The herald and news. (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, March 11, 1904, Image 2

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SOUTH -CAROLINA NEWS. Items of More of Less Interest Con densed in the State. WVaier R!nenberg. a m :: which he died. A negro becanie entangled in' the machinerv in the -il mill at Pickenz and received injuries fron' which he died. The high school building at An derson' recently destroyed by fre. will be replaced with. the isurancL money an( 82.000 apppriat by the city council. Twelve schools in Fairfield coun ty have already raised the necessarv $io to receive the benefnts of the Aull Library act passed by the re cent legislature. Governor Heyward has received; quite a number of applications for: the place of Treasurer Free. ot Barmwell, who was suspended re cently on account of a shortage of over a thousand dollars in his ac counts. Boyd. Bailey. aged 16 years. was sl,t and instantly killed. at the home of his parents in Spartan burg county. on Wednesday morn ing by his i 2-year-old brother. The boys were playing with an old cal) pistol. The coroner's jury in the case of Richard Johnson. the negro taken from the guard house at Holly Hill and shot on February 8th. has charged D. A. Hart. the town mar shal. with the crime. andl he has been committed on the charge of murder. There were forty-five convictions in the Charleston city court on Mon dlay morning against parties charg ed with violating the dispensary ordinances. netting Si.225. nearly every dollar of which was paid on the .spot. Nearly every defendant submitted to a ine of S2;. A south-bound freight on the Southern railway. traveling at a high rate .of speed. on Monday rushed on a portion of track near Bonhanis which seems to have been underminded bv recent rains. the train being derailed and six heavily loaded frieght cars being wrecked. Two men who were stealing a rile were bad!v cut about the Icet and legs. A uegro who was stealin a ride has not been heard from, since. It is reported from Anderson that a few nights ago Mr. A. S. Cooper. who has been for several months the agent of the Southern railway at Hlonea Path. quietly took his trunk from the hotel and left for parts unknowvn. It was found that he had left mo'ney to pay his hotel bill and it is thought that he Settled all his bills in town and was straight in his aecounts with the railroad. It is said that there is the inevi table woman in the case and that one of the most prominent women of the town could give all the facts in the case if she would. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. items of More of Less Interest Con densed Outside the State. A limited express collided with a freight near Kewvanee. Miss. oin Tuesday. resulting in the death; of five railwvay empployes and the in jury of several others. John Kennedy. a train robber sentenced to be hanged at Roa noke. \~a.. on next Mlonday. killed the negro left by the jailer to guard him and escaped. getting to the ground from an upper window by using a rub)ber hose. While removing rubbish fr' m a cellar in D3altimore on Tuesday twc wvorkmnen were buried under tons of brick fromn a falling wvall. Their. lives were saved by a large wire screen which had fallen over them in such a way as to partially pro tect them. Both men had their right legs broken. The house committee on reform in the civil service has authorized a favorable report on the resolu tion for a record of each suspension of the civil service law and rules since its operation and the names of persons taken into government service since its suspension. It se es tht+here is to be nother in estigvation of a department of the I I tn nt Carl i teseke retilc 1f !r1n G any..ater a c!I . t p e I fe.. m t 4wo Sn. resIpLectiVely 12 anId .,ars oid. endea a a t1rV a1cadem. n<ihiSeIl with a cyanIid of ptasiumi1. which he SecIjinly(v inserted in tile m1('th of eCh in the - forn of a pill af tr they had gone into a drunken sleep. I I e died ho01ling hiS Wife'S h I I .: tightly. CONQUEST OF EUROPE. Peter the Great's Bequest to Russia "Raise Wars Continually." In the archives of the palace of Peterhoff. near St. Petersburg. there lies one of the most remark- I able documents ever penIed. says the London Chronicle. This is nothing more nor less than a plan for the Russian con quest of Europe, drawn up by the hand of Peter the Great, and be queathed by him in the form of a testament to his successors. It was reproduced. thirty years ago. in a Gernsey paper. and in the light of present (lay events contains much interesting reading. In the first clause Peter gives the following counsel: Keep the Russian nation in a constant state of warlike readiness. and the soldier prepared for battle anld warlike activity: choose the mo10,t opp-rtune mioimentz for a,-! re~ss1io and thus make peace serve the ends of war. and war prolote. the objec-.; of peace. in the inter est of the aggrandizement and ,row,1ig prosperity of Russia. Secondly, he urges Russia to gather together. during PLeace. learned men from the several most ntelligent natiolls of Europe. that the Russian nation May profit by the advance of other countries. In the third clause lie advises minis ters to mix themselves on ail oc ca:sion inl the negotiatior.; and di agreements of the people I r i.%rope. andi. above aI" tiose o! t' rmtn, vhich. frl its cv Thek-n ;lw in1strutionXv for 1ubjuton of olan. v i:cll -11 cIiudes wvith the craftv suggestitn ha.if thek nIg-Qhbonrin- P (-:oD_ -. dtIfnculties, they Sli'd hI So!thed for a time by apportioninl shares in such a manner that the gift MaV he revoked. Take the most von can from Sweden andl cause her to attack von.. whlichi will give youi pretext for1 subju;igating her. It will serve tis view to ist date her fromi Denmark. and D)enm'ark fromP Sweden. or to roster carefully their rivalry. WVith regard to England Pete.r counsels is country to cultivate. alliance with her in commercial matters in p)referenice to all others. The next advice tendlered to Ruis sia is signicant: Encroach as far as possible in the dlirection of Constantinople and thw Inidies. He who reigns. there will be the true ruler of the wvorld. To work this out, raise wars con tinually-at onie time against Tur key, at an other against Persia: hasten the dlecay of Persia and pen etrate to the Persian Gulf: estab) lish. if possible. via Syria. the an cient commerce of the East, and pulshl onwardls to the Indies, which are the entrepot of the world. (Oncie there vou nleedl not fear the g(old( of Englanld. Swveden dV amembered. Persia vanquishted. Poland subjugated. the Black Sea and the Baltic swept by our fleet. and secretelv. flrst to thle ( ourt of \~arsailles. and hen to that of \'ienna. to share wit them te Empire of the world. P eter then explains that, if etih er of these Powers fall int'' the schemle, thle other can be conquer ed easily, and. hlaving (lone this, the newv ally is to b)e p)rompltly crushed. leaving Rulssia in possession ofr all the East andl the major p)art oi Eu rope. F'inallh. Peter the Great's re markable testament concludles by advising Russia in the evenlt of both Powers refusing the offer of Rus-j sia. to excite quarrels between them andl make one exhaust the :>her.I Then seizing- a dclisive moment. Russia vill pour <down her aries. Irdl ' etCentratell. on erillav. .11". at th .11 a':-' 17 k (I I ICent. t\ 1*. ;1 ilnie l1tf r t h iI. 'lher fr im thet not i .\reha:np.: !. atik<d w i .\:iat ic hrnes. unm,W tI tIle. r 01( 11' U11''il. >f the iack :mdd I'.ON,e eas * vaIin aln !h v . L.ed iaren, p.~~~~ I Icica I fhk I * LI pin wXlilc.lli Russ.ia rcevivectl the g-c-aicst oi '1er rul!'L.n f,,r 01i, ilIraitdI1 Oh the contitneilt. mI'rnc and the that we do - -lar(est ilnels i Seeds in the ;4anhe(Irn States, enables us to supply every requirement ini GARDEN AND FARM SEEDS to the very best advantage, both as regards quality and price. Truckers and Farvers reqairing large quantities of Seeds are requested to write for special pri . If you have not received a copy of W OOD'S SEE]) BWOK for94, write forit. Thereis not another publication anywhere that approaches it in the useful and practUcal informration that It gives to Southern farmers and gardeners. Wood's Seed Book will be mailed fee on request. write to-day: do not delay. TWs Wood& Sots, Seedsnmen, RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. of Newberry, S. C. organiizect 1896. Capital - - - $50,000 Surplus - - - 19,500 Paid Stockholders since organization 21,000 Paid Depositors in Savings depart ment since or ganization - - $9,2001 A man working by the day is paid for th... :iue he. puts in at work, bu4t when that man saves a dollar for his days labor it works for him nights, a well as days; never lays off on ac count of bad weather and never gets ick, but goes right on earning him an income. It's a nice thing to work for money, but it's much nicer to~ have money working for you. Try it-open a savings account with us and get some money working for you. Nake a deposit in the Savings de. partment today and let it begin to work for you. Interest computed at per cent January 1 and July 1 of 3ach year. ISmall Savings are the Stepping Stones to success and plenty $1.00 a month deposited in our Vill in 10 years amount to $ 146 60O $5.00 will in 10 years amnount to - - - - 300 $10.00 will in 10 years amount to - - - -:$1460 00 We want your business. Have ample facilities to accommodate our cus tomers. The Commercial Bank of Newbeny, S. C, JE WELRV IN EVERY SPAPE OR STYLE, R :. Ier I nmr, t the same S-:mdli at i a oways ready to serve it;, 0:i . th rv er bet of Jewelry, V atcle. Poliet Articles and every :J.- to be ;ui.: a First Class Jew:r' Itabishmntt. M v bus!iness in Optical Goods has greatlv increased aiso, showing my kr:o*. !edge a::d ability in fitting Si ectacles and Glasses. New Sterling Silver just received; n.ew ideas and new goods, also quladruple plated goods, Whiting Mfg Co's, Derly Silver Co., Bene dict & Rodgers. Yours for a prosperous new year. J. GUY DANIELS. 16Onces 1 Ponid! People frequently ask us how many ounces there are in the pound weight we use in our drug store. Some seem to think that we only give 12 ounces in one pound. We want to assure everybody that when ever they buy drugs at Mayes' Drug Store they will always get 16 ounces to the pound, no matter whether it is a pound of pure Cream Tartar, Epsom Salts, or any drug or chemi cal. Get the Best! Subscribe to and 'fli m81i-W88][y N8's aEd 00aDr. The best county newspaper he best general and State newspaper. All the telegraph, State and genera) news you can read. Keep up with the news of the world, the nation, the State and your county. Gdt the two for a song - only Two Dol lars for a year's subscription to both. BE SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD AND NEws. and THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS AND CoUMER. You know all about The Herald and ews. The Semi-WeeklyNews and Cour. ier, published at Charleston, S. C., is the most complete and best general semi weekly you can get. It publishes 16 pages a week, or 104 issu~es a year. Gives all the telegraphic and state news, general and special stories. Pubscribe no to the 'rwo for Two )oL.ARs through The Herald and News y vecial arrangement. TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. By Jno. C. Wilson, Esq., Probate Judge. tAHEREAS, Jas. D. Kinard hath made suit to me, to grant him Letters of Administration of the estate if and effects of Mary A. Kmnard. These are therefore to cite and ad nonish all and si-gular the kindred and ~reditors of the said Mary A. Kimard, 3eceased, that they be and appear be ore me, in the Court of Probate, to be eld at Newberry on Friday,March 4th iext, after publication thereof, at 11 'clock in the fo;enoon, to show cause, fany they have, why the said Ad ninistration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this. 16th day of February, Anna, L s -] Domini, 1904. Corn must have a sufficient supply of Potash in order to develop into a crop. No amount of Phosphoric Acid or Nitrogen can compen sate for a lack of potasi in fertilizers [for grain and all other crop- J. We sha1 he gad o send tree to any tarmer ourittlebook whichconans va!u able in:rmnation about soil cu:ture. GERMAN KALI WORKS, New York-93: NiLqx*u s'trec'. fir AtIgnt3t. 4u-~' n ra ,...Y~H E... People's National Bank PROSPERITY, S. C. CAPITAL STOCK $25,000. Burglar proof safe and insurance re proof vitlt. We do a general ban king la iness. We solicit your bu,iness l'rompt and polite at ention. Interest alluwed in savings de partmnit. M. A. CARLISLE, 1'resident. H. C. MOSELEY, ice-Pres. W. W. WIiEELER, Cashier. DIRECTORS. W. P. Pugh. W. A. Mozeley, Jacob B. Fellers, R. -.. Luther, Geo. W. Bowers. John B. Fellers, J. P. Bowers, George Tohnstone, M. A Carli-ie, I. C. Moseley, Jos. U. Hunter. "A True Bill." A Fine Line of Fruits: Apples, Or anges, Bananas, Lemons, &c. A nice line of Canned Goods and Staple Gro eries. Finfst Cheese in the city 15c. the pourd. Standard Granulated Sugar at 5c. We buy. and sell lots of produce. See us. Will treat you right. Counts & Dickert, Main Street. VALENTINES! VAIENTINES! VAL.ENTINES!I We have just opened ur line of Valentines nd can show you a; ice line of both Comic nd Sentimental. Remember February, 4, is the day and ONES' is the place to et what you want. Call before they are icked over, S. B.JONE3S. REAL ESTATE SGUHT AND SOLD' MONEY TO LOAN On Easy Terms AND For Long Periods. ifew more of the first series lloe Lo8i ai Triit Ca. be secured. Apply to SeC'y and Treas., Newberrv. S. C.