PURELY PERSONAL. The Movements of Many People, Newberrians and Those Who Visit Newberry. Miss Ida Epting has retuCrned to the Columbia Female colleq. Miss Louise Jones left on Wednes day for Sumter where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Theodore Scarbor ough. Mrs. W. H. Hunt is visiting in Columbia, at her sister's, Mrs. Jas. H. M[ -I h The Shakespeare club met on Thursday night with Mrs. J. L. Ken nerly at the Misses McCaughrin's. The South Carolina Presbytery will meet with- Aveleigh Presbyterianl church of this -eity on May the 17th. The annual convention of the Sun day school workers of South Carolina. wiil be held in Pelzer at. the First! Presbyterian church, April 10-12. V. C. Pearce, of Chicago, the initernation al teacher training secretary, will at tend, and much interest will be mani fested throughout the state. Mr. C. A. Bowman spent Tuesday night in Laurens. Miss Leonore Broaddus, after a pleasant visit to relatives in T-enton, returned home on Tuesday. Miss Euphemia McClintock was in the city on Tuesday. Miss Mary Pope, of Greenwood, is visiting Mrs. Y. J. Pope. Secure your tickets at once for Da mon and Pythias at the opera house tonight. You should not fail to see Damon and Pythias at the opera house to night. Tickets on sale at Gilder & Week's for Damon and Pythias. . Mrs. M. A.. Huitt has moved out I of the Cro.twel. hotel and the new management, Mr. F. A. Schumpert, moved in: yesterday. It will take.some time to get. matters arran(;ed, and in shape under thenew management. Smallpox is reported in the Saluda section of No.'9 township. dol. George Johnstone has gone to Gaffney, where he is- engaged in the defense of Hasty oharged with nmr der. Mr. Geo. WV. Ried, of Dyson, was in the city this week. Student J.-R. Hooten of the theo logical seminary at Due West will preach at Cannon Creek church next Sabbath at 11 o 'clock. The public; is cordially invited to be present. -Miss Kate Leavell, of Houston, Texas, daughter of Dr. Win. Hayne Leavell, is visiting relatives in New berny.I Dr. 0. B. Mayer has moved into his new offices in the McCa.ughrin block. Dr. 0. B. Mayer leaves next Mon day for Greenwood, where he lectures before the county medical association. On Wednesday of next week he lec tures before the county medical as sociation of Edgefield. Mr. J.,L. Aull, of Dyson, is on a visit to his son, E. H. Aull. At St. Luke's. There will be Lenten service in St. Luke's Episcopal church on Friday afternoon, March 2nd, at 4:30 o'clock. Regular services on Sunday follow ing at 11 o'clock a. m. and seven thirty p. m. U.D. C. The Drayton Rutherford Chapter, U. D. C., will hold its next meeting with Mrs. 0. MeR. Holmes on Tues-I day afternoon, the 6th., at 4 o'clock. Mrs. P. E. Scott, Secretary. New Furniture Store. Werts and Sample have opened a new furniture store in the McCaugh rin block and are ready to serve their friends and customers in anything in the furniture line. Mr. Werts has been with Kibler, Dennis, & Co. for several years and m'derstands the furniture business. Mr. Sample is a young man with good business quali ties and with many friends. Meteorological Record. Meteorological record for month of February, 1906. Temperature. Mean maximum 56.1 Mean minimum 33.8 Mean 44.9 Maximum 71; date 20 and 24. Minimum 20; date 3 Greatest daily range 36 Precipitation. Total 1.36 inches Greatest in 24 hours, .50; date 21. Total fall snow 1.00 inch. No. of days with .01 inch or more precipitation 6; clear 11; fair 9; eloudy 8. Killing frost 1, 2, 17, 18, 19, and 28. Sleet 6th. 24th., first plum bloom. W. G. Peterson, Observer. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. Donald White Was Playing With Ri fie When it Was Discharged, Hitting Negro Boy. While Donald White, the young son of Mr. J. W. White, was playing with a rifle yesterday morning it was ac cidentally discharged, the ball strik ing Frank Hall, a young negro boy, entering the lower part of the chin on the left side and lodging in the neck. It was qt first thought that the wound woald prove fatal, but medii cal assistance was called. in immedi ately, and it was thought yesterday afternoon that he would recover. The principal danger, it was stated, arose from te fact that an.artery was ser ered. and it was feared for a time that loss of blood would be so great that his life could not he saved. The accident occurred in Mr. J. W. White's store. The two boys, Don ald White and Frank Hall went hunt ing yesterday morning, and had just returned. They were together in the store and Donald White was playing with the rifle. When it was discharg ed the muzzle was only a very short distance from the negro boy's head. Nobody was paying any especial at tention to the play of the tw6 boys at the time, but it is supposed that Don ald White did not know the rifle was cocked, or thought that it was not .cocked, and that this mistake on his part accounts for the accident. The rifle was a 22-callibre Marlin. The physicians called in were. Drs. J. M. Kibler, P. *G. Ellesor, 0. B. Mayer, W. G. Houseal and W. A. Dunn. Frank Hall,. the negro boy who was shot, is a son of Aaron Hall, and is about sixteen years of age. He was not removed from Mr. White's store after the accident, but was given at tention there. COMMON PLEAS COURT. Business Concluded On Tuesday-Cal endar In Excellent Shape. Jiud'.e George E. Prince returned to his home iu Anderson on :Wed nesday. The business of the common pleas court was -finished on Tuesday, but Judge Prince remained over. Wed nesday morning to hear a habeas'cor pus proceeding. The case of Haltiwanger~ vs. Rich ards was pressed for trial by the plaintiff's attorneys on Tuesday morning. A motion for a continuance was argued by Col. Schu.mpert, repre senting the defendant, but he was overruled by Judge Prince, who or dered a jury empanelled. Before the .ury could be empanelled, however, Col. Schumpert consented to an or der giving the plaintiff judgment for the amount in controversy. The case of the Century Cash Reg ister company vs. E. M. Evans wasI continued. There being no other jury cases open for trial, the jurors were dis missed before the dinner recess on! Tuesday. Judge Prince heard several appeals from magistrates' courts after dis missing the jurors. While no verdict was rendered by~ a jury at this term of the court, sev eral cases were settled or otherwise1 disposed of and ended. The calendar is in good shape, in fact, it is stated by members of the bar, in better shape than it has been before during several years past. The next court in Newberry will be the sa~mmer term of the general ses ions court, Judge Dantzler presiding. 'he next court in this circuit will be mened by Judge Prince at Abbeville >n March 11. The general sessions court in Salu ria in which many Newberry people are~ intere: ed, will convene on the seeend1 Monday in April. Week of Prayer. The ladies of the Lutheran church of the Redeemer will observe next week as a week of prayer, with ser vices each afternoon, at four o'clock, in the lecture room of the church. TheI topics to be considered are the follow ing: Monday, "The Life of Service," Tuesday, "Home Mission Work," Wednesday, "Song and Praise," Thursday, "Our Japanese Chris tians," Friday, "The Child Spirit,"'~ Saturday, "What Shall the Harvest Be?" The services of the week of prayer will culminate on Sunday ev ening, at which time, the Rev. A. J. Bowers, fresh from the great mission ary convention now in session in Nashville, will deliver an address and offerings will be made to the mission eause. All the meetings will be un der the auspices of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary socie ty, members of which will conducet +he iftrnoon services. FOR THE NEW COURT HOUSE. Commission Met on Tuesday and Dis cussed the Situation-Mr. Geo. S. Mower Chosen Chairman. The commissiont create