troth ou8 this. .BLISHED 1865 NEWBERRY, S. C.. FRDA., JECEMBER 11, 1903. TIVICE, A WEEK. SITUATIONn(N TIn ire-rillncir mbla Reported to Be'lMoving Troop On Panama --Administration Is Ready. I,aGuayra, Venezuela, Dec. 9. e French steamer' Versailles, uch has arrived here 'from Sava. l*a, reports that Colombian steam s have landed 1,100 men from Car gena near the mouth of the trato river (Gulf of Darien) to tpen a way over the Darien moun ams into Panama. Other troops rom the department of Cauca, Co. onbia, are said to be converging on Panama, and from all parts of Co . lomubia troops are reported to be marching or awaiting on the result of Gen. Reyes mission to Washing. ton. , It is reported from Washington that the administration is prepared to riect any move made by Coloi bia and that our warships and sol diers will be dispatched to the isth mus if Colombia will Fight. RUsSIA THREATHNS CORRA. "Tokio, Dec. 9.- A strong Russian ;kjuadron, consisting of eight war ships, including two battleships, .!s arrived at Chemulpo, Corea, the .'rt of Seoul, the capital, to sup .jrt Russia's opposition to the pro oSed opening of Yongampho to the m011m11lerce of the world. The Rus ,ians threaten to land 3,000 men and march on Seoul should Corea lisr,_gard their warning. COTTON MILL CONVENTION. stf.etiug in Charlotte Appoints Committee To Pieet Other Conmittees With View Of General Curtailment. th 1, Charlotte, N. C., December . In resp to a call by a committee 1 representing the North Carolina tha Ma.,r .cturer's Association, over a cotton manufacturers, rep latel resenting 244,392 spindles and 8, 06 looms throughout the Southern after . tes, met here today and made a vement towards the curtailment M0r. the production of cotton goods S. 1i. the mills of the entire country. smPa committee of fifteen was named sersn o meet similar committees from frs. x>ther sections and agree to decrease aig il production throughout the United I was States. b o fo The following resolutions were ble dopted: er S ''Resolved, That with the view toth f securing national curtailment, it the bich we think absolutely neces )rgia S . to the cotton industry, were to Wvor iumendl that a committee of fif is IS1o . from the pTorth Carolina Asso hat tihe lon be appointed by the Chair a chuarch '" eet in Washington city at a~ ay all tak4. a date as can be agreed upon, .Mr. Cr~ |like committees from other as taken~ fr sat the other Southern States, riate to aniyeddle and New England States, light of the0gited1 by the chairman of this on1 a hill e g to ap)point similar commit. :14; arnd alsvhch when they meet in )L uht Jj'igton as a joint commrittee, t they may,~ mulate a plan that will bring ird RIori.iIurtailmnent throughout thc every idv that this joint comm11itta urch. J3t tJely call a national mneeting ere itw a M-eturers; at such place and :1 to go ey can agree upon1.'' ebok then jg1tumttee was applointed. Christian1s shall 1heated campaign Mayo: by reproving as re-elected mayor o it how sad it , decfeatn Dr. Oli NUUff (AROLINA NEWS. Item of More or Less Interest Condensed Nu the State. The people of Winnsboro, who had a carnival last week, are very sore over the matter. They say they've had their share; that one's enough. Sanders & Lemacks, at Ritter, in Colleton county, sustained a loss of about $7,000 by the burning of their gin and gin house, with con tents, on Sunday morning. Alderman Daker. of the Colum bia city council, has announced that lie is negotiating with certain parties looking to the establishment of a good colored hospital in Coluni. bia Chas. B. Johnson, 33 years old and a man of family, wvas killed in the Southern's freight yards near the old uni'on station in Columbia on Tuesday night. While breaking on a coal car he slipped in some way and was run over and frightfully mangled. The property of Larkin M1. Rice, colored, of Union county, was ad vertised for sale on salesday under a judgment obtained at the last tern of court by a negro woman who sued Rice for a breach of the pro. mise of marriage and got a verdict for $2,500. Rice claimed his hoine stead and the sale was postponed. Mr. Edwin V. Robertson, of Co lumbia, and his associates have ac quired the controling interest in the Columbia Electric Street Railway, Light and Power company. Mr. Robertson is president of the Coluni bia Trust company, which is closely allied with the National Loan and Exchange bank, of which also he is president. Mr. W. W. Irby, of the Green brier section of Fairfield county, was married this week to Mrs M. T. Fuller, of Raleigh. Mrs. Fuller was Mr. Irby's nurse in a hospital in Columbia this sunner, where the intimacy began. Mrs. Fuller started for her home in Raleigh Sat urday evening, but when she got to Winnsboro Mr. Irby induced her to remain over and they were mar ried. By the will of the late Charles Logan, which was admifted to pro bate this week, the city of Colun bia receives legacies aggregating $6o,ooo. The Columbia hospital and St. Peter's church each receive $5,000. The legacy to the city schools includes four acres of the race track at the fair grounds and $40,ooo in money. There is an other bequest of $9,000 to be used by the city for the p)revention of cruelty to animals. By a strange coincidence Mr. Charles Muller, an aged Confedi erate veteran wvho died at WVinns boro last week from injuries re ceived from burnring, was buried in the same grave with a man who in the great conflict wore the blue. The lot selected for his interment was overrun with vines and1( the persons to whom was entrusted the dligging of the grave dug into the grave of a Vankee soldier who died at Winnsb)oro whliile therec with an encamplment mn 1865. So in the same grave the blue and the gray 'sleep together. ALLEGED ROOSEVELT-HANNA FEUD. The Personal Organ of The Boss of Souther. Ohio Merellessly Attacks Roosevelt. Its Meaning. it is reported from Washint-oi that the selnsation of the hour is mlerciles attilck lipon Presiden Roosevelt con),tainle(d in an elitoria of the Cincinnati Coninicrcial Tri bune, the leading Republican orgai of Southern Ohio More than ordinary interest i taken in this attack because of thi known affiliation , of the n1ewspaper It is regardtd the personal organ c George B. Cox, the big Republical boss of southern Ohio, who is ve, close indeed to Senator 1amn, an suspicious administration politican are inclined to see the fine Italia hand of Uncle Marcns back of il whole thing Some of theiml co strue is as simply a -ieans of forcin the president to let up on his figl for Gen. \Vood, while others see i it the begilning of a s'stemati campaign in the interests of Hainu, It is said that, fearing that de struction will be their harvest froi the Hanna-Roosevelt row, Repubi cans from the Sotlerii States mj flocking to Washington to see whn can he done to save themselves. Coincident with the breaking or of the I-inna-Roosevelt feud com( the revival of the old scheme th, representation in the Republica inaonal convention he based on ti nuiber ( f voters Lf adopted th scheme woul cripe the influeml( of the southern Re publicans in tl convention. The scheme is an o one, but it has again been put fo ward by a New England mnem)er the committee, who suggests th. the coimittee so change the bas of representation that each Stal shall have one delegate ior each i o ooo Republican votes cast. ROOSEVELT IS PERSISTENT. Promptly Renominates Gen. Wood and t! Negro, Crum-Made as Recess Ap pointments. President Roosevelt on Mondr sent the nomination of Gen. Leo: ard Wood to be major , -ral the army and the nomninotion of i( other army officers whose prom tion is dependent on that of Gel Wood. Accompanying these non inations were those of about 25 civ ian appointees, including that 4 Dr. WV. D. Crumi to be collector the port of Charleston, and son others whom the president nomina ed in the last recess. These appointments are coniside ed by the president and his advise to be recess appointments. TI quiestion of their status has het discussed thoroughly by the pre ident with the best lawyers co nected with the administration al in congress. TPhe concclusioni h beeni reached that betwveen the til of the falling of President Pro Te1 pore Frye's gavel signifying t conclusion of the extraordinary st sion and the calling to order of t senate in the regular sess;ionm of et gress an appreciable lapse of til occurred . In this time tihe appoil menits technically were made. Thm are regarded by the admiimst rati as recess applointmnents and the p)ointees, therefore, wvill receivet pay aind exercise all the author of the rank to which they arep muoted. ITERS ed my assort s goods and tdquarters for am-lA1 11 the Same Old iplete a line of ings to eat as vish for. enty years the 3 county have ,ral patronage :ontinuance of !1st Christmas the same old THE PRETTIEST EVER SEEN Wagone, Vlood gon. s Variety. 'ELECTED FRUIT, ananas, es from id the Tropics. Stock of Candy, orts this seeson to yventire stock comn Christmas goods in berry. I have made VIy goods are fresh articular. A careful res pectfully, JNES SAT I have complet 1,ment of Christma again claim to be hec You will find me at Stand with as corr Toys and good th tl"Old Santa" could , For the past tw , good people of thi. -favored me with lib( jand I now ask a c same through my e Remember at stand you will find Dolls! Dolls!! 11obbit ornc, .Tron ~Veocipede, j t oys ilp Eidles FINE, ELEGANT AND : Apples, Oranges, B Figs and Graj California ar :A Large and Splendid i. I have made extra eff aplease the public, and mn prises the best selection!of he my line to be found in New prices to suit the ti:nes, and first-class in every p; ne inspection solicited.Yor e y I. R