It is a veil known fact that cotton, or any other crop, produced with. Vir ginia-Carolina 1fertilizers will bring the highest possible price on tha market. MRj^healthy, strong, weU-dereloped; early cotton, with full grown bolls on the fruit limba at the base as well as all the vay up to the very top and tip ?Ods of toe breaches of the cotton plants, by liberally using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers; This is one of the several ways to increase year yields. They contain all the materiale necessary to supply to your land the ele ments which have been taken from it by repeated cultivation year after year. These fertilizers w?l greatly ??increase your yields per acre," for they are mixed by capable men who have been malting high-grade fertilizers all their lives. They contain materials in the riirht proportions to return to your Mil the piaat-Joo?s that it needs. Accept ao substitute from your dealer. Richmond, 7a. NorfoUcTva. Durham, N. C. Charleston. 8. G. BaitimoreTHd. Vlrglnle-Carolina Cbem&cal Co. Atlanta, Ga. Savannah Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Tenn. Shreveporti La. 4f2^lfers^ral Values OB f Feld er Weeks & Co. Will Not Be Undersold. Call on* us and be convinced for yourself You will bave goods priced cbeaoer to you than you have ever had before. What 1 ad vertise you get^ I am not in the habit of advertising one article and selling you another. Will have a sale for ten days, commencing today. Take the opportunity and buy what you need. Come and get my Srice and be convinced. Let me show you my line of goods, h apest you have ever seen. It will pay acy Lady to visit my store before going elsewhere. / Don't forget when you want a Hat to come to me of course. Felder Weeks & Co. the leading place for Millinery, Dress Goods, Notions &c. Come one, Come all, see for your self that I bave the cheapest price of them all. Remember that I have Mrs. Geo. Fairy with me again this season. She will be pleased to baVe her friends call. We guarantee to show you the prettiest line of Ladies Hats you have ever seen. COME ONE! COME ALL! Felder Weeks & Co. XXXXXXK>O3OO0$O0O0CO?O00;iuDI?. "1 knew no one, for four weoks, when I wa? sick with tvnboid and kidney truble," writes Mrs. Annie j Hunter, of Pittsru-g, Pi., "and when; I got better, alr bough 1 had one of best docters I could n>ti, I was beut double, and bad to r?at my Hands on my knees when I walked. Fr'm this terrible affliction I was rescued by j E'ectrlo BltWs, which restored my health and strength, and now I can ' walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kidnev dis orders; at any drug store; price 50c. ASSAULTED A GUILD. Young New berry Negro Charged With a Kein one Crime. A dispatch from Newberry to The State says Clarence Botler, a negro about 17 years old, was brought to jail there Wednesday nigh by Sheriff M. M. Bnford, charged with felonious assault. The victim is a negro child, about 7 years old, daughter of Louis Jefise.livirg on the plantation of Mr. Jno. B. Spearman, near Silver Street. The orime is alleged to have been committed on Tuesday evening of last week about 5 o'clock. The child was in the bouse atone. Her cries were heard ai d seme of tbe people on the plantation hastened to her rescue and saw a man running from the house. The child at once told tbe story or tbe assault and it was as said that an examination corroborated her state ments. Mr. Spearman telephoned to sh'i ff Buford, and yesterday, with a war rant issued on the ir formation of tbe father of the child, by Magistrate Cannon Blease, he went in seaioh of bis man. He found him at Saluda Old town Widiesda? evanirg and brought him to jail here. Sheriff Buford is beinp; cnngratulat ed today on t e swiftness of the cap ture. To tbe promptnes and skill with which he has always discharged the duties it his (Sice, as in this case many attribute the good order of tbe | county, and the infrc quency of seri ous crime. Terrible Tragedy. At Z Caledonia, Minn., Matthew Styler, infatuated with Pearl Whea ton, daughter of S. N. Wheaton, a wealthy farmer, broke into the Whea ton borne tbot and killed the girl and wounded her sister Buth her moth er and himself. Styler is a dental studenn at the University of Minne sota. Pearl Wheaton had refused to I marry rim. Unable: to secure en trance through the doer, Styer broke through a window and was met by Ruth Wheaton, who, armed with a revolver attempted to protect the I family. Styer wrestled the revolver from her and shot her twice through the breast and then turned on Mrs. Wheaton, shooting her in the throat and arms. He ran upstairs to Pearl's room. Breaking in the door he shot her through the heart and then shot himself. When neigb^ra rushed Id Styer was found with his head on tbe girl's breast. Sbe wai dead and he was barely llvlDg. The only other inmate of the house, a child, escaped by leaping through the window Sbyer broke. Mr. Wheaton was away from home at the time. This is a cold cold world but you can get some comfort by getting the best underwear, to be found at J. 0. B&asdaU. When you wish a Thresher remem ber J. W. Smoak sells the best. If EST. MATTHEWS 11 S?VIN?SIB?NK. ~ CT State and CountylDepository.T^ ST. MATTHEWS, S. C. ITT "W- [March 22rd,'lfl05. During the p8St fou? yea's < ux business has experienced a wonder)ul growth. Notwith standing this favorable condition w? are not disposed to let this gr owth stop. We theie fore solicit your business. In all its dealings this bank combines aVo lute safety w'th sotisf ctory service, and ?ever los's sight of either. Monev deposited with us will be pafely cared for, it will gradually grow, it will al ways be ready, and it will be free from uncer tainty. Wo pay 4 pe- cent in e cht on money den sited in the Savings Department. We rre in a position to make a large num bbr of loans. The terms and conditions upon which ? e loan monpy are extremely favorable to the boerower. We shall be glad" to have a ta k with any one who can offer acceptable security. OFFICERS. W. T. C. Bates.President. J. S. Wannamaker. Cashier. J. E. Wannamaker.Yice-Pres. Leonidas Cain.Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS. J. A. Banks, W. T. C. Bates, F. J. Buyck, J. E. Wannamaker, M. Jareckey, J. S. Wannamaker, II. A. Raysor. SAW MILLS. LIGHT, MEDIUM AND HEAVY WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY FOR EVERY KIND OF WORK ENGINES AND 30ILERS AND SIZES AND FOR EVERY CLASS OF SERVICE. ASK FOR OUR ESTIMATE BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER. ?GIBBES MACHINERY COMPANY COLUMBIA, S- C. J. G. CAMPBELL, DENTIST, Successor to Dr. L. C Shecut, Office hours. 5.30 a. m. to 1 p. m.; 8 p. m. to o p.m. Scoville Bldg., Orangeburg, S. C. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clcanici and bcaiitifici the hair, l'roinotci a luiuriant growth. Never Fallu to Restore Gray Hntr to its Youthful Color. Cure? ?ralp ,!.??.?! a hair lolling. iOc.and O Two Important Things To Consider More Buying a Watch, 1. Is the dealer reliable? 2. Has he a good stock to se lect from? our answer. 1. We have been estab lished in Orangeburg twen ty-four years, and in that time have sold watches to thousands of her citizens. We think we have built up a reputation for honest deal ing. Ask Your Neighbor. 2 Our line is complete. There is no better in the State for quality, style or price. You can prove this for yourself. Call and in-, spect our stock; it will give us pleasure to show you whether you buy or not. H. Spahr, \ 5 Headquarters for Watches, I Orangeburg, S. C. Made a Well Man the WJ? ?*ofMe. produces the above results In 30 days. BttM poworf ully and Quickly. Cures when all others fail. Young mon will regain thoir lot-t manhood, and old men will recover their youthful Tlgor by using BEV1VO. It Quickly and surely restores Nervous ness. Lo6t Vitality, Inipotcncy, Nightly Emissions, LoBtPowor, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of solf-abuso or excels and indiscretion, which unfits ono for study, business or marriage. II Dotonly cures by starting at tho seat-of disease, bui Ibo great nervo tonlo and blood bnUder. ??lCw ing back the pink glow to palo cho*t?*ndr? Otorlng tho Are of yontb. It ward, off Insanitj and Consumption. Insi6t on bSTing KEVIVO>np other. It can be carried In veot pocket. By mall, 91.00 per package, or six for 95.00, vrltb a post tlvo written guarantee to coro or refund (lie niuuc.v. lJ.>uic and advise free. Address ttOYAL MEDICINE CO., ISi?ffi* For .'ale by Drs. Lowman & Shecut Orangeburg. S. C. Fire Insurance. Place your Fire Insurance in any Company represented by : : : : Islar & Sally, and you can't make a mistake. Write plantation insurance, and also insure cotton stored on plantation. Call on us. IZLAR & SALLY. -THE MARCHANT M?S j . Will sell you a beautiful Piano from $225.00 t> ?300,00 by paying $10.00 cash, and $7.00 monthly. Surely anyone can buy a piano on such easy terms. MARCHANT MUSIC CO. Dr. Woolley's PAINLESS PIUM AND r Whiskey Cure SENT FREE to all users of morphine, opium, laudanum, ellxirof opium,co? calnoorwnlskey.a large book of par ticulars on homcoi sanatorium treat, mont. Address, Dr. B. M. W00LLEY P. 0. Box 287, Atlanta, Georgia Special Sale ?OF THE? Pine Grove Mercantile Co. Every Friday Attracts a great deal of a teDtioa. among our Customers. This week there will be a special, sale of : : : : : A Staple Article The public will always find them low as the lowest on all staple goods such as Dry Goods. Shoes, Hats, ?o? Clothing and Seaple Groceries. A line of Coffins carried in stock. Pine Grove Mercantile Co. Assessment Notice. 1906. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thar- I, or my deputy, ? will be at. the following named places on the days specified for the Durpose of taking returns of real and personal property for taxation in Orangeburg County for the fiscal year 1908. All taxpayers must give the number of School District in which property is located. Special care should be taken in locating property in or near special School Districts. School trustees in the different townships are requested to meet the Auditor at these appoin ments and assist in the proper location of special school and poll taxes All personal property owned on the first day of January, 1906, must be re turned. Real estate must also be re turned and re-valued. Bowman, Wednesday, Jan. 3. x Branchville, Thursday, Jan. 4. I Rowesville, Friday, Jan 5. Canaan Church, Saturday, Jan. 6.. Felderville, Monday. Jan. 8. Dantzler P. O.. Tuesday, Jan. 9. Yances, Wednesday, Jan. 10. Parlers, Thursday, Jan. 11. Elloree, Friday, Jan. 12. v Cameron. Saturday, Jan. 13. Livingston, Monday, Jan. 15. Dru Sawyers/Tuesd. y, Jan. 18. Springfield, Wednesday, Jan. 17. Gleaton, Thursday, Jan. 18. ' Norway,, Jan. 19. Cope, Saturday. Jan. 20. Lane Star, Monday, Jan. 22. Fg. Motte, Tuesday, Jan. 23. St. Matthews, Wednesday, Jan. 24. J. T. Gressetts, Thursday, Jan. 25,. North, Friday, Jan. 26. Phillips, Saturdav, Jan. 27. Orang'eburg Courti House from Jan. 1 to Feb. 20th, inclusive. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 2 P.M.. - T- M. McMicuael, County Auditor* O. C Tax Notice. The office of County Treasurer wit. - be open on the ? 15th day of October 1905, for the collection of taxes as fol lows: 1 State.51 mills School.3 mills Ordinary County.2* mills Special. i mills County Road.1 mills Total.12i mills With the following specials: School District No 4.3 mills School District No 5.2 mills School District No 7. 2 mills School District No 8.3 mills b d School District No 8.2 mills bd ? School District No 10.2 mills School District No 11.2 mills School District No 12.2 mills School District No 13.2 mills School District No 18.3 mills bd School District No 18.2 mills b a School District No 20.4 mills School District No 22.2 mills School District No 26.3 mills b 1 - School District No 28.2 mills b .U School District No 27.1 mill School District No 28.3 mills School District No 34.3 mills School district No 36.2 mills b o School district No 36.3 mills fid Schi-ol district No 37.2 mills School pistrict No 38.2 mills School District No 40.2 mills School district No 41.3 mills School district No 42.2 mills School District No 43 3 mills School District No44.3 mil s School district No 47.3 mills School district >o48.2 mills School d istriet No 65.2 mills b d School <- istr'ct No 65.'4 mills rt rt School district No 86.4 mills School district No 67..'.4 mills b n School district No 67.2 mills b