialeh entitled lo conic <n a> :i.m - paper- or periodocals in conli'inp I I ion of I in- luvv. 11 is ti >t I he p ? pose of the department, I am -u lo injure any legitimate ttcwspa| , Inil on Ihe contrary lo benefit su The postal laws so far as (hey rel; I lo Ihe second class need revision, a . Mr. I.awsbe in bis report has cal I al lention of conuress to these nt ,, lers ami coii'jress should lake so ,, action. I found Congressman Lever v< busy wifli representative cilizi 1^ from Columbia, (Iran .,ebur,j' a (l Slimier, who presented ihe claims j- lli'ese lilies to Ihe cnmniitlee on pi I, lie building's. | ;l|v not fa mil willi conditions al (b'aiiv.cburu' :i ^ Snmler. but I am satisfied that ill ,, is i!? ? ;I for additional huildiuir :ii I , lunibia and I am salislied also tl I' ihe commit lees which went frmii lb cities made favorable impressions i s on llie members of the connnil j and if i| is possible Ihe leipicsi addi I ioiial approprial ions will I u ranted. I'licic can be no doubt t! Newberry should have an appropr lion and Congressman Aiken assm me that if any allnwance was nu s for his dislricl at all dial New-hei I* should have lire preference. 1 had I he pleasure of sitting in I press galleries of the house and si s ale Ihrou.uh ihe eourlcsy of ( I rieuds Zack McCliee nnd 1'. II. ,'\ C (low-ail. who represent Ihe Stale a s Ihe News and Conner, respective j al the capitol. In ihe house tire eo I ini11ee of the whole was in sessi I and various members were pernvili ,, lo make speeches of from five to I . minutes, rather political than on a particular subject which was lvef< ,. conuress and while these speed were very earnest and cnt'husias ^ ihey were delivered to empty jraller s and empty seats as a rule, but will ; I pear in Ihe congressional record a I be disi. ibiited al home as polili ? capital for lhe menvhers who deliv I ed lliein. flic I'ac; of the busin I is Ihe way 'lie house is run al pr s enl it mailers very little whether l (l members are in their seals or n _ l^eeause the speaker is the whole ilii and wilh one or two men on I he n I' jorily side, who are o.iminal leade I the speaker does wiialever he pleas I" I be senate we presume it is soi what different. I heard a portion ,, Mr. 1 .a I* o| lei I e 's speech on Ihe c re'.icy quest ion. lie is.. I presume, < of the hest speakers in the senate ji ihe galleries were crowded during' delivery of his speech, or at least d y iujr the tiiwo I was in Ihe press <4 n lery. II Senalor Tillman was iu Soulli C olina 011 account of the death of dm il Huchuuan and iTuriii;j th<> lime I \ i" tin* senate gallery Senator (i; y was not in his seal. i" I also spent a couple of hours vi il I pleasant l y. with in*.' rriend I*'. ' I* ike, lorn.erly wilh lire Sparfaniu n Herald, bill now private seeniarv it j Congressman Johnson. These 11c liC A LD WELL & H not I | GRAND Willi =Wednesday and Thursi vn- ^0 Ladies, our display this se j mer openings. Positively ' iHats ever shown by a Ne or " !i'i every lover of High Class ! inn j !:;:iwe lead in up-to-date Millii T Great Silk Sale. ico 1,1 Two days we place on sale 500 yards, $2.00 yard Taffeta Silk, special $1 .39. ;:;!i Great Lace Sale. !>!!j 5,000 yards 10x15 Laces on special hi | sale two days 5c yardJ; Great Sale Black Dress Goods. i',"i 1 O pieces new stripe and check wool -] Taffeta, $1.25 value, two days price, 95c yard. -jMeet your friends Wednes I Grand Millinery Opening. "Caldwell & I'l'V 'lis 1 " paper men and former newspaper m:in of (his committee, hut only had I men. an' a very clever set of people an opportunily In pass a few words ' an.I know every body in Washington with liiin. lie look occasion to say j and make yood guides to Ihe strung- !!ki! if I lie South continued to vote nr. ipmhibil ion. that he did not see how 'I'll., follow in..; is inv report to the ?,"?'d buildUa, t-hamS.-r ..I" eon .'mere*': , erected in prohibition States. In March 11)08. i J,s much as I was rerpie-led by l!ie i \|r / |." \\*ri?'J11 (resident of the chnni'ber of commerce , .... % to present the claim of Xnwberrv hel,.,. i ? re.?.:dent ( hatnber "! ( ommerce, 1 , 1 . . , 111iv tiii> ronimillec caring tee liearl'" | Xnwfbei 1 \. S, 0, , u i,;(.|, XV;1S appointed for last S,r: As V"M w,!' 'l,s' ! wei k, and bavin- ay rend In do so. I .at 1m,fore I started for Washington on | [V(i| )|i;U , s!l()|1,(f mako ,hi> s(;(t(>. nt- Puesday, tin.' 17th. I had a conf.1 r-, |mMlj r.'d ence with von in regard to represent j nle ing the Chamber of Commerce of thoi ui.>p?.?l u >. i'l'V city of Newberry, before the Public i Anil. BuiM'inns ('ommittee of Congress, on Washington is a yrcat place and I the the proposed public building for New- -wish W.'ry citizen of this community i-n- berry, as provided by (be bill which eol,hl make at least one \i*it to t'ho inv was'introduced by (\mgressman Aik- nation's capital. It would be lielplc en. The cities of C oninr.ria, Sumter '*"1 ?"d give one a broader and bigger n?l and Orangeburg were, sending delega- conception of the greatness of th<i ly. lions to Washington fo present the 'ial?? ??. hi- cUiims ?>f their respective cities for i??n additional appro]/ri/ilion's for public ? led buildings, and it was suggesteo Tn as AS TO DOG-S. i'-u much as 1 was fifoing to Washington, ny anyway, that T appear before t'hc They Must Not Run at Large on the ><e committee in behalf o.f Ihe Newberry Streets Unless They Are Sen's proposition. Uipon my arrival in curely Muzzled. ;iic Washington, I secured an interview les with Congressman Aiken and told At. its meeting on Wednesday ip- him my mission. Congressman Aiken night, oily council decided to give nond was veiy indifferent, and, in fact, tiice that the ordinance of the citv of eal said that be did not believe I hat dele- Nciwberry in relat ion to dogs will be er- gallons before eoninnitlees of congtvss strictly enforced. The ordinance is as e>s amounted to a . T told him. follows: es- tif course, thai I would not undertake Sec. 42. (Cleneral Ordinances, page the to bull in and go before 'he commit- !k*> o'f Ihe printed Laws, Charter and iot. ice unless il met with bis approval, Ordinances of the. 'Town of Newing and he arranged no hearing, and berry). I*t shall be unlawful for any na- therefore I did not appear before Ihe dog to run al large in the streets of 'is. sub-commit lee. Mr. Aiken said thai the Town of Newberry unless such es, li,> had all the information 'that he dog is securely muzzled, and any dog ne- ueeeded from I'osi Master I'urcell, found running al large without such of and tiial if any allowance was made muzzle shall be impounded live days, nr- for his district for public buildings, and unless Ihe owner shall claim said me he would give Ihe preference In New- dog and pay into the treasury of lire md berry, lie. also, said that the com- Town of Newberry a fine of five dollho miltee would be governed largely lars said dog shall be killed. Any wwnur in its allowance to South er or owners of a dog or dogs who 'ill- Carolina, upon the reconvmen- shall permit thorn to run at large in da!ion of (Congressman John- violation of the provisions of this ar- son, wlio is a member of this com- section shall upon conviction I'lrerehre mittee from this Stale. Congressman for be fined not more than five dol^':?s Johnson was not in Washington dur- lars or to be imprisoned for not more *i'.v ing las| week, but even if lie had been than thirty days for each offence. after the opinion expressed by the ^ ? [,''.v I congressman from the third district, WANT YOU all to know that Mayes' ll-il should not have presumed In bnvn Drug Store sells J)r. Iluicl^s A11urg mentioned the matter lo him. T was I Tea ling Limincnt on a positive (" introduced by Congressman Aiken to guarantee or money refunded. ws-1Congressman Bartholdt, who is chair- Price 25c. and 50c. per bottle. % ALTTw ANGER'S itERY OPENING lay, Match 25 and 26 jason will eclipse all forthe greatest line Pattern | jwberry store. We want j -leadwear to be here, for j nery styles. twarynr EnMg.T-.-. ?r m emmt.'WBXKtnocfi.nnr.m-r^t Great Sale White Goods. | 1 000 yards 40 in Lawn 1 Oc yard, W. L. Douglass Shoe and Slipper sale goes merrily on. Buy your shoes from us. ^ New lot collars and ties for ladies just received. Special sale Hosiery opening day. auOSBnS V VU" >'V.. ?jy SBDr?.2A< sday and Thursday at the " ? * ? Haltiwanger. | ihwei co-'s |, IAA Spring Oxfords this year j.j include some very neat The three hole Oxford 1 J makes an extremely neat * W JsM&fm looking Slipper, while the SailorTie (two holes) ?3b??^^^ ^ gives the effect of a pump * minus its disadvantages. I See the window for the Tans. AT HOVER CHI 11 ??? ?? mi.ii ???? IT WANTED Every one who is in need of Fine Box Paper, Extracts, : Talcum Powder, Soaps, etc,, ( to call and see our line in Herald and News building before purchasing. * We also have a nice line of 1 Candies, Post Cards, Easter Cards and Dyes. Come to see us before buying. j Broaddus & Ruff ' HERALD & NEWS BUILDING. tr