Col M ESTABLISHED EST 187 WORK OF A BLACK BRUTE. A COLORED WOMAN ALMOST MUR DERED IN THE STREET The Insehfllble Body of Nancy Riven Hid den Under the Steps of St. Mark's Church ?A 2Uyi+terIous Outrage?The Statement of the Victim. The Community living in the immedi ate neighborhood of St. Mark's Chuch of Charleston, was startled Thursday morning by the discovery that a most brutal outrage had been committed near the church, and that the perpetrator of the deed had hidden his victim under that building. Proni the News and Courier we gather the following particu lars of the outrage: "The victim, Nnucy Kivers, is a dark-colored, almost black complexion ed woman, about 3G years old, who has the reputation-of being a quiet, steady and respectable person, and is well thought o/J>y her immediate neighbors. She and* nV'. family, consisting of two mulatto girUsVone about 14 and the other about 9 years ol age, live in Mason's court in a part^f the house occupied by a colored worajm named Mrs. Mason. Nancy Rivers 'was married about five ' years ago, but after a short time she was. abandoned by her husband, who up to a: very recent period has been living from place to placciu Charleston, but is sup posed to have recently left the city. Nancy Rivers lor the past month or so has been iu the habit ofleavlmr her house at 10 o'clock at night and not returning uutil 8 o'clock on the following night. This was explained to aReporter yester day morning by Carrie Bonnetheau, one of the daughters of Nancy Rivers. She said that her mother's occupation was that of a nurse and that she was at the time of the occurrence in the employ ment ot the Rev. Mr. Porter. Usually ; she got home at 8 o'clock from work and spent the evening at home with the chil dren, leaving the house at 10 o'clock. Prom the house she went directly to the residence of Mr. Mclntosh, on Warren street. On the premises-lives Louisa Hazel, a colored woman. Nancy Rivers, it is understood, went over every night to sleep with1 LouTs'a Hazel, the latter of whom had asked ior this kindness as a protection to herself. From -Louisa Hazel's Nancy usually went directly to the Rev. Mr. Porter's house,>attended to her duties, andjeturning to her own house in Mason's court, repeated the ? same round of visiting and working each day. .-. * .' V. Carrie Bonnetheau, who is a very in telligent mulatto gurl, says tha't Nanjy Rivers came home ajfc-8 o'clock on Wed nesday night, and having remained thei-e until 10 .o'clock she left the-house, flf -?"thai UC-ur ?. d"/1thl"to-go-ove^?TiT;r friend's,' Louisa Hazel. Under the cir cumstances her mother's absence during the night produced no uneasiuess. and she know nothing further until the news was brought to her that her mother had been foully dealt witii near St. Mark's Church. Just outside of the south railing of St. Mark's Church, and about twenty paces from the corner of Thomas and Warren streets, a pool of blood informed the passers-by that some desperate deed had been committed at that spot. Why some information of the circumstances was not given before 7 o'clock is some what curious, as the spot must, have been passed and repasscd by early pe destrians long before that time. The blood lay near and under the railing, and one passing along the side of the street on which the church is situated could not have failed to discover it. Who first passed is not known, but it was discovered about half-past 7 o'clock by Rosa Mitchell, who told the Reporter quite a long and glib story of what she knew about the case. She lives in a two story house just across the street from the church. ? Her sleeping room is upstairs, having one window opening into the yard aud one opening on the street. She explaiued to the Reporter that she is very timid person and alwvys get3up at the "'first crack," aud espe cially since the yard-dog died. She has a horror of tramps, and considers that she lives in a very dangerous neighbor hood. ' She says she is both timid and nervous, aud consequently does not sleep very soundly. She only kqpw Nancy RIvars by name, but had heard nothing disparaging as > to her social character. She, like Carrie Boimetheau, was exact to the minute as to her state ments of the circumstauccs which she described. Carrie said that her mother left home exactly at 10 o'clock, and Rosa Mitchell said that her first know ledge of the affair was obtained exactly at hall-past 10 o'clock. At that time she said she was still sitting up in her room overlooking the street. Her win dows were closed in, except the one looking out into the yard. ,'Just then she beard two faint screams, but as '..L was a noisy neighborhood she only paid pass ing attention to the circumstauccs. Something, however, told her to go to the window, and she went. She pushed open the blinds and looked-out. It was exactly hull-past 10; the moon had ironc down and the gas lamps had been light ed. She cbufd sec clearly .across the street, i he first tiling she noticed was a man walking along the railing on War ren street. Me was going towards King and diil not seem to be in any particular hurry.' She couldn't tell whether he was a tall or short man. and didn't notice him particularly. He kept on walking down the street, not looking up. and soon disappeared. It issomewhut remarkable that Rosa Mitchell could not distinguish a white man from a black mau at her distance from the railing, and particularly when she said she could see everything plain ly around iu the gas light. Viewed, however, iu the light of the circum stances that the rumor was current Unit the outrage had been committed by a white tramp her dense ignorance on the subject is not so remarkable. Coutinu Glover Jan 1, 9. OKA in? her story of the case she said that she then went to bed and got up about 7 o'clock. At half-past- 7 exactly she went to the gate to let in the cook. As she opened the gate she looked out across the street and saw a "plat" lying on the pavement, The "plat" is" the false back hair which is much affected by colored fe males, and a "plat" was,.pointed out on her own head by Rosa Mitchell in ex planation of what siie saw. Just then a colored man, an old carpenter, came iilong and she pointed out the "plat" to him. and told him to go over and look under the church, as she thought some thing was wrong. There was nobody there at the time. The old man hesi tated, but did go over, and looking at the blood and the --plat" and the sur roundings generally he walked away without" making any further investiga tions. Rosa Mitchell then closed the Sate, and that was all she Iniew about it. The screams she heard were very faint, and she first supposed them to be those of a child. Soon aRer. the occurrences related by Rosa the crowd began to assemble. The workmen who were at work repairing the church did not enter the church yard and the crowd stood outside looking at the;blood on the pavement and speculat, ing on its probable cause. There were about a hundred people' mostly colored, present when the otliccrs of the law arrived on the scene. It was easy to trace the progress of Nancy Rivers from the bkeod spot ou the street. Just near the blood there is a depression in the soil leaving a space between the ground and the lower railing of the fence through which one or two persons might have casii^.passed into the churchyard. That such Tv;as the case was evident trom the fact that from the ience over to the church there was a bloody trail, over which tho woman had been dragged cither for concealment or for a fiendish purpose beneaMt the church. Policemen Burns and Meyers nndSergt. Smith, the officers who arrived promptly after noti fication, had, therefore, little difficulty in finding the unfortunate woman. She was lying under the church just inside one of the foundation arches. Beside her head was another pool of blood. Her l clothes were much disarranged, as if by a desperate struggle. Pieces of-her clothing lay around under the church and also in "the yard, across which she had been forcibly carried or dragged to the arch under which she had been thrust. When she had been taken out she was in a terrible condition and presented a horrible sight. On bei? forehead there was a- gash of about four inches in length, from which the blood had flowed profusely. Near the right ear there was another frightful wound, which had also" bled copiously. Betweeu the right ear and the right eye there was a contusion, though not severe. Her upper lip was cut badly and there were slight wounds all over her. Her whole appearance indicated that she had undergone the most diabolical treatment, and that, if the perpetrator intended to kill his vic tim, he had left nothing undone to make it a most fiendish murder. As is usual among the extremely ex citable colored people the first thing they thought of was the Mclvnight four der. iAnother nigger killed by a white man.' 'Killed by a white tramp,' &c, were the expressions that were whisper ed around amoug the crowd. This was evidently why Rosa Mitchell did not know whether, if she saw a man at all, he was white or black. This point was, however, settled by Nacy Rivers herself. She made an ante-mortem statement, which was over heard by a person who stated to a Re porter that she had siven her story in a very few words and substantially as follows She left home about 10 o'clock and was on her way to Louisa Hazel's. When she got to the corner of Thomas and Warrou streets she met a tall black man, who accosted her in a friendly way. He asked her name and she replied 'Nancy Rivers.' lie thereupon struck her a heavy blow with something (she did not know what) which felled her to the earth. She knew nothing further until she was\takcn from under the build ing yesterday morning. This statement was somewhat differ ent from that which she made in the morning, when she staled that before she was struck she screamed out. It she did. then Rosa Mitchell, who went to the window immediately upon hear ing the scream, would have seen her either on tiie ground or being dragged across the churchyard. Ou the contrary, she only saw a man walking away from the spot where Nancy Rivers was struck down. The men whom Nancy Rivers saw was. an entire stranger to .her, and ?she- would not know -him again if she saw him. The iujtrnmeht with which the blows were inflicted was a piece of hard ma terial, like a fragment of-fiagstoue. It was-covered m?t blood, of course; and it is of such a character that death might easily result from even one of its blows. The appointment of Mr. Broadlutrst as Under Home Secretary for Great Britain has caused a sensation in political circles, that gentleman being the first workingmau that has ever risen to the Ministry. The appointment is taken as an indication that it is Mr. Gladstone's intention to rely upon the masses against the influence of the aristocracy, The Liberal clubs arc di vided in opinion on the subject, the Re form and Devonshire disapproving of the appointment and the National "Lib eral entluisiatically approvcing it. Charles Jeuick attempted to felonious ly assault two daughters of his employer, .lohn Hoar, near Macedonia. Ohio, but failed, when he crushed their skulls with an iron bar and then bred the barn, destroying 615,000 worth of property. NGrEBTJROr, S. C, TH?R! CAUGHT IX AN OLD TRAP. AM INDIGNANT FARMER NARRATES HOW HE WAS SWINDLED More Proof that It i.s Cheaper in the ISnd to Buy from Some Keimtablc Merchant than to he Cheated by Pedlers. [From the Carolina Spartan.] On the fifteenth day of December there came a man into my gin house where we were ginning cotton. I was standing at the foot of my gin catching the sheet of lint as it came from thecon densor, the cotton being fine. This man : came to me, calling me by name, as though he was well acquainted with me. ? introducing himself as Thompson, said* he was from Greenville. S. Oi1, was run- ! ning a livery stable there. He then stated ' that, very recently there had come two young Frenchmen to Green ville to build and open an enormous cot ton and woolen mill.- The 'young Frenchmen had brought with them five.. hundred thousand dollars worth of ? French dry goods. Two days after their' arrival at Greenville, one of the brothers ? fell dead on the side walk, leaving - the." other with this euormons stock on hand,, and he being a green Frenchman could . not speak one word in Euglish; neither could he understand a word spoken to him in English. The Frenchman deter mined to sell his immense stock as soon, as possible, and at any price he could get for them, and carry the remains of his dead brother back to France. The surviving Frenchmau had hired him (Thompson) and his team, us lie could speak French and interpret for the Frenchman. Thompson insisted on me going to my house where the team and i''renchman were wit!) the goods, ^urging me to go aud sec for myself the' finest goods, for a mere nothing. At last I concluded to go to the house and see, Thompson talking in a gallop al! the time. 1 was trying to weigh him, but he never got steady enough for me to lind him out. Wheu we go! to' the house Thompson called at the wagoufbr his man to introduce him to me. Said he, Mr. Alexander. I introduce you to .Mr. Lepeare, (if his name was Lepeare.) He resembled a buck monkey fully as much as he did a Frenchman. The so called Frenchman commenced whidling and whadling. I a little last. Thompson, at the gin house told me he had sold $150 worth of goods to J. N. Holcombe; $250 worth to Mr. Bcnj. Montgomery; $250 worth toS. B. PoolC; $350 worth to Mr. Burke DeShields; $150 worth to Elijah Lanford; $20Q, worth to Ivy Darby; $150 worth to James Carrel!: $320 worth "to John Tcdci. He tola me he stayed the night before with old Mr. Simpson Drummond. After getting to the house and introduc ing me.40 the so-called Lepeare, Tdion?|fca| son gathered a turn from the wagen ?utri carried it into the house. He untied the bundle, saying to me he would sell these cheaper thau any before, as this was the last. He commenced throwing out piece after piece, all for one hundred and ten dollars. I was trying my best to keep up with him. Ho could talk as fast as you could listen. I told him I did not have the money to spare to pay for so much. He said he would take my note for part, or for all. I was fearful he was rotten aud tried to keep aside. Final ly I told him I would pay him fifty dol lars down, give him my due bill for sixty dollars, payable in lifteeil or twenty day. lie said: "Allright," lie filled out a blank note for sixty dollars, pay able to J. Thompson, or bearer. I struck out "or bearer," making it pay able to him and no one else. I knew he would let some one else have my note, if it was transferable. My idea was to see him again. I perhaps could hear something about him. If he was a ras cal, I could sweeten him. My oldest son was present. He spoke to me aud said: "Fa I have some money." I was sorry he said so. Then the buck monkey looking, so-called Frenchman slid up to me slipping five silver dollars 111 my hand whidling something. Thompson asked me if 1 understood him. I said, "no." He means giving the five silver dollars as a present, if yon will cash the due bill. I did cash it and am sorry I did. About Christmas I saw Mr. John Darby, son of Ivy Darby, He told me that he never sold any goods to auy of the named gentlemen af all, that they never stayed all night with the old man j Drummond. They stayed all night .with j Elias Lanford and left their bill unpaid. 11 bear that before these two rascals I came to me they told the people that the j so-called Frenchman's brother fell dead j oa the street at Newherry, S. C. Wheu ; they left me they said they had sold the j last to me, left in a great hurry to get to i Greenville that night, so that the living j Frenchman could start next morning ; with tho remains of the dead brother, j Two hours Inter, alter leaving, they were :it X. 11. Turner's inquiring for Miller Otts ami D. A. Suiter's. They went towards Switzer's. Xcxi I heard of these same rascals, they wore at Pey ton llallcngcr's. They were-driving a pair of good horses. As soon as 1 heard that they did not go to Greenville, as they said I knew they were a pair of practical rascals. I warn the people iu all sections lo look out. Do not listen to such. Do not let such stay at your houses. I have since heard Thompson's name is Summcrlield and not Thompson at all. i do hope that every paper iu the land will copy this. Every word is truth, i make this statement for the good of the people and warn the people to have nothing to do with such scoun drels. Do not let such rascals come 111 your houses. Drive them off. I IT only could just set; tiiese rascals, i would sweeten them well. 1 just want to throw one hundred on each of them with a good buggy trace. Wir.MAM Al.EXANDEK. (.'avm's. s. (.. Feb. 1st 1*SV.. ?lohn Springs and Will Austin, color ed, were killed by the fall of an elevator at the Mecklenburg Iron Works. Char lotte. i'd on the UuMi Hack. Harrison and William Rothwell. John Penchant audGeorge Xorris, all colored, and Frank Rlagford convicted of larceny at the present term of court were pub licly whipped on their bare backs in the New Castle (Del..) jail Saturday, receiv ing from live to twenty lashes. Edwin J. Ilollingswoth was confined one hour in the pillory for forging cheeks on the first national bank of Wilmington. The thermometer was near zero adding ma terially to the legal punishment, and greatly aggravating the suffering. The first man whipped, although but twenty two years of age, has been an inmate of the jail twenty times, varying from three to twelve mouths, and has been whipped nenrly'cvery time. A Fool and his Money. An elderly colored man buried $500, the savings of himself aud family for twenty years, in a church-yard in Ab beville, and on his death-bed told of the place of deposit. The widow went to the spot indicated but found that the money had been carried oil". Two color ed boys who recently left the State arc suspected of takiug the money. Too Many Hogs by Five. A negro made a return of his proprer ty to the Auditor last week for taxation, and the whole amounted to $15. In ad lition to this amount he then returned live dogs which the Auditor put down at $25. Xo wonder at his poverty when he lias so mouy dogs to worn for.?Cam den Journal. Recently there passed through Opc lika. Ala., a youthful couple from La fayette, the groom aged I Sand the bride 11. They kept their names a profound secret, in ordor, perhaps, to elude their watchful parents and escape, the merited pcachtrcc sprout. They will make their play-house ill Texas. Dr. Lagrone of Kdgclield has obtained the necessary papers from the Governor to bring back Irom Little Hock, Ark., a negro named Wriidil Weldon, who mur dered Mr. John Lagrone hi Edgclield twelve years ago and escaped while being takou to jail, Woldou is now in prison iuLilllc Rock. The stable of J. P. Mullah, in St. Louis, caught lire and the employees were removing the horses, when police men came up and clubbed them sense less, supposing they were thieves. The Maines spread rapidly aud ?S horses were burnt to death. Adelaide Chapman, an American girl nurtured on Dos ton beans amfothcr intel lectual comestibles. Is creating a sensa tion in operatic circles in Italy. Rut she does not do it in her own name. Sbo calls herself Mine. AddaAdini. A man in New York has declined a pension lately awarded him on account of suffering undergone at Andcrsonvillc Prison because the Government's rcve I nues are in part derived from taxes on j whiskey aud tobaco.