!! BIG TOM WILSON. Mountaineer Guide Splendid 'Combination . famous throughout the country, the r, great magazines devoting pages to his character and publishing studies of his great and picturesque frame; V& hundreds of tourists have made painful pilgrimage to his home to se learn at In leach. NO FATIGUE GERM. . Doctors Have 'Come to the Conclusi< That Theory is a Myth. Nearly 1,000 persons at the Ila vard Medical School yesterday iiea Dr. (}. A. Waterman lecture on "F tigue; Its FdVeels and Treatment." Dr. Watornvan declared that fati ; ue is not a germ nor a microbe, b that it is a condition that develop in the muscles of the body when , person works too hard, thinks t< ; hard, worries loo hard, and loses l< . much sleep. "If there is loo much falimie. the doctor declared, "with none i i the necessary substance for the r plenishmenl of the muscle's su]>)i , of energy, that little muscle ju > naturally breaks up, and then a pe , son becomes a nervous wreck." There were not many students ' the gateliering but many men and w men whose hair is gray attentive ; listened us Dr. "Waterman traced 11 i entire, energy in a person's body t he sun. , "The carrying on plant and ai i mal life is entirely different." sn , the doctor. "IManls are reared fro the soil and wafer and form substan > es which we use. II is a law of ph . sics tliiit energy itself once started i is either being se| free or has a le , dencv to be set free under cert a conditions, and these plants, whi< make use of the heat of the sun ai l- [ make use of the carbon and itrogon u of the soil, are the animal kingdom i- and are taken into the system and d there are broken doAvn through vard ions processes. They are then taken l- by digestion, and stored up, that 1- when they are called upon these subi*t stances can be liberated at the comil nvnnd and give rise to the eneregy in a various>rms, whether of emotion, to thought or reason." in *s CHARLESTON NAVY YARD. d is House (Committee Endorses Appropriation for Torpedo Boats to Be s. Constructed There. ic ,|j News and Courier. (t| Washington, February 12.?-The house naval all'airs committee today ,e voted to pass an item of$o0,000 pro1(j viding for the construction of torpea do ships at the Charleston naval staa | tiou. It also voted to appropriate ^ $140,000 for the purpose of further ^ carrying on the public works at I he c_ station for the next fiscal year. ie I'he voting (>|' the $.">(),000 for the le construelion of torpedo ships is of >d more than ordinary importance and r- means that the first step in a verv r. important undertaking has been tak ;i en with success. 'd 'Several months ago Capt. William ?d Mol'fott, of the navy, with Commanld der Marsh, undertook the matter of nt making Charleston a basis for the i>f torpedo squadron. The original plans t- were worked out in detail and Repe resenIlive I.ctrnre and Senator Til 1II. man gave their assistance to the proie, jed in congress. At the earnest re t, quest of Cap!. Moflfetl, Mr. Legare s- and others interested in the matter, ei the Nofws and Courier correspondent to | said nothing of what was likely to lg happen, and it would not be made id public in this correspondence now exas copt for the fact that the item has ui been voted upon bv the naval all'airs ie i 4'i)nitiii'ttee and the news is open to s! i Ine public. I'lie voting of the apal propria!ion means that provision is nl to be made at the Charleston naval y- station immediately for taking care ie of many o| the ships now forming p- the torpedo squadron, the headqnaral tcrs of which are at Norfolk. ic LYNCHING IN MISSISSIPPI. ra Mob Overpowers Militia and Deputy le Sheriffs and Hangs Negro. of r- Brook ha ven. Miss.. February 10 ? in I'di I -'-it. I he negro who criminally 111 assaulted Miss Williams, a yoiint* re while won ? . near several lb weeks a:o. was ;ake:i from the cus!ody ol the dacksou military coiniio pany and a posse of deputies and Ie . hanged t<> a telephone pole within a ut hundred yards of the court house. He ie, was to have been tried for his crime. >ii I he military and the police were ovi,| crpowered by a mob of more than ig thousand citizens. Several sliots >k were tired during the melee and two members of the mob were wounded. !r. Medicine That is Medicine. id '*1 have suffered a good deal with of malaria and stomach complaints, but L.' ' have now found a remedy that r keeps nie well, and that, remedy is Kleetr>c Bitters: a medicine that is I1C. medicine for stomach and liver I rouo liles, and tor run down conditions," 'J says W. C. Kiestler. of TIalliday, Ark. Klectric Bitters purify and enrich the blood, tone up the nerves i , . . ' and impart vigor and energy to lire N"ak. ^ oui' money will be refunded if it fails to help von. f?0e. at W.?E. Belli a i n and Son's drug store. ^ j A Dangerous Operation is the removal of the appendix by a surgeon. Njo on/T who takes Dr. All insurance on cotton is maintained at full value in the highest class Knglisli and American Insurance Companies. 7 The Standard Warehouse Com painis absolute!v independent of a 113- otlw": ' organization ami conducts its affairs upon strict business methods. S. The paid up capital stock of The Standard Warehouse Company is $350,?ioi?, and the company is absolutely safe, and its warehouse receipts come ahead of the stockholders. 9. Hy having a number of Standard Warehouses constructed so as to comply with insurance regulations and economies in general management The Standard Warehouse Company offer the cheapest rate compatible with sound business methods, ample insurance and the fnll' est protection qf its receipts. 10. The Standard Warehouse Company is anxious to have all cotton of farmers and others storco, and offers the most cotnple te protection and encouragement for faviners desiruig to hold their cotton." 11. Kates will W furnished upon application to Mr. J. D. Whetfler, local manager Standard Warehouse Company, Newberry, S. C. THE EXGHA Newberr In looking for a Bankt you want to find a Safe Bank, an Accommodatii |to consider this Bank an [come in and open an ac We Pay Interest o J. D. Davenport, President. Edw. R. Hipp, V. President. G. B. Cron itT?. e ryv* m rp* ff *J ^ Prosperit Paid Up Capital I Surplus and Individual \ Stockholders' Liabilities For protection of deposi H. C. Mossley. President. M W. W. Wheeler, Cashier. G Better a conservative interes return when wanted, than a high about the principal. A National Bank Is a safe Dep makes it so. Likewise our Boai of Drudent conservative manager DIRECT G. W. Bowers. J. A. C. Klbler. R. L. Luther. M. A. Carlisle. J. H. Hunter. J. P. E We allow 4 per cent, pei Department, interest p Mosele1 Our 36th car of that Choic arrived, making 4,005 bbls., Best Patent Best Half Patent Every Barrel Choice Meal Choice Grits | We are maKing some cut pric land as a special inducement wil lO Cents on | on following goods, goods all ma ! tion or misleading. This is to u ; 1908, and to be carried out to t! All Ladies' Hats, Feathei Dress Goods, Flannels, all IV Youths' and Boys' Cloth inf. Blankets, Men's Pants Gooi Misses' Shoes, Trunks, Vali Ladies' and Misses Jackets, ing Machines. This make* the extremely low price of ! tic for $22.50 and is certainly We have an abundance of chc ments, and to reduce them are all along the line. Yours ti i Mosele] & The First Cough (?| Kven tbmtgh not severe, has a t a tive Aremhranes of the throat i ^ Coughs then come easy all vvint I ? slightest cold. Cure*the first cc: set up an inflaination in the delic fig lungs. The best remedy is | ^ SYRUP. It at once gets right ' moves the cause. It is free froi ? a child as for an adult. 25 cent: |J MAYES' DR1 NGE BANK y, S. C. o receive your money, Bank, a Convenient ig Bank, we want you d satisfy yourself and count with us. n Time Deposits. M. L. Spearman, Cashier. W. B. Wallace, Ass't Cashier. "ler, Atty. ??<<& Jsiionat Sssk y, C. ? - - $25,000 00 Profits $6,000 00 1 . $25,000 OO tors. !. A. Carlisle, Vice-President eo. Johnstone, Attorney, t on your deposit with its safe rate and a feeling of doubt osit. Government supervision 'd of Directors is a guarantee nent. fORS: W. P. Pugh. Jno. B. f ellers. W. A. Moseley. Geo. Johnstone. H. C. Moseley. towers. * annum in our Savings ayable semi-annually" y Bros. :e Tennessee Flour has just and while it lasts goes foi $5.50 bbl. $5.25 44 Guaranteed. 90c. bu. $1.85 sack. es to suit the "Panicky" times I make a clean cut of the Dollar iked in plain figures, no decepist until 1st day of January, ie letter, and includes s and Velvets, all Woo fen s Hats and Caps, Men's, Rugs and Art Squares, ds,{Ladies', Children's and ses, Satchels, Telescopes, Lap Robes, Domestic Sewi our $30.00 Machine for $27.00, our $25.00 Domesbest price in United States. >ice goods in all of our departmaking some inviting prices uly, / Bros. 1 of the Season, emlency to irritate the sensi- A and delicate bronchial tubus. er, every time you take the ? nigh before it has a chance to ^ :ate capillary air tubes of the a QUICK RJCI,IICK COUGH at the seat of ti ublo and re 11 Morphine and is as safe tor $ s at ^ UG STORE. *