The times and democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1881-current, November 14, 1911, County Fair Edition, Page PAGE THREE, Image 4

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Also Four $50.00 New Home Drop Head Sewing Machines and Forty Porcelain Dinner Set: of One Hundred Pieces Each by The Times and Democrat. A GRAND VOTING To Contestants in Orangeburg, Calhoun and Adjoining Counties. THE DISTRICT PRIZES Consist of Four New Home Drop Head Sewing Machines The Grand Prize These Prizes are not only useful, but ornamental as well, and any lady would be delighted to own one of them. The machines are worth $50,00 each. District No.* 1 includes all that part of Orangeburg County on the West side of the North Edisto River, and generally known as the "Fork." An opportunity to win the Piano goes to this District, also the sure District Prize of one New Home Drop Head Sewing Machine, and also a sure prize of a One Hundred Piece Handsomely Decorated Porcelain Dinner Set in each Township in the District which polls an aggregate of 100,000 votes and over. District No. 2 includes Calhoun and adjoining Counties. An oppor tunity to win the Piano goes to this District, also the sure District Prize of one New Home Drop Head Sewing Machine, and also a sure prize of a One Hun dred Piece Handsomely Decorated Porcelain Dinner Set to each Township in the District which polls an aggregate vote of 100,000 and over. THE TOWNSHIP PRIZES Consist of Forty Handsome 100-pi6ce Por celain Dinner Sets ? A handsome piano in a mnhogany, of plain but. beautiful des:gn just the kind of a case which appeals to people of discriminating and refined taste. Solid Ivory and Ebony keys. Genuine Brass trimmings. Full keyboard of 7 3-4 octaves. Tuning Pin Bushing and Full Iron Frame ex tending the entire length of the inst -ument. Copper wound Bass strings. Action first class and easy. Made by skilled workmen of the very best material in a factory where quality of work and sincere desire to make the best pianos govern the workmen. The MARCHANT Piano is far superior to the average piano given in contests of this kind as a $50.00 gold watch is compared to a dollar Ingersoll. This piano is manufactured by legitimat plano makers and sold by legitimate piano merchants in a legitimate manner. So many pianos c - fered in contests of this kind are simply makeshifts manufactured by you don't know who and c? r rying names which are not listed in any manufacturer's or dealer's piano guide, pianos which lcok well and sound well for a few months and then go all to pieces. The Marchant piano cannot be classed uader the above description, but is the best $300 piano sold by the Marchant Music Co. One of these Handsome Decorated Dinner Sets will be given away in each Township that poll an aggregate vote of not less than 100,000 votes. District No. 3 include the following Townships in Orangeburg Coun ty: Elizabeth, Limestone, Orange, City, New Hope and Middle. An opportunity to win the Piano* goes to this District, as well as the sure District Prize of ? one New Home Drop Head Sewing Machine, and one sure prize of a One Hundred Piece Handsomely Dec orated Porcelain Dinner Set to each Township in the District that polls an aggregate of 100,000 votes District No. 4 includes the following Townships in Orangeburg County: Branchville, Cow Castle, Bowman, Elloree, Providence, Van* ,s, Eutawville and Holly Hill. An opportunity to win the Piano goes to this Distriet, as well as the* sure District Prize of one New Home Drop Head Sewing Machine, and one sure prize of a One Hundred Piece Handsomely Decorated Porcelain Dinner Set to each Township in the District that polls ar aggregate vote of 100,000 and over. 'Winners of the Prizes THE PIANO, which is the Grand Prize, will be awarded to the person who gets the most votes in the whole territory, which includes the entire Counties of Orangeburg and Calhoun. The winn-r of the Piano will not be eligible to win any other prizes in the Contest. THE SEWING MACHINES, the District Prizes, will be awarded to the person in each District receiv ing the highest vote, except in the District where the winner of the Piano may live, in which case the Sew ing Machine will be awarded to the person in that District receiving the next highest vote. THE DINNER SET, the Township Prizes, will be awarded to the person receiving the highest vote in each township complying with the conditions, except in the Townships in which the persons who win the Piano and the Sewing Machines may reside, in which case the Dinner Sets will be awarded to ".he persons receiving the next highest vote to the persons win ning the Piano and the Sewing Machines. The Township Prizes will not be awarded in those Townships in which the aggregate vote is less than ?00,000 that the different candidates may receive. Special attention is called to this condition of the Township prizes. Note Especially ? Subscribers are cautioned to request a receipt for all money paid to contestants, and to send in the same to the Contest manager so as they can be given proper credit on the books. A duplicate receipt will be returned them. Many Township Prizes In order to further equalize competition and pre vent too many of the prizes being won in the same lo cality, the Districts have been divided into Townships, and the contestants in each Township can only com pete among themselves for the Township Prizes, while they will have a chance to win the Grand Prize or the District Prize of the District in which they may be located. Who May Enter Contest This Contest is open to all ladies, single or married." who live in either Orangeburg, or Calhoun, or adjoin ing Counties. It is not even necessary that the-con testants be subscribers to The Times and Democrat. Remember that each contestant has a chance to win the Handsome Piano, one of the Sewing Machines or one of the Handsome Dinner Sets. No persons can win more than one prize. Do not hefitate, but nominate yourself or friend or have some friend nominate you at once. Yon have a chance to capture one of the many prizes. For further information write or call on Contest Manager. Divided Into Four Districts In order to equalize competition and prevent too many of the prizes being won in the same locality, the territory has been divided into four districts and the contestants in each district will only compete among themselves for the District Prizes, and at the same time have a chance to win the (hand Prize, which, of course, is open to all contestants in any part of the territory, which embraces the whole of Orangebnrg, Calhoun ami adjoining Counties. Cut out and mail today. Date. 911. THE TIMES AND DEMOCRAT, ORANGEBURG, S. C, Contest Editor: Please enroll me as a contestant in The Times and Democrat's Grand Voting Contest com Township. Also send me envelopes, order blanks, receipt books, etc, so that I may begin work promptly. Name _ P.O. Rules of the Contest. 1. Votes once issued cannot be transferred to an other contestant. 2. All nominations and contestants agree to accept these rules and conditions. 3. Votes may be reserved by each candidate, and all reserve votes will be credited on the last day of the contest. 4. All votes must be in The Times ancl Democrat office by Friday morning to be published that week. 5. The right is reserved to reject any name for cause, also to alter these rules should occasion d mand, 6. To all who enter this Contest we guarantee fair, treatment. No partiality will be shown to any con testant. 7. All mone for subscriptions must be paid tr> The Times and Democrat, which will have entire control of the Contest. 8. Any question that may arise between the con testants will be determined by the Contest Manager, and this decision will be final. 9. Contestants will not be restricted in securing subscriptions to any territory, but may secure them in any place in the United States. 10. Xo employee of The Times and Democrat or member of any family connected with the paper will be permitted to participate in the Contest. 11. Ballots can not be bought. The Contest wJU be run fair tc all. Votes can only be obtained by^se-' curing subscriptions, cither prepaid cr renewals. For any information call on or address the Con test Manager, and any information will be gladly given* Respectfully yours, JAS. IZLAR SIMS, | Contest Manager*