ESTABLISHED IN 18( TKLMAS YS. LIFSCOMB. HAMBURG EDGING FOR SECRETARY OF STATE LIPSCOMB'S CLOTHING. air. Tillman Bit? ISixck. an ?2 Toll? Ab'ont tho Farmer's Movcineut-?He Has J?o Political Ambition to Subserve. Since the publication of my reeeDt "open letter to tho farmers of the State" I have been the recipient of many cour tesies from the newspapers and their correspondents. I am' like King Lear. "The little dogs and all, Tray, Blanch and Sweetheart. See! they bark at me." I have been accused of nearly every sin mentioned in the decalogue, and many others besides, and I doubt if ever a column of plain and lucid English has been so variously construed or had so many different interpretations put upon it. There has certainly been a "ring" firing at me, whether there be a political "ring" in South Carolina or not?and I seem to have pinched many people's toes of whom I was not even thinking. Such a broadside from politi cians and pap suckers , has not been heard in the State in many a long day. We farmers can now locate the enemy and govern ourselves accordingly. But I feel under lasting obligations to the gentlemen of the press for so liberally advertising "a farmer's convention" gratis. "The agitation of thought is the beginning of wisdom." Farmers need only to think, to wake up. and all will be well. They are doing this, I hope and believe, and I am therefore more than satisfied with the situation. The firing has almost died away and things are growing quiet. But hush, hark ! what deep booming sound is it that breakes the stillness at this late honr of the bombardment? ''Hamburg Moses," "Moses Tillman," "slander er," "crank," "dreamer" and "dema gogue," who somehow feels uneasy at being the innocent cause of all this tur moil, and who is trying to make out why a simple suggestion to the farmers to organize and demand a redress of grievances should create such a commo tion. "Moses" picks himself up, shakes, ieels for his head, and finding be is not hurt looks around to see by whom this "air gun" was fired. There was no bullet in it, or certainly Edgefield would have a funeral on her hands. ? A burly form as fat as a porker on official pap, and as red with impotent rage as a turkey gobbler, stands read; to claim that he killed "Cock Robin." "Moses" has been begging with tears in his eyes for some "Richmond" from the agricul tural bureau to Answer his arguments and. disprove his facts; but our belated warrior who at this late day appears upon the scene and'fires the gun it l^ffla-^thaftrt- JEMWtfrB _tft >nd. ignores argument, pays n? attention to facts, dishes out abusive epithets like a fish wife, claims to be the only original and possible "Agricultural Moses," and winds up with a pitiful appeal to the farmers and people not to punish him because he refuses to accept "Moses Tillman as a leader." Oh how these men who are sucking the public teat be gin to squeal when they feel or fear they are about to lose their hold! It is heart rending. Col. Upscomb has been nurs ing his wrath to keep it warm and it is certainly very hot, but it does not burn "Moses" because he has only told the truth, and Col. Lipscomb must disprove ?the charges of incompetence, extra vagance and inattention to duty made against the board of agriculture before he can injure "Moses" by flinging mud. I shall not descend into the gutter and fight this doughty granger with his chosen weapon. A negro can beat us both on that line. I prefer decency and courtesy, although I am accused-of "outraging" both. Col. Lipscomp mu?t prove these charges 'ere they will harm me. I have been severe but parliamen tary, and have always attacked the offi cial acts of men and not the men them selves; and although my words were thus interpreted by many. I have never said anything about the State officers except the. agricultural bureau and their administration.- of. their trusts. They are not the "ring" to which I alluded, but may and dputless do form a part of it, and Col. lipscomb's ready anger at the mere suggestion of such .a thing makes one suspect that his oohscience accuses him. "The wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous is bold as a lion." Ivoted for Col. Lipscomb for secreta ry of State in the State convention in 1882, and have never denied that his motives are pure. But the possession of office has strangely emasculated and silenced the sturdy advocate who was wont to make the welkin ring while he depicted the wrongs and abuses heaped on farmers. He spoke for my resolu tions at Bcnnettsville, but it was with bated breath aud in general terras. He was mild; and while I have written nothing since which wps as severe as that speech, no farmer enjoyed it more or com plimented it so highly as he did. Let him deny this if he can, and explain why he has since changed front. I said little there about the board of agriculture and only sought to enlarge it aud in crease its usefulness. That is what I propose now, and my efforts are not bent towards "pulling down and de stroying everything and everybody," &c. but towards building up, encouraging and protecting our agricultural interests. We want a real agricultural college. We want a large and representative board of agriculture composed of live, progressive farmers, We want farmer's institutes to teacli our people how to co better and increase the general prosperi ty. We want fewer laws and better ones; we want fewer officers and more efficient ones; we want a government of the people by the people and for the people; and as the people are, by a large majority, farmers, farmers have a right and it is their dutv to govern the State, and "if this be treason make the most of it." Such a government does not by Col M Glover Jan 1. '86 ;a. oi anj' means imply that onlv farmers ought to hold oltiee or thnt other classes a?c to be excluded altogether or impos ed upon. Only a dreamer or idiot would imagine such a thing and only it narrow minded, selfish bigot would want it. The assumption that this movement has any such object is entirely gratuitous and only emanates from those who seek to bamboozle farmers and obscure the real issue. "Divide to conquer" has ever been the tactics of our enemies, and the same old dodge is being tried now. It may succeed but I hope for better things. Col. Lipscomb telt obliged to acknowl edge that a farmer's convention is a right and proper tiling and advocates it, but he objects to it because he did not .sug gest it and cannot "boss It" and is silly enough to say it will be called and con trolled, appointed and organized by Mr. B. E. Tillman. He does me too much honor. I have ?dled the convention in common with those who endorsed the idea and sent me their names. It will assemble and choose its own officers and will, I trust, result in great good to the State and entire people. I will en deavor to get it to adopt some measures which I deem highly important to our welfare as farmers; only this and noth ing more, and the idea that it will be composed of puppets to be "bossed" by anybody will I think be only too clearly disproven when it assembles. It will be no joint summer meeting of politicians to "make a slate." Three will be no ''free passes," and lacking i these two familiar features, perhaps Col. Lipscomb does well to turn his back on us. 'Tis a pity, but I suppose we common people must preforce do without him. Let the fanners of this State see that good and true men, not politicians or office seekers, are sent to this convention and it will mark an epoch m the history of South Carolina. If any county can find a better man who is. not a farmer than It can among far mers, by all means let the farmers of that county send him. We want the brains and patriotism and honesty of the State to come together and take charge Of it. B. B. TlIiLMAN. A SICKENING SPECTACLE. A Shin-Kicking Contest That Was Fun for tue Crowd, hat Death to Will and Jack. A shin-kicking contest, or as it known m spoTting^ernacular, a "purring" con test, was held in a barn in the rear of a saloon m East Orange, N. J., last Mon day night. The men were Jack Faw cett and Will Wilson, and they contested for $100. They wore canvas jackets, knee breeches, no stockings, shoes with wooden soles, the tips of the toes being of iron. After the referee had informed the men that.-an&kick. abovezthr frnfflHi Si'0Uld:~be cCn^IderebT^aTloul, each man" grasped his competitor's coat collar, and the sickening sport be^an. That it was not sickening to the forty persons collected in the barn was eviden ced when, alter some minutes of plunge ing and parrying, Fawcett landed his left toe on Wilson'G leg laying open the flesh to the bone. This elicited a round of applause from the spectators, which was renewed when shortly afterwards, Wilson retaliated upon his antagonist's shin. The sport then continued without interruption, each thud of the iron-toed shoe upon the quivering flesh being followed by applause. So it went on for ten minutes, when Wilson began to show signs of weakening. His kicks became less vicious and he was unable to successfully parry Fawcett's blows. Five minutes later he fell powerless to the floor and Fawcett stumbled over him. The later arose, however, and as Wilson did not respond to the call of the referee, Fawcett was declared the win ner. Terrors of the Boycott. The Knights of Labor have the upper hand at Fort Worth, Tex. The board ing houses and hotels which accommodate men who take the places of strikers are being boycotted, Even the butchers re fuse to sell them meat. All this is true, yet the sentiment of the people is against the strikers, but business men are afraid of the boycott. Johu Taggart, boarding house keeper, was boycotted on Thursday. The waterman from whom he has been purchasing his sup ply of drinking water refused to sell to him, and he has to go two miles to se cure water. His landlord, one of the richest citizens of Fort Worth, has ordered him to vacate his house. On the same day poison was thrown iuto Taggart's water barrel, and one married woman and two little girls were poison ed and now lie m a critical condition. The case cited above is the worst yet reported, but there are others nearly as disgraceful. The people are afraid to call their souls their own. A Woman's Awful Vengeance. Memphis, Teuu., March 17.?At 8 o'clock to-night Emma Norman, ayoung lady tweuty-one years of age, shot and killed Henry Arnold, proprietor of a grocery store at No. 109 Heal street. Arnold seduced Miss Norman about eightheen months ago and has made re peated promises to marry her. Five months ago he married Miss Nellie Kilcy, aud to-night while standing iu front of his store door was shot through the heart by Miss Norman, who ap proached him trom behind. Miss Nor man resided eight miles in the country and came to town this afternoon for the express purpose of killing her seducer. She was arrested and locked up. She expressed great satisfaction at the fatal result of her shot. A Baby Contest. More than 3,500 babies have been en tered for the international baby contest in Paris. The favorite for the prize in the heavy-weight class Is a boy named Sidoyne Vollez, a Belgiau by descent. At the a^e of five years he is four feet one and a half inhes in height and weighs 158 pounds. tAJSraEBTJKGr, S. C, TELTJ YOUNG MEN OF CAROLINA The Prospect aud the Power of the Cora lnlng Carolinian. Charlestox", March 10.?Nothing strikes an bid South Carolinian, who has returned to his native State after ? several years residence m other States, so forcibly as the fact of the vigor and activity of the young men of the State. Circumstances have recently thowD me , in many sections of the State, and ' everywhere I have observed that the j young men are coming to the front. I consider this one of the most hopeful signs , for tho future of South Carolina. With the young and new generation in charge ol its affairs, South Carolina is destined to make rapid strides in genuine materi al progress. It is a hopeful sign to notice that this young element does not despise the wisdom of years, but on all occasions blends its active force with the experience of old inen. These young men do not belong to that class of youth ful ' politicians, who are continually making sport of the "moss backs*" It is evident that there is no movement on the part of the young men to gain con trol of the State, but that they are put into positions of honor and trust by the people because their sterling qualities are appreciated. My attention was first directed to the prominence of the young men of South Carolina by. going to the editorial rooms of the News aud Courier and finding in the chair, for years bo ably filled by that graceful writer and profound scholar, Barney Riordan, an active and bright young- man, who has not yet reached his twenty-filth year. This 3roung man, Mr. John L. Weber, reads ihe entire mass of the exchanges received at his office, besides managing the State depart ment of his paper and doing his share of editorial work. I was told in Charleston that Mr. Weber is one of the best equipped journalist of the South, and it as much noted tor bis popularity as for his ability. Gen. Hemphili, who is manager of the News and Courier in the absence of the editor-in-chief, is a young man, and one of the leaders of progressive thought in the South. There are other quill drivers in the State who are making reputations for themselves, and doing good work for the State. Among these are the vigorous Jones, of the Spartanburg Herald. The clear and witty Williams, of toe Greenville News, the courteous McSweeny, of the Hamp ton Guardian, and the progressive Murray, of the Anderson Intelligencer. There are many others whose pens exert au influence beyond their counties. The young men are more prominent at the bar perhaps than in any other field of activity. In Charleston Chas. A. McHugh, Ancrum Simons, John D: -Cap::-cIu):;u-~ t?ooVyif-Jta'Cttr -E;:;^ Perry, George M. Trenholm and Chas. A. Boyle are the young men who have already reached enviable position at the bar. McHugh and Simons have both been pressed into service in the Legisla ture, though neither lias reached his thirtieth year. Orangeburg county has always shown her appreciation of her youm: men. T. M. llaysor, who has just passed his twenty fifth year, has reached a commanding place at the bar and against his wish has been sent to represent his county in the State Legis ature. The same county seuds as rep resentative Mr. C. G Dantzler, a young man less than thirty years of age, who has jnst begun the practice of law. Uaruwell has her young representatives Jas. E. Davis and W. R. Kelly, Union her Chas. C. Cnlp and David .Johnson, Anderson her George E. Prince and H. G. Scudday, Abbeville her W. C. Benet and W. A. Bradley, Edgefield her N. G. Evans and E. R. Gary, and, indeed, every county in the State has active young leaders. Spartanburg, perhaps, has more vigorous young meu than any onther county In the State. They take an active interest in every movement that concerns the country, and exert a good healthy influence., Well may Spartanburg be proud of her Stanyarne Wilson, Ed. Bomar, J. K. Jennings, Charles Wofford, Stobo Simpson, Hugh Farley, Arch Calvert and Tucker Mc Crary. South Carolina has a host of young men with tho right spirit and may meet any issues presented to her without fear of danger.?0 D in Augusta Chronicle. An Anderson Tale. Mr. James Harrison, while engaged in getting out staves on the Steele place in Pendleton township last Monday, found a small lock of brown huinau hair in the middle of a large white oak tree. A hole had been bored in the tree, the hair iuserted and the hole stopped. The tree had grown around the hole to the extent of ninety-seven circles, showing that the hair "had been placed there about the year 1789. It is supposed to have been the act of some superstitious person, who hoped thereby to ward off witchcraft or something of that kind, such practices in olden times beiug tra ditional. Mr. Harrison preserves the hair as a curiosity.?Auder.sou Journal. Old Bricks. An old brick kdn has been discovered near the town of Laurens which promis es to turn out several thousand good bricks. Some of the older citizens of the place say it is probably one of the kilns of brick from which the present postoffice building was built, about thirty live years ago and were made by the late Colonel James II. Irby. Two or three lame pine trees, besides much other smaller growth, have sprung up on the mound. The man who discover ed it carries a rabbit foot. A Mysterry. McCormick, Abbeville county, is in a muss over its recent municipal election. Only thirty-live votes were cast, aud since the election twenty-two men have made affidavit that they voted for a cer tain mau for intendant, and still ho was not elected, BSDAY, MARCH 25, Iii MOB LAW RAMPANT. * WHOLESALE LYNCHING IN MISSIS SIPPI-^ DOZEN MEN SHOT Corrible Scenes In a Court House?Killed In tnc Presence of the Court?The Guilty to Uo Punished. Xew Orleans, March 17.?A special to the Picayune from Grenada. Miss., says: News of a terrible tragedy enacted at Carrolltown, an interior town twenty-four miles suthwest of Grenada, (fas received here this evening. Fifty men rode into town and repaired to the ;ourt house, where thirteen negroes were iwaiting their trial. The white men walked into the court room and shot ten negroes and mortally wounded the other three. The shooting grew out of the attempted assassination of Gaines Lid ?ell, a prominent citizen, who was shot l8eriou8ly wounded by these negroes . .oral weeks ago. Winona, Miss., March 19.?The dreadful affair which occurred at Carrol 1 toti'i in Carroll county, by which thir teen negro men were killed and eight or ten won, led, has thrilled the State like an olecti c shock and intense feeling exists over the deplorable affair. The circumstances which led to the catas trophe and the details of the fight In the court house are in brief as follows: The trouble began some three weeks ago in a trifling altercation between a young white man named Moore and a colored man named Brown. S. M. Ltddell, a friend of Moore, afterward got into a difficulty with Brown through reference to* Brown's treatment of Moore, in which Liddell struck Brown with his fist and was shot in the elbow by Brown and was fired at by several other color ed men. In the further course of the difficulty Liddell was shot a second time and.two colored men were shot slightly. Another statement of the beginning of the original trouble was that a crowd of negro men were standing on a street corner, apparently quarrelling, Liddell, who is a young lawyer, stepped up to thefnand asked what they were talking about. One of the negroes answered aggressively: "It's none of your d-?-d business." Liddell whipped out WaJ revolver and fired at the negro; whereupon the others drew their weap ons and a general fusilade ensued, in which Liddell was,seriously wounded. Following this the negroes made affi davits against Liddell and others, charg ing assault with intent to murder. These f$ses came up Wednesday for trial and were called at noon, when the court boose was immediately filled withue gross, who stationed themselves around gV| about Brown's brother. The at J^gfiys werenroceeding with the case ^K^CTTeTe suddenly appeared IGSSVf?f? hundred white men, all of whom were well armed. Perceiving their entrance, Ed. Brown drew a pistol and fired in the direction of Liddell, who was be tween his attorneys, and thereupon the firing became general. Ten negroes were instantly killed, and three others have since died. Some escaped by jump ing through the windows a distance ol at least twenty feet from the ground. On most of the dead bodies arms were found. The room was completely filled with smoke. The judge's bench is on the North side of the room and the benches facing it are towards the south. It is a Yery large court room, with win dows all around. On the south wall were counted 135 shot holes, in the wall of the passage leading down stairs ten shot holes. One shot struck a northwest window sash and glanced into the wall. Five others show on the north wall from the direction of the benches. Large pools of blood were on the floor of the court room. The mob left as quickly and as quietly as they came in. The sheriff and county officers have control and there is no apprehen sion of danger requiring the protection of military. The law will be rigorously enforced against the guilty. A Horrible Tale. Cora Green, a pretty fourteen year old girl, escaped Monday night, at Greenville. Ohio, from John McVey, a roving gipsy, and -ins two female com panions, who kidnapped her two years ago on her way home from school near Lebanon, Indiana. The girl's story is a terrible one. She says she was kept a prisoner in McVey's wagon, and traveled all over Ohio and Indiana. He shot her in the head, kicked her, cut her on the body with a hatchet, beat her with a club, flogged her with a buggy whip and assaulted her. He also drove a nail through her fool, fastening her to a board, and swung her up to the wagon bows. Marks of the girl's wounds are still plainly visable. licphes to tele grams confirm the statement as to the place where she lived, her name und parents, now at Jamestown, Indiana. McVey fled as soon as he found the girl had escaped him and his two compan ions. The girl's parents have been telegraphed to come, and officers are after the guilty outlaw. The people are much excited, and lynching is talked of every where. A Merchant's Great Nerve. Thurshay night while a leading whole sale grocer, W. B. Mitchell of Chatta nooga, was sitting at his desk in his office opening his mail he heard heavy breathing in the room, and, supposing it was some animal that had crept in, glanced casually around. He beheld a negro within fen feet of him, hidden behind the desk, with a double barreled shot gun in his grasp, levelled at the gentleman's head. The negro did not kuow he was discovered and Mr. Mitch ell, with wonderful coolness, proceeded to open his mail and then carelessly left the store. He immediately notified the police, and the negro was captured in the building. lie confessed that he was scut there: by two professional cracksmen to remain hidden until the store was locked and then to let them in. 186. PItfC] SPORTIVELY KILLED. A Boy Thoughtlessly Take* Human Life? Particulars of the Tragedy. Atlanta, Ga., March IS.?An other human life was taken this morning ! by the earless handling of lire arms". William Pinion, a white man, was killed by a pistol in the hands of Pat Hickey, a white boy 10 years of age. Hickey clerks in Dr. C. J. Johnson's family grocery store, 147 Smith street. Tins morning Dr. Johnson came to town and left Hickey in chame. About 11 o'clock William Pinion entered the store and walked up to a show-case on the coun ter and rested his elbows upon it. Hickey was standing behind the show-case im mediately .opposite Pinion. The two began conversing, and Hickey opened the show-case and picked up a pistol that was lying inside. Without taking the pistol from the show-case he cocked it and pulled the trigger. There was a ' loud report and a heavy fall. As soon as the smoke cleared away the boy saw Pinion stretched out upon the floor and blood was flowing from a wound in bis breast. Frantic with excitement Hickey sprangto the side of the prostrate man. begged him to speak. Pinion said only these words: "I'd die." Help was summond, and the wounded man was carried to his Ironic, which is about a 'square from Dr. Johnson's store. In ten minutes after the shooting lie was dead. His wife was crazed with grief when she learned her husband had been killed. The shooting, it is claimed, was purely accidential. Dr. Johnson said to a reporter that the pistol, which was a Remington, had been lying in his show-case unloaded; that last night he loaded one chamber, and did not men tion the fact to his clerk.?AugusLa Chronicle. A MEMORABLE EVENT. The Ex-Confedorate Chieftain to Lecture In the First Ex-Confederate Capital. Montgomery, Ala., March 20.? The monument committee to-day receiv ed from Jefferson Davis, Ex-President of the Confederacy, a letter officially ac cepting the invitation to lecture in Mont gomery on behalf of the monument to be erected on the Capital grounds here in memory of the Alabama soldiers who died in the civil war. Mr. Davis will be here about the last of April. His lec ture will be delivered in a large ware house with seating capacity of 5,000 I people. He will also lay the corner stone of the monument, which will cost $50,000, of which $10,000, or enough to eomplete the pedestal, has already been raised, and John W. Daniel, of Virginia, has been invited to deliver an address on that occasion. All the men who jjj?ea f\ prnminBntjpflrt in the civil and military service orthc Confelder?le Gov ! erment have been invited to be present to meet Mr. Davis, as also many prom inent men North, and Ex-Union gene rals not now in active service. All of the Alabama State troops, some tJurty companies strong, will be here, and invitations will be sent to the millitia companies of all the States, North and South. It will be so timed that the companies going to the Savannah drill can stop In Montgomery. Great inter est in the occasion centres in the fact that on the porch of the Capitol building here Jefferson Davis took the oath o: otfice as President of the Confederacy ?and the government was here organized. The Blood of Innocent Men, Ashland, Ky., March 10.? A hor rible murder on Chrlsmas eve, 1881, when three children were murdered here which resulted in a lynching, is recalled again by development about to be made, which will demonstrate that Neal, Craft and Ellis were innocent of the crime for which they suffered. For some time several gentlemen have been employing detectives to sift every clew. Their work has been crowned with success, and it is claimed the arrest of the real criminals will soon follow. The evidence is said to be conclusive, aud will show that the triple murder were committed early in the cvenimi; that the perpetrators went to the house by appointment with one of the girls, who had been on intimate terms with one of them, and that the triple murder followed the unintentional killing of the boy, for^esisting the as saults on the girls. The arrest would have been made before, but for the exci ted state of public leeling here on the subject. The suspected parties hold very respectajde places. Church Burned. The Baptist Church atGranitevillc was burned to the ground on Sunday at 12 o'clock, during the morning service. The house was filled to Its utmost capaci ty and the sermon just concluded. Theu a conference was being held to decide on the appointment of the Rev. Mr. Patterson, the pastor for the year when it was discovered that the whole j of the front of the church was on fire, and the wildest confusion prevailed; a great many jumped from the windows, but the greater mass of the people pass ed through the burning door with the ashes dropping on them, but fortunately no one was seriously hurt. It originated possibly from a careless cigar laid on the wood work outside. It is a terrible calamity on the Baptist congregation. All the dwelling houses iu jhe immedi ate vicinity caught lire, also the gate I house over the canal, but the hose came j I in to put these fires out with but slight I damage done._ To Bo ltejcted. i The New York Sun says the republi I can senators have a list of twenty of i the president's nominees whose con fir I mation will be refused and that Collcc j lor Bradley is one of the doomed. i A Six Year Old Girl Kills Her 1'ather. Chattanooga, March 10.?A six year old child of Joseph Taylor, in Clay couuty, Tennessee, accidentally killed her father while handling a pistol In his presence to-day, E $1.50 PER ANNUM. "KILLED" BY MASKED MEN.' THE WORK OF A MOB OF STRIKERS IN THE DENISON YARDS They. Overpower the Watchmen at the Hound-House and then Proceed to 'Kin* all tJu; Engine*. Duntsok, Texas, March 22.?At 2 o'clock yesterday morning the watch men, at the round-house were surprised by the appearance of one hundred and fifty masked men, who commanded them to keep quiet. The watchmen, ten in number, were taken up and carried to the shop office,, were a guard was put over them. They were told to remain where they were quietly, as the masked men had come determined: to do r,heir duty, be the consequences what they might, and that they would not be in jured; so the watchmen sat in the office awaiting the result of the affair. Of the mob of one hundred and fifty men not one spoke a word, except the leader, who, after placing the watchmen under guard, went to the middle table, where all could see and hear him, and said: ?*Men,- you know your duty. Do it." At that every man broke in some drec tion without the least bit of noise. In abont five minutes the speaker returned to the office and addressed the watch men, saying: "Gentlemeu, we are much obliged to you for your conduct and wish to return our thanks, you are all at liberty to gs> about your business. Good morning." The watchmen step ped out of the office and not a man wa3 in sight or could be beards They then made an investigation as to what had been done. The passeuger engiue that was to leave for Fort Worth this morn ing at 4 o'clock was found with thu steam cock open. The hose, was cut, the fire dumped out,, and "-killed" entire ly. They failed to. open the water gauge so that the engine had enough water to carry her to Whitesboro', and while the hands were heating and bring ing her to life again, new hose was put in and in about an hour she steamed up in the depot and took out the passenger train that had been there all night. In the shops the mon found that the large stationary engine had been removed from its place, the water let out of the tanks, the hose cut, pins removed, the engines "killed," so that it will take uays to bring them to life again. The damage done to the machinery was very great, and it will take some time to re pair it. Every masquerader carried a large piece of iron, a brick bat. or some thing similar, so as to be prepared for combat if the watchmen resisted. The watchmen, seeing the size of the mob, knew it was useless to resist, and so allowed tham to do what they would. The celerity and quiet with which the work was done showed that the men had been well trained and instructed. The watchmen have no idea who they were, and those that wore no masks were strangers to them. So there is no way of finding out the guilty parties. Two Brothers Murdered. Richmond, Ya., March 19.?A spe cial from Salem, lloanoke county. Vir ginia, says: A horrible double murder was committed on Back creek, this county, Wednesday night. A man named Griffey, who has a wife living on Back creek, had just returned, from Texas, where, it is alleged, he served a term in the penitentiary. His wife re fused to recognize him, and learning that John and Pickett Metz, sons of William Metz, had been visiting his wife in his absenee, Griffey went to their home, called one of the voting men out and shot him through the heart. He then entered the house and shot the other young man through the right, breast. The murdered young men are aged respectively about seventeen and eighteen years. Griffey is at large. Hang Himself. On last Monday at the Spartanburg Court Ike Montgomery, colored, was sen tenced to the Penitentary for two years, for resisting an officer. When he was carried back to jail he was placed alone in a cell. He proceeded to hang himself ;o the cross bars in his cell window, using a blanket for a rope. The deputy went to the jail about au half hour afterwards and found him hanging there dead. He sent word to his family a few days ago to make his coffin' and dig his grave. When arrested m Jannary last, he threw himself into the fire while tied, saying that he might as well go one way as another. Sum Jones. Chicago March 20,?Efforts are being made to contiuue the revival in Chicago by Sam Jones and Sam Small two weeks longer thau originally intended. The idea is to have the services held in .the Exposition building, the scene of several national conventions. Should a suffi cient sum be pledged to defray expenses, the interior of the building on the Lake front will be converted into a temple of worship. Mr. Jones, it is said on good authority, has cancelled his Springfield, 111., engagement and has, at the earnest solicitation of tho ministers of this city, consented to remain) here for a much longer period than had been anticipated. Died Alone. Representative Hahn, who died in I Washington on Monday, was the ouly j republican sent to congress from Louisl j ana. He was a native of Bavaria and the first governor Louisiana had after the war. He was found dead on the floor of bis room in Wlllard's hotel in a pool of blood which had flowed from his mouth. He died of a hemorrhage from the lungs._ Had News. The distressing news comes from Kentucky that the Slate treasury is empty, railroad passes arc not gold at hotel" bars and hoarding bouse tables, and tho adjurumcnt of the legislature I looms up as a thing of the immediate. I future,