The times and democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1881-current, September 20, 1883, Image 1

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PV?at?i)SD EViUY ZOT,'BSD AT, BY J.LSis&t Oellliaiiip, EDirOES AKD P?OPBUKlES, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. "^o year.; *;'...$ Six mouths. ADVERTISING RJ.TES. First insertion, per square.uC Snbsequeotiiisertion...........50 Notices of meetings, obituaries and irib ntfta of respect, same rates per square as or dinary advertisements. Special contract made with largo adver tisers, with liberal deductions on above rates. Special notices in local ccinmn, fiftean sente per* lino. THE HABIT OF DELAY. Could man read Time's patres, Record overy scene 1 He'd find, through Life'j stages, How oft he had been Too full of inventions To satisfy thought, Too rife with intentions That dwindle to naught! Still taxing to-morrow, St?l wasting to-day, Whilst angels in sorrow Dropped tears on his way. ?Charles Swain. THE FALCON. AN OLIKTIME LOVE STORY. Th8 fine eld mansion of the .Alber ghi family, near Gluekstadt, was bril liantly lighted and the sound of music md dancing was borne^oh the evening air across the r<^ng^sparkling. waters ' of the Jllbftr^'hat night a grand ball ^was-"gTven by Count Frederick Alber . gbi, the only remaining representative of the noble family whose name he boro. The building was massive stone, high and dark, protected by moat, drawbridge and battlemented towers. It was a tine old feudal castle, built in the time of Frederick II. Outside it . looked grand and gloomy; inside it was ablaze with lights and redolent with the perfume of choice flowers which were scattered-in profusion, not only about the large reception saloon, but in all the smaller' apartments which were thrown open to the gueuts. In a little room far removed from .the rest, in the eastern tower, stood two persons?a young man, remark ably handsome, though there was an ex pression of deep care upon his face, and a lady. The lady was not remark ably handsome just now, as she listen od to her companion with drooping eyes; indeed, most people would call her sim ply pretty till she raised her expressive dark blue eyes, and the brilliant, sylph like smile broke over her face. The two were standing talking carelessly together, the lady leaning against the heavily-carved oaken window frame, and the young man standing nearly opposite her, caressing a bright-eyed falcon perched upon his wrist. f So, Count Alberghi, you will be re-, membered for a long while as the young noble who gave the most splen did ball as yet ever attended." The lips of the young man curled, and he answered contemptuously: ,; That is surely a name worth gain ing at any price." "Of couraey" said the lady. "But why so scornful about it?" Yon know, Lady Lena, that I care only for your approbation; then the ball is given only in honor and to please youi whose slightest wish I would gratify at any expense." "Alas, Count Alberghi. I am told that a dozen time, each day!" "Probably; but the words do not come from the heart as mine do." ''Pooh!" said the lady. "They all -wear-toatr*?,:?r * " Very well, Lady Lena; I may some time be able to prove tbe truth of my words. I have been a fool. For three years I have hung upon your accent, fulfilled your every wish, as far as lay in my power. My fortune?which was ample?I laid at your feet, that you might have every possible want sup plied: and in return for this devotion I have received nothing but coldness and si orn. You know that I love you as few men love?with my waole heart and soul?and yet vou scorn roe. You are rich and noble.* I still love you as ever, but to-night is the last time I bow beftre you. This once I plead. Lady Lena, to be shown some kiadnes . For the last time I offer you myself. "Will you accept me ?" Lady Lena turned very pale as she listened to the rapid, passionate words ^uttered by the young man Who knelt ""before her. Her eyes grew dark with some inward feeling, but her words destroyed the faint hope which had risen in his heart at the gentle ex pression on her face. "Oh, rise. Count Frederick, for I know this U all nonsense?instantly. Tomorrow you will be beside me, ?s usual, and the next and every day, just as you have been for years." The young man rose and, in answer to her taunt, only bent his head and tenderly stroked the glossy head and neck of the bright-eyed bird on his wrist, that looked from one to another, as if in quiring what was going on. Piqued at his silence the lady exclaimed: "Where now is your boastel love? I say a bitter thing to you, and you do j not retaliate." . " I cannot forget myself so fat as to retaliate upon a woman.'* "No," said she, "but you can sneer. You sneer and stroke your falcon, which I know poss-.sses more of your boasted love than I do." "Jeannette never wounds'me," he replied. "In return for my caresses she does not give me b tter coldness." "Perhaps she would if she could speak," persisted the lady. "Actions, Laly Lena." said he, "speak louder than words." The girl's eyes flashed, and she turned to-the door, ^but paused as she nearcd it, and, look ing-over her shoulder, said' ontemptu ously: "I suppose the cause of your love for that bird is becaus3 she once be longed to some former lady love?'' The tone was very insult'iig, and this time the young man raised his head with flashing eyes, and his word* were rapid and indignant. " You are right," he replied. " This falcon belonged to a noble lady, who e kind, womanly heart scorned to inflict a wound upon the meanest creature; who trampled not under foot honor able love offered hi r, as if it were a disgraceful thing. One whom I loved devotedly, and who, had she been ^ unable to return the affection offered her, would yet have rejected it with considerate gentleness." "Why, then, don't you return to this paragon of tenderness and virtue ?" sneered the lady. "She would willingly soothe my wounded spirit," he replied, " but she is dead " Without another word Lena sped from the room, her brain on fire, her eyes full of t^ars. Could Fred erick have seen her as she, leaning far out of a window, weeping bitterly, he would have forgiven the bitter words. As it was they parted in anger. Left alone, Frederick paced up and down the room. In his despair he murmured aloud: " I hav e been a ctriv eling fool?a madman I For three years 1 have devoted my time, heart and fortune to the service of this heart less woman; one day rewarded with smiles, the next with frowns. To morrow, when the bil's are paid for debts incurred for this night, I shall be absolutely penniless?all my fortune spent upon this vain flirt, who is un deserving the name of woman. Yes, to-morrow my furniture, horses and ? plate will be sold, my servants dis VOL. XII. charged, and sll that will remain to me is this old castle, and my faithful nurse, Margaret, who will not leave me, and my falcon. This building now ringing with the sounds of music, dancing and merry laughter will be closed, to become the sanctuary of rats and owls. For myself, I shall with draw from society, and in this small, gloomy tower, support my poverty and despair as best ? may. I have been worse than foolish?I have been wicked. But i;his unmanly repining will not do. I must rejoin my guests." So saying, Frederick replaced the falcon on Ids porch n ar the window, and, forcing a g;ay smile and careless air, sauntered into the ballroom, and from that time t ill the company left he was seemingly'the gayest of the gay. * * * * * * ".Quick, Susan I fasten this bodice and bring me my hood and mantle and {the thick shoes!" exclaimed Lady Lena; then idded, imperatively: " You'll have to pin this handkerchief and apron string, for my hands tremble so I cannot do anything." The maid obeyed, and soor. her young mistress stood before the: mirror, laughing to see herself in complete peasant's at tire. "Willanybody know me, Susan?" she asked, laughingly, as she drew the hood over her face. "No, indeed, Lady Lena," replied the maid; " if I hadn't seen you dress 1 should not know you myself." " Then I am off!" And, suiting the action to the word, the graceful Lady Lena ran out of the room and downstairs in a very undig nified way. In the garden she was met by a lover of Susan's, who ex claimed: " 'Pears to me we are in a monstrous hurry, Mistress Susan. Can't you stop to give a fellow a noontide kiss?" "Away with you!" she exclaimed. "You shall have two kisses when I come back, if you won't stop me now.'' " Good bargain, Susan," said he. "I have not much to do, and will wait by the gate till you come back." Away sped Lena. After a pretty long, rapid walk she rea hed Castle Alberghi, and, entering by a low, postern door which she found open, made her way to the door if the tower, where she saw old. Margaret seated. " Good noon, Dame Margaret/' said Lena The old woman raised her head and, recognizing Susan, Lady Lena's favorite waiting-maid, she re turned a very sulky greeting. "Don't be cress, Margaret," she continued. "I'va got a beautiful note for your young master from my lady." " You needn't come here with it, then,"said Dame Margaret. "Your lady's notes have brought sorrow enough to this house." " But, Margaret, I was. sent to de liver it and receive an answer, and I dare not go back without it; it would cost me my place, and you wouldn't be so cruel as that'Eo a poor girl who has never done you any -harm." Here Lena began to sob, and Margaret rose, saying: "You have never done me any harm, so give me tie note and let me take it upstairs quickly. The note was produced, and Margaret grum blingly took it upstairs, muttering as she did so: " Much good, much good it will do my young mavter. It isn't sealed very closely, and if I could read it I would open it, and then if there was anything in it to- wrong him I'd sooner put my hand in the fire than give it to him." By this time she had reached the second story and knocked at the door. "Come in," said Frederick, who was seated by the window reading. He looked up" as the old woman en tered, and asked what she wanted. " A note for you, sir," she replied. The young man's face turned a shade paler, and his hand slightly trembled as he took the delicate perfumed note. A moment he paused, overcome by his feelings, then impetuously tore it open and read the followi ng words: " Lady Lena Erfurt, being about to visit England for several years, desires to have the pleasure of meeting once more her friend, Count Frederick Al berghi, who has so mysteriously with drawn himself from society, .^he will do herself the honor of dining with him this day at 5 o'clock." A .*pasm passed over the young man's face and he murmured "O.ace more." Then turning to Margaret, he said: "What is there in the house to eat':" "As good as nothing, sir," replied the faithful woman, w for there is only the scraps left from your breakfast." "That's bad, Margaret?*' said he; " for I have no money; not a single kreutzer, and here is a note from Lady Lena informing me that she will dine with me to-day." " She musn't come, dear sir! There is nothing to give her." Frederick soenW lost in thought?suddenly he raised his head. '? I have it now," said he. " You must serve up my pcor Jeanette here. It is all I can do." "Oh, master! What, roast this poor bird you have loved so long, and which belonged to?" " Hush., Margaret, :iot another word, only do as I bid you. Serve the bird up as best you can. Have the table laid for two in the old dining-room; have it ready precisely at 5. When the lady arrives summon ine,aad serve d nuer immediately. I shall be in my chamber, to which I shall now retire." Margaret darel not rem nstrate, but, sobbing and wringing her hands, she went downstairs. Lena had waited her coming with intense anxiety, and when Margaret entered in such distress of mind she sprang up. "What is the matter, Margaret? Has anything happened to your master?" " 'Deed there has!. wofully an swered Margaret. "What?" said Lena. "Speak, woman!" " Oh, only he's gone clean demented. You bring a note from your haughty mistress, who ought to be drowned in the Elbe, for she always makes trou ble for my dear young master, one of whose fingers is worth more than all her body; made him wa-te all his for tune, so that now he is as poor as Job, and now makes him kill his beautiful falcon." A triumphant smile now I flashed into the eyes of the false wait i ing- woman, and she asked, "How so?" j " Why, you see, Mistre s Susan, your lady is coming to dine with him, and there is nothing in the house, neither victuals, nor even a kreutzer, so he has ordered the falcon to be roasted for your wicked lady's dinner." 441 have no doubt it will make capi tal eating," laughed the giri. "Out upon you!" said Margaret "You are as heartless as your mis tress. Go back to her and tell her that she is welcome. I hope the bird may stick in her throat and choke her, unfeeling woman that she is 1" "Oh! don't take on so, Margaret, i am sorry your master is so poor, but he will offer my lady a dish valuable for its rarity, for I warrant me she has never tasted roast falcon before." Margaret's only answer was to throw herself into her chair and sob. The disguised Lena approached her. "Don't feel so sad, but tell me why should Count Frederick care so much for the poor bird?" "Don't you know that? Why, it belonged to his blessed mother, who is now an angel in heaven." Tears filled Lena's eyes, and she said: " Well, I didn't know that, and it is a real shame to roast the bird, and if yon will keep it a secret 111 help you. Give me the bird and I'li take it home and send you another in return. Your master will be none the wiser." Mar garet's face lighted up, and earnestly thanking the girl she left the room and soon returned with the falcon closely hooded, which she gave to the false Susan, who went off with it. Punctual to the minute came Lady Lena, and never had she looked more lovely or been dressed with so much elegance or taste. Margaret, with a sullen air, ushered her into the dining room, where Frederick came forward to meet her. He was struck with her fresh, winning appearance?a bitter change to be wrought in so few weeks. His greeting was frigidly polite, and hers particularly genial and kind. The dinner was soon served, and Lena shuddered as she glanced round the long, dark, unfurnished room, seen last brilliantly lighted and decorated and filled with sprightly guests, and before whom groaned a table covered with every luxury the season afforded and money could buy. What a con trast! Now all the gorgeous hang ings, furniture, pictures, silver, glass and lights were gone, and in their place stood in the empty room a small deal table bearing two covers and one dish of meat. With all his old grace of manner, Frederick led Lena to the I table and took his place opposite her. The meal was a silent one, for Fred erick was abstracted, and Lena so nearly overcome by everything around her that she could scarcely repress her tears. As they rose from the table the count said: "lam sorry, madame, to offer you so poor a repast; but?" "Don't speak of it, count," hastily interupted Lena, affecting a gayety she was far from feeling. " It was charming?so new ; and I never tasted a more delicious chicken." " I am happy to find that I have pleased you," said Frederick; "but allow me. in all deference toyour taste, to correct one mistake?the bird you have partaken of was not chicken, but my falcon." "Tour pet falcon?" said Lena, in affected astonishment. "The s?me, madame," he replied. "Frederick!" Bhe exclaimed, and the tone in which his name was ut tered caused Frederick to start. He was dumb with surprise when he saw the haughty Lena burst into tears,, but before he could recover his" "self possession Lena stood before him erect and pale. "Frederick, to-day we must part forever," said she, " and before we do so I must obtain your forgiveness. You have always treated me with re spect and love, and I?I have repaid your devotion with coldness and scorn. Will you forgive me?" "Most certainly," coldly answered Frederick, making a great effort to subdue the passion her unwonted gen tleness had roused. " I loved you, and probably by my unceas ng devotion wearied you. I needed a lesson, and I have learned it. I could not expect I one who did not love me to?" ' "Stop there and listen to me,*'' said Lena " and if my confession made in this hour seems unmaidenly, let my I excuse be that it is the only repar ation in my power. I am wealthy? the wealthiest woman in all Ger many?as it is said. From my child hood I have feared to be loved for my wealth, and, with my earnest nature, 1 know that a marriage without love would be death. People whom I counted my warm, sincere friends told me that my riches were all you cared for?that you lavished your comparatively little wealth upon me, only the more surely to gain possession of a princely fortune. I did not be lieve them, but I wished to try you. In my cautiousness I went too far, too far; for I have lost what I valued more than life?your love!" " Lena, Lena, be careful!" said the young man. " I am past care for anything now," she replie i. " To-morrow I leavo for England, never to return. I could go without asking you to forgive me; without telling you, a* the only balm I can offer, that if I made you suffer I suffered also, and perhaps more acute ly, for I was called heartless, col 1, un principled, by ti.e onlv being I ever loved in the worll; that 1?" She could say no more, for she was clasped in eager arms and covered with pas sionate kisses. A few minutes shelay there, then freed herself, all blushing an 1 tearful, from her lover's embrace. A mo:i;ent she left the rojm, then re turned, bearing a basket, which she gave to Frederick. On opening it his falcon flew out. Kestinglier beautiful l ead on Frederick's shoulder she said: "Take me, dear Freierick. I yield myself to you, overcome by your love and unselfish devotion ? actually brought to hand by your falcon." A Sheep Reared by a Dog. The extent to which the character of an animal can be changed by the way in which it is brought up has sel dom been more remarkably illustrated than in the case of a sheep which at present is said by the Kokstaad Adver tiser to be a great pet of the magistrate at Matatiele, South Africa. The sheep, when a lamb, left the dock, attached itself to a Mr. Watson, who gave it to be suckled by his dog " Beauty," and was well taken care of by her. When the lamb grew older it was noticed that it would never sleep in any house but Mr. Watson's, and would some times lie outshie the door cuddled up like a watchdog. The most wonderful thing about him is that as soon as the hotel bell rings for dinner is sure to be standing by one of the chairs at the top end of the table, and when the owner sits down he will jump with his front paws on his back, letting him know that he wants something to eat, like a dog. He will not touch grass or eat beef, but will gladly eat mutton, soap, candles, and drink coffee and tea with sugar and milk. But "Schaap's" great love is for draught beer. He will lift the can up with his front paws and hold it to his mouth, and drink t with such a relish that it can at once be seen that he has been led away by bad example. " Schaap " is a fine ram, clean fleece, with very wicked eyes. All day lie is seen running about with the dogs as one of them, until the bell rings; then off he scampers to the dining-room, , ANGEBUKG, S. 0. HUMOROUS SKETCHES. He Kept it. " Do you keep coffee here ?" inquired I a bad pay customer at a Central ave nue grocery store. " Tes, plenty of it." " I want five pounds of the best." " Haven't /rot any." ""Why,you just said you kept 1?, didn't you?" "Yes, and that's just what Pm doing with it. I'm keeping it. Whea you've got the cash I'll sell it-?Mer chant-Traveler. A Boy's Advice. The young man who is s.parking Lizzie is left alone in the parlor for a few minutes with the pet of the fam ily. Pet regards hi in steadfastly for a long minute and then asks: " Are you going to school this win ; ter?" ! "School? No, sonny,my schoolday? j are over." "Well, I wouldn't go if I were you." " Wouldn't you ? And why ?" "'Cause I heard ma say you'd never be hung for your smartness, and if you get to know much it may kill you I" I Not a Pig. - "Well, sir, what'll you have?" said, j the waiter, as he brushed the crumbs off the table with a napkin. " Tomato I soup." " Anything else, sir ?" " Some blue fish." "With sauce?" "Yes; and a sir loin cooked rare and some fried pota toes." "Anything else, sir?" "Green corn, baked beans, stewed tomatoes, and?and?a cap of tea, a slice of watermelon, a piece of gooseberry pie, some fruit cake, a plate of ice cream and some nuts and grapes." "Any pudding, sir?" "Pudding! ! Didn't I order pudding ?" I "No, sir." "Well, bring me some plum pudding.*' [ "Anything else, sir?" "Anything else! Do you take me for a pig?"? New York World. A Few Wards of Explanation. George W. Peck, of Milwaukee, is carrying his right hand around tied up in a big silk: handkerchief. He has been bothere.1 almost to death with anxious inquiries as to the nature of the trouble under the handkerchief, and so he has isisued the following, ad dressed to " The general questioning public:" This is aboiL Not a carbuncle. Just A boil I know you have had boils bigger than mine, but this one is big enough for me. I am no hog. I don't want the biggest boil. Yes, I have tiled flaxseed, bread and milk, and slippery elm poultices. Each is better than the other, and all of them are frauds. & Ho-, ^ho "BmiBTty" has not been playing a joke on me This is no joke. Yes, I think it is cussedness work ing out of ma Yes, it has broke. That is, it has made an assignment. No, I don't want another.?Milwau kee Wisconsin. A Good Story About General Crook. An interview of General Crook on Indian questions would likely result in as much real information as the soldier got, who, when on a campaign in this Territory, one evening after camp had been made, and being de tailed to bring in wood, found the gen eral sitting on a log some distance from camp. The soldier approached, and thinking the general was a trooper or some camp follower (he dresses very plainly and seldom wears a uni form), sat down beside him and com menced as follows: " I am awful tired and worn out with our fearful long march to-day, ain't you ?" "Yes; but I am resting now." "If we could only kill some Indians once in a while it would be some sat isfaction, but this marching up hill and down, over burning sands and in the cold of the mountains, wearing men out for nothing?I don't believe we will ever see an Indian; do you?" "It looks that way; still we may find them." "I don't go much on Crook. He's got areputation for fighting Indians, but Ithink it's all on paper?news paper talk?don't you?" "I shouldn't wonder." Here an officer approached, saluted, and prefacing his verbal message by calling Crook " General." The soldier realized his position, dropped his few sticks of wood and broke for camp worse frightened than if he had been suddenly surrounded by yelling. Apaches.?San Francisco Chronicle. Had a Future. " I want you to leave my house, sir," exclaimed Judge Nettleson, angrily addressing the young man who sought his daughter in marriage. "I may leave your house, and in fact I have no objections to the struc ture remaining exactly where it is, for I have no means of moving it, but I do object to leaving your daughter, whose affections I have gained and whose life would wither like a flower out of season were it not interwoven with my own. * " You talk like a romantic fool, sir. What have you got to feed my daugh ter on. sir?" "What is she in the habit of eating? What's her regular diet ? I don't pro pose a food revolution." " *he has been accustomed to eat ing, and if she were to marry you, I am conv.nced that she would be com pelled to forego the pleasure. There is no use in talking to me. You can not marry my daughter, and in this re fusal I feel that the entire State of Arkansas will take an approving in terest." ? Old man, I cannot help but smile at your recklessness. You do not know me, sir. You think that I am poor, unfitted and unknown, but, sir, I have a future before me." " If I thought so, you might take the girl." M And if I can prove it to your sat isfaction, will you give your consent to our marriage?" "Yes, sir." " All right. I say that I have a fu ture before ma" " That's what you said." " I have, for if 1 did not have a fu ture before me where would I have it? You don't think that I have a future behind me, do you ? A man's future is always before him, and to correct any error into which you might have fallen, I will state that it is a man's past that's behind him." The old gentleman reflected for a moment and replied; "I always said that my daughter should either marry a rich man or the biggest fool in the country, and as yon. are not rich, you may take hei."?ATkansaio TrwoeUr. , THUKSDAY, SEI WORDS OP WISDOM. Stiff in' opinion; always in tho wrong. Ungratefulness is the very poison of manhood. Those are most honorable who are the most useful Nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. To live long it is;necessary to live slowly; to live happily to live wisely. The strength of criticism lies onlv in the weakness of the thing criticise J. The gratitude of most men is but a secret desire of receiving greater bene fits. We should never throw off polite ness, even in our con&icts with coarse people, j. Humility is a virtue all preach, none practice, and yet everybody is content to hear. Moderation is the silken string run ning through the pearl chain of all virtues. Disparage and depreciate no one; an insect has feeling ?and an atom a shadow. There is no crime so great as one perpetrated against j the freedom of people. Select that course of life which ia best, and custom will render it more pleasant. We shall all be perfectly virtuous when there is no longer any flesh on our bones. It is not a lucky word this same im possible; no good comes of* those that nave it so often in thW mouths. A man who gives Bis children hab its of industry provides for them bet ter than by giving them a fortune. Gratitude is the fairest blossom that springs from the soul, and the heart of man knoweth none more fragrant. A cheerful temper^ joined with in nocence, will make beauty attractive, knowledge delightful, and wit good natured. Couldn't Slap Ilia. On a railway train, just behind a plainly dressed, .motherly-looking woman, accompanied by a noisy boy, sat two fashionably dressed ladies. The boy was given to asking all kinds of foolish questions, and occasionally he would whine like a cub bear and twist himself around and fret. " If I had hold of him for a minute I'd blister him till he. couldn't stand up," said one of the ladies. "Herethen," replied the motherly old lady, "you may take hold of him. If you want to slap, slap him. I haven't the heart to do it." "Excuse me," faltered the annoyed lady. " I did not think that you could hear my remark.1' "Oh, no harm done^fof I know that ! he is enough to annoy/any^mt^nd. it may seem strange to you that I do not slap him, but I can't. Once I had a little boy that I slapped. Every time he would ask foolish ques'ions or whine, I'd slap him. I was deter mined to bring him up rightly, so that he would please everybody. He was the idol of my life and I did so much want to see him respected. Everybody said that I was a model mother and that my son would be a great man, and I was so flattered by these remarks that I was even more strict than ever with him. One night just after I put him to bed, company came, and while we were talking the little fellow awoke and began to cry. I told him to hush, and when I found that he did not intend to obey me,"I went to the bed and spanked him. 4 That's what I call discipline,' one of the company remarked, ' and I assure you that in after years you will not regret the strict measures which you have adopted.' "The next morning my little boy was too sick to get up, and all day did he lay in bed. At night I 'sent for a physician, but before morning he was dead. I don't think that there was a more miserable woman in the world. I took his little boots?boots which a few days before I had whipped him for getting muddy, and I put them on my bureau. I could not bear to live in the same house where both my hus band and little boy had died, and I moved away. One evening while walking along a lonely street I saw a little boy?a very small boy?standing among some tall weeds. 1 asked him where he lived and he plucked a blos som and held it out to me. I asked Mm where was his mother and father, and with curious intelligence he re plied that some big men took them away in boxes. I knew then that he was a waif, and I took him home with me. In the night he cried and I got up and sat by the fire with him and rocked him. He was very delicate, but he was a light that shone on my withering soul. This is the child, and he is wearing the little hoots that I put on the bureau. You may slap him, but I can't."?Arlcansaw Traveler. The Boy. BT H. C. DODOE. A'b the green apple with bites all around B is tho bull that is lent on tho ground C is O the O cigar ette male 0 ing him pale. D is tho dog with CI^T a can on it's tail. Eis the errand that makes him look wry. F is the fish ing and Fourth of July. O is tho games that make happy h'.s days. H 1b the hooky from school that ho plays. I is the 1 ndians he's he's going to slay. J is the jack knife he's tr auing away K is the kite in the sky scarce discern cd. L is the lickings for lessons unlearn cd. M Is for marbles and melons sublime N is the novels That cost him a dime. 0 'r his 'old man' with a strap by the gate. P's his toy pistol which settles his fate. Qis the quarrels which bloodies his nose. H Is the ruin be makes cf his clothes S is the swimming, Bkates,enowballs and sled. T is his tops and his toys painted red. U is tho uproar he makes when he's tanned V's his vim when he's leading the band W's als whlo tie so happ y and shrill X is X penscswhen ever he's ill. Y is the yells ho emits all tho day. Z is Iiis zeal that he shows at his play ?Haiekeyc Fighting Potato Bugs With Auts. An Illinois farmer, with rare inge nuity, has employed ants for very use ful work, as he reports. He says he is to) lazy to pick potato be.tles from the vines, and he does not like to use paris green. In this dilemma he be thought himself of the pugnacious character of ants, so he carried into Ms potato field old pieces of wood, in which ants had established their homes,, and left them to do the work.' Last year the ants domiciled in two old' fence pests, he says, rl'janel all the beetles from a quarter of an acre, al though their number was legion;? Eusban?m&n. - PTEMBEB 20, 1883, DOMESTIC OSTRICH FARMING. An Ex-Commlssloner or Agrlcnltaro De scribes a Visit to tbe Ostrich Farm in Gallfornfa-T?e First Ostrich Hatched in America. Mr. William G. Le Duo, ex-commis sioner of agriculture, has been visiting the ostrich farm started not long ago near Arnheim, CaL In the course of a letter to the New York Tribune Mr. Le Due gives this description of the new industry: As I drive toward the new un painted buildings in view a half mile away I see signboards with notice that all dogs found on these premises will be shot. And this emphatic notice is strictly enforced, much to the sur prise of confiding sight-seeing people who have not yet learned that the notice means death to auy and all dogs ! which may come within range of the shotgun or pistol of the guardians of the precious feather^ bipeds. Only j a short time before a dog was shot at the side of his bucolic master, who could not comprehend the necessity of guarding the breeding-birds from the sight of any animal of the dog kind. As 1 approach! d the house I see that it is one of the San Francisco " ready mades," built of redwood. Ordered by telegraph from San Francisco, it ! was shipped by rail and set up rea !y I for occupam y within four days from the giving ol the order. It is a unique and tasteful rectangular structure one story high; shingle roof with gables; a porch along the entire front; orna mental brackets and cornice; a passage way six feet wide through the center; two rooms on each side, each twelve feet square; and the whole building , set up on the ground cost $4001 One room is used for reception-room, one for sleeping, one for kitchen and one for the incubator and egg-room. On the work done in this room depends the successof the ostrich faro. A broad shelf on one side contains about fifty ostrich eggs and an/ num ber of eggs of the brown Leghorn chicken. The incubator has been used for hatching these eggs prior to trust ing the more valuable > strich eggs to its maternal care. These ostrich eggs are a wonder to all who see them for the first time. They are regularly elliptical in form, weighing about three and one-half pounds, measuring I in circumference 18x16 inches, and with holding capacity equal to a full quart measure. The color is a creamy white, and the shell is equally pitted all over and porous in appearance. Sixteen eggs have been put in the in cubator up to the time of this visit, and the remaining eggs, and what more may come, will wait for the Hal stead ostrich incubator, which has made a favorable reputation in Capo Colony in the specialty of hatching os trich eggs, and which is daily expected. These sixteen eggs were placed in the incubator on May 14, 15 and 16, and their period of incubation has nearly passed, .for the chickens are -moving in their shells ready for ad vent into Californ.a life, ?ne came as avant courrier yesterday, and to-day is a beauty of its kind. He is covered with speckled brown downy feathers except on the head and neck and legs; he is as wild, shy and active as the young antelope fawn, and only a day ! old is a i large as a full-grown Leg I horn hen. Uneasy and restless, in ; constant motion, and with inquiring ; eyes, he no doubt waits impatiently the companions who are to join him in his feather-producing career. Preparatory to any nourishing food, he had-placed before him when about twenty-lour hours old a tray of small gravel stones and crushed sea shells; subsequent to this tonic he had a hand ful of chopped alfalfa. This lays the foundation for a meal of cracked corn and water, and when this has been eaten the bird is considered or. the straight road to distinction as the first ostrich hatched in America Leaving the front door looking east I turned to the south, and before me is an inclosure of four acres in L form, made by a post and board fence only four and a half feet high. But this fence is made of three good sound inch-thick, twelve inches wide re 1 wood boards, well na led on. A kick from an irritated ostrich would break i an ordinary fence board in splinters. These parallelograms making the L are divided into twelve paddocks in which the stock of twenty-one ostriches eleven hens and ten cocks are placed. Each pad ock contains a pair of birds, one having two hens and one cock. The paddocks are bare and sandy, but surrounding the breeding grounds is an excellent growth of alfalfa, turnips cabbage*, onions, maize and beets, all of which are on time for the voracious chickens which are expected to rally round their exemplary parents in a campaign against the iifty-four acres of green food provided for them. In close proximity to the pad locks is an artesian well 300 feet deep, which discharges four feet above surface 12 000 gallons of water each hour?sulli cieut to irrigate in this locality from two to three hundred acres of land planted to ordinary crops and with the average rainfall. The entire farm is a mile square, or 640 acres, and is a level plain. It may be as well to remind you that these are the ostriches the ar rival of which in Xew York last No vember attracted so much attention, and which Dr. Protheroe, of Buenos Ayres, and Dr. C. J. Sketchley, both formerly of the Transvaal, Africa, brought to this country with the hope of forming a stock company to engage in the business of br< e lintr fowls and raising feathers. A company was formed at once in San Francisco with a paid-up capital of $1,0,000, Drs. Protheroe and Sketchley retaining an interest, and Dr. Sketchley giving the benefit of his experience as superin tendent of the farm for the present. This enterprise may be fairly pro nounced a success, for the company has more orders for birds than it can promise to till this season, and at its own prices, which are $100 to $120 for a healthy chick four months old. These chickens will yield their first feathers when eight months old, which picking should bring at present mar ket prices from $7 to $10. The next picking, eight months after t':e first, should bring from $40 to $50. and in two years the bird, if well cared for, is expected to be in full plumage and to yield annually $200 worth of feath ers. Ostriches breed when four years old, and from a pair is expected an average of fifty healthy chickens every year for twenty years. The manufacture of kid gloves is rapidly increasing in this country. A great many of the fashionable goods sold as imported are, made in this country._ Thirty-four thousand dwellings were built in Philalelphia in the, ten years from 1870 to 1880, and Philadelphia actually increased during that time its title to the city of homes. ; A Terrible Duel* A letter to the New York Sun, dated Camp Eio Peco3, New Mex ico, says : Gus Davis, of Philadelphia, came here some months ago, and was engaged as a cattle herder by Mr, John Shure, a wealthy stock owner. Davis soon showed himself to be a useful man, and gained the esteem of Ms employer and the envy of the other herders. In less than three months he had resisted so many temptations to quarrel with his Mexican associates that he was nick named " The Northern Coward." One morning "while Davis was on duty looking after his cattle, Jesus Garcia, a Mexican, saluted him, as usual, with "Good-moming, Northern Coward." Human endurance has its limit, and Mr. Davis thought he had been in sulted long enough. The Mexican was at first surprised at the stand taken by the Philadeiphian, but word brought on word, until each deter mined that the other must die. The quarrel soon brought all the neighboring cowboys to the spot The mode of combat was speedily ar ranged. A chain thirty inches long was se curely locked about their necks. A Mexican dagger, a two-edged knife six inches long, was given to each of the duelists. The obliging cowboys then lowered the men into a dog canon a descent of seventy-live feet. There they were to remain until one killed the other. A key to the lpck was given to each, and no one was allowed to interfere further. The rest of the cowboys then went to work, as if noth ing unusual ha 1 occurred. For some days nothing was known as to the result of the encounter. Yes terday, however, Davis, very weak and emaciated, returned to camp, dragging after Mm the lifeless body of Jesus Garcia. The story Mr. Davis tells is as fol lows: "The fight began as soon as we reached the bottom of the canon. Be ing locked together, each was always within reach of the other's kmfe. After such deliberation, as the few moments during our descent permit ted, I decided that unless the first blow was fatal, the chances were decidedly in favor of the party assailed. I ac cordingly allowed theMexicanto strike the first blow. He \ lunged his knife into my side. As soon as I found Ms arm thus stretched forward, I cut the muscles of the right arm near the shoulder. Immediately his kmfe dropped. While he was stooping to pick Ms knife, I sent my blade into his body from the back. Before I could strike again he had picked up Ms knife and cut the cords of my arms, so as to render them both useless. 44 Here we both stoo 1 for a few sec onds, when I discovered that Ms heart had been reached. His body scon fell in the death struggle to the ground. The chain was so short that he brought me down with him. In a few minutes ho wa3 dead. I was so weak from loss of blood that I lay down by his side. We lay there for five daysand nights, until hunger drove me to make a last effort. I climbed the steep incline of the walls of the canon and reache 1 the camp, carrying Garcia on my back." Balding the Sutler. The following extract we find in Harry M. Kieffer's " Recollections of a Drummer Boy," published in SI. NvSholas: A famous and favoritekind of sport, especially when wo had Leen lying in camp for some time in summer, or were established in winter quarters, was what was known as " raiding the sutler." The sutler's establishment was a large wall tent, which was usually pitched on the side of the camp far thest away from the colonel's quarters. It was, therefore, in a somewhat ex posed and tempting position. When ever it was thought well to raid Mm the men of his own regiment would make to the men of some neighboring regiment a proposition in some such terms as this: " You fellows come over here some night and raid our sutler, and we'll come over to your camp some night and raid yours. Will you do it?" TMs courteous offer of friendly of fices was usually agreed to; and great was the sport which otten resulted. For, when all was duly arranged and made ready, on a dark night when the sutler was sleeping soundly in his tent a skirmisMng line from the neighbor ing regiment would cautiously pick its way down the hill and through the brush, and silently surround the tent. One party, creeping close in by the wall of the tent, would loosen the ropes and remove them from the stakes on one side,while another party on the other side, at a given signal, would pull the whole concern down over the sutler's head. And then would arise yells and cheers for a few moments, followed by immediate si lence, as the raiding party would steal qmetly away. Did they steal his goods? Very sel dom. For soldiers were not thieves, and plunder was not the object, but only fun. Why did not the ollicers punish the men for doing this ? Well, sometimes they did. Hut sometimes the ollicers believe I the sutler to be e orbitant in his charges and oppress ive to the men, and cared little how soon he was cleared out and s?nt a-packing; and therefore they enjoyed the sport quite as well as the men, and often imitated Nelson's example when he put his blind eye to the telescope an i declared he did not see the signal to cease firing. They winked at the frolic, and came on the scene usually in ample time to condole with the sut ler, but quite too late to do him any service. The Smallest Locomotive. An ingenious mechanic of James town, N. V., has completed a perfect locomotive, said to be the smallest in the world, being only eight and one half inches long. Th? pump thr Jws a drop of water per >troke. The tngine weighs one an I a half pounds, and the tender two pounds and one-half ounce; , 3c'5 screws were repiir. d to put the j parts together, and the mechanic was I at work on it at intervals for eight I years. Forgot the Best. "If you will let me take your stick of candy I'll show you how I can swal low it and make it come out of my ear." The candy was delivered. The young magician deliberately ate it. . Then for the space of two minutes be threw himself into violent contortions. The candy to appear, he said to the expectant spectator with an air of great disappointment: "I believe I've forgotten the rest of it.w- ' -?? The Navajo Indians will have a ! wool clip this year oC 800,000 pounds. NO. 30. HUNTING THE MUSK-OX. An Incident in Lieutenant Schwatka'a Ex* perience In the Arctic Regions. Lieutenant Schwatka, the leader of the overland Arctic expedition of 1879, describes in the Century "A Musk-Ox Hunt." He says of their first chase after the game: "Great fears were en tertained by the experienced hunters that the musk-oxen had heatrd our ap proach, and were now probs.bly1 doing their level best' to escapa The sledges were immediately stopped and the dogs rapidly unhitched from them, from one to three or four being given to each of the eleven men and boys, white or native, that were present, who, taking their harnesses in their left hands or tying them in slip-nooses around their waists, started without delay upon the trail, leaving the two sledges and a few of the poorer dogs in charge of the Innuit women, who had come along for that purpose, and who would follow on the trail with empty sledges as soon as firing was heard. The dogs, many of them old musk-ox hunters, and with appetites "sharpened by hard work and a constantly diminishing ra tion, tugged like mad at their se;d-skin harness lines, as they half buried their eager noses in the tumbled snow of the trail, and hurried their attached hu man beings along at a flying rate that threatened a broken limb or neck at each of the rough gorges and jutting precipices of the. broken, stoay hill- j land, where the exciting chase was go ing on. The rapidity with which an agile native hunter can run when thus attached to two or three excited dogs is astonishing. Whenever a steep vadey was encountered the E. quimnux would slide down on their feet, in a titting po ture, throwing the loo e snow to their sides like escaping steam from a locomotiva until the bottom was reached, when, quick as thought, they would throw themselves at full length upon the snow, and the wild, excited brutes would drag them up the other side, whera regaining their :feet, they would run on at a constantly accelera ting gait, their guns in the meantime being held in the right hand or tightly lashed upon the back. M We had hardly gone a mile in this harum-scarum chase before it. became evident that the musk-oxen were but a short distance ahead on theiiceen run, and the foremost hunters began loosen ing their dogs to bring the oxen to bay as. oon as possible; and then, for the first time, these intelligent creatures gave tongue in deep, long baying, as they shot forward like arrows, and dis appeared over the crests of the hills amid a perfect bewilderment of fly ing snow and fluttering harness traces. The discord of shouts and howlings told us plainly that some of the ani mals had been brought to bay not far distant, and we soon heard a rapid series of sharp reports from the breech loaders and magazine guns of the ad vanced hunters'. We white men ar rived just in timeto see the final strug gle. The oxen presented a most for midable-looking appearance, with their rumps firmly wedged together, a com plete circle of swaying horns pre sented to the front, with great blood shot eyeballs glaring like red-hot shot 'amid the steam from their panting nostrils, -and pawing and plunging at the circle of furious dogs that encompassed them. The rapid blazing of magazine guns right in their faces?so close, often, as to burn their long, shaggy hair?added to the striking scene. Woe to the over zealous dog thst was unlucky enough to get his harness line under the hoofs of a charging and infuriated musk-ox; for they will follow up a leash along the ground with a rapidity and cer tainty that would do credit to a tight rope performer, and either paw the poor creature to death or fling him high in the air with their horns." Collecting Rubber in Brazil. In the early morning men and women come with baskets of day cups on their backs and little hatchets to gash the trees. Where the white milk drips down from the gash they stick their cups on the trunk with daubs of clay, molded so as to catch the whole (low. If the tree is a large one, four or five gashes may be cut in a circle around the trunk. (;n the next day other gashes are made a little below these, and so on until the rows reach the ground. By 11 o'clock the flow of milk has ceased, and the serin gueiros come to celled V contents of the cups in i alabash jug. A gill or so is the utmost yield from each tree, and a single gatherer may attend to a hundred and twenty trees or more, wading always through these dark marshes, and pay ing dearly for his profit in fc er and weakness. Our mameluca hostess has brought in her day's gathering?a cal abash full of the white liquid, in ap pearance precisely like milk. If left in this condition it coagulates after a while, and forms an inferior whitish gum. To make the black rubber of commerce, the milk must go through a peculiar process of manufacture, for which our guide has been preparing. Over a smoldering fire, fed with hard nuts of the tucuma palm, lie places a kind of clay chimney, like a wide mouthe 1, bottoml ssjug: through this boiao the thick smoke pours in a con stant stream. Now he takes his mold?in this case a wooden one, like a round-bladed paddle?washes it with the milk, and hold, it over the smoke until the liquid coagulates. Then an other coat is added, only now, as the wood is heated, the milk coagulates faster. It may take the gatherings of j two or three days to cover the mold : thickly enough. Then the rubber is still dull white, but in a short time it I turns brown, and finally almost black, I as it is sent to the market. I The mass is cut from the paddle and I sold to traders in the village. Bottles ; are sometimes made by molding the rubber over a clay ball, which is then t broken up and removed. Our old ; fashioned rubber shoes used tobemade : in this wav. Twenty million pounds j of rubber, "valued at $6.000,COO, are annually exported from Para in the J dry season; many thousand people are engaged in gathering it. Hut the busi ness altogether is a ruinous one for the province, as Brazilians themselves are fully awara The seringueiro, who gains two or three dollars for a singh day's gathering, has enough, as life goes here, to keep him in idleness for a week; and when his money is spent, he can draw a?ain on his ever ready I bank. No man's spirits were ever hurt by l doing his duty. On the contrary, one ] good action, one temptation resisted j and overcoma one sacrifice of desire or interest, purely for conscience sake, will provide a cordial for w\eak ana" low spirits beyond what either indulgence, j diversion, or company can/ do for ; them. / Cfjtf times iraJ Jfcnwrrat SPECSAL, REQUESTS. L Alt changes in advertisements matt reach us on Friday. 2. In writing to this office on boennoaa always give your nnino and postoffice ad dress. a. Articles for publication should be writ ten in c clear, legible hand, and on only out side of the page. 4. Business letters and communicationf to be published should be written on separate sheets, and the object of each clearly in dicated by necessary note when reqmrea. JO B PJEMlVTIiXGr^ DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH TERMS CASH. LOVE'S POWER. If I were blind, and thoa s-xouldst enter E'er so softly in the roomy I should know it, I should feel it, Sometliing subtle would reveal it, Anri a glory round thee center That would lighten op the gloom Anri my heart would surely guide me, With love's second-sight provide me, One amid the crowd to find, If I were blind 1 If I were deaf, and thoa hadst spoken Ere thy presence I had known, I should know it, I should feel it, Something subtle weald reveal it, Anri thi) seal at once be broken. By Love's liquid undertone. Deaf to other, stranger voices, And the world's discordant noises? Whisper, wheresoe'er thou art, Twill reach my heart! If I were dead, and thou shouldst Ventura Near the coQn where I lay, I should know it, I should feel it, Something subtle would reveal in, And no look of mildest censure Best upon that race of clay. Shouldsl; thou kiss me, conscious flashes Of Love's fire through Death's cold ashes Would g;ive back the cheek its red, If I wye dead 1 ?Josephine Pollard, in the Century. HUMOROUS. American flats?Pancakes. A dark horse?The nightmare. Woman's sphere?A ball of yarn. Strictly plain?The Wester* prairies. At a standstill?The peanut busi ness. A knight of the razor?Saturday night. A garden "waul"?A cat on the feuce.?New York Journal. High life? Housekeeping on the top floor of a nine-story tenement. AV spent in watermelons wiU,W^^ up. Z the point.?Rochester' Express]* A tramp called his shoes corpora tions because they had no soles.?Cin cinnati Traveler. An Indian chief bears the name of "Looking Glass." He is the terror of 1 the plain.?Boston Transcript. Tae greatest swell on earth/' Is an tipple peelel and dried, And the me inest swell on e.irtu Is a big boil cn one's kid.-. Three years constant strudy in Italy will make an American girl know too much to sing in church, /and too little to be useful in opera.?Pfeayune. A merchant may make a reduction in the price of his materiaFswithout ?making any material reduction luT-iif"^--' price. Uuskin says no couple should marry until they have courted seven years. , This would lead one to think*that Hua : kin runs a soda mountain.?Boston _ Post. " " "~ ^-." " Mercy I" exclaimed Mrs. F., as she caught sight of the cameleopard, "just look at that Least! What a long neck!'? "Yes," replied Fogg, "the most re markable casie of soar throat I ever saw."?Boston Transcript. ? "Where is the girl of long ago?" sings Joaquin Miller. We saw her the ' other day, Joaq. But she isn't a girl any more. She had gray hair and a wart on her nose, an 1 no teeth and wore specs.?Salem Sunbeam. A plant found that cures bashfulness. It should be promptly tried on the man who leaves the hotel by the back window because he is too diflident to say good-bye to the cashier and clerk.?Chicago Tribune. y. A Vassar college girl has written a hovel called "The Foolish Virgin." It is probably about a girl who went off to college without supplying hers.elf_.-_ with enough gum to last her until vacation.?Philadelphia JSews. Little .Johnny says that all men do not belong to the animal kingdom. ; For instance, there is the circus pro prietor. He doesn't belong to the animal kingdom, but the animal king dom belongs to him.?Boston Tran i script. The average young lady wants at least four feet of a seat in a stre.t car for a ride of six blocks, but she will ride half a day Sunday squeezed into a buggy seat beside h r young man and not lind the least fault.?Detroit Free \ Press. The speaker who alluded to his can didate as " the war-horse that snuffed the battle from afar," climbed up to the compo ition-room with a club after reading it in the paper as " the ward boss that snatched a bottle from a bar."?Boston Bulletin. A lady said her husband will sit on a barbed wire fence all the afternoon to see a baseball match, and never i move a muscle, but when he goes to church he can't sit in a cushioned pew I for fifteen minutes without wiggling ? all over th ? seat, and changing his po j sition forty times.?-Peck's Sun. One of the letters of introduction j Miss Kate Field brought with h?r i to Denver was from Sir Charles Dilke I to Judge McCurdy. ^he sent a note to the Windsor hotel office, asking where the judge could be found. The an swer came back: "Don't know; he's been dead eight years."?Denver Tri ' bune. Jamestown. j Change? in the James river have I made an island, of Jamestown, com | pletely separating it from the main I land, and about ail that remains of the j lirst English settlement of Virginia is , the dismantled tower of the old church. ; It was here that Pocahontas embraced j the Christian laith and was baptized by the name of Rebecca. The font used on that occasion now stands in the chancel of Cbristchurch, Williams burg. Here also Pocahontas was married in 1613 to John Rolph. A low brick wall incloses the ground occupied by the ruined tower and foundation of the church ; and tomb stones, seme broken and scattered, some leaning against the wall, and all with inscriptions nearly if not quite illegible, have long since ceased to indicate where lies the dust of those who bore their names. Two hundred yards b-low the ruins and 100 from the river bank is the stately old man sion built by John Ambler over 100 years ago. It is the only residence on the island,, is in line preservation, and occupied by Colonel H. D. B. .Clay, formerly of New York, who owns Jamestown, which consists of 1,700 acre^, and is between two and three miles in length and three-quarters of a mile in width. The cattle tnv::e of Key West with Cuba averages 1,000 head of cattle per day. The muscat grape is almost a failure In California thia year.