The times and democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1881-current, January 24, 1907, Page 9, Image 10

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RHEUNATIS The Circulation Stimulated ' and the Muscles and Joints lubricated by using , Price 25c 50c &$1.00 f Sold by ail Dealers "5loans Treaiise On The Horse"Sent Free Address Dr.Earl S.SIoan,Boston,Mass The Furniture Store. ? 4 V We Want You To See e ft ? 0 ft ft 4 4 V Ho Hi day Goods 0 V v ft ft ft The Splendid Assortment of Useful $ 4 that av'g are now showing. A suitable present for every room in the house and every member of the house. We do not meet other prices, others come to oars, but we are always lower. See our Babv Rocker for 45 cents. ? v Wanmmaker, Smoak & Co.. 4 to Hi When in Doubt | As to the Best Place to Buy Furniture, Lounges, Rocking cliairs,'Dining Chairs, Iron and Wood ["Beds JSuits and Oda ^Dressers, Carpet, Mattings, Rugs, Linoleum, Etc. ALSO a Full Line of Hardware, Cooking Stoves, Rranges. A Fine Assortment^)! Agate, Enamel and Tinware, Farm ing Implements, Etc., Go to The Crangeburg Hardware and Furntoi! * Co. The Chinese'exck.sion act'does* not prevent us from"sell ing Washing Machines. This is a free country people have a right to do their own washing, or have wit doneith'[one of our WASHING MACHINE AND WR1NGTRS. Visitou- store and all doubts along this line will be settled to your satisfac tion when vou see our stock and get prices. ^ ^Orangeburg Hardware & $ Furniture Co.1 | l COURTHOUSE SQUARE. & Machines NEW DROP?HEAD MACHINES sold cn asy payments. Good prices allowed for old Machines in fxcharj: e. Second-hand Machines hom $5.00 to $15.00. Also yarts a_jd attachments furnished ror ill standard makes. Prompt attention to mail orders. New Bicycles Sold on Easy Payments. Also Bicycle parts and sijadries furnished for all standard makes. General Repair Shop fur Ssevvmg Machines, Bicycles, Guns, Clocka snd Watches. Give me vour'work. Satisfaction guarantied. J. H. SMITH. Market Street ? ? Opposite N>w Postoffice. HOW VARIOUS NATIONS SLEEP. Wooden Neck-Rests Serve as Pillows in Japan. It is evidently custom that makes comfort, even in the way men take their rest, says die Scrap Book. The leather owls so necessary to the last generation are liule less than actual torments in this, while the Japanese doubtless would find even our firm Uai mattress too*soft, after their mat ting conch and wooden neck-rest. Tue Anglo-Saxon race, so far as its sleeping arrangements and, means of rest are concerned, is the most luxuri ous in the world. The Egyptians had a couch of a pe culiar shape, more like an old-fash ioned easy chair, with hollow back and seat, than a hod. The Chinese use low bedsteads, often elaborately carved, and support ing only mats or coverlids. A peculiarity of the German bed i? its shortness; besides that, it fre > neml\ consiis in part of a large jv a pillow or upper mattress, whi n spreads o\' r the person, and usually answers the purpose of ali the oilier ordinary bedelothing combined. The ancient Greeks and Romans had their beds supported on frames but not Mat like ours. In the tropics men sleep in ham mocks or upon mats of grass. The East Indian unrolls his light portable eharpoy or mattress, which in the moaning is again rolled together and carried away by him. CAN'T BS SEPARATED. Some Crangeburg People Have Lnarned How to Get Rid ol Both. Backache and kidney ache are twin brothers. You can't separate them. And you can't get rid of the back ache until you cure the kidney ache. If the kidneys arc well and strong, the rest of the system is pretty sure to be in vigorous health. Doan's Kidney Pills make strong, healthy kidneys. W. .-i. Meyer, of Silvcrton. A ikon Co., writes:-" lam glad to say that Doan's Kidney Pills have done in my case all yon claim for them. I was hardly able to get about and was in a great deal of pain ah the time. 1 tried plasters and used drugs to deaden the pain but found no real help until 1 began using Doan's Kidney Pills. This remedy is the best thing in the world for a weak and aching back. I am sixty years o d and had suffered for years until I got Doan's Kidney Pills. You may publish my testimony and make it as strong" as you like." Plenty more proof like this from Orangeburg people. Call at J. G. Wannamaker's drug store and ask what customers .report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, New York, sold agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. A summary of the farm crops raised in the United Stales during the past year shows that corn is still king in acreage, bushels and valuation. This is a billion dollar corn country. Our farmers shou'd make more of the king crop than thev do. Special AnnouncmflPi Regarding the National I'uro Food and Drug Law. We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, cold and lung troubles is not allected by the National Pure Pood and Drug laws as it centains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. Dr. A C. Dukes. The state dispensary has made a clean-sweep of the debt to the school Iund and made it at a most opportune lime for the interests of that institu tion. That ma\ turn the edges of some of the knives that are out for I uat inst itution. How to -V vot:l <\i>pnnJlolti?. Most victims of appendicitis are those, who are habitually constipated, orino Laxative Fiuit Syn cures chronic constipation by stimulating t he fiver and bowels and restores the natural act ion of the bowels. Orino Laxative FruitSyrup floes not nause ate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. Dr. A. <!. Dukes. It is stated that Gov. Ansel will probably appoint Mr* Herrnie Osten dorf, of Charleston, chief constable in place of Mr. liamract, who has resign ed. Mr. Oste?dorf is a good man for the place as he is fully qualified to till it efficiently. A H.ard Lot of troubles to contend'with, spring from a torpid liver and blockaded bowels, unless you awaken them to their proper action with Dr. King's New Life Pills; the pleasantest and most effective cure for Constipation. They prevent Appendicitis and tone up the system. 25c at J. G. Wanna raaker Mfg. Co., drug store. A man would as soon think of put ting on a cork life preserver to get through a snowdrift as some of the clothes women W2ar to keep warm. Of oouroe you Day your monev, But you get ycur money's worth, For what does money mean ?x> you When Rock Mountain Tea's on heart? A. 0. Doyle & Co. It is said that the two houses of the legislatare are divided on the dispensary question, the Senate being for and the House against it by a very small majority. Dlntarbed the Congregation, The person who disturbed the con gregation last Sunday by continually coughing is requested to buy a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. " Dr. A. C. Dukes. It seems that just, as soon as it dawned upon the raihoad managcis that their failure to deliver coal was increasing the demand for government ownership, they found away to break the coal famine, it is wonderful what can lie ilonc when self interest de mands it. j A Card. This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, iieitls the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Contains no opia tes. The genuine Is m a yellow pack age. Refuse substitutes. Dr. A. C. Dukes. REPORT OF BOARD. What the State Dispensary Did Dar me Last Year. To his Exoallency, D. 0. Heyard, Governor of South Carolina: We have tho honor to submit to you for vour Information and also for the General Assembly, this, our report of the business done by the dispensary during: the fiscal year closing Novem bor 30, 1906. The attached statements will sho h that the total cost of liquors, wines, beer, etc, purchased during tho year amounts to 82,167,565 69, and the total sales amount to 82,585,137.16. Tho total supplies bought, 823,671 80. The net earnings for account of the school fund for the fiscal year, which have b?pn placed to Its credit, amount to 825,883.14. The small amount of profit placed to the credit of the! K?hocl 'und this year is accounted for by the fact that invoices amounting bo 8141,767.30, was taten in steck iu :he ?seal year closing November 30 iu:>6, and not charged on the b:.okr until the y?ar, by rerwn ci which ou" net profits wero reduce:"; just this amount, or, in other wordb, *e would bavR made a net prcfit of 1165,650.44. Under our present sys tern this cannot possibly occur. The neb profits that h*ve acoruon" to and been equally divided between the towns and counties amount to 3552,098.80, making the total earn ings for the year .'or the scbool fund, counties and towns, 8575,975.94. We have paid into the' State treasury December 1,1905, (tho begin ning of the fiscal year, on account of the Bohool fund the amount of 8150, 000 leaving a balance due the Bchool fund, 863,409.94, which we today have paid in full, making our pay ments on account of nchool fund for the year 1906 8213..409 94. On December 1, 1905, we found the dispensary owing the school fund 8189,526 80. On assuming the duties of our office we found about 8200,000 worth of high priced barrel goods, largely la excesB of the amount needed bv the dispensary. We employed J. E McDonald, Esq, to look Into the mat ter of these purchases and see it we v/ere liable for the payment of these goods In nearly every instance we f-.und that the houses whioh had shipped these goods to the dispensary were willing to take them bfcck, they paying the freight on the returned oocis. Acting on the advice of Attorney McDonald, we returned 8119,249.74 of the above goods, and have used a considerable part of the balance. We inolude in this report of Mr. McDonald's report in full and respectfully aak that he be paid liberally for his services, We are now installing a rectifying; and blending plant, whioh will prac tioally do away with the handling of j case goods, and which will yield the State a larger profit, ana give more employment to home people, and give Detter satisfaction generally. We are very much gratified to state tbat the business of the dispensary has been conducted with harmony in all the departments. We wish, how ever, to oall your attention to the fact that 8400,0(10 is an insufficient amount to conduct the business of the dispensary. We beg to call your attention to the very limited time allowed the expert accountants in which to oheoh books of the dispensary, which is thirty days, and suggest that the time be Increased to forty days, with a compensation of five dollars per day. This will insure ample time in which to do the work and will secure the very best talent. In conclusion, we most respectfully raf<?r you to the rep trt of the Leglala fcive committee and the expert ao cauntants appointed by the Gover nor as to the dispensary management. All of whioh Is respectfully submit ted. J. M. Rawllnsoa, Chairman; Jos. Ii Wyllc, John Jihck State Board of Directors. M. H. Mobley, Ciork. We care not how you suffered, nor what failed to cure you, HolHster'B Rooky Mountain Tea makes the puni est, weakest specimen of men or wo manhood strong and healthy. 35 cents. A. C. Doyle & Co. Over Hundred Liven Lc-Ht. The islands of Leyte and Samar. were swept by a typhoon on January 10. One hundred lives were lost in Leyte. Barracks and quarters at East Pas Samar were destroyed. The Btorm was the worst ever known. No dam age to snipping. HAS STOOD THE TEST 125 YEARS | The old original Grove's Tastless Chill Tonic You know what you are take | lng. It is iron and quinine in a tast sse from. No cure, No pay. 50O. A girl is never really out of love; I she just shifts around. An Innidious Dancer. One of the worst features of kidney trouble is that it is an insidious disease and before the victim realizes | his danger he may have a fatal malady. Take Foley's Kidney Cure) I at the first sign of trouble as it cor rects irregularities and prevents Bright's disease and diabetes. Dr. A. C. Dukes. The auto enthusiast who frequently pays out bis ooin for repairs may be said to puffer from one kin of card shortage._ Twenty V.u?r Battle. "1 was a loser in a twenty year bat tle with chronic piles and malignant) sores, until 1 tried Bucklcn's Arnica Salve: which turned the tide, oy cur-1 ing both, till not a trace remains ', writes A. M. Bruce, of Parmville, Va. Best lor old I leers. Cuts. Hums and Wounds. 2-V at .!.<!. Wannamaker Mfg. (!o., druggisl. Ii ihe farmersol the South would raise all the corn and meat they use, cotton would never sell below fifteen eenis per pound. 0-ASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Ateays Bought Bears the Signature TRADE MARK I^rmers , o ^-^> o LL -so REGISTERED is the Siiiceresf Flattery9' The unprecedented popularity of Royster's FARMERS' BONE fernlizer has induced some of our competitors to advertise Fish Guanc, claiming theirs to. be "just as good." FARMERS' BONE is the original Fish Guano, and, to prevent being imposed upon, buyers should be sure that our trade-mark is on every bag. This is the only guarantee that you are getting the genuine Farmers' Bone Norfolk, Va. Columbia,S.C Made with Fish a i= mrmm mm co. Tarboro, N. C. JVJacon, Ca. AfterCk;:stets Safe of Clothes and Haberdashery For Men, Youths and Boys. Now for big bargains! The remainder of our clothing stock must go regardless of profits. This gives you a matchless opportunity to become ac quainted, at remarkably little cost, with our Class For j\len, Young Jleu and Boys, which at regular prices, have no equal anywhere in this lane] in smartness of style, excellence of quality, finish and lit. Marly bnyers will, of course, get best chaice of the numerous bargains, sc we vould urge you to be among the/ lirst to like advantage of the offerings, a lew of which we give here Men's and Young /VVn's Wint?r Sack SuitS"?snappysingle and double-breasted styles, made of splendid ~??????????-???????????? worsteds, cheviots, cassirneres, formerly $20 and $22.50, now only. $16.50 Men's and Young Men's OverCf'StS="All this season's styles, of smart single and double-breasted cut in a ?????^??????????? choice variety of beautiful overcoatings, formerly ?18, $20 and ?22.50, now only.!.". $15.00 Boys' Suits and 0verC0?tS"=tbat were excellent values;is $10 and *I2; now only. $7.75 Understand, these are only a few of the many bargains awaiting your selection. Holiday Haberdashery at Cut Prices. To clear out quickly what remains of our holiday goods, we have hammered prices to the lowest notch ta induce liberal purchasing. At these prices it will pay you to anticipate your wants for the next twelve months and buy accordingly. Take early advantage of these extraordinary values?it means quite a saving of money to you. The Brunson Clothing Co. E( IR. X?-A_"TTLLI2nTGk Manag ER, THE BANK 0 F s PRINGFIFL D springfield, s. c. l. m., Pres. Jno. McB. Biax, v. P. j. H. .Smith, Cashier. Began Business Aug. 3, UMB. ^_? b Paid uji Capital $20,000.00 Directors.?!... M. Minis, Jno. .McB. Bean El A., L. B. Fulmer J. W Jumper, T. L CleaUrti, W. P. Hotto, O C. galley, J. A, lierr>'< . I ? 1 - L We are jnst entering our third years work with everything moving ulung Hatisfnctory. The business <u' iIi'ih bnnk is coudiiotod on .s..und und u..iisorviitive principles, with am ple resources, e??nrteroii.s treatment, superior service We invite you Ui come und see with.i view to '"i incss. Our savings department is soil growing Put Your Surplus ???.here it will be stt-uro. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Huggets A B-;y Medicine lor H-\-j People. Br.< ;r, G..-;j-n Health and R.*ed Vutor. A ?necitic for ronstinntl >n. Induration, Llvet und Kidney troubles. I ?imples. rkstyma. Impure Hloo.1. Had Breath. Slupcisli Rowels. Headache aua iack:ichc Iti Hoelsy Mountain Tea In tab Ict form :Ci cents ;i box. Genuine in:uie by ItOLLisTtK IJucc CuMl'JBT. Madison, Wls. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLQW PEOPLE Watches and Clocks The Shooting Season repairer) in first-class manner and at reasonable rate. Why not patronize an old Confeder ate soldier? Why not patron ize an old man that, will save you money? Why not patron ize a man that, will tfjve satis faction. Satisfaction {juaran t eed or money refunded. Russell street, Orange burg, S. C., Parlor's old stand, oppo site Times and Democrat. A. D, Powers, Jeweler SOUTH CAROLINA Offices, >. 9, 10 Scuville Building Hours 9 A. M lo ? P. M. Consultation Free. Ladies in attendance. Call for ''Health, Book.'1 ere. Y better bring me your gun and have it put it in or der, and be ready. I have otgc id stock of gins, und everything for tie av" >rtsman. L. BENNETT.