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ILA S C T D 1 W tA .5 VOL. XL. NO. 91. NEWBERRY, S. C., TUESDAY. MAY 2, 1904 TWTCE A WEEK. 81 .50 A YEAR HARIONIOUS METING OF COUNTY ONYHETION DELEGATES CHOSEN TO STATE CONVENTION. No Discussion of Questions and Only Routine Business Was Transacted. .The county democratic convention met in ti-e court house here yester day. The meeting was characterized throughout by a marked good feeling and was harmonious at every point. There was little speech-making and very little other than the merest rou tine ;usiiiess was transacted. Dele gates were chosen to the state con vention. the old state executive com mitteeman re-elected. and a county chairman chosen. Dr. C. T. Wyche, oif Prosperity. was chosen to preside over the convention. The conventicm was in session for about two hours. There was a gooZ attendance of delegates and the court iouse was packed. There were no wnestions for discussion. and the greater part of the time of the con vent'on was taken up in balloting on delegates to the state convention. Proceedings in Detail. Ti,* convention was called to order by County Chairman John C. Gog gans. Hon. C. T. Wvche was nominated for temp)rary chairman by Mr. Cole. L. Blease. The nomination was seconded by 'Mr. F. H. Dominick. The rules were suspended and 'Mr. Wvche was elected by acclamation. Chairman Wyche briefly thanked the convention. Mr. John W. Earhardt was chosen secretary and 'Mr. John K. Aull as sistant secretary. The roll of the convention was made up as folows: Roll of the Convention. TOWNSHIP NO. i. Old 'Men's-L. 'M. Speers. W T. Tarrant. 'M. A. Jarlisrie. Young Men's-Fred H. Dominick. 0. L. Schumep.rt. Van Smith. H.- H. Evans. E. Cabaniss. Z. F. Wright, M. L. Spearman. John C. Wilson. E. B. Se-zler. J. Y. Culbreath, W. C. Tyree. T. L. B. Epps. L. G. Frskridge. T. C. Pool, E. C. Jones. C. W. Bishop. Pope Davis. John W. Earhardt. John C. Goggans. T. H. Pope. M. B. Chalmers. Jolin P. Aldrich, P. E. Scott. WN.' H. Wallace. J. X. Henderson. Carolina--George Johnstone. F. L. Bvnum. A. H. Booth. L. W. Jones, John H: W\icker, E. H. Aull. W. H. Hunt. E. M. Evans, H. H. Rikard. john K. Aull. B. T. Paysinger. F. W. Higgins. B. 0. Epting. X. W. Crom er. W. E. Pelham. G. M. Dominick. J. N. Bass. Pope Havird. Otto Klett ner. 0. . Mayer. .M. B. Caldwell. A\cK 1Huchison. E. H-. Kingsmore. F act or-:-C'le. T.. Blease. L. C P. F. Baxte~r. WV. H-. H arden~. .1 Ii. Cha pe!. Jacob Sennv. .:. it )ni.h. L. ,..Wer. . . \!. o: 1 .ei-y, J. 1. 1 I. Browvn. George S-. Rr'ff TOWVNSHIP NO. 3. u.amno-_w. n Hardy. Mt. Pleasart-J. A. Cromer, J. R. Smith. TOWNSHIP NO. 4. Whitmire-J. W. Scott. J. S. -Mc Carley. Jno. M. Suber. WV. A. An drews. W. R. Elmore. John XV. Pick Odell. J. C. Abrams. J. M. Henderson. John P. Fant. L. S. Darby. Long Lane---A. C Slih. J. B. Cromer. TOWNSHIP NO. . Jalapa-\V. C. Sligh. G. C. Glas gow. Joe W. Epting. C. XV. Buford. Conservativ-H. L. Parr. J. W. D. Johnson. Kinards-A. D. Johnson. J. A. Dc'r:nich. e T OVNSHIP NO. 6. Reederville-J. W. McKittrick. A. J. Livingston. i. F. Milis, J. N. Liv ingstto. James Abrams. G"d Men's-H. D. Boozer. J. B. Sm-.1. V. C. \ilson. M. M. Living st..T. P". Pit,ts. Y'ngMen's,-D. Hi. Stillwell, J. T. Grizard. L. H. Dennis. David Pitts. TOWNSHIP NO. 7. Saluda-G. W. Reid. XV. H. San ders. Chappells-Ge". T. Reid. J. B. Scurry. A. L. Dominick. J R. Scurry. Vaughanville-W. L. Atchison. M. D. Smith. ' TOWNSHIP NO. 8 Utopia--G. R. Perdue. J. Fred Schumperr, J. 'M. Nichols. Dead Fall-B. L. Dominick, D. B. Werts. East Riverside-J. XV. Swittenberg, D. F. Pay.inger. E. Lee Hayes. TOWNSHIP NO. 9. Prosperity-J. Sidney Wheeler. John B. Fellers. N. H. Young. J. L. Wise. J. P. Whteler. R. I. Stouden myer. B. B. Mair. P. C. Singley. W. T. Gibson. J. Lindsay Bowers, T. A. Dominick. Pierce Bowers. S. L. Fei lers. A. H. Hawkins. A. M. Counts. T. L. Wheeler. R. C. Counts. Geo. Y. Hunter. C. T. Wyche. V. Y. Taylor. H. P. WVicker. St Lukes-J. S. Nichols. W. H. En ow. V. F. Bedenbaugh. Saluda-Geo. XV. Dominick. J. P. Harmon. J. E. Monts. J. Cal Cook. O'Neall-J. H. Koon. J. P. Mar in. W\. P. Pugh. J. H.' Turner, G. Sam Moore. Fairview Swilton-C. B. Eargle. E. E. Sligh. Liberty-R. T. C. Hunter. G. F. Hunter. J. T. Hunter, N. R. Lester. J. 0. Moore. Monticello-W. XV. Shealy. P. B. Warner. J. B. Stockman. TOWNSHIP NO. to. Unoin-L. I. Feagle. R. N. Taylor. J. T. Wilson. Jolly Street-M. L. Kinard. J. A. C Kiber. J. P. Cannon. Colony-L. Q. Fellers. Little Mountain-C. E. Wheeler. Ernest Boland. Ernest Wheeler. Sid. Shealy. Pat Boland. B. H. Miller. St. Pauls -. 11. Kihler.J. B. Bed 'ilhaigh. J. W. Wicker. ('emra -1. IV Shi.a!y. 1. T1. Kinardl. TO~WNSH IP NO. Ta %/ R. 1'. Cromer.. C. !.. Graham N -- CThb Admitted. to rne ..w- th nat in. He believer it w.ah!d -. n e..meC. am:. it wvas a heahb sign. HeI hoped that the stren nous Ro 'seveit would soon h)e retired Messrs. Jas Y. Cubreath and XV. P. Pugh were elected vice-presidents if the convention. Mr. F. H. Dominick offered the fol lowing resolution: "That the convention now proceea with the election of a state executive committeeman. eight delegates to the -tate cnvention. and a county execti :ive c;.mnimittee. in the order named. and that the balloting be by clubs." The resolution wa- adopted. State Executive Committeeman. In accordance with the above re -)lution the election for a state excew tive commi,tteeman was entered upon. Mr. J. H. Chappell nominated Mr. Cole. L. Blease. and. on motion of Mr. F. H. Dominick. Mr. Blease was elected by acclamation. Delegates to State Convention. The followiotg gentlemen were placed in nomination for delegates to the state convention: J. A. Sligh. Fred If. Dominick. George Johnstone. Cole. L. Blease. E. H. Aull. H. H. Evans. W. H. Hunt, J B. Bedenbaugh, G Y. Hunter. Geo. S. Mower. C. T. \\vche. R. C. Carlisle. J. Fred Schum pert. F. W. Higgins. Co!. George Johnstone declined to enter the race. but received a good Vote, notwithstanding his refusal to run. ' The convention took a recess and halloted for delegates. The result was as follows: E. H. Aull. .................. 183 Cole. L. Blease. ..... ......... 180 J. A . Sligh... ... ... ... ...... 17T W. H. Hunt. .. .. ..... ... .. 159 H. 1-. Evans. .............-. 147 F. H. Dominick. .............. 142 C. T. Wyche. ...... ... ...... 137 Geo. S. Mlower. .............. 136 George Johnstone. ............ 128 G. Y. Hunter ... ... ......... 18 R. C. Carlisle. ...............- Too F. W. Higgins. ....... ... .... 5t T. B. Bedenbaugh . ..... ....... 50 J. Fred Schumpert. .... ........ 27 The Delegates Chosen. Messrs. E. H. Aull. Cole. L. Blease, j. A. Sligh. W. H. Hunt. H. H Evans. F. H1. Dominick, C. T. Wyche, and George S. Mower. 'being the eight highest in the number of votes receiv ed. were declared delegates from Newberry to the state convention. The remaining six gentlemen were chosen alternates. Prosperity Club. On motion of Mr. F. H. Dominick. the request of Warehouse club. in Township No. g. that its name be changed to Pro-sperity club, was granted. County Chairman. The election of a county chairman was taken up. and Mr. S. S. Cunning am was nominated by Mr. Cole. L. Blease and elected without opposition by acclamation. The members of the county exect t*e c4 mmittee were elected in ac rilance with the recommendation Club Reres,entation. h a:n .,1 ei::b) rol and in order to remedev this m'atter the followving rc sottions. offered by '\Iessrs. Cole. I.. and George Johnstone, were adopted: 'DRso'v. That th e curetariea. of the respective clubs shall consti tute a committee, to revise the club lists of this county. and that said committee is hereby instructed to meet. and wherever a person's name i: i4wnd qi two or more club rolls -aid committee shall ascertain from -aId pers,n which club he desires his name left uipon and said name shall he stricken fr-n the .iher club roll. "Reslved. further. that the county executive c4mmittee see that this re olution is carried into effect and that hereafter the name of no member shall appear on the club roll of more than one club at the same tine.' For Presidential Elector. Col. George Johnstone. on motion of Mr. R. T. C. Hunter. was endorsed f)r presidential elector from the third listrict. Mr. Johnstone eloquently thanked tle convention. FIe said that an honor had nrver come t,. him more n.licit I. ItL w-ttW he bowtless to travel ver the past. It was more than 33 years since. after the surrend cr of .ee. the people of South Caro lin-a had taken their places In the ranks of the great American demo cratic party. Since that time. with two exceptions. the democratic party had suffered nothing but disaster. The sole and only cause of these dis asters, except perhaps for the first eight or ten years after the war. had been on account of the discordance of the party with it self. South Carolina at present could have but little effect on the trend of sentiment elsewhere. But S6uth Carolina could go into the approach ing national convention declaring her self opposed to any factonalism. with the good of the party at heart. work ing for the man who could win. no matter what his past affiliatiras. p'rovided he had always been a dem ocrat. The convention adjourned shortly after t o'clock. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Meeting Held Yesterday Immediately After Adjournment of the Convention. .\ meeting of the county executive committee was held in the coul I house yesterday afterroon inmedi atelv after the adjournment of the county convention. County Chair man S. S. Cunningham presiding. 'Mr. John W. Earhardt was re-elected see retary and treasurer. On motion of Mr. J. W. D. John son, it was requested that the recre taries of the various clubs throughout the county meet by townships and revise their' club rolls and report at the next meeting of the committee. On motion of Mr. B. B. Leitzey. which was carried. the chairman ap opinted the follo,wing committees. n riting of one member from each nshi. : arrn ea c'ountyv eam d'rnt SMn. . G.ta pamn: I arr. '. y 2:.e : T.. hnV1.: e .\aey J.a B. alacr. ~iait TowipI' No. 2-Mulberry, J. L. LAND FIGHTING IN RUSSO--JAPINESE WAR AN ENGAGEMENT EARLY SUN DAY MORNING. The War on Land Seems to Have Be gun in Dead Earnest at Last. St. Petersburg. May i.-The gener al staff account of the operations on the Yalu River today is as follows: "At 4 -)clock this morning Japan ese tield batteries, with 47 guns. opened a terrific fire on' our position at E,irenchen and on our troops posted near Potietinsky. "The overwhelming superiority of the Japanese in artillery and the heavy losse; their fire inflicted on our troops occupying these positions made it clear to Gen. Sassulitch that it was impossible *to hold Turenchen. Consequently the troops were order ed to retire from Turenchen. while still holding the Potietinsky road. "When Gen. Sassulitch dispatched his telegram the Russian troops were retiring in good order from Turen chen and Schakhedzy to their second position, and the battle was continu ing in Potietinsky rnd Tchin-Gu." Japanese Transport Sunk. Russian torpedo boats belonging to the Vladivostok squadron sank a Japanese military transport, the Kinshiu-Maru. of 4.000 tons, during the night of April 26. with all on board with the exception of 17 offi cers. 20 soldiers, 65 of the crew and 85 Coolie carriers. The others, who refused to surrender, were sent to the bottom with the ship. The Japanese on board did not cease firing, and made no attempt to save themselves. although they had a !atinch in which they could have left the transport. The fire of Japanese actually continued until the waves closed over the ship. Admiral Yeszen. reports that be .;ides the sinking of the Japanese steamer Goyo-Maru at Won San (Gensan) April 25. the Russians sank at sea the same evening the Japanese teamer Nakamura-Maru. of 220 tons. whose crew were saved. Rear Admiral Yeszen's full report .ays that 2oo men vent down with the hip. Township No 3.-Maybinton. W. D. Hardy: Mt. Pleasant. Thos. P. Adams. Township No. 4.-Whitmire. J. M. Suber; Long Lane, A. C. Sligh. Township No. 5.-Jalapa. C. W. Buford: Conservative, J. W. D. Johnson: Kinards. W. D. Gary. Township No 6-Reederville. J. XV. McKittrick: Old Men's. T. P. Pitts: N'ung Men's. j. T. Grizzard. Township No. 7.-Saluda.H. T. Fellers: Chappells. J. R. Scurry: \:n:ghanville. W\. S. Atchison. Town-hip No. S-Utopia. J. A. Foy; I ).nd 1:5!.l D. Wer:-: E2a. River Tlownsrhip N.. 0.-Plr.osperity. R. 1. Stueyr I e 1'J S. N ich . Chappels Oi Mill .\ cartr ha ben seure forth pr happeilmlls Oil Miplls. Th full amount of the desired capita!