The times and democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1881-current, June 28, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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-ag e nts' >art ! WIDouglas Shoes . Best in the World. i s IS C AI 'ED V To The Most Complete Stock of Soy's and Young Men's Spring Clothing Ever Shown in the City of Orangeburgi All the new styles and colors in Spring Oxfords for Ladies, Misses and Babies are n-vw in stock. Boy's knee pants, warranted not to rip, for 50c, best for the price. GEO. V. ZEIGLKR. p. S. Special agents for Zeigler Bros, fine shoes and oxfords for ladies, misses and babies. W. L. Douglass' shoes for men and boys. THE CAMPAIGN For United States Senator and State Offices Opens AT SAINT GEOBGE& AK Use Candidates for Governor and tbe Other State Offices with Few Excep tions Attend and Address the People. Senator Tilbnan Absent. The State campaign for 1906 was formally opened at St. Georges on Tuesday of last week. The meeting was called to order at 11.20 by County Chairman E. J. Den nls and was opened with prayer by tbe .Rev. Mr. Steadman. Chairman Den nis then outlined tbe purposes of the gathering. The people of Dorchester County were gathered, he said, to see these candidates, who bad offered themselves for offica, and, seeing them and hearing them, to pass upon their fitness for office. He referred eJcquent ly to those who bad made >?outh Car olina great in history and emphasized the necessity for those to whom the ballot bad been entrusted to keep well (heir trust. . The Hon. MABTTN F. ANSEL, of Greenville, candidate for Governor, I "was the first speaker introduced.. Mr. Ansel was greeted with applause. First of all be desired to thank tbe ladies tor their presence. It argues well for j the campaign of 1906 that they should grace this occasion with their prrsence He himself is not. running on his good I looks, however, for in that event he I feels sure some of tbe others would be I elected over him. He wasn't elected I four years ago, but he came so close to it that he felt it bis duty to again present himself to the people for their suffrages. He is proud that he rep resents the Piedmont and he is proud of the magnificent vote be received In his old judicial circuit, where he Is best known. He has the endorsement of his county. It is only upon high grounds that he desires election. He stands for the great principle of high education and he stands unqualifiedly for tbe great work of the pubHo schools.' In the youth of the country is the hope of tbe country. There he urged strongly the importance of the common schools. Good readsjis another plank in his platform. This Is a matter of greatest interest. We "don't -want such roads that we shall have our religion jolted out of us before we get to church." He favors seeking and accepting aid from the National Gov ernment for this purpose. He is op posed to the State dispensary aud he Is in favor, of local county option as between a county dispensary and pro hibition. ! If the county officers are able to take charge of the county's affairs in other matters why are they not able to take care of the county's liquor selling, he asked. He is oppos ed to one oounty dictating to another as to what it shall have. Let the. Gov ernor appoint the board to take charge of tbe selling of liquor and let the Governor be responsible for them. Pay them a salary. He doesn't believe in commissions. ' Let them report to each term of the Circuit Court. Pen sion the old Confederate soldier and let him go to his urave in peoce. The Hon. C. L. ?LEASE, of Newberry? was then introduced to the audience. He is a; candidate for Governor. He has represented New berry County In the Legislature sev eral times, and is to-day the county's State Senator. He can prove by the records that throughout his whole career he has been consistent In the positions he has taken. He favors biennial sessions of the Legislature, laws restricting the hours of labor, and liberal appropriations for educational purposes, but is opposed to the higher education of the negro. This last statement evoked applause. He favors a marriage license system, and the economical enforcement of the Govern ment. He believes the dispensary sys tern is the best solution of tbe whiskey question and he favors the repeal o! the Brice law. RBcurring to the ne gro question, God never lutended thai the negro should be anything else than the servant of the white man. If he had his way he would wipe out the negro college at Orangeburg. If you have corruption in the Soato dlspcn ta y, what would you have if there * ere 41 county boards? He does not favor the Raysor-Manning bill. One of his reasons for this is because one of tbe amendments pro 'des that whenever the board thin-ij the dis pensary is a nuslance they have the - 7 i OUR BUSINESS. If a man loves a maid, i | If a maid loves a man, \ ? If they marry, That's his business. I That's her business. f That's' their business. But When They Want Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Cement Plaster, g Hay, Corn and Oats in Car Lots, Rice Flour, Wheat Bran, Field Seed. THAT'S OUR BUSINESS. We carry the largest and best stock and at lowest prices. -I? Avers & Williams. right to doss it up. That is not gov erned by the people. They say the dis pensary is corrupt. All right. Why is it corrupt? It is because men origi nally opposed to the dispensary law bave of recent years been placed in obarge of the system. But tbere is nc corruption in the dispensary. Mr. W. 6 Childs cold him yesterday that since the dispensary was voted out in oer- j tain oounties the jug traffic on his I railroad had more than doubled. Pro hibition lias failed in Newberry. He is ready, willing and waiting to defend any attack made on the dispensary system. He, too, favors good road? and good sohools. Everybody does. But the money of the people is bain? squandered now. Two more judioial circuits have been provided, but still they clamor for extra Courts. He help ed to defeat the appropriation for the payment of the expenses of these ex tra Courts. If elected he will endeav or to reduce extra Courts. He favors a liberal appropriation for Ex-Confed erate soldiers, and he wants to see it go to those to whom it belongs and not to those who do not need it, MB. J. E. BSTJNSON. ' of Sumter, candidate for Governor, waB the next speaker. He plunged at once into a discussion of the liquor question. This is the leading issue before the people, because in Involves more in dollars and-cents, and carries along with it the moral and inteileou al welfare of the people. It has been contended that the public sohools is the proper place to whioh to apply this "blood money," because in tbat wav the youth of the land will be edu cated against drinking. This is a fall acy, because tbe liquor habit is just as apt to strike your brightest boy as your dullest fool. This money is not going to the sohools, anyway. Out of 84 expendea by the drunkard for a jug of liquor all the profits, except two cents, go to other sources and other people than the. drunkard's family. Tbat is all the salve his wife and children get to heal their heartaches. He gave the drunkard's prayer - and the prayer of tbe so-called good citi zen, who takes this liquor money for bis children's education. Ihey talk about putting good men in. charge of the dispensary. You can't get a man who is a decent man who will take charge of this dirty slop. This is the truth. If you doubt it ask any one of these good men who are running on this platform to go in and dish out the dirty stuff. Not one of them will do it. The system cannot be cleansed. Had you crucible as big as the moon in which to boil It, were you to beat that orucible with all the coal stored In the bowels of the earth, were you to give to each of these candidates, who talk about purging it, a dipper with which one might empty Lake Michigan at a scoop, and to each of the others a spoon, which would reach from pole to oole, with which to stir it, and then let them stir, while the others dipped, this process might go rn for "centuries, and at tl i end the residum cf purified matter would not amount to a thimbleful.' Mr. Brun son referred to no other issue, but de voted his whole time to rasping those who favored the sale of liquor In any manner, and urging the people to rally to Its overthrow. MB. W. A. EDWARDS, of Sa'uda, filed his pledge as a candi late for Governor, but, judging Irom oi8 Bpeeoh to-day he has entered him self in the wrong class. His entire ime was devoted to an attack upon the Southern Railway, whioh would lave done credit to the most ardent! | aspirant for the office of railroadjcom-1 ? missioner. Mr. Edwards declared that for six years be has been conducting a Qght in the Courts against the con solidation of the South Carolina and Georgia extension with the Southern Railway. He finds, so he said, that this corporation is practically In con trol of our Government and that there is apparently no way of escape from Its abuses/ He deolared that it dis criminated against the people of this State, causing their property to de crease in value, and jinoidentally the property of landowners in Georgia to increase in value. He then begantoread, from a paper whicM he carried a histo-, ry of bis case already refured to, but his twenty minutes were up before he was more than fairly started, and it never became apparent just what he was driving at. He was granted an extension of time in which to explain briefly what he was after, bub just as he opened his mouth to speak the band began to plav and there the mat ter ended, for to-day at least, i Then came ME. A. G. JONES. of Newberry, who is also an aspirant for Gubernational honors. He Is here as the representative of the homes, of the mothers, of the sons, of the chil dren, who stand for pure democracy and who oppose corruption and graft. All his life he has stood for that which was purifying and uplifting, and he is willing to abide by his record. He Is an enthusiastic supporter of higher education, but it is to the denomina tional colleges that the State owes most. He believes in an economical and honest administration of the Gov ernment, x j favors a board of arbi tration in South Carolina to settle all differences between capital and labor. But the principal thing which has brought him into this campaign is the liquor question. Three years ago i he published in the newspapers an ar j tide calling attention to the condi tions in the dispensary. He also urg ed the passage of a law which would allow the vttlng out of the dispensar ies in counties desiring to take such action. That suggestion was largely instrumental in the passage of the Brice law. Now he Is ready to go fur ther. Personally, he opposes the sale ol liquor In any way, but he is willing to aliow the people of each county to vote on the question as to whether they shall have a county dispensary, high license or prohibition. The State ispensary mu?t go. Conditions) in Newberry to-day are better than in twenty yeaia. If the prohibition law is not absolutely enforced that fact is cue to circumtances that whenever a man is brouht up charged with a violation of tbe law some lawyer Is on hand ready to appear for him and get blm eft. He has been in the thick of every tight against the State dispen sary and he stands today right where he always stood. Mr. Jones was followed by the Hon. B I. MANNING, of Sumter. Mr. Manning has for 14 years represented his county in tbe Legislature, six years in the House, and for the last eight years in the State Senate. He has made mistakes. That he realizes. But in every ques tion upon which he has had to cast his vote he has applied this test?first Is it right? Then, is it for the best interests of my State and county? Remembering this, he is ready to stand by his record. No greater work can be done by South Carolina than to up uild the edutatlonal system of the State, and he is glad to believe that educational condition in South Carolina have improved, and are im (Continued on page thr<.e.) Formal? lor Success. The formula for sucoess in life which the late Baron Alphonse Roth child laid down for the young men of France and distributed by means of printed cards was: Shun liquor. Dare to- go forward. Never be dla oouraged. Be polite to everybody. Employ your time well. Never tell business lies.; Fay your debts prompt ly. Be prompt in everything. Bear all troubles patiently. Do not reckon upon ohances. Make no use less acquaintances. Be brave in the struggle of life. Maintain your lnteg I rlty as a sacred thing. Never ap pear to be something more than you are. Take time to consider, then de cide positively. Carefully examine every detail of your business. New Gnre lor Epilepsy. J. B. Waterman, of Watertown, O., Rural Free delivery writes "My daugh ter, afflicted for years with epilepsy, was cured by Dr. King's Mew Life Pills. She has not had an attack for over two years." Best body cleansers and life giving tonic pills on earth. 25c at J. G' Wannamaker Mfg. Co's. drug store. | Wanted to Lyn oh Her. J Mrs. Emma Kauffmanns wife of a wealthy Sious Falls brewer was brought into court Wednesday for the conclusion of her preliminary hearing on a charge of having caused the death of her maidservant, Agne? Polrels. She was hissed when sbe went Into tbe court room and when she came out an angry demonstration was made and ories of "Lynch her" were heard. Mrs. Kauffmann was held on a charge of murder The case will be called for trial In Novem ber. Miss Polreis, who was 17 year* old, died June 1, and was buried at Parkston, this State. The body was later exhumed and was found to bear 45 separate wounds. Long XenueBBew r'luhr. For twenty years W. L. Rawls of Bells. Tonn, fought nasal catarrh. He writes; "The swelling and soreness inside my nose was fearful, till I began applying Bucklen's Arnica Salve to the sore surface: this caused the soreness and swelling to disappear, never to re turn." Best salve in existence, 25c at J- G. Wannamaker Mfg. Co. Drug gist. 1000 'Orangeuurg County men and women have money on deposit with us. Your account is invited. The St. Matthew's Savinos Bank, St. Matthews, S. C. _ Estaulisiied In 18S9. m^ Individual responsibility.3 03,000.00 Resources as shown by sworn statement Dec. 30.11)05. 232,763.72 We will loan you money on personal security We will loan you money on endorsed notes. We will make farm loans for you at lowest rates. We will take your money on deposit for sale keeping. We will lake your money on deposit in our a vings department at 4 per cent compound interest. If you have money to save, or money to invest, or if you wish to borrow money, it will pay you to come and see us. Officers. J. Skottowe Wannamaker.. President, J. E. Wannamaker.Vice Presiden, C. It. .lames.?.Cashier, Clarancc P. Zeigler.Asst. Cashier. Directors. Dr. W. T. C. Bates: J. Arthur Banks: Jno. E. Wanna Maker; H. A. Raysor; F. J.Buyck; M.Jarecky; J. S. Wan namaker. While this bank is strictly a home j institution, its stock being owned/by j people living in this part of Orange ! burg County, still it is doing business /n all parts of the County. Seme Old Triek. The Boston Transcript admits that Mr. Bryan would run a little but adds: ''That be would be defeated, however, is highly probable, almost beyond the possibility of a doubt; not that it would be easy to defeat him, bub because the business Interests cf the country would find it absolutely necessary to do so." To which the Columbia State says: "Indeed! And what are these 'business lnteiests ?' The corporations, we presume. It there baa been any doubt as to the necessity of passing the bill prohibit ing campaign contributions by tbe corporations such talk as this from the Transoript should brush these doubts aside. Are the 'business in terests' to be permitted to repeat the performance of 1896 and overthrow tbe will of the people by the free and unlimited use of money? That seems to be what The Transcipt pxcects." Bryan Needed. Bev. Sam Jones says Boosevelt has a good president, but that 'things are now ripe fur Bryan to succeed him. as we need Bryanounri Troubled Badly for Several Years With Eczema on Limbs and Wrists ? Physicians Prescribe Without Any Benefit?Blotches Now All Gone. ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE BY CUTICURA "For several years I was troubled badly with an eczema on my limbs and wrists. Physicians * in several towns had prescribed for me without giving me any results. I had often used Cuticura Ointment and received relief temporarily, in t he spring of 1904 I took the Cuticura Resolvent Pills and used the Cuticura Ointment for about live week*, and at the end of that time t here was not a blotch on me anywhere. This spring I took a few vials of t he Cuticura Resolvent Pills as a precautionary measure, and will continue to do so every spring simply as a spring tonic, as they are so easy to carry with you, and they certainly fix your blood for the ensuing year. I now use only Cuticura Soap. ''The Cuticura Ointment and Pills certainly cured me of an aggravated case of eczema, and if it will help any other sufferer you are at liberty to use this letter. Respectfully, St. Clair Mc Vicar, San Antonio,Texas, July 0,1905." FOOT COMFORT In Baths With Cuticura Soap and Anointings With Cuticura, the Great Skin Cure Soak the feet on retiring in a strong, hot, creamy lather of Cuticura Soap. Dry, and anoint freely with Cuticura Ointment, the great Skin Cure. Rand age lightly in old, soff cotton or linen. Tor itching, burning, and scaly eczemas, rashes, inflammations, and dialings of the feet nr hands, for redness, rough ness, cracks and fissures, with brittle, shapeless nails, and for tired, aching muscles and joints, this treatment works wonders in a single night. Cuticura Soap, Ointment, anil Pill? are ?oM thronchout the worlil. Po!tir OniR U Chrm. Corp.. Sole Props.. Boitou, >'.-.:. CfcJ-SuiU lor, "Uow to Cure Every Uuaiur. THE DR?fi STORE is the one place on earth where it is unsafe to look for "Bargains." If you are satisfied with getting the worth of. your money, the best Medicine it is possible to compound from the highest grade drugs, and the services of an experienced Pharma cist you will send your ? Doctor's Prescription to J. G. Wannamaker I ffl'fg. Co. f wo Important Things To Consider Before Buying^ Watch. 1. Is the dealer reliable? 2. Has he a good stock towe led from? our answer. ^ 1. We have been estab ? lished in Orangeburg twen ? ty-four years, -nd in that t time have sold watches to o thousands of her citizens, f- We think we have built up a ? reputation for honest deal & ing. Ask Your Neighbor. J 2. Our line is complete. * TlTjre is no bettor in the ? State for quality, style or ? price. You can prow this for yourself. Call and in spect our stock; it will give us pleasure to show you whether you buy or not. Headquarters for Watches, Urangeburg, S. C. Surety Bonds, For Administrator, Guardians, Trustees, Receivers, Dispensers, Cash ier Attachment, or any other position of trust executed without delay in the NATIONAL SURETY COM PANY. Don't ask your friend to sign your BOND?let us write it for YOU. Rates ria-,(. nable. Wolle & Berry, Phone 155?A ATTORNEYS FIRE INSURANCE.! Not cheap Insurance, but Insurance that insures you against all loss by fire or lightning. I do not represent small mutnals with no cipi till, who have to assess the policy holders to cover each lots, but ten,of tha oldest and strongest companies doing busi ness, worth morn than $100,000,000 and who have paid more than Sl? 000,000,000 in losses. Country dwellings, barns and outbuildings, together with their contents all writte", and I have satisfied customs.t in every sec tion of the county. Improved gins insured and also cotton on plantations. O e with Western Union ^(-.iegraph Co., next door to Dr. J. G. Wannamaker Mfg. Co., where you will find me from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Office Telephone 21, Besidence 1812. W. K. SEASE. MHI8 MASTER'S VOICE" Please Bear It In Mind that I am selling the Victor Talking Machines and Records. Machines at $17, 27, 30, 40, 50, GO, and 100. Records 35c, 00c and up. Call at my store and hear A Good Consert and be convinced of the good qualities of the "VICTOR." L. BENNETT. Special School Tax Elections. OCIIOOL DISTRICTS CONTEM k\nlating holding elections with the view of levying special school taxes to augment the regular school taxes are hereby noLibed that such elections, when desired, should be held in Lime to reporL Lhe result Lo the Auditor on or before Aueust 1st l!?u<i, in order to get the benefits for next year. Printed petition blanks for elections furnished by the State Superintendent of Edu cation, can be ootained by application I to the County Superintendent of Edu cation. Stiles R Melliciiamp, ' April 3,1906. Sup't Education, O. C.