MIM. is better fiYed to do business than a and nowhere else in upper Carolina c the people throng by thousands to thi! stores of Newberry ever dreamed of. but everything in this big store brand hunt up Jim Mimnaugh, the man whc Dress We do not hesitate to say fully selected as to style, an we ask of you is to just take vinced. Tremendous stock marked on the MIMNAUGH M) 5,000 Yds. Percales. p 5 Cases Outing, the 8 2 Cases Outing, the 1C 3 Cases Standard Cali 50 Pieces Table Oil Cl 2 Cases Poe Mill Blea 50 Pieces A. C. A. Be, 2 Cases Fast Colored. 5 Bales River Side Ple 3 Bales Unbleached C Bi This does th be ast< Childre 10 Caeloen' s prir-Dy h We Csel Wmen' Sosundayot-me erasl namtchThentoeso fhr o i che $1.50s sock ayoud Fiv Huned Pairns Chlery-Da Sho 4 Poweek at8c. paira. One tuases ans very-Da Vol ~~ ~week 128c. par. cantnmt thepi town Boi foiscag 1.0fralae JAUGH W 300.00 ny other concern in Newberry, hunt the country ov an you find a stock of merchandise to equal this. 3 great bargain center. With plenty of money to bu: No accumulation of odds and ends, outlawed style new. Oase after case of new goods the past week, broke up high prices in Dry Goods and Millinery, C Goods De that our collection is the largest in the d with an eye towards capturing the D a seat at our Dress Goods counter, anc of black goods, embracing all the i cut price plan. -LTCH THEM IF Y lenty of Reds and Blues, worth 10 and 12 1-2c., to 1-3c. kind, special for this week 5c. yd. and 12 1-2c. kind, special for this week 8c. yd. :oes, worth 5 and 6 1-4c. at other stores, to go at 4c oth, 46-in. wide, worth 25c. yd., Special 12 1-2c. yc ching, full 36-in. wide, special, 20 yards for $1.00. 1 Ticking, worth 20c. yd., tQ go at only 12 1-2c. yd Apron Ginghams worfh the world over 6 1-4c., spec ds, worth 7c. yd., not over 20 yds. to a customer, I anton Flannel, worth 10 and 12 1-2c., special 8 1-2 .g Cloak Depa -FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS V JACKETS ANR CAPES JUSI is our. second shipment. e Jacket and cape business )nished at such -a pile of L n's Jackets. Here you fir at's popular. I will sell y c ce than any house dare na Sin Black, Tan and Cast >ur choice this week for $15 OFNEWBERRY, CLI IINKING PEOPLE,~ 0e most of the Shoe houses of New- he best. v ck of this big store doubles that of depatmusy.F y is what talks in business, and I entered this invariably get the lowest prices, con cern here, h $ 35,specal or tis 500 Men's Fi es, worth $1.5 spcao thschoice $' 350 Men's Fi 1 Shoes, the $1.25 kind, for this choice $ 275 Men's F: h choice $ eting Shoes, lace, patent tip, you If you will ess than $1.35, and most of the old on your suit ,this week take your choice 98c. clothing how ool Shoes to be sold this week at your chc S150 doz. Boy for 25c. re can always buy and sell cheeper 300 Men's F hundred cans Mennen's Talcum 200 " H100" et Powder, worth 25c., to go his5 3Another c Lbig trunk sal< Cut Prie Store. ThE ITH HIS TOCK, !r, search the towns and recall the place you have seen, Vith twenty odd clerks to serve you it's no wonder that r goods at LOWER PRICES than the little side show 5, hard sizes, old enough to vote in the coming election, and still they come. Hitch up and drive fo town and lothing and Shoes. partment! upper. portion of the State, and was care ress Goods business of this section. All I let us show you, you will soon be con iew, serviceable weaves, and everything OU CAN! go at 7 1-2c. yd. yd. Jal 4c. yd. i-2c. yd. c, yd. rtmentt fORTH OF CLOAKS, OPENED, You all know who of the town. You'll ,adies', Misses' and id every Color and u your Jacket forL me. These stylish *i. er, worth $25.00.K .00 ITHING FOR MEN AND BOYS! F ALL KINDS-SECOND FLOOR. aues w~e have ever given are now Deing offered in this From early morning till late at night our force is being rom far and near they make their way to this big store. fall with a full and fixed determination to undersell every and we are doing it most thoroughly. ne Suits, worth $8.00, all bunched on a big table, your ~.00. ne Su':s, worth $10.00, all bunched on a big table, your .98. ne Suits, worth $12.50, all bunched on a big table, your ).98. ive us a chance we will save you from $3.00 to $6.00 r overcoat and give you better values than any exclusive ~ee Suits, age 8 to 16, worth every cent of $2.00, take ice of any one in the pile this week for $1.39. s' Caps worth 50c. and 75c., take your choice this week each. ie Overcoats worth $7.50, to go this week at $4.98. "$10.00, "~ " " " $7.50. $15.00, "g "5 "'" $9.98. n's Fine Hats, to go this week at half price. r load of Trunks to arrive Wednesday. Watch out for the Leading Store of Newberry, S. C.