University of South Carolina Libraries
. L N ELilD aW TA. VOL. XL. NO. 91. NEWBERRY, S. C., TUESIDAY .TUNE 21 1904 TWICE A WEEK. S1.50 A YEAR The Ca, In Modern Dress G ment shows too other line in dress got ing at ga 50 pieces beautiful Sicillian, only 25c. yd. So pieces Voile, in black quality, the price 25C 50 pieces 45 inch Sicillian, t sheds the dust, worth Sr oo t now 59c. io pieces 5- inch Voile, $1. bargain at price, to-d-ty 89c. io pieces 45-inch Voile. so] buy it now at 99c. 15 pieces 44-inch Novelty I those stylish suits of 1904, w colors, at 39C. Positively these are the gre bargains of 1904. A Cutting of About 65 pieces beautiful stripes and dots, goods that so placed on counter and cut to i Every Shoe and CAS LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Examination of Books in the Secre tary of States' Office Concluded. Columbia, June i8.-For the past two weeks there has been in the sec retary of state's office an examining committee. consisting of Senator Butler and Representatives Rainsford and Richard. This committee was authorized at the last session of the legisiature to examine the books of this office. this being the first year that included it. rToday the commit tee finished its work and in view of fact that there -have been various re ports out as to the- finding made the following statement: . "The committee has carefully gone over the vouchers in the office and has nothing of a startling or sensa tional nature to report. No final re port will be made until Mr. Gantt, who is now ill; can be seen and even then the committee' will not make the report until the next session of the general assembly. This is required by law. "So far as the general result of the examination is concerned we find that there has been no bookkeeping, and our expert. Mr. Hollis, of Gaffney. has gone over those in the office and care fully collected all :of the vouchers, so that we now have a complete record of everything that has passed through the hands of the secretary of state. "The books were checked up from January a3, 1903, when Mr. Gantt as sumed the office, and although we went back no further, it is probable that those from 1896 to that date should also be gone over." This statement of the committee was made to the newspaper men by requests and as yet no statement has been made to Mr. Gantt. He is now ill t.his residence here and under the treatment of a physician for kidney trouble. When seen today he said as be had not yet seen any members of the committee and knew nothing of the matter officially, he. of course. could make no statement. The com mittee will probably notify him as soon as he is able to be out. Many a man who imagines he could run the earth can't even manage a small garden successfully. 3h Store's Ur&z oods, Dry Goods and Notions. One I many fine Dress Goods; they must g Newberry's history of dry goods sel )ds at almo,t your own price. We w Newberry's Greatest Dress Goods 9 Lins are cheaper than ever known in t an 85c. number, MUSlinSI MUSi and colors, 5oc. Two great tables of Mu he Skirt goods that the year for, the dainty he yd . the price them here. 50 quality, and a Great Remno .id, at $2.oo yd., of White Lawns, Batist l.ohair for making Lace Stripe Lawns, Dotte orth a5c. yd., all up and prices cut down to in the lot but worth doubli atest Dress Goods Great Bed Sr Voiles! ioofineSpreadtat69c. i Voile, all colors, ioo fine Spreads at 98c. io ld up to 35c. yd., Five values, not known 3c. yd. pound. Ask to see these 3lipper in the house at less than facti Dress Goods, Shoes and OH STORE, R. I" THE SLOCUM DISASTER. THE STATE C The Bodies of 637 Victims Recovered The Opening Meetir Yesterday-575 Bodies day-The Ot] Identified. . ing New York, June 2o.-Seven bodies, Sumter, Tuesday, three of them women and three girls Xanning, Wednes I and one boy, victims of the General Mdnck's Coiner, T Slocum disaster, were picked up in Georgetown, Frida East river and Long Island sound Kingstree, Saturda shortly before 9 o'clock this morning. Conway, Tuesday, This makes six hundred and thirty- Marion, Wednespa seven bodies that have been recovered Florence, Thursda: up to date. Bodies are coming in here and at Darlington. Friday different points at every hour. Bishopville. tu Five hundred and seventy-five of Chtrie, Ted the bodies recovered have been iden- Cam d, T rdi; tified. and nearly all of them have Lan Frday been buried. Lorkvite. Srd Thirty funerals took place this Unin. tuda morning. Spartanburg. Wed The coroner's inquest, to determine Gaffney. Thursday I who is responsible for the disaster Greenville. Friday and the loss of life, began this morn- Pickens, Saturday. ing at the armory of the Second bat- Walhalla, Tuesday tery, in Bronx. Anderson. Wedne More than a hundred witnesses Abbeville, Thursda have been summoned. Greenwod, Friday, New York, June 2.-The Federal grand jury now in session will in all e , da probability begin an investigation into Oagbr,Te the cause of the burning of the steam- Babg,Wde er General Slocum, early next week. S.Gers.Tu It is learned that United States As- Calso.Fia sistant District Attorney Wise will WatrooStu attend the inquest, and if anything BeuotTesa is brought out which shows that the Hmtn 'de disaster was caused by negligence or BanelFrdy corruption on the part of the officials, iknSaudy by whom a certificate for the burned Edeed.Mna vessel was issued last month, an offi- Sld.Tedy cial investigation by the jury will fol- Lxntn en low.Chse.Tuda A Big Yield.CoubaStrd Mr. D. L. Boozer, Sr., of Kinards, recently gathered eighty one and one- O eod fourth bushels of wheat from three Ktscrosta and a half bushels wvhich he sowed. getpeso ra The wheat was of the Georgia Blue M.Metn Stem variety and was sown on four "Wadiyosy acres. This was a very big yield. "Iwsmrlre An eccentric woman is one who eege nper dresses for comfort regardless ofexnthasoem looks. Money occasionally makes a focil Nvrjdeam of aman y hlpin to rea in-humngstre y turd to ocet.Doahmslnt. Fia Itest Wee lance along the shelv o. Over one thousant ling where you had ar ant to meet youface t tore, and prove that tI he State. Don't wait, ins! Muslins! slins, now the line of fuslin Dresser. Buy ni Counter s, Checked Muslins, d Swisses, piled away iic. yd., not a yard ! the price. )read Sale! o fine Spreads at 79c. o fin Spreads at $1.49. vhen cotton was 5c. numbers. >ry cost. For bargain Notions, Come to the . Caldwell AMPAIGN. RUSSO-JAE g in Sumter To- Appalling Russiar er Meet- tle of Telissi s. Kai Tokio. June 2o une 21. ports that after t lay, June 22. last week. the Ja hursdayJune 23. Russians who wer y June 2 field of battle. Tt y. June 25. he says. has not June 28. The natives. a< y. June 9 port, state that t -, June 30. burned or carried - July 1. dead. rday. July 2. The Russian ca ay, July 5. ing. esday, July 6. Liao Yang. Ma -, July 7. Reports have bee July 8. day of further fig y. July 9. ward on a ily 12. The report says nesday, July 13. ing near Kai Choi ,July 14. The first train'c July 15. passed through he July 16. Kai Chou is ab July 19. south of Niu Chw sday, July 20. 1__ July 21. 1Week End Ticket July 22. And Seashore July 23. Rai ,July 25. For Saturday a1 ay, Julyr 2. Itrains the Southe da.Jl28. round trip tickets July ~.points at very low~ July 0. returning until lay, Juy3. date of sale: August 2. .WaIhalla. S. C., day, August 3. Spartanburg. S. C August 5. Greenville. S. C.. ugust 6. Asheville. N. C.. ,August 8. Hot Spring. N. C ugust 9. Arden. N. C.. sday, August 10. Fletchers. N. C.. .AuuI. Hendersonville. 3 - August 1. Flar Rock. N. C.. yAuut3- Saluda. N. C.. Tryon. N. C.. 'hought. |Brevard. N. C.. romen are never jLake Toxaway. 3 musicians," said Taylors. N. C., Springs) ?" asked his wife. Isle of Palms tarkin; that wo- Sullivan's to squander their Summer excursi Lnd music to the til October 3rst n do." schedules. etc.. ap S.H. a's knowledge of opinion he has She--Money go He-Y-es but it hk Offerings! ing in our Dress Goods depart i pieces to select from. No i.opportunity to buy fine > face Tuesday morn he following bar come TODAY. Ready Made Sheets! Soo very large ready-made Sheets this week 490. ;oo extra large and very great value at 69c. Table Linen! Table Linen! Soo pieces Damask, in 2, 24, 3 and 3-1 yd. lengths. at just half price. ioo pieces all linen, 72-inch Damask, in 2, 2?, 3 and 31 yd. lengths at half price. 100 piece.s Toweling to go at half price. !I to i2ic.,yd. rooo Ladies' G.uze Vests, this week 4e. each. 2000 Ladies' Gauze Vests, this week 8c. each, worth 124c. Soo Parasols at I4c. each. rooo pairs Boys' Pants at 9c. pair. s in every line of Dry Goods, , Manager.. 'ANESE WAR. JUDGFe SCORES JURY. L Casualties At Bat- "It Is a Pity a Sickening Flirtation in x-Battle Near Court Should Defeat Justice." Chou. - "Gentlemen of the jury, it is a pity --General Oku re- that a sickening flirtation between panese buried h 0jurors and the defendant in a crimi nal case has t'. power in this court e ound dead on the to defeat the ends of justice." e burial of the dead. This. ;ays a St. Louis dispatch to yet been fintshed. the Ne-W York World, was a part or :cording to the re- a severe lecture given by Judge Tay he Russians buried, lor to the jury which had just acquit off many other ted Maud Williams, a pretty brunette, .ualties were appall- of the charge of robbing Aldon Mather. a caller, of $2o4. ,nchuria, June 2.- judge Taylor said that he was "dis n received here to- gusted with such action by men hting to the south- sworn to give a fair and impartial rable scale. verdict based upon the law and evi tha a atle s rg-dence." He dismissed the jurors and that a battle is rag wone expressed the hope that none of them 4 wounded men has would ever again sit on a case in his re going northward. court. out twenty miles Assistant Circuit Attorney G. Or erick Bishop said: "Getlemen of the jury. I thank you for your verdict in s to txrsMountains the name of'all that is lawless and Stojther shameless. I thank you for the dis Via Southern criminating taste you have shown, Iay' for the high order of citizenship you -id Sunday mornmng have displayed in being influenced in to thealwwingel your verdict by a pretty woman's to th folowmgwinks and a glimpse at a bit of open' rates. Tickets good work stocking. You are a credit to Tuesday following your class." $3.40! 21'A Fine Opportunity for a Young Man. 210 The South Carolina College offers .85 scholarships in the Normal Depart 40Imen.t to two young men from each -3.85 county. Each scholarship is worth 3.85 $4o dollars in money. besides remis C..3.5 sion of $40 tution and $x8 matricula 3.85 tion or "term" fee. The money is 3-85 paid at the rate of $5 a month for 3.85eigh moths to assist in meeting the 4.60 necessary~ living expenses. C.. Examinations will be held Friday, (r Chicks July 8th. before the County Board .31 of Education. Applicants should4 be at least 19 years of age. and prefera bI by teachers. Write President Benja on tikets ood - min Sloan. South Carolina College. asloon ale.ForColumbia. S. C.. for blank on which ply toto apply before July 8. McLean. Agent. A girl doesn't necessarily object to es a great way. a votung man's moustache because she goe there muiclysets her face against it.