Thi Bank of Orangeburg OP ORANGEBURG, S. C. (APITAL $100.000. ASSETS $81)0,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $93,000. Wi h the strongest financial backing of any bank in this sec tion of the State, and unsurpassed methods in ever) department we im ite farmers, merchants, individuals, firms and corporations that h ;ve not already done so to open an account with us. State < f South Carolina, County of Orangeburg and City Depository. "The Furniture Directors: Officers: w. N. SCOVILL, J. G. WANNAMAKER, T. M. RAYSOR, JAS. F. IZLAR, , iU. G. BRYANT, E. N. SOOVILLE? JAS. M. SEIGNIOCS, M. G. S?LLEY, N. H. 'BULL W. N. SCOVILL, Pres? lent. J. G. WAi JNAMAKER, Vice President. R. F. BRYANT, Cashier. F. C. BRYANT, Asst. Cashier. We Can Furnish Parlor to COUPON. Present this coupon signed and get 10 per cent, discount on all cash purchases for the next 30 days. Name. Address. Yonr Home From Kitchen. a We meet competitk n and every article sold by us is guaranteed to be as repre sented or money refunded. '?J We pay 4 per cent on Savings Deposits. I Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. When in Orangeburg Visit RENNEKI and RIGGS "The Fashion Shop'" Complete Outfitters For Men Co., WANNAMAKER, SM0AK & CO. ORANGEBURG-THE BEST TOWN IN THE CAROLINAS Star Theatre Cast aside your cares and enjoj yourseH one hour. We have just begun a new line of films, which are being used by the leading picture houses of the country. The titles each day are en tertaining, w'holesome and attrac tive. When you are in Orangebui j it will be well worth your time ?> lay aside worry and enjoy one hour with us. Five and ten cents. Star Theatre 14 WEST RUSSELL STREET. IN READING The difficult thing is often to select what to read. A pe'son who has not the experience ncces?a?y to determine a gc od book by the author's name, or some unfailing sign has to TRUST TOILUCK Unless he comes to Sims Book Store, vthere nothing is kept except books that please. We have just received a ship m Mit of copyrighted novels selling at 50 cents. Over five hun d; ed titles to select from. We will order any book not in st )ck at request. We have everything a book store should have. Iff ^^rTT^^.^i^ SIMS BOOK STORE Bolen It would be hard to say that any city is the "best" city in South Car olina, yet that is what we are going to claim for Orangeburg. The fact that Oranbeburg is tue best city ir? the whole state is what we are go ing to prove?and it is no hard task to prove that it is the best from many standpoints. It is situated in the best county in the State from a farming viewpoint, and, as farming is the chief asset of every county in the State, Orangeburg takes high rank for that reason. For its size, we fearlessly say that Orangeburg can show more than any other city in these parts. More pav ed streets, more banks, more busi ness, more school children, better water, better wages, better sewerage system, larger business houses, finer looking buildings, handsomer homes, splendid health and better moral and homelike atmosphere by actual com parison, than any other city of like size or larger in the State. The city maintains the best volunteer fire de partment of its size in the Southern States. The hotel accommodations are eq ualled only by cities of double our population and are surpassed by very few cities of double our size. The railroad facilities are unsurpassed now and a new road is rapidly near ing completion. It is possible to leave Orangeburg in any direction in the morning and reach any point of the State by early afternoon. Now add to these assets a splendid college with several hundred boarding schol ars for white and two of the largest negro colleges in the South, and you have a consuming population during the business season of about 2,500 in addition to our regular popula tion. Orangeburg grows constantly and rapidly and substantially: 2,900 peo ple in 1890; 4,400 in 1900; nad 6,000 in 1910. Note the even rate. This signifies that the false boom is unknown that characterizes the un healthy growth of a great many cit ies For the means of support of these 6,000 people we have in addi tion to the regular trade from the country, two cotton mills, two fer tilizer factories, six printing offices, one ice factory, one cotton oil mill, one brick yard, two iron foundries, one steam laundry and several lum ber and planing mills, besides a num ber of minor factories, bottling works, etc. The city has [grown without any concerted unity on the part of its business men in the past. In fact, it has grown in spite of no organized effort. Simply couldn't telp but grow. Now we have entered upon a new era. Our people are pulling together. The business men of Orangeburg pay salaried official to talk and boost Orangeburg City and County. We are going to 'grow more rapidly now. We are going to reach out for larger things. Yes, the Chamber of Com merce, composed of the most pro gressive men of the city are organ ized to work together. The old theory of begrudging the other man bis success, has been discarded. The business men have actually organ ized to study and criticise each oth ers advertisments in a helpful way. We want every body to succeed in Orangeburg for there is room here for every one now and many thous ands besides that are coming here to live in the next decade. Come and live with us and we will help you. Yes, the men of Orangeburg are working together now. Several large anterprises rfre headed this way through combined effort on the part of the business men. The grave of the knocker is dug. No room here for the pessimist The real growth of Orangeburg has just be gun. The growth in the past has been natural. We are [going to add to this natural growth, the growth by enterprise, that made cities like Spartanburg, Charlotte, Atlanta, Bir mingham, Jacksonville. We want every one to learn that Orangeburg lr the best situation for a city in South Carolina. Our nearest com petitors of like size are further away away than the competitors of any city in the State. Look at the map! Sumter is 44 miles away, Columbia 50 miles, Charleston 80 miles and Aiken over 50 miles! Surrounded by an imcomparable farming coun try these distances mean something. Now look at the location of every one of the thirteen cities in the State having 5,000 people or more and notice the nearness of their compet itors. Our nearest competitor is Sum A COUNTY FAIR FOR ORANGEBURG Not since the days long gone by has Orangeburg had a regular Coun ty Fair. Where people can look at good stock, meet their friends from all over the country, and at the same time break the monotony of daily toil. But beginning with Nov. 14 the Orangeburg County Fair Associa tion will begin to hold its annual fair, which will last four days?14 to 17 inclusive. The fair this Nevember will be the first one, and every effort will be made to make it a huge success. The capital stock for this fair has already been taken, amounting to,. !!20,000 by farmers and merchants all over Orangeburg county. Grounds have been purchased and the necessary buildings will be erected by Novem ber. A premium list of 1,000 premiums has been aranged and in a short time will be distributed. These premiums will cover everything of interest to both men and women. Secure one of these lists and enter for the prem iums. The lists are open to anybody that cares to enter and the more the merrier. The county fair will be worth the time it takes for any farmer to at tend. 'The various instruments he will see demonstrated, the many in teresting points about the farm he will be able to pick up from seeing the other exhibits, and congenial mix ture of friends all go to make the Buyers of Cow Peas and Cotton Seed We solicit the patron age of carload shippers. ter and nature has provided a large i fa}r a very enjoyable occasion. stream as a barrier half way. Or angeburg is going to build up rapidly as the trading centre for this fine country lying all around us between our competitors. Orangeburg was the twelfth city In importance -in South Carolina, in 1900, there being eleven larger places In 1910 we ranked tenth, there being only nine larger places. We outstripped Union and Newberry in the decade race between 1900 and 1910, both of them situated in the much boasted Piedmont Section. In this same decade, Sumter dropped from fifth to sixth place. Orange burg will rank not lower than sixth city in South Carolina by 1920. Watch the prophecy of our slogan, "20,000 by 1920." Orangeburg, the Queen of the Edls to! The Edisto soon to be opened to navigation for us; a connection soon to be made with the Seaboard Airline Railway at North for us; the United States Government soon to erect a $60,000 Post Office for us; new factories coming; a United States Fish Hatchery coming; new business es opening every day. A daily paper, 2 twice a week paper, a thrice a week paper, a once a week paper?keep your eye on our growth, if you are not prospering in your present com munity as you would like and as you think your talents warrant, come and erst your lot with us in our tide of prosperity and growth. Grow with us! A corn show will be held In con nection with the fair, and this fea ture will be in the hands of experts. The Girls' Tomato Club will also be given a conspicuous place in the gen eral arrangements, and so on. It is too early yet to make any definite announcements, but watch the pap ers for news about the Orangeburg County Fair, Nevember 14 to 17, and don't fail to be there. At. the first meting of the direc tors the Fair was placed in the care of the following gentlemen as offi cers: Capt. J. H. Claffy, president; T. R. McCants, first vice president; J. W. Smoak, second vice-president and A. H. Marchant, secretary and treasurer Under the efficient man agement of these men the Fair is certainly bound to be a success ORANGEBURG COLLEGE. Orangeburg's New Postoince. The plans for the new postoffiee building have been drawn, submitted ed with slight changes Actual opera tion in the construction of the build ing will be commenced on the first of the year 1912. When completed it will be the handsomest building in this immediate section of the State and Uncle Sam c.+n count on the city of Orangeburg and her people to work for better Orangeburg. Is Taking a High Rank Under Man agement of Prof. Peterson. Orangeburg is the home of Orange burg College, formerly the Orange burg Collegiate Institute. This col lege has made some very progressive strides in the past few years, and has engaged the same high talent for next year as usual. There as sev eral male professors at the College, maong them Prof. Stiles R. Melli champ, department of English; Jas. M. Brailsford, department of history, Prof. Porter, department of mathe matics, Prof. Peterson, himself. The college pays special attention to its musical department. This year Prof. T. L. Tinsely and Mrs. Delia Gilbert, being in charge of the departments of piano and voice re spectively. Hoarding students are taken as well as day students. The boys are under military discipline, and the girls are in separate build ing under a matron. All students are given close attention. GLOVER'S All Orangeburg merchants ex tend a welcome to you. But when in need of Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Men's Fine Furnishings?See Glover's first. Ladies' shoes a specialty. Mail orders will re ceive prompt attention. Respectfully, J. E. GLOVER. Fairey and Week Wholesale and Retail Dealers General Merchandise in We Make a Specialty in Outfitting Country Stores PHONE 199. DEALERS IN Beef, Pork, Sausage and Ground Meats. Get your fresn meats from the old reliable. We al ways keep on hand a full supply of choice home dressed meats. Also fish and oysters in season. Prompt atten tion to phone orders. Meats delivered to all parts of the city Every Man Who Has a Bank Account Should Feel Proud Because not only does it make him a better citizen, but it starts him in the sure road to be a good citizen. We have just been named United States Depository for the Postal Savings Bank, of Orangeburg, S. C Your Uncle Sam consid ers we meet every requirement. Don't you think so? Open that account with us. THE EDISTO SAVINGS BANK, Sole Agents for Hamilton Brown's Line of Shoes Mr. Business Man: You know what it means to have everything in your business just what it should be, and up to the "Standard." Your "Business Stationary" demands as much attention and care as any other detail. Our Print Shop We Carry Burglar Insurance Sufficient to Cover Any Loss. Orangeburg, S. C. Is one of the best equipped in the State, and we are prepared to handle your business, no matter what your needs may be. Send us your next order and let us prove what we say is true. R. Lewis Berry & Co., Publishers of Orangeburg Evening News, Daily except Sunday. Today's News Today.