The herald and news. (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, March 15, 1904, Image 1

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t 3ERRY TOL. XL. NO. 91. .N~>3ERRT, S. C., TUESDAT, M ARCH 15, 1904. TWICE A WEEK. S1.50 A YEAR JAP BOMBARDIENT OF PORT ARTHUR THE JAS SCORE A COMPLETE VICTORY OVER RUSSIANS. Russians Had Twenty-Five KiUed On One Ship And Twenty In The Town Torpedo Boats Engaged. .)ki'). larch I3.-- fEcial and .ate reports bothl indicate that .\kmiraI Togo's fourth attack on P: Arthur on tie toth instant was ..-e m11ost effective since the nrst as (alt of a month ago. One Russian torPedo boat destroyer was sunk and several Russian torpedo boat destroyers'seriously damaged. The fortilications and city were subject ed to a heavy bombardment lasting nearly four hours. The naval bom bardments of the land works have generally been ineffective. yet the peculiar topographical conditions Port Arthur make immunity from serious loss from bombardment al-i most impossible. Admiral Togo's torpedo flotilla opened the action by boldly steaming in under the bat teries and successfully placing a number of mechanical mines at thel mouth of the harbor. Following that there was a desperate bow to bow encounter between the torpedo boat destroyers. in which the Jap anese appear to have scored a clear! victory. Then followed a long-! range duel between the cruisers. ending in the retirement of the No vik and Bavan. the only Russians The closing action was the bom-: bardmlent of the inner harbor by the Japanese battleships. The latter to 1OK a )ositiOn southwest of Port' Arthur and used only their 12-inch guns. There were twenty-four 12 guns in the squadron of six hattleships and each gun was fired n )e r(unds. making a total uo2 h:ge proiectiles that were ired at city. The bombardment was delib e_ate and carefully planned. In or to) aid in perfecting the nring niral Togo stationed the cruis er- in a position due east of the en rtance t, the harbor and at a right an-le to the battleships. The cruls er observed the range and effect of the firing and signalled the results and suggestions by wireless tele telegraphy. 2; KI.LE (N NE sn> . ien Tsin. March 13.-Informa t; n from an official, who was an ee-witnoess of the bombardment of i .\rtur. on \\ednesday and! T urVa'. is to the effect that the Rusians had twenty-five killed on 0att'1 s'hip ev ,twelty - theRetvizan and twenty in the t .The R4ians claim t have suka Jap)anese cruiser. The Russians assert that their <lamagedl cruisers have been repair ed and are readyv for sea. The bat tIe ship Czarevitz will be ready shortly. There is no dock here ca pable of taking in the Retvisan. The Russians are preparing for the defence of New Chwang. find-! ing it impossible to stop the land ing of the Japanses. Col George Johnstone. Col. George Johnstone returned on Sunday from Bishopville. where he was one of the leadmg counsel: for Spain Kelley, in his trial last week for murder in the killing of \\. F. Creech. wvho ruined Kelley's sister. Kelley was acquitted. Au gust kohn. correspondent of the and Courier, says or Col. Johnstone's speech to the. jury in the case: ".\Ir. George Johnstone. the dlistinguished and able lawyer. the man of versatile and marked ability and splendiid eloquence spoke! next. .\r. fohnstone is better kn wn in upper Carolina. but his c iunsel in this case and his elo uence have won for him much nise here.' SENATOR TILLMAN MUCH IMPROYED EXPECTS TO LEAVE FOI HOME IN A VERY FEW DAYS. Improvement Due to Relief Experienced From Lancing Of Another Abcess On Throat. Spe~cialI to The !!Ierah adN.s .a e 1. .\ arch.4.-.\t noon todYav Senator Tiillman's condition was reported much Improved. Hc cxpects ti leave \\ashin.rton for his home in Edgefield ~in a very few days. The improvement is due to the relief experienced from the lancing of another abcess. The senator swallows readily now and is able. to converse without difficultv. On, Sunday morning the senator suf fered extreme pain, its intensity being greated than any he had ex perienced since the throat -affec tion first manifested itself. But yesterday's operation ended the pain. News & Courier. FRANCHISE TAX LAW. The Tax Can Not Be Collected For This Year and an Estimated Revenue of $150,000 Will Not be Received. New, and Courier. Columbia. March i2.-Attorney General Gunter has rendered an opinion on the franchise tax law. and the tax cannot be collected this year. This practically means that an estimated revenue of $ will not be received by the state this year because the law does not go into effect until March 20. and the returns were required to be made during the month of Februarv. - After reciting the statement of the Comptroller General and the provisions of the Act. the Attorney General savs: It is evident that the basis for imposing the license fees under this Act is the annual report of the: comlptroller general during the month of Februar\. The Act was. approved on February 29. and iii the absence of any provision fixing the (late for it to take effect -inder the law it (oes not become opera tive until twent\ days thereafter. "llence as the Act doe, not be come effective until after the month .f Februiary. and as the reports are limited to that month. the Act. so far as the features under discussion are clolcicrnw:. is ineffective until next year. SPAIN KELLEY ACQUITTED Was On Trial in Bishopvllle for the Kill ihg of Cre:ch, Who Ruined Kelley's Sister. News and Courier. Bishopville. March 12.-The ex pectedl issue was clearly made in the case of Spain Kelley, on trial for his life, and the only question was wvhether the young man was to be acquitted of the killing of WV. F. Creech as the seducer of his sis ter? There wvas no intentional clouding of the issue. no plea of sel f-de fence and no justification save the one idea that Creech had sedutcedl .\iss .\aud Kelley. Young Keller saidl on oath without reser vation that he went out to find Creech: first, to undertake to make him right the wvrong he had done his sister. andl if he dleclinedl to do so. he was going to kill him. ft wats with him a marriage *r a fun eral, plain and( simpille. The cry of King to. his friend. "Lookout. Creech! was what, lhe said, broke the tension and made him shoot. The case wvas given to the jury at 10 o'clock tonig-ht and at i GRAND SPRII Every department filled up < Spring Campaign is sounded. W and we are going to do them. I arr berry who visited the great Dry Go< lieve I am the only one who is gettir at either dept. I have received morE than the next three largest stores in of wide-awake buyers have learni for bargains. The values quoted here are be Black I A fifty foot display of fine Blac do credit to a city five times the siz( 5 pcs 46 ir. Nub Voil from all Fren sale . . . 5 pcs 46 in. Voil, very new and drec per yard . . . 5 pcs 38 in. Voil from weavers beat sale . . . . 2 pcs 48 in. silk flemish Voil beaut sale f.r. a Anything you can ask for in a de Paris, Crepe de Chine Etinne 1N serpe and Brilliantine. Silks Of j o pc. Taffatta Silk ail shadei and b;ack anid whitethe ;oc kind for...... .........29c pes 36 in Black Taffatta g:rantee na-t to !.plit orth $i.;o for this a.........97c 2 pcs 36 in Black Peau de Soi, worth $ o for this week...... ...... ..... ... 98c A big lot of Wash Silks go t! is week af cut prices 2 C:9C. 36 in Pcali new sprin sty IeI w orth ioc t q-o at ...................... 6 c 2 ca 30 in Dresc Gi..1;::ns:1.e sprng - styles wojih 1 , !.A t-. at... ........... 6-c4 i case 36 in C:tain Swiss. leiautfu quaiy nnd worth ie it :3t .......... 19c 2 c:Ur. 4 in Wiire Lawn !-hort La %n worth 124 and ic , be yard. spc-i.: for LOe week :mnd ,t:y 12 Var:s to each ustorner.. 9c 100 pcs fine Wbite Persian Lgw worth 20 .:nd 2zc to go at 14C MI MNA 3heapest Store on Earie. )elock tile iurv returnedl a ver- to b)etter elude the liet of "not guilty." officers andi guards change his cadet g FIT2 LEE AND! FERGUSON. clothes, whilst hi W\ragg Ferguson. Lf Escapade of Two Cadets at Wes Pointln,( general oi Whto Afterwards Became Famous Johnston s army Generals. would dress in citiu false mustache an< Tlo tihe edlitor of the Sunday tuacur \ews: In a work published im eldpasand ritn ~ew York in 1870. entitled "The witvth passcare and Times of Robert E. Leitle pesie Lmd his Companions in Arms" I Gen Fits Lee, w~ jid tihe following paragraph in mf tile case. ketch of Gen. Fitz Hugh Lee: - inclned to give ti "At the age of 16 Fitz was ap- Ithis escapade of I >ointe a cadlet "at large" at \Vest' I tink. would ir joint. thlrough tile favor of Presi- reading. and I writ lent Fillmore. As a cadet he was .\ews to Inquire w -lassed withl thle "wild ones." Un-t~ W.."is still albve, ike his distinguishled uncle. wvho wthI give a full st( 1ever received a (demerit. Fitz o .the "rare day: nanagedl to get tihe mlaximnum al owance withlin the b)ounds of a WX inchester. \ a. lismissal. It is saidl that. in order - \\ Wsr Pointer NG DISPLAY :hock a block; the keynote of the e have been promising big things i the only Dry Goods man in New ds Markets this season and I be ig in any new goods. I can prove h Dry Goods, Millinery and Shoes Newberry combined. Thousands ad that Mimnaugh's is the place yond competition to buyers of ,joods. 'k Dress Good and Silk stock would of Newberry. ph weavers worth $100 for this . . . . 93c osy worth $1.39 for this sale . . . . . 94c itiful block worth 75c for this . . . . . 46c iful block worth $1.75 for this 4 Dres . S t k $1.19 block Dress Goods Stock, Crepe lelrose French Batiste, Henrietta kll Kinds. 2oo White Bed Spreads to go this week at only ......................... . . 49C zoo White Bed Spreads the $1.50 kintl -our choice this week. ................ 98C ioo White Bed Spreads the $1.7; kind your choice this week . . 0...... $1.39 ioo White Bed Spreads the $2.oo kind your choice this week ...... .........SI,59 0oo doz fine Hemmed Huck Towels the ' i;c kind to go at oniv................. 9C !oo doz find Hlemmed Huck Tow els every thread Linen and worth 2;c each to go a leeaer this week for.................. 12ic 2 cases Pne Mill B!eaching fuil 36 in wide and worth Ioc the yard ipecial for ' L................................ cases Ar.droscoggin BleacLhing wt-rth today at nost stores roc ltvo ots we for.. ....... . ........... ........... 8-1e UGH'S Wholesale and Retail, vigilance of the know that Gen. S. WV. Ferguson is .he used to ex- very much alive, and is now. wve be rey- for Women's lieve. visiting one of the family's s roommate. S. flantations on Cooper River.-Ed of South Caro- The Sundlay News. cavalry in Gen -________ luring t'he wvar.) Advertised Letters. :ens' clothes with L etters remainig in tihe postoffhce I beard, and the at ewherrv. S. C.. for the week *da lay n ending Mlarch 12. 1904. the Academy. B-Mrs. Laura Bangunm. Miss >ass with imipun- Carrie Bord uie vd hiinuts. C-Mr. leff Cal<iwell. Mrs. ho was "the wod Amelia Croner. is p)robably d1is- D-Molie Davis. Rev. Hogan icelparticullars oft Dobv. Miss Leslie Dominick. is youth. wvhich E --Miss Blaniche Edwards. Iake interesting Marv Griffnn MIiss Dorie G;ilvard. e t' The Sunday H-fRichard Hase. Hattie' Her hether Gxen. IPer- hert. Carrie HIurst. and( if so. if he J-Pink Jones. Mrs. Minnie ry of that frolic lones, when he wvas K-R. S. King-. WVest Pointer- M--J. L. Meetz. Katie Mont gomery. "will be glad toj S-Nettie Shealv.