lic ruiu surrounded by a high wall. Such has been the case in the instance of Dr. J. W.Summers, of whom it can be justly and truthfully said: No heart ever pulsated in a truer, nobler breast than in that of him whom the County, is largely maligning and defaming. No man 1'roin the mountain to the sea has worked harder and sacriliced more for the good of his people in the represen tative halls than he, and it only remains for time in his slow light to testify to the above. He is a patriot, not only i for discharging-Iiis duty to the best of his ability, but for his indifference to public opinion while discharging that duty conscientiously. Rut the object of this writing is not to extol his name and applaud his acts, (he's too true to I desire it from any pen or to expect it j from any source.) Examine Ids record ; and inquire of the body politic of the state and lind out for yourself. The object of this writing is to sot I men to thinking' for themselves in the I County affairs which are now working like leaven, and do il in a mighty big i hurry, too, for the bread is rising and ! the lime is short, too short to correct a j blunder if they make one. j And. Mr. Editor, from what 1 can I learn the County Is going to make as I grand a blunder in this coming election ;is was ever made within its limits. Listen to the toot ot no man's horn, it' he blows it himself, for in politics it is more than likely to give an uncertain sound. ? And that is the ease with one whom the Couniy has had as a repre sentative ever since 1882. Before you cast a votefor any man examine'his record and do so by daylight. Don't wote fur urn case de party Sit1 so. We want representatives to represent us? not themselves. Demand from this obi member of the House his record from 1882 to 18815 and make Iii 111 show cause why he still prays (preys) the Suffrages of the people In the face of the fact that in the year 1882 lie was absent 18 times and present 28 times; in the year 1888 ho was -Risen; 23 times and present 34 times: in the year 188-1 he was-absent 23 times and present 31 times; in the year 1885 he was absent. 45 times and present 28 times. Demand of him why out of 225 roil culls to cast his vote for the good of his country was he absent 10JI times und present only 1H) times. And during this term of yours he got leave of absence but once, by the recommendation of oflr worthy representative, T. M. Itaysor. And demand of him why he had never rend the Constitution of his beloved .State and thereby avoid the diabolical error and blunder of presenting out of 4 bills 3 that were unconstitutional. A preacher of the glorious Gospel, "Do your duty." What a record! And in the face of these facts which are es tablished and in print on the Statutes, he has the bull dog brass to ask to be sent buck. And as one of our best citi zens says: "Yes. he'll make many a poor man believe he'll make, the rich nan pay all the tax and the poor man won't have to pay any, and he'll play h?11." " Pretty brassy to expose a man after this manner, but Mr. Editor if is far more brassyer for such an i.n poster to (prey) the suffrages of the people, for what? To be absent and unconstitu tional. I say, beware of him. A. M. SXJDEU, Elloree, S. C. P. S. ?I am no candidate for any office and never intend to be. I'm in better business. A. M. S. Aug. 23, 188?'.. A man named Graham successfully navagated the whirlpool rapids at Xiagara on Friday afternoon with Iiis head protruding from the barrel. James Scott, a lisherman of Lewiston. attempted to swim the whirlpool rapids in a cork suit. His dead body was pick ed up at Lewiston an hour later. Chew Dark Horse Tobacco, to be had at Van Tassell's. School Notice. THHE EXERCISES OF MISS R. S. JL ALBERGOTTFS School will be re sumed Monday, September U, at the. resi dence of Capt. T. A. Jeffords, Russell Street._Aug. 20 !\ofire ul'l>i.siiti.ssnl OX THE 22d DAY OFSEPTEM ber I will file my final account with the Judge of Probate, as Adniin'stratnr of the Estate of William Ki/.cr, deceased, and ask for a discharge. L. A. K1ZER, Aug. 2U-4t _ Administrator. CottrtliotiKc Democratic Club. A MEETING OF THE AMOVE J~x. Glut) will be held to-morrow (Friday) .evening for the transaction of important business. The meeting will be held at the usual place, and a large attendance is de sired. Rv order of the President. J. L. SIMS, Secretary. School Police. MRS. A. G. S ALLEY WILL resume tin- exercises of her School, on Monday, September". 0th, at her resi dence on Glover Street. In iiddU'Sirto the usual text books of latesLji^^f|. primary and adyiiiw-4-^aiVlies, there will be -su'/CrStfelasses in Algebra and French. Aug. uii-lt Attention Ucmocratx!! i MEETING OF THE CITIZEN'S xv Democratic Club will be held at Odd Fellows' Hall, Thursday evening, August 2lith, at 8 o'clock sharp, for the purpose of electing three managers to seive at the ensuing Primary election A full attend ance desired. OSCAR It. LOWMAN, President. .1. A. EnwAitns, Secretary, Notice. rPIIEKE WILL BE A MEETING A of the Farmers' Club of Zion Town ship at Ebcnezer Church, Thursilay, Sep tember L'd, at :> o'clock P. M., for the pur pose of electing delegates to the Farmers' County Convention. Candidates will be present to address the club, and the public generally are invited to attend.'' By order of the President. T. M. McMICHAEL, August 20-11 Secretary. ??t.'awl Iron E!<-Jt a candidate for County School Commissioner, subject to the primary elcc I Hon. P?r !*?? i'in. subject Jo flic action of I the primary election. UEN.L P IZLAR. l^.T The many friends ol Ml!. .). R. FULMER, of the Fork, announce him as a candidate for the office of Judge of Probate. Many Voteks. V For Probate .Fudge. IST T. P. STOKES, Esq., ts announced as a candidate for Probate Judge, subject to the primary election. MR. STOKES is a worthy man, and, if elected, will make a ?ood officer. For County Commissioner. ^'"Feeling confident that MR. VIN CENT RATES, of Caw Caw, would make an excellent County Commissioner, we announce him as a candidate for said office, and trust the County will support him. M4AY VOTERS. ST The many friends "of MR. FREDER ICK I. GATES, of Middle St. Matthews, announce him as a candidate for County Commissioner for Orangcburg County, subject to the rules governing the Demo cratic primaries. Mr. Gates is a progressive . young man, and any trust committed to 1 him by the people will be sacredly main- t taincd. _ i ST The friends of MR. F. F. FAIRY, of Rranchville, announce him as a candi date for County Commissioner, subject to the primary. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Commis sioner, subject to the action of the primary election. D. A. PORTER, Elizabeth Township. The friends of MR. W. A. MACK AY announce him as a candidate for Coun ty Commissioner, subject to the action of the Prim?r}'. He is in every waj qualified for tlic position. EP"The friends of A. S. 1IIBBLER announce him as a candidate for the place on the Board of County Commissioners that is lo be filled by a colored man. He was a good and faithful Democrat when it was a risky business to be such. ST" Having endeavored faithfully to dis charge the duties of County Commissioner during the past two years, and feeling sat isfied that I could be more useful in future from the experience I have had in the of fice, I offer myself as a candidate for re election, subject to the primary election J. F. NORTH. CAPT. JOHN W. SELLERS, of St. * Matthews, is hereby announced as a candi date for County Commissioner. The St. Matthew's section deserves representation on the Board, and Capt. Sellers would fill the position with entire satisfaction to the people. His candidacy is subject to the primary. _ J3P"A. D. FAIR is hereby announced as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Commissioner, subject to the action of the primary election. t?TThe many friends of JOHN J. WOLFE present him as n candidate for the office of County Commissioner,.subject to the action of the Primary. nSTI hereby announce myself as a candi- ' date for County Commissioner, subject to the. action of the primary election. I have tried to be a consisent colored Democrat, and to do my duty as an officer for the pres ent term, and will continue to discharge my duties ns County Commissioner, if elec ted, to the best of my ability. LONDON 1J1CKS0N._ ~'^Tlf?r'friends ' of~ MR. .1. .1. W. JOINER, of the Fork, take pleasure in an nouncing 11iin a> a candidate for County Commissioner. Mr. .Joiner is a man of experience and will if elected make us a good officer. He will abide the result of the primary. MANY FRIENDS. :.?;"Ei)i'roit Times and Dkmocuat.? The many friends of MR. JOHN D. LIV INGSTON present him as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the Demo cratic primary election. A true and tried Democrat; a practical and successful farm er: he will faithfully represent the Fork and the people of the entire County. SOUTH HEBRON.' _Fmk of Edlsto, Aug. 188G. ~?rMR. HARBIN R1GGS' name is hereby presented to the voters of Orange burg Comity ns n candidate for the above position. Mr. RIGGS' well-known energy and business qualifications peculiarly lit him for this office, and his friends would be plea.-ed to see him elected. Ho runs sub jeel lo (he primary rule-. ; ?? 11 scroll} announce myself as a can dale lor the office of County Commissioner for Orangcburg Count} at the approcliiug election, subjeel Luthe primary. DONA LD IS. BARTOX. Efir MR. T. W. GLEATON, of the Fork* is hereby announced as a candidate loi County Commissioner, subjeel to the action of the primary election. IS?"I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination as the Colored County Commissioner, before, and subject to the ensuing Democratic primary election. V. I). BOWMAN*. Pgr 1 announce mvself as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the pri mary 1 pi utilise, if elected, to use the public money as economically as possible, J. M. COR BETT. STThe friends of Mil. ANDREW M. (.'OX present his name as a candidate for County Commissioner for Oraiigehurjg County, subject to flic action of tin: prima ry election. jgy- The iiiuuy friends of REV. I). F. SPIGEXER present hint us a candidate for . County Commissioner and pledge him to abide the result of the primary. SaTThe friends of Ml:. JNO. A. SAL ? LEY, of Liberty Township, take pleasure in '. presenting his name as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject, to the pri mary. The Fork is entitled to a place on the Hoard, and Mr. Sally is Hie man to fill it. The friends oi MR. A. S DTK KS. in the ISrauchville section of the county . present his name as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the primary. This section of tin; county is en titled to a member of the Board, and Mr. i Dukes will till the place to the entire satis I faction of the public.