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e craW. aubIeuo VOL. XL. NO. 91. NEWBERRY. S. C.. TUESDAY. \.PRJL 1f). 1904 TWICE A WEEK $1. 50 A YEAR NEW YORK STATE FOR JUDGE PARKER I HILL DOMINATED THE CON VENTION YESTERDAY. Reports Yesterday Afternoon Indica ted Delegates Would be Instruct-. ed For Parker. Special to Herald and News. Columbia. April i8.-The New York Democratic convention met at two o'clock today and the prelimi nary caucuses were held. David B. Hill. promoter of the Parker cam paign in New York. dominated the : convention. The delegates will be elected to night and all reports from the con vention indicate that in all probabil ity the delegates. will be instructed for Judge Parker. This is now accepted as a fact by the leaders in the convention. At the session of the convention this morning the unit rule was de-1 cided upon, which means that New, York's vote in the convention will be cast as a unit ior Judge Parker. :FOUR jWEDNESI Come prepared foi that will convince yc old fashioned humd special sales are so; 0 Big Sale starts Wedi NEW DRESS C 5o in. Black Brilliantine, also sheds the dust, wears longei * 75 and 85c the yd, special I sale . 25 pcs New Black Dress C opened and placed on sale. in the lot worth less than 6 85c, special for this big sale 36 in. Black Taffeta Silk pri where at $i.5o. special for t] !36 in. Black Taffeta Silk pri * where at $1.25. special for tl * 36 in. White China Silk (will kind, for this big sale. . * A BIG CORSET 200 pairs Corsets, long. mnediur * lengths. R. & G., American * W. B. Corsets, worth 65c * speCial for this big sale *A Stunner in 40 inch '1 *Wednesday we will place ons * 40 in. White Lawn, not ay lot worth less than 15 and: * for this big sale . . *SPECIAL CLOTHING:! *A suit examination s *have ever known. I SFor any want in Dr M0l 0666666 2oo NEW PENSIONERS. Large Increase for igo4-Checks Sent Out by 2oth Instant. Columbia State. There has been a coisiderablle in crease in the pension roll ftir this year. The following table was made by Miss Kate Maher. clerk of the pen sion board. yesterday: Total Pensioners. 1903........ 8.296 Dead or left state ... .... ..... 763 'otai.... .. .. ... ... ... 7.764 New names. 1904... ... ... ... 763 Total... ... ... ... ....... 8.527 Increase over 1903 ... ... ... 231 The checks will be sent out by the 20th instant. This year the appro priation amounts to about $2oo,ooo and from this sum the expenses of the county boards and other expenses and the remainder is apportioned among the odd pensioners Card of Thanks. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to those who ere so helpful in -their service, so Faithful in their attendance. and so ympathetic in their words of kind aess in the last illness of our little ;on Claude Ellesor. We can express >ur thanks. but God only can reward. Yours in humility, Chas. R. and Rhoda Wesson. BOS@@O@S@*4 BIG DA )AY, THUR r the best bargains you u that the leading stor rum way of doing busii itttactive and so well p iesday morning at 9 o' OODS. M Sicillian, M , is worth or this big M 43C N oods just A Not a yard U 5, 75, and G 48C H ced every 2is big sale. 924C ed every- s al big sale 73c ? wash) 75c L - , 59 L ALE. S THE 4 n and short F Lady, and . - A0kil and 75c' R . . 39c Yhite LaWns. E collecti ale zoo pes S We ins ~ard in the s with 0t 30, special value. . . . Ic ment i1 SALE.-375 Men's fine vili convince you that tl ow is your chance and -y Goods, Millinery, Cic AM NA Sligh. Ge-,. C. Glasgow. David Pitt., XV. C. Sligh. Meeting of Stockholders. The meeting of the stockholders on Saturday mo-rning was held in the c-)urt house. The meeting was well attended and much enbliutsiasm and a great deal ; intere-st were nianifest. .r. I. I Buhiware pre-ided and Mr: S. '. Crotwell was secretary. Reports were received from sever al of the townships which had been canvassed for subscriptions, showing that about had been sub scribed. Many of the townships were not heard from. Under a resolution offered by Prof. W. K. Sligh and unanimously adopt ed. it was decided to proceed at once to organize a Cotton Seed Oil com pany by adopting a constitution, and electing a board of directors. Prof. XV. K. Sligh. for the commit tee to prepare a constitution, submit ted a constitution. which was consid ered and adopted by items, as fol lows: The Constitution. Article I. Name.-The name of this company shall be "The Farmers' Oil Mill." and its principal place of busi ness shall he at Newberry. S. C. Article If. Object.-The business of the company shall be to buy and grind cotton seed. sell the resulting products. gin cotton. and manufac ture and sell fertilizers. Article !11. Capital Stock.-The capital stock of the company shall be not less than twelve thousand dollars MIMNA )AY, and S ins that cannot be equa : a point where buying behind the gun that c rged to make greater The Sta M The good reput, partment must be I The fast growing M spreading news. N j0 cases Ladies' fin A special for this I to cases Ladies' U $2.oo, special fo G 10 cases Ladies' H $2-50, special fo -io cases Ladies' s lace, patent tip, E15 cases Men's fin Eand $3.oo, speci L We carry more L most of the shoe RY S stock. Come to t F Our Big Sale of Ias O We made a bigi R we have hundreds Lot No. r : A big] ~rand L worth up to $2. ad L s-ale . . nery. E Lot N". 2: A big here S priced for this b: e for s 200 B.2ys' 2 piece part- all over town nery. special for this s d $18.00, for this bi f< t interesting and grea e. Clothing on 2nd flo< to I' S. A FARMERS' OIL MILL ASSURED FOR NEWBERRY AN ORGANIZATION EFFECTED ON SATURDAY. Fourteen Thousand Dollars Subscrib ed to Capital Stock-Directors -Constitution The establishment ,f the propos-ed Farmers' Oil Mi!l in Newherry is nl assured. Fourteen thousand dollari has been subscribed to the capitai stock of the enterprise and at a meet ing of the stockholders, held on Sat urday. an organization was effected by the adoption )f a constitution and the election of a board of directors. who will meet on Wednesday to elect officers. The capital stock of the mill was placed at not less than $14,ooo, nor more than the shares to be of the value of $to each, and the direc-, tors were instructed to take the pro-' per steps to procure a charter and to continue the canvass for subscrib ers until $ has been subscribed. The directors weri also empower ed and instructed to proceed to secure' a site and to erect such a mill as the capital stock will warrant. The directors elected are as follows: H1. H. Folk. T. M. Neel. B. F. Can non. B. C. 'Matthews. J. H. Wicker. I H. Boulware. H. H. Evans. \V. K.i kYS AT SDAY, Fal have ever seen, barga a still leads, prices cut ti iess here, its the spirit atronized that we are u :lock. 4REATEST OF ALL MILLIN STORES. mledged Leaders of High C Millinery at Popular Prices, nvite a critical examination of thisa mn of beautiful and stylish Milli: ite you to compare styles and prices ers you have seen, hat for hat, valu we'll undersell any Millinery de the state. Mimnaugh leads in Milli Suits, worth $15.00 an Kis is the broadest, mos Mimnaugh's is the plac thing and Shoes, come U GI and n1t more than ifty thou-and dol lars. The stock shall be divided into h.Itare. of the par value of ten dollars each. Article IV. Officers.-The manage mei lf the company shall be vested in eleven directors. who shall be elect ed by the stockholders at their regu lar annual meetings to serve for a term of one year. The directors shall elect a president. a secretary, a treas urer. and a general manager. to serve for a term of one year. and fix the amount of compensation which each shall receive. The directors shall have a right to combine two or more offices in one. The -directors shall adopt a set of by-laws, which shall fully set forth the duties and powers of each officer and such general rules for the conduct of the company's bus iness as they may deem proper, pro vided no rule conflicts with this con stitution. No one w}b is not a stock holder shall be a director or other officer of this company. Article V. Powers Not Granted Directors.-The board of directors shall not have the power to increase the capital stock of the company. nor shall they contract debts in excess of the asscts of the company without I irst obtaining the consent of the stockholders. Article VI. Nleeting.-The stock holders shall hold their regular an nual meeting on the third Wednesday in 'May of each year. Other meet ings may be called by the president (Continued on Fifth Page.) UGH'S ITURDAY Aled and of the sort * is irresistible. No * oes the work. Our * inducements. The d-by Shoe Store. .tion of Mimnaugh's shoe de known to you by this time. 0 business is the result of the e Oxfords, worth sx.;o, ig sale . . -$ 98C fine Oxfords, worth this sale .1 . r48 fine Oxfords, worth r this big sale . . 1.89 fine Shoes, button or special for this sale . 98c Shoes, worth $a p g for this sale - - 1-95 hoes under our tables than 0 ealers of Newberry carry in * e bg store. 1en's Odd Pants.Continlues tole in the pile last week, but of pairs to select from yet. ot of Men's Odd pants, - 0 a pair, for this big lot, worth up to $4. 50, gsale . .. '-95- 0 Suits, worth and sells or $3.00 and $3-50, sle . , . . I9 )ur days sale $9.000 test $900 offer you r0 Newberry 's 0 0 Greatest Store. 0 - e. *0as0e00e00e0