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c cr aW aub us ESTABLISHE 185NEWBERRIY. S. C., FRiDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1903. TWICE A WEEK, $1 .50 A YEA TAMMANY SWEEPS NEW YORK CITY. THE DEMOCRATS CARRY MARYLAND BY BIG MAJORITY. Hanna's Campaign Fund Invincible In Ohio. The Results of the Elections on Tuesday. New York, Nov. 4 -George McClellan, Democrat, will be the next mayor of Greater New York, having defeated Mayor Seth Low for re-election by a ,urality of 63, 617, complete unofficial returns having been received from every election district in the city. By the same returns Comptroller Edward M. Grout and Charles V. Fornes, president of the boardof aldermen, running for re-election on the Democratic ticket, though elected two years ago as Fusionists, de feated their Fusion opponents by 66,790 and 64,973 plurality, re spectively, Comptroller Grout lead ing the city ticket. McClellan's total vote for mayor was 314,906 to 251,289 for Low. William S. Devery, independ ent candidate for mayor, polled only 2,935 votes in the entire city. NIARYLAND, MY MARYLAND! Baltimore, Md., November 4. At midnight the returns on Tues day's election from Baltimore city and the State of Maryland had not all been received. In Baltimore city the entire Democratic State ticket, comprising Edwin War field, of Howard County, Gov ernor; Gordon T. Atkinson, of Somerset County, Comptroller, and William Shepard Bryan, Jr., of Baltimore city, Attorney General, was elected by about 5,000 plural ity. The Democrats elected in Baltimore city three Senators and eighteen members of the House of Delegates by large majorities. The Republicans elected one State Sen ator. and six members of the House of Delegates. Vm. II. 6reen, Republican, is apparently elected sheriff of the city by a plurality of between joo and 200. The returns from all of the coun ties of the State have not been re ceived, but enough reports are in hand to assure an overwhelming Democratic majority on joint ballot in the General Assembly,which will elect a successor to United States Senator Louis McComas. From returns received at this hour, it is conceded that the Decmo. crats wvill have on joint ballot 82 votes, in the General Assembly to 41I Republican votes. Warfield's lulrality in the State will proba bly reach S,ooo. 01110 STANDS BY IJANNA. Columbus, Ohio, November 4. -The Republican plurality in Ohio is about r1ig,0oo for Gov ernor. and the majority in the Leg islature en joint ballot for Senator is 93. MASSACHTUsETTS.I Boston, Mas. November 4.-J. .L. Bates, Republican candidate for Governor, was re-elected by about 35,000. IREPUBICAN CORIADO.* IDenver, Col., November 4. The Republicans carried the State by 7,000. SMALL VOTE IN MIssIssippI, Tackson, Miss. November .. The vote cast in yesterday's State lection will not exceed 30,000. IOWA STILL IEPUBLICAN. Des Moines, Iowa, November 4. -Official estimates place Governor Cummin's plurality over J. B. Stil ivan, Democrat, t. 55.000. The < Democrats will have twenty-threel >f the ioo members of the next f House, a gain of six, and eight of't lie fifty members of the Sonate, a t loss of two. IN w. J. .BRYAN'S STATE. Omaha, Neb., November 4. Returns received up to this even- t ng show that Barnes (Republican) I For Supreme Judge, will have a C najority of at least S,ooo over t Judge Sullivan. I r PENNSYLVANIA's MAJORITY. Philadelphia, November 5.- < omplete returns from all but t .leven counties of the State indi- f :ate a plurality for William L. Vlathues, Republican candidate for state Treasurer, approximating 65,000. C TIE VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE. Richmond, Va., November 4 - 'he latest returns from yesterday's -lections in Virginia show that the t :omplexion of the General Assem- 1 >ly will be little if at all changed a 'rom what it is now. There will t )e about nineteen Republican votes t :n joint ballot, two F'sionist votes ind one Independent vote. The otal membership of the Assem bly is 142. LITTLE Ri)ODDY ALMOST LOsT. t Providence, R. I., November 4. -Complete returns from the 1s2 listricts of the State received today re-elect Governor L. F. C. Garvin )y 1.587 plurality, a decrease of 6, I t I votes. DEMOCRATIC KENTUCKV. Louisville, Ky.. Nov- 3.-<e urns received from the State indi :ate the re-election of Governor T. \.NW. Beckhan.. Democrat, by a :najority conservatively estimatedI it 14,000. The vote cast was .nusually heavy, ana the returns ire very slow. Out of 119 counties in the State returns have been re :eived from only 22. These give 13eckham 34.448; Belknap 22,035 Belknap carried five of these I twenty two counties, sixteen of r which are nominally Democratic. LYNCHING IN ARKANSAS. SequIel of a Race Fight in Lake Village, iln Which One White Man wvas Killed and Several Wounded. Lake Village, Ark., Nov'ember 3. --iIenry Johnson, a negro, was taken from jail here at noon1 today by a mob and hang d in the centre of town. The act followed a fight between the whites and blacks early in the clay, in wvhich Frank Ander son1 was killed and B. Vinlsoni, a lawyer from Little Rock, and several others were wounded. During the row, it is claimed, Ed Coleman, a nlegro, began shooting, 1I which started a fusilade. WVhen1 it was over the dead andc wounded< were counted. Coleman fledI with a pos inl pursuit. Johnson was i locked up. Excitement rani high 1 and a mass mneetinig was held, atI which observation of law was turgedi but a large niumber of the more ex citable rushed to the jauil, b)attered downm the doors, took Johnson and hagedl him. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. tens of More or Less Interest Condensed Out-Odr. the State. A purely accidental fire in the latican at Rome recently caused a Lamage of about $50,000. The 3ope has ordered an increase in the orce of firemen in order to be able o face any situation of the kind in he future. The recent destructive fire on "oiev Island, which resulted in he loss of one life, the injury of wo score persons five hundred >ersons made homeless, and a finan :ial loss of $1,500,000, is believed o have been the result of the ualicious mischief of two drunken owdies, former waiters in a hotel, vho said that things were getting lull in the island and they believed hey would liven things up with a ire. They are both in jail charged vith arson. At 5 a. m. on Monday two heav ly armed men assaulted the assistut ashier of the Cumberland Telo hone and Telegraph Co., at Nash ille, Tenn., and robbed him of 3,000 in ioue The cashier went o the office at an early hour to get uis pay roll in shape and was in the et of getting the currency out of he office safe when the assault was aade. Members of the Kings Mountain iolice force shot and fatally wound d a bank robber near Wright's Perry, S. C. The man had robbed he Forest City, N. C., bank of 12,000. He was met in the road Lmd ordered to throw up his hands. nstead he fired, but missed, and %,as fired upon and fatally wounded. A colored savings bank with a voman for president has begun >usiness in Richmond, Va. The wedding of Miss Goelet and he Duke of Roxhurgh will be cel brated in St. Thomas chuch, New jork, next Tuesday. The bride's tiother will give her away. The %edding will be made as simple as )ossible and the number of guests At the church wil I be only about 200 Id at the home only about 40. The Cuban congress convened on Jonday and a very conservative nessage from President Palna was eceived on the opening day. Paul Kruger, the aged president >f the Transvaal Republic, replying n1 M\I entone, France, the other day, o the gift of a statue said that lie s calmly resigned to the events in outh Africa but that he did not lespair. The aged man is described ts being constantly occup)ied in eading the Bible, as desiring isola ion and as maintaining a dignified >earim1g. Postmaster General Payne has dmnitted that an investigation is )einug made of charges involving he office of the Third Assistant ?ostmaster Genieral. In a recent speech Secretary of he Navy Moody emphatically die iied thle statement which has been :irculated that the marksmian of the X merican navy are deserters fromi lie British navy, saying the re narkable scores in recent tests had >een made byv native Americans. Joseph Craddock, a negro, was yniched by negAocs necar Shireve >ort, La., on Sunday night for kill nig two other negroes andl fatally niuring' anther whone injurie e suilted in death. Craddock said he killed the inoffensive negroes just for fun. He was captured by a posse of white men, but a crowd of about three hundred, mostly ne groes, took possession of him and hanged him to a tree and burned his body beneath it. Six men were killed and ten slight.. ly injure(d at Iona laid, N. V.. Wednesday afternoon, by an ex plosion at the United States arsenal, one of the largest magazines in the United States. A nid(le-aged man in Philadel phia, about to be married the third time, comnitted suicide on Wed nesday without any known cause. He went to the hath room and blew out his brains with a revolver. Two young women were killed and fifty-one were injured, seven teen seriously. in the collision of two cable cars in a fog in Kansas City, Mo., early Wednesday morn img. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Items of More or Less Interest Condensed In the State. Several of the pickpockets who did business in Columbia durinl" Fair week have been given hear. ings and sent up to the higher court. A fire in Ninetv-Six early Mon day morning, origin unMnown, de .,troyed the store and stock of goods of J. C. Wise and damaged other property, the total loss being- ihbout $4,000. Tle nava' estimntes f,41r the con ing fiscal yearpr,)vide for coitiliu ing the w\ork mCi th. dry dock at Charleston nw.( the Charleston navv yard C)nles 1i1 for some oI tle largest estitnntes imade by the de partmlent. A burglar entered the re.-,idence of Mrs. M. I. Fishibilnne, inl Column bia, about 9 o'clock Sunday night, and took an o' I silver vatcl case from a trunk and a small savingH bank contailing 50 cents. He left a purse han,.,ing in an apron pocket containing $15. During a negro hot supper in Anderson county Tuesday night, one negro s'lot another u gro through the cheek. The ball went on and struck aiiothier negro, H enry A iken, in the mouth. A iken caught the ball between his teeth and spat it out. That is the story as it comies from Anderson. A HOIRRIBILE DEATH. Aged Confederate Veteran Caught In Shaftig and Killed. L4aurens, No~v. 3.- -Martin R iddle a well to do farmer 'nd a highly resp)ected citizen of the WVarrior Creek section of this counity, met a tragic death this muoring about mo o'clock. HeI operated in connection with farming inter-ests a b)ig ginnery. This mnorninug in passinig amo.ig the shafting lie was suddenly jerked into tihe umachinery and terribly mngled and bruised. Death en suedo in 15 minutes. lie was 6c years old, b)eing a veteran of the WVar Between the States, and( huis friends recall his record as a soldier worthy of the name W. b T. PANAMA PROCLAIMS INDEPENDENCE. SHE CEDED FROM COLOMBIA AT 6 P. M. ON TUESDAY. 'he Cause Supposed to be Desire of Isthmus to Have Panana Canal Completed. PaIInMIa, Colombia, November 3. Ihe independence of the isthmiis w,as iproclaimed at 6 p. m. today. A large and enthusiastic crowd of all political partil 3 assembled and marched to the headquarters of the Government troops, where Gens Tovar and Amaya, who arrived this morning, were imprisoned in the iame of the Republic of Pan ai. The entihusiasm was im mense, and at least three thousand of the men in the gathering were armed. SOUNDS LIKIC WAl. Washington, November 4.--Vice United States Consul Ehrman, at Panama, cables the State depart ment under today's date that the Colombian Government war ship Bogota is shelling the city. One Chinaman has been killed. MI\r. Ehrman has beeni instructed to protest against tle bombhardmieit. nx mco xmIos nu(qrmss'i:n. 'Tlhe. United States Gov CrmIIent received a Calegramil today from Pan:1ma requesting that it recog nize the new Government. Ihe olficials here are as yet in ignorance as to what the new Govern men consists of and have taken no ac tion cn tie request. A FJOLISH MOTHER'S CItIML. She 'ints a Rtfle at her 1.ab1 in Fun it is Discharged With Fatal Effect. "Lookout. I'll <oot '.b cried MIs Thom ai at , ' \a dosta, Ga., in a frolic with her year-old child oi Saturday, at the same time pointing at the baby on old parlor rifle, that 11:d 'enii laid around1(I the house since Christmas. The child langhed in glee, but inl an instant there waN an explosion and a scream of pain from the baby and anILother scrCamtl 01 horror fronm the mother. The child lingered in agony until this morning, when it died. Mrs. Zant is frantic with grief olnd denonnces herself as a muaitrderess, though it is coniceded that the shooting was accidental. SHOT IS CHILD BY ACCIDENT. Mr'. Press Tucker of Ruby, Firing at a itabbit, Seriously Wounds His Little Boy. The State. Chesterfield, Nov. 3--On Tlhutrs (lay last Mr.. P ress Tucker of Ruby accidlentally shot his little son, H en nie. TIhe little boy had been pickiing cotton and was at the spring get ing wvat er when hiis fat her shot at a .abbit, the entire load taking effect ini tihe boy's body,)' II iseriouisly but it is hopedi not fatally hurt. Marriage. Marriedl, b)y the Rev'. N. N. Bturtonm, on Tuesday afternoon, November 3, MIr. Samunel Robertson and Miss Estelle Gorce, both of West End.