"OUT IT OUT" says the doctor to many of his lady patients, because he doesn't know of any medicinal treatment that will positively cure womb or ovarian troubles, except the surgeon's knife. That such a medicine exists, however) has been proved by the wonderful cures performed on diseased women, in thousands of cases, by Woman's Relief It has saved the lives of thousands of weak, sick women, and has rescued thousands of others from a melancholy lifetime of chronic invalidism. It will cure you, if you will only give it a chance. Sold at every drug store tei $ 1.00 bottles. . Try it. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, !n strictest confi dence, tailing us all your troubles. We will send Free Advice (In plain, sealed envelope). Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. GAVE UP SUPPORTER "I wore a supporter for years, for my womb, which had crowded every thing down before it, writes Mrs. S. J. Chrisman,ofMannsville,N.Y. "Isuf fered untold misery and could hardly walk. After taking Cardui I gave up my supporter and can now be on my feet half a day at a time.'' I "The Furniture S fore."' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Refrigerators, Freezers and other summer necessities. We have the "McCRAY" woodlined and the "ODOR LESF" white enamel lined Refrigerators. Both abso lutely guaranteed and soid on 30 days trial 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 VUDOR PORCH make the porch into a summer home. An Euential To PORCH-COMFORT woc 2/udor ?** .PATENTED CHAIR HAMMOCK VUDOR Hammocks. are different from others i v "AMEICAN TWIN7" Ice cream Freezer makes two flavors at the same time. ? I $ ? ? A (S 0 Wannamaker, Smoak & Co. J ie*e*???e*e**a???e*?ee*e*( THE EDISTO SAVINGS BANK, Orar ^eburg, O. CAPITAL....-$100,000 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFIT'* . . ,000 ' R. U. MOSS._.uf *?8,uei J N OLIVER.%.Vic* fa ? F. S. DIDDLE, Cabhier. J. W.FA1REY, ur., -?i6t ^ashler BOARD OF DIRECTORS. M. 0. Dantzler, B. H.Moss, ' W.G, Smith, J. M. Oliver, T. C. Doyle, W. F. Fairey, W. R.Lowman, Sol Kohn, 7. W. Smoak. This Bank has two departments, a Current and a Savings. Interest is allowed in the Savings Departmentat the rate of one per cent per quarter, payable on the first days of Jauuary, April, July and October. Money saved is money made, and the way to save is to de posit your money in the Savings Department and draw interest. This Bank's absolute security is best attested by its Cao'tal Stock; its Surplus and by the character and standing of its Offi cers and Board of Directors. Accounts solicited, customers assured every accomodation, consistent with sound banking. Money loaned on good security. ii;?^i*?ie??i^B9?Be??B?*?*?noi*e?e)ii?*+e*i? ? ST. MATTHEWS BOILING WORKS, | ? St. Matthews, S. C. T X i :I am now ready to supply the merchants of St. Matthews ^ and nearby points with Ginger Ale, Cherry Cocktail, Velvet ? Cream Soda, Kola Nola, and all soft drinks bottled by an up- 9 to-date Carbonating Plant. J^j' I make nothinglbut first class Carbonated Soda, &c, pre- w ^ pared from, the very finest extracts procurable. ^ Respectrully solicit your patronage, ^ S IT\ 13, Dantzler, { Engraved Visiting Cards Orders 'Taken AX SfOlS' BOOk StOYQ. $ s fclXiAfU?, TiL_ll__ Will Not Ga'l on tho President Unti. He Apo'0(c>z4K. "I have been Insulted there one ind I do not propose to plaoe mysel a this position again if I oan prevent t." Thete are tne words used b} Senator Tlllman Thursday when hi vas made acquainted with the pres> tent's rtOiCtt utterances tending t> ndioate a desire for a reconslllatloi netween himself and the senior sena tor from South Carolina. The unpleasant dlfflcuHy a f-iv /ears hzcfc between Senaoors Tillmai ind McLaurin, ana ine subs* quen vithdrawal of Tlllman's invitation V jbe rec ption at the W.dte House t ' neet Prince Henry, then paying : visit to this country, sre still fresh h obe minds of the people who have fol owed Senator Tlllman's career sine le entered the seuate. There 1b no notion on the part.o Senator Tlllman of bringing about a ?econoiliatlon with the chief execu tive, nnless sucn reconciliation is ac ;ompanied byan unconditional apolo ij from *he president, and as there h little probability of this, the mattei >t a iove feast between them is still in the air. Those who know Senator Til?man well, know that nothing short cf an ipology will satisfy him. While thf jresident Is credited with having re cently said that he liked Senator Till nan, and while the senator is like I viie quoted as having made a state , nent to the effect that be bellevet I 'be president to be straight, and all ; right, these are taken only as passing 'emarks, made without serious con ) ideration, and hardly worth remem neiring. The utterances of Senator Tillman that he would not allow him I self to be again insulted, are believed to represent his real feelings towarc I the president. While he admits he ' is as ready to forgive a man?whethei le is president or a private citizen? I for a wrong, he is not willing, accord tng to his own words, to place him telf in the attitude of being wilfull) insulted a second time, even though ' ormed immediately at Wadley, wbiob * now in pursuit of the desperate ne gro. _ "Buy Oil rrotu the Barrel, D m't pay 81 50 a gallon for cann 3d oil, wnioh ought to cost but 60 jents a gallon. Rjady-mixed paint is half oil and half paint. Buy oil fresh from the barrel, ahd add it to the L. & M. Paint whioh is semi-mix ad. When you buy L. & M. Paint vou *et a full gallon of paint that won't n the bead, thrown into a closet and ho robber then took the money in )he t ?9 .e ai. leaped. There is, ac clue to the rouuoR , Outwits the Surgeon. A complication of female troubles, 1 with catarrh of the stomach and bow , els, hao reduced Mrs. Thos. S Austin, , of Leaven worth, Ind., to ruch a deplor able condition that her doctor advised an operation; but her husband fearing fatal results, postponed this to try Elec trie Bitters; and to the amazement of all who knew her, this medic ne com pletely cured her. Guaranteed cure tor torpid liver, kidney disease, bili ousness, jaundice, chills and fever, general debility, nervousness and blood poisoning Best tonic mad. Price 50c at J* C* Wannamaker Mfg. Co. Drug store. Try it._ Fell fr'rum a tomuow. At Washington on Wednesday,|20tb instant, Olarence M. York, private secretary to Chief Justice Fuller,.of the supreme court of the United Stages jumped or fell from a window at Garlfield hospital and .received In juries from which be shortly after ward died. No one saw him when he went through the widow. Mr. York was about 40 years of age and had held bis position with Ohlef Justice Fuller for many years. He was sent to the hospital for treatment for a blight lnjory._ CURE A COLU IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c_ Long Term Nine hundred and ninety-nine years in the penitentiary is the penalty im eosed upon Snow Williams, a negrr, for catching a young white woman b/ the foot. The negro entered the girl's room at Briton Texas, a few nights ago and seized her by the foot, but her soreams brought aid and he was arrested. The grand jury was in ses sion and Quick punishment followed. Never say die! Try L. L. L. Buy Lowman's Liver Lifters. Take Lowman's Liver Lifters. Use Lowman's Liver Lifters. Try Lowman's Liver Lifters. Harris Lithia Water. For sale at iLowman & Lowman. A Green?tile Freak. A reporter on the Greenville News ran Thursday across on old gentle man eighty five years old who haR never in all his life fired a gun, pistol or any firearms, and during hiB career he has spent most of his time in rural communities. The same man has never tasted whiskey In any shape or form, nor has he ever UHed tobacco. s Tasteless Chii ?s. Average Annual Sales o1 of merk appeal to you ? I >ott!e is a Ten Cent, package of Grove's I I w,ant to recommend your S, S. S. to any who are In need of a remedy for an old sore. In 1877 I had my log badly out by a barrel hoop and having on a bine woolen stocking my leg was badly poisoned from the dye. A great sore formed and for years no one knows what I suf fered with the place. Nothing would heal the ul v cerand I thought I would have to go through life with a discharging, an gry sore on my leg. A short while ago I commenced to use S. S. S. and I soon saw that the place was im proving. I continued the use of it until my leg was entirely healed and I am now a well man. JNO. ELLIS. 850 Navy St., Brooklyn. N. Y. There is no surer evidence of a poisonous, polluted condition of. the blood than that manifested by a sore that refuses to heah Every symptom suggests pollution; the discharge, the red, angry flesh, the inflammation and discoloration of surrounding parts all show that the ulcer is kept open by a constant drainage through it, of impurities from the blood. When the blood is pure and healthy any cut, bruise or wound will heal readily; when from any cause, however, the blood has become infected with germs or poisons the place becomes a sore or ulcer, sometimes scabbing over, but never fully healing, because it is kept irritated and inflamed by the impurities in this vital fluid. Often the rough handling of a wart, mole or pimple which has never shown any sign of trouble, a slight scratch or abrasion of ' the skin or insignificant hurt' of any character will become a sore that refuses to heal, and remains for years, eating into the surrounding flesh, resist ing treatment and sometimes terminating in Cancer. The poison in the blood may be the remains of some constitutional disease, the ef fects of a long spell of sickness leaving disease germs in the system, or the absorption of refuse matters of the body which have not been properly expelled through the channels of bodily waste. But whatever the cause the vitality and pur ity of the blood is so weakened and polluted that it cannot properly nourish the system/and the sore or ulcer is kept up. Those most usually afflicted with chronic sores and ulcers are persons who have reached or passed middle life; the vitality of the blood and strength of the system have naturally begun to weaken and the poisons in the blood which perhaps have been inherited and lain dormant in the system for years cannot be as effectually held in check as in early life when the system was strong and vigorous. While the old or middle-aged are the usual sufferers, the young are not exempt if the blood becomes infected with the germs. Salves, plasters, lotions, etc., cannot cure old sores and ulcers because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. Such treatment keeps the place clean, relieves pain and perhaps reduces the inflammation, and in this way is beneficial, but can never permanently heal them. The only treatment that can do any permanent good is a competent blood purifier, one that goes to the very root of the trouble and re moves the cause, and for this purpose nothing has ever been found to equal S. S. S. It goes down to the very fountain-head of the disease, drives out all poison and morbid matter, builds up the weak, sluggish blood, gives energy and strength to the entire system, and allows the sore to heal naturally and permanently. S. S. S. is purely vegetable, being made of roots, herbs and barks possessing cleansing, healing properties, and is not only the King of blood purifiers, but the greatest of all tonics. If you have a sore that is slow in healing do not waste time with external treatment nor experiment with unknown medicines, but begin the use of S. S. & and by removing every vestige of the cause, cure the trouble permanently. Special book on sores and ulcers and any medical advice desired furnished without charge to all who write, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA. GA. I had a large sore or ulcer on my face and nothing that I tried would benefit me. It began with shooting pains and soon the Itching was terrible. At first it discharged a watery fluid which changed to a thicker compo sition and the pain was very se vere. It was near ly as large as a dollar and terri bly inflamed in all the surrounding parts. It had been there so long and gr owing worse aU the time, I became very much dis courag/ d and alarm ad. At last I be gan the use of S. S. S. At first tha ulcer seemed to gel: worse, but soon I noted an improvement and contin ued its use until it was entirely cured. MRS. W. A. WRIGHT. Gary, Fla. PURELY VEGETABLE Fourteen Inched of Hall. A special from Athens, G*., says dnHnc the hailstorm in Olark and Ococee cornties great damage was done. In some places the hall fell to a level of 14 inches. Pine trees for mllps were stripped of their foliasr?. In Olark county the storm was about a mile wide and seven miles long. In Oaoiee It was two mUes wide and 10 miles long. (J?rn, cot'on and other crops in the path of the storm were totally destrovfid. Stimulation Without Irritation. In case of stomach an" liver trouble the proper treatm< nt is to stimulate these organs without irritating them. Orino Laxative Fruit Syru.. aids di gestion iind stimulates the liver and bowels without irritating these organs like pills or ordinary cathartics. It does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. A. C. Dukes. The Cai Oin Back. Robt. Lauth of L-ck Haven, Pa., oannot swear that a cat has nine lives but he knows frr m experience that it has at least two. The family feline pet contracted scurvy and it wan de cided at a council to chloroform it.' Tbu* It was put to death, and In the evening burled 18 Inches deep in the back yard. Nein mornlDg Lau*b was astonished to find the cat on the back doorstep when be opened the dr.or. THE EVILS OF CONSTIPATION. Everyone Knows When He is Consti pated and Everyone Should Know the Risk He is Running When He Fails to Promptly Correct it? Any Disease Epidemic or Otherwise to Which He or She May be Exposed is Sure to Result Seriously. There are two ways to remove consti pation; the wrong' way is to drench the bowels with a powerful, griping, drastic cathartic that injures the coating of the bowel channels and produces an earl return of the trouble in a more chronic form. The right way is to use a natural, easy and mild laxative that tones up and strengthens the bowels and leaves a healthful influence behind it. Trickly Ash Bitters will empty the bowels just as thoroughly as the harsher cathartics, and combines all the tonic and strength ening properties necessary to perma nently cure the habit. Accept no substitute. Insist on having the genuine l'rickly Ash Hitters with the l:ir{{e figure 3 in red uu the front label. Sold Everywhere, Price 51.00. J. G. Wannamaker Mfg. Co., Special Agents. 1 Tonic ver One and a Half Million Mo Core, No Pay. 50c Blade Root* Liver Pills. Real Estate. N Real Estate. If You Want to Buy Property -OR If You "Want to Sell Property in the City, County or State, write or consult with me, prompt attention will be given to all business entrust ed to me. Phone 942. I. Rich, Real Estate Agent, Oraugeburg, 8. C. SOME IHINfi NEW Ch arms for Lad ies and Gold Chains. Something Neiv in Neck laces?the latest thing out. Some very beaut if id Set Rings for Ladies at most reasonable jirices. o jT.DeChiavette I STALLION. I jt My South Carolina High |j jjf Bred Stallion. p I - PRINCE A. S jk will stand at my farm in m ? Rocky Grove Township, thrl? y first four days of each week. * *!? Ten Dollars to insure with ?k I foal. _ I X Eggs from Choice Barred a* jjf Plymoth Rock Fowls at SI.00 % ?'t persettinircf 13. g % J. ELV1X KNOTTS, )\ U The Surveyor. i? >h R. P. D. No. 1. I 2-22-?ms* Neese. S. C. | DENTISTS. Drs. Perryclear & Sif ley Otllce In New Dibble Building. We will attend iall calls in the country. DR. SIFLEY, Specialist in Dental Prothesis, Crown and Bridge Work. LOWMAN & SHECIT, Physicians and Surgeons, City and County Calls Accetped. Otlice at Lowman Drug Company, Orangeburg, S C. lr7?aniT^ DENTIST. Office Second sidy Edisto Building, Orangeburg, S. C. Office hours 8 a. m. 6p. m. rHE BANK OP SPRINGFIFLD SPRINGFI EID, S. C. L. M. Mims, Pres. Jso. McB. Bbah, V. P. J. B. Smith, Cashier. Begau Business Aug. S. 1903. Paid up Capital ?20,000.00. Directors.?L. M. Mima, Jno. McB. Bean i A- Odom, L. B. Pulmer J. W. Jumper, T. L. Gleaton, W. P. Hutto, a a Salley, J. A, lorry. WearejiiBt entering onr third year's work, wjth everything moving along satisfactory. The bubinpss of this bank is aonducted on sound and conservative principles, with am ple resources, courterous treatment, superior service. We invite you to come and see us, with a view to business. Our savings department is still growing. Put Your Surplus whore it will be secure. Fire Insurance. Place your Fire Insurance In any Company represented by : : : : Islstr & Sally, and you can't make a mistake. Write plantation insurance, and also insure cotton stored on plantation. Call on us, IZLAR & SALLY. Farmers and Merchants' Bank. CAPITAL STOCK $30,000. President. Vice President, I. S. Ilarley. W. L. Moselev. Cashier, W. B. Thompson. Board of Direcors. L S. Barley, T. R. McCants I. W. Bowman, L. E. Riley, Isidore Rich, W. L. Moseley W.Sandel, R. P. Way, Robt. E. Wannamaker. We announce with pleasure to our patrons and' the general public that we have moved into our New Banking Rooms corner of Russell and Brougb ton Sts., where we are prepared to dc a General Banking Business. Our Bank is supplied with Fireproci Vaults and Burglar and Fire Proof Safe. We ask you for your deposits and will extend every accomaaticn consistent with correct Bankin? Watches and Clocks repaired in first-class manner and at reasonable rate. Why not patronize an old Confeder ate soldier? Why not patron izeanoldman that will save you money? Why not patron ize a man that will give satis faction. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Russell street, Orangeburg, S. C, Parler's old stand, oppo site Times and Democrat. AJUPowe^^ Carl G. Schoenbarg, SURVEYOR, NORTH, - - - S. C. WHISKEY HAblld ed at home wit fa pain. Bookofpar lars sent FBEE, r. WOOLLEY. M. D. 104 N.Pryor Street.