The times and democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1881-current, April 13, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Promotes Diges?on.Cheerful nessandRest.Contains neither Opiwn,Morpliine nor Mineral. WOT "NARC OTIC. JZapc afOUBrSAMUEL PtTCHER. PosfJax Seed/" jtaueSeed- ?* Aperfecl Remedy forConsb'pa Ron, Sour Stoinach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions ,Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. FacStn?le Signature of lNEWYORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Sign; of EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years THE OENTAUH ?OMMNV. j?CW YORK CtTT. Buy today from us and save money. This store is always to the fore-front with the choicest goods. With our usual foresight we placed our orders early and have in stock goods that others are now bdying at ad vanced prices, and we can save you money today. Our customers are always pleased. How about that Spring Suit? Don't wait any longer to get it. Everything new in suits, hats, shirts and collars, men's hose and umbrellas. Bring the boys along. We keep everything to dress a boy up in. Better come now?the stock's new. Brunson Clothing E. R. PAULLING, MANAGER. THE HEW KIND OF CHEW THAT WON ENOUGH CHEWERS IN A YEAR TO MAKE THE LARGEST COMPETITIVE BRAND OF SCHNAPPS TOBACCO. Why Not Take a Trip This Winter Through Florida to Cuba? This beautiful State and Island has been brought within easy reach by the splendid through train ser vice of the the great thoroughfare to the Tropics. Winter Tour ist Tickets are now on sale to all points in Florida and to Havana. For rates, schedules, maps, sleeping car and Steamship accommodations, write to W. J. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N. C. "What to Say in Spanish and How to Say It" sent to any address upon receipt of a two-cent stamp. Everybody Should Read This. We sell the beat goods for the least money that they can legitimately be sold at. If yoa need anything in the machinery supply line write us for prices. Just receiving two car loads of pipe and car load of iron. Cheapest place in state to buy pipe and iron. GJA. GUIGNARD, Pres. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., C Atkinson, Sec anil Treas, Columbia, ?. o. ( I LAST WEEK'S FEOSTS. Gardens Wcro Affected Curiously Planes Boing Killed in Spot?. There was a frost of freakish varie ty last week. Its blight fell in spot and Mr. J. W. Bauer, section director of the weathc r bureau, is unable to say just what damage has been done. Tuis all depends upon the amount of moisture. Plants surrounded by dry soil were not affected as seriously as where there was dampness. In gardens which came under Mr. Bauens observation the frost seemed to attack the young vegetables with out any regularity. Oue plant appear ed to be killed while those around it were unhurt. No news from the peach crop in the ridge section could he learned Tuesday, hut as the frost was not altogether destructive here, it is hoped that the peach crop is not hurt?and indeed a slight pruning would not be harmful as there is such an abundance of blooms that if all should nature the trees would be un able to bear the load. Mr. Bauer last week issued the first of his weekly bulletins as to the grow ing crop. This one, under date of April 5th, says: "The week ending 8 a. m., April 4th, had nearly normal temperature, having been cooler than usual during the first and warmer than usual dur ing the second half. There were light frosts over the eastern portions on March 29th, increasing in severity to killing, with thin ice, in the western parts, but aside from causing some corn that was up to yellow slightly, no injury resulted. The week closed with abnormally cold weather prevail ing, and frost threatening the interior sections. "There was practically no precipi tation during the week. On March 2? 27th the rainfall was general over the State, and was excessive in places, greatly delaying farm work. Unbroken Jands are becoming hard in the north ern counties, but generally the soil is in fine condition for tillage. "The preparation of lands is report ed to be somewhat backward in a few western counties, but is generally nor mally advanced, and made rapid pro gress during the last week, especially the preparation of lands for cotton, and the placing of fertilizers in the ground. "From one-half to three-fourths of the proposed acreage to be planted to conn has already been planted in the eastern sections, the percentage de creasing toward the northwestern counties, where this work has only been begun. Corn planted early in March is, with few exceptions, up to fair stands, and some has received first cultivation. "A little short staple and consider able sea island cotton has been plant ed, but this work cannot be said to be generally under way, although, soil and weather permitting, will make rapid progress during the coming week in all parts of the State. "Rice planting has progressed fa vorably in the Georgetown district and was Impedf d with heavy rains and a freshet In the rivers in the Colleton district, where, previous to March 26th. a considerable area had already been sown. "Tobacco plants are small in the beds, but look healthy and vigorous; noue have as yet been transplanted. "Wheat and oats continue small, but have improved, except that oats have thin stands in places. Spring sown oats look well. "Peach trees have about finished blooming in the eastern sections, and are now in full bloom in the western counties. Apple trees are late in blooming. The prospects for all kinds or fruit are excellent. Cabbage, beets, peas and strawberries aie being shipped from the coast truck farms, Pasturage is scant and does not afford grazing in the western counties. There is wide spread complaints of a scarcity of farm laborers." Passing of a Fad. The Chicago board of education has condemned the vertical system of writing. Through its official bulletin the hoard says: "It is an injustice to the child to impose a system of hand writing upon him and force him to adhere to it through his growing years at the cost of not only suppressing his individuality in this acquired mode of expression, but also at the sacrifice of his time and the mental lluency that comes with the ease which accompan ies a mode of expression fitting the individuals characteristics." Are Your Lungs Sound ? ? ? Rydale's Elixir cures weak lungs. If you think you have a bronchial affec tion, or, if you fear you have consump tion, rely on Rydale's Elixir. This modern scientific discovery kills the germs that cause chronic throat and lung disease and assist nature to re store these organs to health. Rydale's Elixir is also a certain cure foi\acute throat and lung throubie. such as coughs, colds, hoarseness, etc. Rydale's Elixir is a splendid family remedy for young or old. Sold by Dr. A. C. Dukes. New Postal Card. A new style of postal card for re turn message will he issued by the postofflce department as soon as the stock of the present series is exhaust ed. The card will bear two portraits, one of Gen. William Tecumseh Sher man for the side bearing the message and one of Gen. Phil Sheridan for the return side. Many millions of the new card will be ready for distribution at an early date and all offices sending requisition for them will receive their quota as rapidly as they can be sup plied. Sour Stomach?Heart Burn. Heart-burn results from an acid or sour condition of the stomach. This acidity is caused by indigestion. The food is only partly digested, the indi gested portion ferments, producing acid and gas, these produce heartburn and sour stomach. Rydale's Stomach Tablets speedily relieve these condi tions. They neutralize the acid and food, restoring normal conditions. Rydal's Stomach Tablets CURE all forms of stomach trouble. Sold by Dr. A. C. Dukes. Nails, screws, tacks, and all kinds of needed carpenter and building mate rials. We give the very best values in these goods?Orangeburg Hardware & Furniture Co. \ Stoic ill Death of White Horse. Sixty-three Indians in a special car en route to Washington to see the President were smashed into by a mail train on the Chicago & North western, two miles west of Haywood, 111., Friday morning during a heavy fog. Three Indians were killed in stantly, three fatally wounded and 20 others more or less seriously injured. White Horse in charge of the Indians on the train, was fatally injured. The bodies of the Indians who had been killed were laid on the prairie beside the the track. Chief White Horse being carried with them. He said that he knew that death was near and requested that he be placed near his dead companions. The chief was propped up and sat stoically while physicians worked on his injuries. He smoked a pipe quietly, and gave no sign of the pain he must have suffer ed. Persons on the train say the wreck was unquesiionably caused by a fog, which stretched many miles from Lake Michigan. The Indians were from the reservation at Rush ville, Nebraska, and on a journey east ward primarily for show purposes at New York. All for Love. Miss Mabel Ludwig, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ludwig, residing near Pansy, Lincoln county, Georgia, committed suicide sometime Wednes day afternoon, April 6. She'quietly took the revolver of her father or brother, and, going to a secluded woody place, about a mile from home, shot herself in the head, evidently dying immediately. An all-night) search for the mining girl only re vealed her lifeless corps, after daylight | Thursday morning. She was a beauti ful girl, about eighteen or nineteen years old. Rumor says that Miss Ludwig was engaged to be married, but the match had been broken off by her parents, which may have brought about her rash deed of self-destruc tion. Her parents and several broth ers and sisters are prostrated with grief. Her grandparents and many relatives reside'in and near; McCor mick MBS. CECELIA STOWE, Orator, Entro Nous Club. 176 Warron Avenue, CurcAGo, 111., Oct. 22,1902. For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor insisted on an operation as the only way to get well. 1, however, strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman is a dibconsolate place at best. A friendlv druggist advised Ii im to gft a {?ottle of Wine of Cardui for me to try, and he did so. I began to improve in a few davs and my recovery was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks I was another being. Mrs. Stowe'a letter shows every woman how a home is aadde:.ed by female weaknes and bowcompletely Wine of Cardui cures that sick ness and brings health and happi ness again. Do not go on suffer ing. Go to your druggist today and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. NEEDS A PORTABLE ENGINE THE AJAX" i" the one to use. "The Machinery 1'eoplc" will be plad to send catalogue and name price on application. W. H. GIBBES <&. CO.. COLUMBIA. S. C Knjrlnes. Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton Gin ning Machinery, Etc. The Gibbes Portable Shingle Mochine W.G. Smith, fysiaip Jgeut, (Successor to Jno. A. Hamilton Sr. and Jr. whose Insurance Hooks we have.) WE represent Fourteen (14) of the Largest Fire Ins. (Jo's, in the United States. We take Fire, Tornado and Plate Glass risks at the lowest possible cost to the assurred. Give us your business and if we please yon, tell your friends, if we do not please you, tell us. Office, second story Louis Building, Southwest Corner Russell and Market streets, Orangeburg, S. C. Phone No. 53. Ask Central to ring twice. K10NDIPO t THE NEW NERVE TONIC AND KIDNEY CURE. Cleanses tbo Kidneys and Bladder, purifies the Blood. Puts Flesh on thin people. Strengthens the Nerves. Clears the Brain. Cures Nervous Debility, Insomnia, Falling Memory. Restores the Vlrn, Vkjor, Vitality nod Strength of Youth, In both weak Men and Women. This New Bemedy workRilke Magic, but In ab solutely harmless. Weigh yourself before taking. Prioo, 50 cts.; 12 boxes, S5.00, by malL , Wo will cheerfully refund the money If you are DOt beneflttod. Try it and be convinced._ Hazard Reeves & Co. LOOK FOR THIS TRADE-MARK ON EVERY DOTTLE. HEDIGIN Mr. Elias Hartz, -widely known in Reading, Pa., as the goosebono prophet, says: " I havo been taking Butty's Pure Alalt Wliiskey for a number of years as my only stimulant ami tonic. I am now 87 years old, hale, hearty, and as vigorous as a man or forty, and have every reason to believe I will live to a much riper old age if I can always have a sup ply of Bully's Pure Mult "Whiskey, which is my only medicine. I never have colds or indigestion, or any organic trouble. I know that it is your valuable whiskey that has kept umso free from sickness. 1 was troubled with insomnia before I used it, but now I can sleep as restfully as a baby. I feel no weakness from my old age, and I heartily recom mend Bully's Pure Malt Whiskey to anyone who wishes to keep strong, young and vigorous. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey contains no fusel oil and is the only whiskey recognized by tho Government as a medicine: this is a guarantee. Be B?ro you n?>k for DUFFY'S PUKE MALT WHISKEY. It in the only nbfio lutely Pure Malt Whiskey which contains medical, health-giving qualities and the only Malt Whiskey recognized by tho government as a medicine. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY is sold In sealed bottles only, never In Hash, or bulk. Look for the trade-mark?the old chemist?on the label and sco that tho seal over tho cork Is unbroken. For sale at alS Dispensaries in South Carolina, or direct, $1.00 a bottle, DUFFY MALT WHLSKEY CO., Rochester, N. Y. An Unlimited Number of Free Trips to the St. Louis Exposition, with Money for Incidentals. THE STATE is offering a free trip to the St. Louis Exposition to any one wiio will send it a number of new paid-in-advance subscribers. The first oiler is a first-class ticket to St. Louis and return with Sio in casli for 16 new annual paid-in-advance subscriptions. Two six months subscriptions, or four three months subscriptions will be received as one annual subscription. If 26 new annual paid-in-advance subscriptions arc sent in, the round trip ticket and S20 in cash are given, and if thirty six: new annual paid-in-advance subscriptions be sent in, the free ticket and S40 in cash are given. The offer is to every one, and every one complying with the conditions will be given a free trip to St. Louis and the casli according to the offer. To those who try, but fail to get enough subscriptions to win the free trip, but get as many as 10 new annual paid-in-advance subscriptions, a cash prize of Sio will be given. Besides these free trips THE STATE offers to send the two most popular ministers and the two most popular school teachers in South Carolina to the exposition, giving each of them a first-class round trip ticket to St. Louis and $40 for expenses. Who are the most popular Ministers and school teachers is to be decided by issuing certificates for all paid-in-advance subscriptions sent to THE STATE. THE STATE is also offering free trips to St. Louis to the R. F. D. and Star route carriers. Fuller details may be had of these offers by writing to the Exposition Department of THE STATE, Columbia, v C. Southern railway THIS GREAT RAILWAY RUNS THROUGH A GREAT COUNTRY CONVENIENTLY UNITING ALL THE BEST SECTIONS OF THE SOUTH. W. A. TURK. S. H. HARDWICK. Passenger Traffic Manager, General Passenger A^ent, Washington. D. C V.'. H. TAYLOE, Ass'! Cen'! Pass. Acer.t. Atlanta. Ca. WE RUN THE BEST VESTI BULE TRAINS AND HAVE THE BEST DINING CAR SERVICE The Edisto Savings Bank, I OF ORANQEBURQ, S. C. tfhls Hank-has two departments, a Current and a Savings. 1 ntcrest is allowed in the Savings Depart tnent at t he rate of out; per ccnt'per quarter, payable on the first days of January. April. July and October Money saved is money made, and the way to save is to deposit your money in the .Savings Depart ment and draw interest. 'This Hank's absolute security is best attested by its Capital Stock of $100,000.00 fully paid in. and its Surplus and Undivided Prolltsof $l.s,0uuoo and by the charac ter and standing ofjits Officers and Hoard of Directors. B. H. MOSSJPres. J. W. L0WMAN, Vice Pres. F. S. DIBBLE, Cashier. J. W. FAIREY, JR., Asst. Cashier. diuectoks.- J. W. Lowman, M. O. Dantzlcr. B. H. Moss. W. G. Smith, J. M. Oliver, A. L. Dukes, W. F. Fairey, Sol Kohn, J. W. Smoak. Accounts solicited customers assured every accomodation, consistent wit h'soundjbanking. Money loaned on good security. ^ Ayers & ^Williams, AT VAN TASSEL'S OLD STAND Dealers in Grain, Flay, Flour, Lime, Hullder's Material, Seeds, etc. MANUFACTURED BY 'ETJBINA MIIXS' ST. LOUIS. MO. Vegetables to bring good prices must have both size andqual ity. Even good soi is made better by the use of a fcr ti lizer rich in We wi'l send our books, C'vinj fu'l infor mation uIjoui the subject, to any tanner who wriies for them. HURRY! BIG BARGAINS ;| FOR CASH:! For next 30 Days ? 100 Buggies, I 100 Wagons { o Come Quick i and Get the Pick. I -II-:-^ Oscar R.Lowman A Weak Indigestion Is often caused by orer eatlng. An eminent authority says the barm done thus exceeds that from the excessive use of alcohol. Eat all the good food you want but don't over load the stomach. A weak stomach, may refuse to digest what you eat. Then you need a good digestant like Kodoi, which digests your food with out the stomach's aid. This rest and the wholesome tonics Eodol contains soon restore health. Dieting un neces sary. Kodol quickly relieves the feel ing of fulness and bloating from which some people suffer after meals. Absolutely cures indigestion. KodoB Nature's Tonic? Prepared only by E. C. DeWitt &Oo..Obleag? Tao IL bottle conUlns2}4 times thefiOc. six*. Dr. J. G. Warnairaker. Mfg., Co. The Largest and Most Complete Es tablishment South. Geo. S. Hacker, & Son ?Manufacturers of - Doors. Sash, Blinds, Mouldings and Building Material. Sash, Weights, Cord, Hardware and Glass. Hardware and Ready-Mixed Paints. Charleston, S. C. 454-548 King St., Opposite Cannon St THE BANK OF SPRINGFIFLD SPRINGFIELD, S. C. L M. MlMS, Pres. Jno. McB. BEAK, V. P. J. 15. SMITH,|Cashier. Directors.?L. M. Minis, Jno. Mcl5."!I?ean, H. A. Odorn, J. H. Fulmer, .7. W. Jumper, Dr. J. P. Hutto, W. P. Hutto, O. C. Salley, J. A. Berry. business transacted with promptness and ciirofuliicss. Money t'? It-nil on appprovod se curity at rensonablti rate. We nave a famuua Mangancas Steel Safe, wnrrauted|and proved to bo burglar-proof. Interest allowed in sav ingfl department at the rate of|4 per rent., pay able May and November. Accounts andji-or respondents solicited. Il-ll-l-y. Drs. Perreoclear. ? Sifley Otlice in New Dibble Building. We will attend all calls in the country. DR. SIFLEY, Specialist in Dental Prothesis, Crown and Bridge Work. Mrs. Floride Lowman Hood, Teacher of Music, Art and Elocution. Second floor, Barton Building; fine equipment, latest methods. Music pupils taken from 5 yeare up. The famous Burrowes Musical Kindergar ton system is used for small children. Terms reasonable. Specialist in diseases of the eye, ear nose and throat and in GENERAL SURGERY. Obangebubg, S. C.