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L I EraW ant tA . VOL. XL. NTO. 91. NEWBERRY, S. 0., TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1904 TWICE A WEEK. $1.50 A YEAR THE LAND OF FLOWERS. Newberrians In Florida Who Are Pushing Forward In All Lines. Editor The Herald and News: Again I shall ask for"-space in youk valuable columns to say a few words to my friends in my native state. and my old home Newberry. in regard to Florida. and the South Carolinians that have come from the glorious old Palmetto suite and selected this fair land as their future home. As I have lived here for more than three years, and have familiarized myself more with the country, as well as studied the disposifion of the people, I feel as though what I may say might be of interest to some who know me, or those whom I shall mention in this short article. I shall say again, that the wrong impression still exists in South Caro lina that Florida is too old a state to offer any inducements to your en ergetic young men to leave the state that has oice been first in war, peace, and progress, to come to our simple and plaie land of flowers. Our coun try as a whole is not plain, for we can boast of some of the most beautiful homes and lands, and of our crystal lakes and rivers, producing some of the most magnificient scenery of any country: but generally speaking, the people are plain in their methods of living and their social relations. Yet we know that Florida is one of the best states in the union,and toda'y of iers more inducements than any other state. because this is an ideal climate, that suits all people, and is adapted to the raising of any kind of vegeta tion. Then we have the soil that is EVER At Ne lif low prices had the I MIMNAUGH'E rounding country, thai Every train that points A BIG RIBBON SALE 1,000 bolts of Taffeta, Ribt belts, sashes, and neckwear, black, blue,pink, and Nile colo: 40, 60, 80 and 100, not a yar lot worth less than 1 5c and yard. Not over 10 yards to ea tomer. your choice l@c a yar< We want to sell half of these the first day:-Wednlesday. PARASOLS AND SUNSBA 10,00O Ladi~e~ fine Paras landed, bought from a conc< Were forced to convert Para: And more sho else was taken c store. People wi buy their shoes The way]1 do 1 you trade here. 'MIMI productive and easily tended, and with the climate, our crops are al ways sure. Our fruits and vegetables are always first on the market, and the quality surpasses any other grown. Lastly. as I have spoken of the peo pie being plain, you will find some or the most generous. hospitable, honest, and kind-hearted people on earth. As to the South Carolinians that have made this their home' from choice. I shall say that two-thirds of the people in our county are directly from Newberry or Edgefield coun ties or have South Carolina blood in them. Among them I might mention the Ruffs, Feagles. Youngs. Sutn mers. Getzens and Taylors. all of whom still have relatives in Newberry and Edgefield counties. And just here I might mention that Newberry is well represented, having three physicians: Dr. S. M. Cameron, Dr. A. J. P. Julian, and myself. Then one of the leading attorneys of the state is Col. R. T. Boozer, whom you al know. In addition to these New berry has given us some of the lead ing business men of the state. Of the fact that our boys are in the foremost ranks socially, politically, and finanically, our recent democrat ic primary election, which was held on the ioth of this month, was evi dence. Col. R. T. Boozer was elected to the office County Commissioner by a handsome majority over one. of the oldest and most respected citizens or the couaty. Col. Boozer is called the county builder., as he has been the prilme factor in causing Columbia county to have the finest jail ana court house in the state. I believe Col. Boozer could ha.- been elected circuit judge if he had gone in the race. Also my friend and partner, Dr. A. YDA wberr coupled with )ower to mak then there is is packed daily. We this store is the cheap( its nose towards Newb dollars, at the e, moment. in. for No 1. 500Ladies' fin white, ural wood and silver rs, Nos. not 'one ini the lot in the $1.50 and $1.75, fc 20c a Choice only 99c. h cus- No 2,500 Ladies' fir ribon ural- wood and- silver not one in the lot $2.00 and $2.60, a DES. hold out $1.39. l,jut If you can match th ls, just in South Carolina for aIs into give you one free. s to talk about t ut of we would si i endorse merit i at Mimnaugh's. >usinless makes I Use your sense IAU6B.S The J. P. Julian. was elected to represent Columbia county in the next legisla ture, over six strong opponents, one of whom was a lawyer. another a school teacher. another a- merchant and also a farmer, by a big majoriay. A vote any man could have felt proua of had he been a leading politician and lived among the people all his life. The people say here that Dr. Julian has developed into a Ben Hill, and will some day be governor of the state. He and I are ever too busy with the sick to indulge much in poli tics, and I am quite sure he has no serious thought of preferment. I don't want you to' think there is much sickness here, for this is as healthy place as I have ever known. But the people call on us when they get a little out of sorts. and pay us good fees for advice. I would like to see the county settled up with good. honest. hardworking people, and know it offers a greatei chance now. while the lands are cheap; fQr we will soon l3uild hard surface roads, and then values will increase, so that land will be out ot reach of the ordinary poor man. i have farmed myself and I want to emphasize the fact that this is the most productive soil I have ever seen: all the farmers here have mon [ey and some to spare. In conclusion. I will say we feel perfectly at home, and are anxiously awaiting more of our friends to come to this balmy and sunny clime, and be convinced this is the poor man's country J. W. Nance. M. D. Lake City Index. May 20. Hon. R. T. Boozer doubtless feels proud over his victory in the county for Commissioner from this district; A A Vs Ono bright new r e a store the no mystery a are, and will continue t< st and most satisfactor rry is bringing us new rliest possible STYLI e Parmsols, nat- Values extr in-laid handles, doing all pre worth less than volume of bi r this sale your partment ma undersell an) e Parasols, nat- section. The in-laid handles, Newberry los orth less than a strong sho long as they Their only t1i the undesirai ese fine parasols buying. Fifte the above I will nery just oper prices in mill han any two stol il11 have enogh si vith their patron better on you. nd save yourd< eading StorE and the people did the right thing in nominating him. Being a lawyer, there has been no necessity for a County Attorney since he has been on the board. Dr. A. P. J. Julian won out on the first primary. The Index respectfully suggests that he would make a mighty good speaker for the next House or Representatives of Florida. He is a good parliamentarian, a rapid thinker, a man of splendid appearance, and a strict disciplinarian. No man would preside over the deliberations of the body with more ease and grace than the gentleman from Columbia. MURRAY CONVICTEDi Last Colored Congressman From This State Guilty of For gery. A Sumter dispatch says that on Friday evening George W. Murray. the former congressman. was convic ted of forgery, after a desperate fight by his lawyers to save him. the trial consuming two days. The jury was out nearly an hour deliberating, but returned a verdict of guilty without recommendation to mercy. This case will undoubtedly be fought to the court of last resort. as Murray is the largest land owner in this county. holding about eight thousand acres. The jury was composed of the best men in the county and any effort to make of his conviction a case of race persecttion will fail for if there was any partiality in sentiment betweer Murray and the igronant negroes whc BUSY ,atest Bliable merci center of a bout the way > convince tl-e people oi store to trade with in goods. A SH VILLNERY. A 2,C aordinary this week, out- boug] vious efforts, the great want isiness done in this de- now i Les it possible for us to 25( millinery store in this long little millinery stores of 25( ded up in order to make long ing early in the season. 25( ought now is to work off yards le accumlation of early for th en Cases of new milli- 25 ed. We lead in popular yards ery. for ti -es in Newberr3 ioes to fill up bnt age. This is why You dont pay cr >llars trade at of Newberru, prosecuted him it was in Murray's favor. A motion for a new trial in the case was argued on Saturday before jJudge Purdy. The motion was de nied. Judge Purdy stating that, in his opinion, no other verdict was pob sible. Mlurray was sentenced to three years on the chain gang and to a fine of $250. Notice of appeal was given and 'Murray was released on a $2,000 bond. Writes and Draws. Town and Country. Kippax-And who is your favorite author. Mrs. Softly? Mrs. Softly-My husband. Kippax-Pardon me. I didn't know he wrote. Mrs. Softly-Oh, but he does, and so nicely-checks! An Arkansas Lie. An Arkansas farmer. says an ex change, while plowing up a- new ground, split a big stump with the plow. He hung to the handles and went through but the stump came to gether with a sudden thud and caught the farmer by the seat of his homespun pants. He hung on to the plow handles and the stump hung on to his pants and was pulled out, leaving a hole in the ground big enough for a watermelon patch. The Illinois republican state con vent. i, after being in session for a number of days, adjourned untit one week from today, when balloting on a gubernatorial candidate will be resumed. The fifty-eighth ballot had been taken before adjournment was reached. DAY Store, iandise ever ttraction, Newberry, and the sur upper South Carolina. BIG LACE CURTAIN SALE. )00 pairs of fine Lace Curtains it at 50c on the dollar. If you a few pairs of fine lace curtain s your chance. ) pairs Lace Curtains, 3 yards special for this week 98c. Spairs Lace Curtains, 3 yards and worth $2,00 at $1 39 Spairs Lace Curtains, 3 1-2 long and worth $2.50 special is week $1,89. 0 pairs Lace Curtains, 3 1-2 long and worth $3.00 special is week $29c. r* If every thing h sides of this big so many people -edit prices when