Scene of the War Between Russia and Japan. 1ZO* i vir * m m 140* ihCMNOHE SA? mm iSili \ WK&ENDAI \TA 'ojo 0 /M ?fIff?fflFJ _1 ^ > ? J E A T 5AS^-MUN BAY C B I NA SEA "" KEY" ; RAILROADS 4*?"> COMPLETED* DO BUILDING. ii i ii ii PROPOSED. iNTUAO ^SAMSAri HR) FOO-CHOO (Fu-CHAU) AHOY IHOKU ZOO STATUTE MILES bOO 400 IjAPANi SIBERIA (Russia;? CORE A. MANCHURIA ?MONGOLIA cniNA "?TREATY PORTS 3* JlUDU-fflO 'emperor or JAPAN 130 HO Published by Courtesy of the News and Courier, Charleston, S. C. To Show You for Early Spring Wear AH the New Style? in Ladies' Misses' and Children's <^LOW SHOES, je? Among the New Things Are The Blucher Oxfords In All Leathers, at S2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. The Shoes that wear and do nol hurl ihe feet are sold here. Your inspection solicited. ->{ Or Jus O "V" IC K.' S ^ t..i, f 'i.r . he siir?- "The J : coughing and straining so weakened me that 1 ran down in weight from ? 148 to '.'2 pounds. I '. ricd a number of *j remedies to no avail until 1 used One ^Minute Cough Cure. Four bottle of ? this woundcrful remedy cured me ?i entirely of the cougli, strengthencl o I my lungs and restored me to my nor aI...., 1 Mv.i.r'it i....UU ,...,1 i. ) " i i,ml .tLi^ilL, uli.i jiKiip. ... ? I Sold by ? iVauQailiakcr .dig. Co. ? o o o Notice. o f WISH TO SAY TO AL'LOF MY ? ! 1 customers and the public generally that Lam now ready to serve them again in wheclright and blacksmith ? work. Thanking you lor past patron i|?'igc and soliciting your work in the + future, I am yours for service and ? good work. P.O. Smoak, ?| 3-iMl* Cordova, S. C. ? ? I i ? o < tat ^OIl THE OLD RELIABLE UP ? II1 to-date painter, paper-hanger and x singn writer. Interior decorations a ? I specialty llissamplcsof Wall Taper ? are up-to-date. He is known in Or ? I angeburg, as the best. ? I ? B. D. Glympii. ?i3ttio's Early Risers The famous little pills. o ? G IniDortasit Notice Dry Colors. Hazard Reeves & Co 'ainting. t Wc ^w-ir~11 tu close mil our ? line of Paints awl < Mis and in ?> nrdn.r tn iln ^o will make prices * on quantities far below actual J cost. Our line contains o Ready-Mixed <> 4> .and-{ ? <> o o <> Now is your opportunity to <> <> ? Orangeburg, S. C. <> ?????????????????????????? DeWiff's Ef Salve For Piles, Burns, Sores O N T A P California Fruit Juice, Cafawba, Cherry, Blackberry, Mexican Hot and Elberta. We have them on tap, all five kinds al 5 cents a glass, 30 cents a Quart or SI.00 a gallon. Order a quart - it is delightful and wholesome. Try our small White Onions in Vinegar, 25c a quart. Queen Olives from 10c to Hoc a bottle. Potato Chips. Large fanned f'rubs with -hells to arrive tliis week. Uur fresh Garden Seed are in. S. O. PARLER are so agreeable that children eat them like candy, yet there is not a remedy in trie market so effective and thorough for the Cure of Constipation Relief of Headache and all troubles caused by inactive digestive organs such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pains in the side, etc. PRICE 25c for box of 40 pills. WHAT OTIIKRS 8.1 Yi "i find thein a sureciircfirconstiii uiun." tjudrej W. I). MiU-r, Johnstown. I'a. '? I intend l" u->e n >others hereafter. Thevae. to easy to take. My children take them like candy." Mr-. Franklin Stnuster,Hamburg, Ha. "Thev are mihi in ftctinn ami salutary In effect,' having the property of invigorating ari.l building up thesyitern.'' John V. Rnpp, Shirematistoivn. Pa. Try b box and your friend, well a. yourself ?III tliank us for the suggestion. LYMAN BROWN, New York City. Wannaniaker Mfg. Co February 2!).?The State says: "Some people in Columbia?very small people?had birthdays Monday I for the tirst time in oiyht years. The ; year 1000 was without a February i 2!)tb'?ceording to the Gregorian calen \ dar. Seven yeais eld and yet not a ! birthday! Did Pope Gregory ever ! think of this sad plight when he threw :hi") dates into a bo: and shook them ; ii{ ? No small dolls, no big dolls with i eyes that go t<> sleep, no red wagons j or tin horns! Without a birthday in seven years! Heaven save us, one I might as well be without a Joy in life, i For the ones without birthdays there is. however, always double pleasure at Christmast.ide." FIBROID TUMORS CURED. Mrs. Hayes' First Letter Appeal ing to Mrs. Pinkham for Help: 14 Dear Mrs, Pinkham :?Ihavebeea under Boston doctors' treatment for a long time without any relief. They tell me 1 have a fibroid tumor. I can not sit down without great pain, and the soreness extends up my spine. I have bearing-down pains both back and front. My abdomen is swollen, and I have had flowing spells for three i years. iWy* appetite is not good. I ean ' not walk or be on my feet for any length of time. " The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your little book accurately describe my case, so I write to you for advice." ? (Signed) INI rs. B. F. Hayes, 252 Dudley St. (Koxbury). Boston, Mass. Mrs. Hayes* Second Letter: I "Dear Mrs. Pin'kiiam:? Sometime ago I wrote to you describing my symp toms and asked your advice. You re plied, and I followed all your direc tions carefully, and to-day 1 am a well woman. "The use of Lydia E.'s i Vegetable Compound entirely ex pelled the tumor and strengthened my whole svstem. I can walk miles now.. "Lydia 3?. Pinkham's Vege table Compound is worth five dol lars a drop. I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female trouble of anv kind to give It a faithful trial." ?(Signed) Mrs. E. F. Haves, 252 Dudley St. (Roxbury'i. Koston, Mass. ? -35900 forfeit If original of abo'.e letters proving genuineness cannot be produced Tax Levey. Orangebiirg, S. ('. Theolllpe of County Treasuier. at Court House will lie opened to receive t axes for the year l'lo.:. from the |5tb dav of October to 31st day of Decem ber, hi":;. ; State tax.-'. Mills , < >rd. ('o. tax. 2\ Special (Jo. lax. j Road ia.x. 1 School tax. :: Total.lit Mills Special School lax dis. No. t. 2 Bonded Debt Special school Bended Debt Spt rial school Bonded Debt Special school " Bonded debt Special school " 10 7 Wanted. 21 '? 28, 3 " 2