4 talb Gab + cws. ESTABLISHED 1865 NEWBERRY, S. -FRDY,DCME , 93 WC A W-p-4.r e . CHARLESTON'S PROFITS RESTORED BY BOARD. 'TIR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS MUST BE EMILOYED. ,iyor Smyth Made His Fortual Return But the Directors Did Not Seem Satisfied. The directors of the State dispen ary have decided to restore to harleston all of the city's share of .e dispenisary profits except so auch ' will be necessary to pay ,e expenses of litigation in the 'ieters matter. The mayor and other officials of tie city appeared before the board at its meeting in Columbia on Wed nesdav. After the return of the :flicials the board went into execu ive session, Gov. Heyward being ivited to nttend the deliberations, id "decided to restore the profits o the city of Charleston, after with holding then for such a time as might be necessary to defray the expenses of the litigation now pend ing in Charleston as to the consta Ales, provided the city council will place under the orders of the di vision chief constable four special )fficers, to be paid by the city of Charleston, for the especial pur pose of assisting in the detection ond capture of contraband liquor, in addition to the three city detect ives already employed in the mak ing of cases for the recorder's court against the violators of the dispen sary law." Mayor Smyth afterwards assured the board that its actiont met his approval, and that he would advise the Charleston city council to take the steps necessary to carry it out. The board made it plain that it was not satisfied with the showing mtade and would require greater .eal by the city officials of Charles ton in their efforts to enforce the dispensary law. Gov. Heyward expressed himself as thoroughly satisfied with the outcome of the hearing. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Items of More or Less Interest Condensed In the State. The citizens of the town of Dil lon petitioned the State board of directors for a removal of the Dillon dispensary. A safe at Lowndesville, in Ander son county, was blown open by safe crackers on Truesdlay night and be tween $5oo and $6oo in cash was 'ecured. John W. Coward, a white man, as been convicted of manslaughter Lee county. Coward killed a 'y 20 years of age during July of is year. edar Creek bridge, 1 3 miles th of Colmbzia, gave way uinder >wagons on Monday, resulting he killing of three mnules and fatal intjumring of a negro driver. ri. Robert Briggs, a Clenison ge student, went to -his home inton to spend Thanksgiving, n his arrival was found to be rately ill with p'neumonia, and( uSunday morning. government distillery of eard, about three miiles from 11e, together with 2,500ogal hiskey, has been seir.ed by rv constables anr1 Utedk GENERAL NEWS NOTES. ici Items of More or Less Interest Condensed Outside the State. OU Cyrus Dixon, a young white man, ab was hanged at Trenton, N. C., on wt Tuesday, for murder. gr< Three lives were lost and one da fr man was badly injured on Tuesday fo by a collision of two tugs in New f York harbor. tml tll 75,000 cotton mill operatives of w1 New England have been affected th< by a cut of ten per cent. in wages, gi which will be in full force by Mon- lie day. ' fo Prof. Borden P. Browne, of Bos ton University, las been suinuoned ha to appear before the Ecclesiastical Court of the Methodist Episcopal th< Church to answer to the charge of crC heresy. du The historic Academy of Music, the largest theatre in Brooklyn, N. clh Y., was completely destroyed by OV fire on Monday. The loss was about $300,000. Oil Safe blowers on Monday night tel robbed the safe of a saloon at Green te Cove Springs, Fla., of about $400. lii The saloon was badly danaged by the explosion.th th General S. M. Bell, com 'anding sa the troops ill the miners' strike by district of Colorado, has received a Ci note wrapped around a humlian ye finger advising himiii to wil.hdraw ge his troops. The letter said the jcl ears would follow and thenl tile head. By the confession of an ex-city attorney a number of prominent men of Grand Rapids, Mich., in- t cluding ex-mayors, aldermen. State Ri senators and others of equal or more prominence, have been im plicated ill the water works scandal h of that city. of The United States has given di- of rections looking to the recognitionil of King Peter Kara Georgevitch. I of Servia, who succeeded to the th Servian throne after the assassina- th tion of the rightful king, with i which assassination King Peter was very prominently connected. Two travelers bound for Charles cl ton were arrested in Savannah on w: Monday suspected of the recent th safe blowing ill that city. A detec tive asked them who they were and aii one of them said ill fun that he a w~as a safe b)lower from Chlicago.N IIs attemplJt at funl caused tile tI travelers, whIo p)roved to be innio cent, to spend a day at the barracks. A fatal iamily feud in the v'icil- ke ity of Elizabethtowvn, Ky., resulted ia thlis week ill tile killinrg of two men, or tile fatal wounding of a thlird, and km thle injury of anlother. Tile al- vi leged murderer, Cust is Gardner, who was captured, crep)t uder cover of dlarknless to the wincdow o the room in whlidA the four menCI A were sittinlg andc fired tile fatal shot. Johni Turnier, a Chrilst ianx Science iollower, dlied in Savanniahx of the rupture of a lood vessel wi ii coroner anadle anl inlquiry and re- Ilt ported thlat Turner was nlot attend(edl by a phlysiciani suid the Christian bi science heLaiers who attenidedw Turnier wvilil)be reported by the T solicitor genleral to the grand jury is for inldictmlent for violating the law di requiring licenlses to prae nledmort, ne and for criminal negligence permitting a man to suffer with t proper attention. [In the presence of a crowd of >ut 1,200 persons, composed of iites and negroes, three ie >es were lynched on Monl v atternoon near Belcher, La., participating in fatal shoot of Robert Adger, a white 11. Negroes confessed, stating !y were trying new guns and en Adger appeared on the streets night it quite natural to turn the us on hiim. The negroes had ped the white men in the search the culprits. r'e Federal court in Chicago ,; taken poossession of all the )perty ofJohn Alexander Dowie, self-styled "Elijah II,' who ated such an ininense sensation ring his recent crusade on New )rk. The property seize(d in Ides the City of Zion, which has .r io,ooo inhabitants and in iclh $2o.00,ooo is said to be in ted. The failure of the crusade New York seeis to have shat ed the confideiice of iany of iwie'- followers and thus stopped incollic of imoney at the tine it s most needed. Creditors saw end coming and hastened to ,e all they could from the wreck bankruutcy pioceedings. The ty of Zion was founded two ars! ago by Dowie, and is the neral headquarters of Dowie's ureh. A cablegram announces the death -1. C. Stayinenter, an American ssionary, and the drowning of enty-three of a native crew, by : capsizing of a boat on the Congo ver, in.Central Africa. The United States supreme corut s affirmed the constitutionality the eight-hour law of the State Kansas regulating labor on the blic works. The law makes Oht hours a day's work for work m enployed by or on behalf of - State or cities, counties or other .Viipalities in the State and for :ls cont ractors from requiring such )rkmen to work more than eight 4urs. Whether the law is mis. levous or not, the court held, is not a queision for the courts; e law vas collstitutiona! Governor Heard, of Louisiana, notiiiced oin Tuesday to the Boll 'cevil .conivenition . in se'slin in aw Orleans, that he .vo nhl call a scial sessioni of the Lousiana leg ation to adopt some mcas es which, it is hoped, will ep the bol11 weevil out of Louis ia. The convention deternmined a p)ermanenit organization, to bie own as the Louisiana Boll Wee association. FIRE AT PIEiDMONT. Disastrous Fire Sweeps Away an Entire Bl(ock -Heavy Losses-There Was A Lack of Water. The entire business b)loek onl am street at P iedmon1011t ways des >yed by fire on WeCdnelsday after ion. Thei stocks carriedl by the firums rned amounOtedIc to abiout $6o,ooo th poss5ibly $35,000 insuranice. ne vaine of the buildinigs burnied not knmowni. The fire was first scovered about 3.30 o'clock. Lack water was the greatest troe PANAMA HAS SIGNED THE CANAL TRDATY. THE JUNTA ACTED VElY SPB3DILY AND UNANIMOUSLY. Not One Word of the Document was Changed and it Is Now On its Way to Washington. Panama, Dec. 2.-The canal trcaty vas signed at 11-33 a. in. today. There were no amendments to the treaty. When every preparation had been completed for the actual signing of the treatv a government decree was adopted, setting forth that: "WN7hereas a guarantee of the inde pendence of the isthmus has been obtained, and "\Whereas celerity is indispens able to secure an efficacious and ii mediate fulfillent of this obligation on the part of the United States and of toe junta of the provisional gov ernment formed by the unaninous will of tile people of the isthmus and possessing full sovereign powers over the isthunts territory, be it "Resolved and decieed, that the treaty be approved in all its parts." The document is coming back to Washington in the U. S. (liplomatic mail pouch. To APPEA. To CIAvIAND. A special from Colon says that an appeal was signed in New York dur'ng November hy 400 leading Colombians to he presented to Grover Cleveland seeking through him the' assistance of the Dem ocratic party. A Tribute. A beautiful life has closed. Elean or Madison Chapman 'has crosscl the narrow stream which divides the heavenly land from ours. Though absent from 'he body, she speaks to her sorrowing friends by the memory of her holy life and example, exhorting is to press on wari with still greater zeal in the work of that Divine Master whom she loved and served with all the powers of her pure and devoted so1. The fo wi'g Isltions to her memory have been paHsed by her fellow-members of t- : Woman's Foreign and HIome N issionary Societ ies of t lie M. E. Church South, Newbehxrt y S. C. IR esolved, rs . TPhat whil e hbowing mi hum 1ible suibmiission to the will of our Hleavenlhy Father, we lament our great loss in the deuath of our beIloved1 sister and co- worker, Mliss IEleanuor Madison Chapmnan. 2nd. That these resolutions be copied inito our minu 1tes, that a page in our muniiuttes he dedicatedl to her miemlory. 3r. hat a oyof thes5e jres ohlut ions be sent to her- failiy as ani exp)ression of 0111 sincere sym pathy in' their sore bereavemenit. Mrs. J. WV. White. Mirs. P.* C. Gaillardl. Mirs. WV. H1. Wallace. Hutisoni Sandelrs. Mr. Chia rli e I Ilutson andN giss Miary Saiider s wer.e hlarried at the residhence of the bIrid(e's brolt her, Mr. Thomas H1utson, inl /est End, at 5:30 Wedniesday afternoon, the Rev. G. . Edwardoiie ating. States revenue officers. The value of the property seized is estimated at $5.000. It is expected that the Pacolet, two of the Clifton mills and the new annex at Glendale, in Spartanburg county, will start early in the year and give employment directly and indirectly to thousands of people. Mr. J. E. Middleton, of McBee, S. C., was shot but not fatally wounded on last Saturday night by Ross Miller, a young man. Miller had sold Middleton a typewriter which was afterwards claimed by a firm in Columbia and taken from Middleton. Middleton went to see Miller and Miller drew his gun and fired. On Wednesday a week ago near Grindale, Cherokee county, two white men, Robert M. McCombs and Smith Inman, engaged in a quarrel while undor the influence of whiskey, and a fight ensued, dur ing which McCombs inflicted a very ugly wound on the head-eInman, which caused his death two days later. The annual report of President Johnson, submitted to the board of trustees of Winthrop college at their meeting in Columbia this week to prepare the annual report to be submitted to the general assembily, shows that of 790 applicants for ad isson 474 were enrolled; and that there are 36 instructors and assist ants in the college and 9 executive officers. The enrolment is the largest in the history of the institu tion. FURMAN ENDOWMENT FUND. Total Addition to the Endowment Fund Will Be One Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Dollars. Sumter, December i.---The Bap tist Minister's Conference assem bled in the First Baptist church to-night. Pastor Brown opened the meeting by rea,mlg a telegram, stating that Allen had succeeded in raising one hundred and five thou sand dollars for the endowment of Furman University-thus winning Prof. Judson's $2o,ooo. Total ad dition to Furman is $r 25,000. The Baptist hosts are jubi'ant tonight. The Conference elected G. W. Bussey, chairman Louis J. B3ris tow, secretary; W. E. Thayer H1. M. Fallaw and Victor I. Masters. Special Rates Via Southei n. The Southern Railway comlipany announces the following special rates: $37 to Oteenville, S. C., and return, account of the South C r olina Annual Conference M. E. Church, South, D)ecembher 8th- 15th. TIickets on sale Dec. 7, 8, 9, ro, i1, with finial li mit December 16th. $7.45 to Charleston S. C., anid retumrn , account of Anunual Comn mnunication M. WV. Grn d Lodge Ancient Free Masonms, De?c. 8th-9th Tickets on sale Dec. 7, 8, with lini al limit D)ecemnber r 2th1. $2.25 to Colhnnhmia S. C.., and re turn, account of anmnual meeting Palmetto A. M. B. Zion Conference, December 9th-r15th. Tiickets on sale Dec. 8, 9, roth, with finial limit D)ecember r5th, For tickets and further infor miation, apply to, S. H. McTan, Agen.