%tjt Stints mb $tmtM. FTJBZ.XSSED E7.3HY THTXSSDAY, BY J. L S&B"& 8. H. Editoes axd PaoKnarroas. SUBSCRIPTION SATES* "neyear.? Six months. ADVERTISING BATES. First insertion, per square.....%i m, Sabsequentiasortioa..... ?) Notices of meetings, obitaaries and trib 0t&? of respect, same rates per square as or dinary advertisements. Special contracts made with large adver tisers, with liberal deductions on above rates. Special notices in local column, fifteen cents per line. A MERRY HEART. Tis well to Lave a merry heart, However short wo stay; There's wisdom in a merry heart, Whate'ar the world may say, Philosophy may lift its head And 2nd out many a flaw, Bat give mo the philosophy Tfcat'3 happy with a straw! If life but brings us happiness? It brings us, we are told, What's hard to troy, though rich one's try, With all their heaps of gold. Then laugh away?let others say Whate'er they will of mirth; Who laughs the most may truly boast He's got the vea'th of earth. There's music in a merry laugh, A moral beauty, too? It shows the Heart's an honest heart, ._That's paid each man his due, and lent a shai e of what's to spare ? Despite of wisdom's fears; And made the cheek less sorrow speak, The eye weep fewer tears. 3NEMY JACK. "Shall we try the glen?" "Thank you, no." . " A tramp under the falls would pass away the afternoon." " I am tired of the falls. There will be a fine sunset from the peak, you say? Well, I am tired of sunsets, too." "See here, Jack," I broke in, im patiently, "there is one thing you might do." ??What?" " Come out somewhere and fall in love. There's a party just arrived. I neard a ravishing, girl's voice when the stage drove up, and caught a glimpse of a face which would break j your heart at once." A smile crossed his handsome coun tenance. " But I am a little tired of that, you see. Just this summer there has been Knbie Lake, aud Bessie, and Kittie, and others, beside?beside?" " Beside the little girl from Chilling worcb," I helped out, with an answer ing smile. Jack's latest; he couldn't yet quite speak her name, I thought. "Oddly, of all your bewitching maidens, she is the only one I have not seen. I should really like to see, her, Jack." He turned aDd gazed with a sudden, refreshing fierceness down at me. "You would like to see her, Mor daunt? Well, I don't know that I should object to your seeing her, to your admiring her, a certain way. But, mark you, should you ever pre sume to make love?to?to flirt, even, with Bebah Wayne, you will change your dearest friend into the most bitter enemy you could have upon the earth!" I could have laughed outright; it was so like?so simply Jack. But the tenderness always in my heart for resttrjSged me., l^c^l-liumoredry. "And nowT since you will not, I will go and try my rifle in the glen." It was a still summer afternoon, at the hour which the gay world in these mountains, with rare exceptions, agree to sleep away. Slight danger of meet ing any, save my own ilk?some huntsman or dreamy artist to whom nature would give no rest; and with a keen' sense of freedom and comfort I strode down the rocky glen. Laugh ing at Jack, now, heartily, yet withal in a thoughtful mood, somehow hi, words haunted me. Could it be that Jack was deeper in love with this little girl from Chillingworth than any one yet knew? I had never been in love, but I supposed even to a man so subject to fleeting fancies there came a - ?me " When oti.er lips rnd other hearts Their tales of love shall tell." Thought paused, and I was sudden ly in the path. For this moment, from below, a voice floated up the old, sweet song?a very angel's voice it sounded in this mountain solitude. I stood through the verses, spellbound, yet involuntarily smiling as the legend came to mind. Glen Mary had its weird, they said. A gentle maiden ""wandered here day and night, striving ever to woo back her faithless lover with the songs he loved of yore. No mortal had ever seen or heard her; the matchless face, the enrapturing music, were far beyond all earthly ken. I was never a romantic man, but I grew dazed ftiere, beneath the spell. How pleasant, if .such things were? if I stood, now, the one favored mor tal within sound of this secret singing, about to look, mayhap, into the won drous face of poor Glen Mary, to? to?" To carry the news to Jack ? Such was the odd finale dawning on me, as suddenly the song ended in a wee, but emphatically earthly, scream, which sent me flying down the ravine in the direction from whence the voice had come. Glen Mary, indeed ! A dainty, nine teenth-century maid, wearing a Wat teau mountain dress and terra-cotta mousquetaires, bent over a high ledge " of rocks, exclaiming pitifully as she gazed beneath. Her broad-brimmed hat had fallen off, and, as startled at my step, she turned, I saw the beauti ful face I had seen peeping from the coach-window not quite an hour ago. Site regarded me blushing, but with an open expression of vexation. " I frightened you, 1 guess," she said, naively. " I am sorry, but I lost my roses," my lovely jacqueminot. See them scatter ?? .1 ail the way down the F." Oh, that was it," I replied, bend vtoo, to look below. Somehow the ipf those jac' roses impressed me loment as the greatest aflliction kould befidl a human being. The * despite her frightened protest fcrd and look, I wasclimbingdown the rocks. It was not an easy feat. The stones were slippery, and the tough vines in the crevices held the roses prisoners, at broad intervals, the whole length of the cliff. But I was bent on having them every one, even to the poor broken-leaved by the creek. It was the proudest achievement of my life 'when at last J climbed back with them to her. "Thank you, oh, thank you!" she murmured, with a smile and a frank look of admiration which set my heart to beating as never a girl had made it beat befor.-. " Will you take a few as trophies of your victory?" I had sat down opposite her on the plateau ; I was looking at her with a sudden, strange feeling that I had the right. Surely when a man has worked so hard to please a pretty girl he has the right to look at her; this was my simple thought. For I was new to love, slow to realize my own stirred soul. I took the tlowers, ju?t thinking I would like to kiss them, if I dared. I VOL. XII. took them silently. But she only smiled again in her pretty, innocent way and went on talking. MI did not like to lose them so soon after I got them. "We only came in the last stage, but I slipped away from the others as quickly as I could and came down here. I always so long to see the glen. Isn't it the prettiest place in the mountains?" My wits floated slowly back. " Yes, and it is lovelier than ever this season,' I replied. " There has been anew path opened through the south pass. If you like I?I will guide you back that way." I did not deem it an impertinent proposition; it was, in fact, a very permissible one in the free life of these mountains?all the same, I dared not look at her. But almost before the words left my lips she was tying on her pretty hat, her eyes sparkling with delight. From that moment it was one to me. Through the wonder ful south pass I wandered with her, listening enraptured to the sweet girl voice, stealing mad looks at the fairest face I bad ever gazed upon?all in such a daze of blissful, bewildering passion that, at times, the fancy seized me that I was, after all, only walking with poor Glen Mary who might, any moment, slip away from me. But the sweet dream was broken rudely; just as the path verged on the roadway she turned and looked up at me. "Do you know,*'she said, "I think thero is something very strange about UiCde mountains? Here I have been talking with you, a perfect stranger, as freely as though I had known you all my life?actually tejling you our family affairs. Why, you woiild never know Rebah Wayne, should you meet her in the city." .Despite her words she still smiled at me, but I only stared at her?the little girl from Chillingworth! Suddenly, in the light of the astonishing revela tion, Jack's words came flashing back. Somehow they Hashed pre-eminent; it seemed to me. this bewildered mo ment, that I had been deliberately doing a wicked thing, acting a base, mean part to Jack. With only Jack in my mind, I answered her: "Yes, freedom between strangers has been the fashion here always, but that does not make it proper. Would it not be as well for you and I to vary the custom, and be simply strangers after this?" The words spoken, I realized my idiocy; quickly my lips reopened to re trieve them as best I could. But in vain; she did not hear me, she would not listen; a deep flush of anger, of indignation, quickly followed her first astonished look, and then? "As we are,'* she spoke quietly, and passed on before me. I did not presume even to follow slowly. Quite beside myself, I turned and strode back again through the glen to the outlet back of the hotel. I was never a ro the*3W?fI stairvroP^JJ^JflBawKP sistible impulse To see my fair Glen Mary, albeit she frowned at me. To see?Jack, with rapture in his face, tending down to the little girl from Chillingworth, while she upturned the same sweet, tricksy face I had that day come to worship! Never again would it so look at me! The thought might have frenzied any man, so suddenly, so madly in love as L But, instead, I grew more rational; the sweet face loomed up to calm me, as I went back to my room. She would surely pardon me when she understood; a written explanation would make matters right between us, and then?I had as good a chance as Jack! Because ho was in love with her it did not at all follow that she was in love with him. All jubilant, 1 wrote to Rebah Wayne, airing Jack with an impunity I only regretted was essential to the case. For what was Jack to me that moment??that bliss ful moment I lived and breathed in her. Early on the morrow I sent my letter, and then?I kept away from her, through the day, impatient as I was, for I felt that I must give her time. But, toward evening, all con fidence, I sti oiled into the saloon. I had caught a glimpse of her from without?sitting with Jack again ! It was all one; Jack, either way, did not trouble me. I cared not whether the precious sign she would profTer were an open hand-stretch in his presence, or the smile too faint for him to note ; I only thought to g t it. I strolled slowly up and past her, gazing eagerly in her face. She? She?regarded me as she would have the veriest stranger in the city's streets. There was naught for me but to return to my room?and write again. Three successive days I did this, always with the same result. And yet I was not dismayed ; I ordered a huge box of the rarest jacqueminots and sent them to her with a fourth pleading n>te. They came back within an hour, with the scathing line: " From stranger to stranger such conduct is quite unpardonable." Then I began to realize. I was not acting the part of a gentleman : 1 was making myself ridiculous. Moreover, there was a daily growing desire in my heart to decoy .lack down to Glen Mary, and drown him in a convenient pool. The one thing for me was to relieve the neighborhood of my mad self. And one near morning I arose determinedly and slipped away in the early stage. Harmless, but madder still; this was my bitter thought as I stepped from the train in the hot city. Madder, in deed, for, in a day's time, I was quite eager to go back and try agnin I was planning it even when this bit of wrath burst on me: "I have heard of that affair in Glen Mary, Mordaunt; it slipped from her lips after you ran away. She did not tell me all, I know: but you knew her name, and that is enough for me. You flirted with her, you m .do love to her, and yon are in love with her now, I'm bound. And so, as I warned you, I am for ever Your enemy, Jack." A bit of wrath at which I only laughed, which but gave strength to a determination that needed none, and which aroused a stronger one. Did Rebah Wayne love this boy? 1 would know; at least, she should never marry him till she had listened to my fond story, looked deep in my throb bing soul, and vouched some sort of answer. How, under the circumstan ces, to achieve this, I pondered not; I only planned to get back to the moun tains that very night. But the same mail brought business even a madman might not ignore ; a week passed ere I traveled again up the mountain road. The train had been all too slow for me; the stage was unendurable, and, at the entrance to the south pass I.dropped, by an irre sistible impulse, from the box. Col M GW?r Jan The glen had been a weird place to me always since that grateful day. Now, as I entered it, the old charm fell around me; as at other times, I seemed to hear Glen Mary calling; as ; at other times, I hastened on, with beating heart, to keep my tryst with her. On, under the spell, till Suddenly I turned a soft-turfed cor ner and came back to life again. For, just below on the bank, with her head resting on her little hand, sat Kebah Wayne, looking thoughtfully down into the pool beneath. Alone, with out Jack, for once! Quickly I forgot all that was between us; and, with my mad soul, was hurrying dowa toward her, when suddenly her own sweet voice restrained me. "Ishould have forgiven him right away," she murmured. "His reasons were foolish, but I understood them quite. I think I had?really begun to ?like him then. It is?oh I it is a dreadful thing, I suppose, for a girl to say even to these deaf rocks ; but I am quite sure I love him now; somehow, since he went away?" But she did not finish ; ere she could I was beside her, holding the little hand in mine and looking up into her startled face. That only; out of my full heart, that moment, I could not speak a word. She blushed, but she did not take her hand away ; so eloquent my silent tale; so plain the soul in my eyes, she never thought to hide her own. "I think some one must have been eavesdropping here," she said, with an open, fond look at me. And as my arms drew her to my bosom, 1 felt her own soft ones stealing around my neck, and knew she was mine for aye. Back through the wonderful pass we wandered, as have many lovers, blissfully, through paradise. On the hotel porch I parted with my darling, and then, for the first time, I thought of Jack. What of Jack? In my great happi ness the old tenderness flowed back to him. Could it be that there was more in this than I had dreamed?that the love of one woman was to make us, as it had made other men, strangers for all our lives? Could he not spare me this one little girl? A bit drearily my eyes wan dered down the piazza seeking him, and? Suddenly my soul laughed out. For, in the far corner, I saw a blonde beau ty of a charming typ3, and, beside, one toying with her dainty fan, and gazing,* with uncontrollable rapture, up into the fair, sweet face. It was?my enemy, Jack. A Fight With Starve Robbers. The recent successful resistance made by a passenger in a Montana stage against two highwaymen leads the Helena XMontana) Independent to say: Tuesday afternoon's attempted stage robbery on the main range is the first affair inMontanasincel8?5 where any passenger has had enough sand to jjittempt to stand off road, agents^ For- . |lteii< j y, -; t> i e jencojmtfi^^^ttes?x**i! rffifcrmiaated more~n"Sppily for- the ends of justice than that of 1865. One day in July, 1865. the treasure coach for the south left "Virginia City with seven passengers?A. S. Parker, A" J. Mc Causland, David Dinan, W. L. Mers, L. F. Carpenter, Charles Parks and James Brown. There was a large amount of treasure on hoard. The passengers?all hardy mountaineers? were well armed, principally with double-barrel shotguns loaded with buckshot. They expected an attempt to rob the coach, and determined to fight. They took turns watching at the coach windows with guns ready for quick us?, determined to get the first shot, if possible, in case of an at tack. One man also sat by the driver, Frank Williams, who was afterward found to have been in with the road agents. The second day out from Virginia, while driving through 1'oint l\Teuf canon, the man on the box with the driver sang out: " Boys, here they are"?he having discovered the barrels of the road agents' shotguns glimmer ing in the bushes by the roadside. The outside watch followed his words of warning with a hasty shot, almost simultaneous with which the inside passengers turned loose on the robbers, which was answered instantly by a volley from among the bushes. Parker, McCausland, Dinan and Mers were shot dead. Carpenter was hurt in three places, and only avoided death by feigning to be dying when one of the robbers came up for the purpose of shooting him a second time. Parks was also apparently mortally wounded, and was not further molested. Brown, who was not hurt, jumped into the bushes and escaped. The driver (Williams), who had pnrposely driven the coach into the ambush, was, of course, untouched. His part in the robbery was afterward traced home to him, and although he had left the Territory he did not escape retribution, he having been hung by the vigilance committee at Cherry Creek some months later. The road agents who took part in this butchery were eight in number. Tliey secured $65,000 in gold, and. so far as known in Montana, were never detected. A Puzzled Engineer. An eminent engineer of today says that when a young man in his profes sion he was one night in a Pennsylva nia tavern, and a lounger was pretty much monopolizing the conversation, and, to the disgust of th.^ engineer, was setting up as an oracle in en gineering, among other things. Says the lounger: " Yes, sir, the arch is all i fired strong, you bet 1 Take an egg 1 j The shell of that is an arch, and I can stand an egg on the floor here in such ; a position that you can't break it with that half bushel measure there, hit as hard as you will." The young engl I lit er thought it was time to prick the bubble, so he bet the fellow $10 fiat he could smash the egg with the meas ure, be the position of the egg what it might, if it was put on the floor un covered. The egg was brought, and the lounger at once stood it on the floor in the corner of the room. The engineer did not even try to fit a round measure into a square corner, but threw down his money and left; but he hated barroom wiseacres worse than ever. " Why," said a defeated candidate, "am I "like the earth?" "Because," said a listener, "you are covered with dirt.'' "Wrong; guess again." "Be cause you are always 'round." "Wrong, tiy another." "Because you are wicked." " Try again." " Give it up. Why are you?" "Well, it's because I'm flattened at the poles."?Merchant Traveler. In spite of 300 lifeboats and 29S rocket stations, about 1,000 lives were lost on the British coasts in a year. OKANGEBUKG, S. HUMOROUS SKETCHES. Keady lor the Shock. "I am a cautious man," said Mr, Slowboy, " and rarely place myself in danger without taking great precau tions," and he lifted out of his wagon a dry goods box and a brass kettle. "I came out here to see a match three weeks ago," the old man explained, "and during the game a red-hot ball right from the bat struck me like a cannon-shot between the eyes, bent my spectacles double, broke both glasses, disarranged my ideas, ob structed my view of the game and knocked" me down. Then the catcher and short-stop ran together and stood on me and jumped up to catch the ball, and when they came down they both kicked me for getting in the way and making them miss that foul. And now I have brought,along this dry goods box to sit in and this brass kettle to wear on my head." And placidly, safely, but a little warm withal, he saw the game clear through.?Burlington Hawkeye. A Dndo in the Wild West. The car was full and I pre-empted a seat on the rear platform. Inside were miners bound for Carbonate, a drummer, one lady, and a something that we all decided was a dude. Once in a while the train would be lost amid coney pines, and then through a gap in the trees would be caught an Eden-like glimpse of the disappearing park. There were innumerable shades of green beside the track; the bril liancy of grass and the almost black of the forest. Even the dude showed an interest. " No paintah, aw, could do this thing, ye know, aw." The lan guage of the dude was not particularly Hop, but his head was level. However, he got knocked completely out of time further on. The train stopped at a neat cottage painted brown. In the door was a rosy-cheeked maiden, lean ing in unconscious grace upon her broom. "Aw, me guhrl, don't ye get lone some, ye know, aw, way tip heah?'' he ventured, with a smile that trespassed on the back of his neck. The girl seemed astonished for a moment and then, looking over her shoulder, called: " Pap, pap! the Dime Museum monkey is loose! Kill it and get its clothes." The dude seemed to shrink, and noth ing could induce him to open his mouth from that point to the journey's end.?Denvtr News, Lord Dew-drop's Precept h. When the triangle had sounded the call to order and the rattling of many hoofs had ceased, Lord .lohn Dew drop arose and offered the club the use of the following at very reasonable rates: " Doaa' saw off the handles of your wheelbar'er to keep a naybur from borrowin' it." "De man who loses his temper will be sartinto lose his friends." " If it wasn't fur goslins dar' would be no geese. Gin a boy a chance to be -?sr^Osfin^ei'r erpee?h* him .to_be a "An egotist am a man,.on stilts." Let him alone an* he ,atn sartin to come down^-* " "Befo' praisin' de philanthropy of de man who has donated a site for an orphan asylum try and diskiber if his wife isn't doing de kitchen work to save de expense of a hired gal." "De man who has no friends to speak well of am a man tobe avoided." "Be guided in your outlay by what you kin afford?not by what your naybur brings home." "Truth am mighty, but use it in small doses in criticising de acta of your friends." " De peacock may make a fine dis play of colors, but when it comes down to selecting something solid aoan' oberlook de gander. He's de same all the way frew, an' you allus know whar to find him." " De man who draps his wallet to test de honesty of de public shouldn't give hisself away by advertisin' a re ward an' no queshuns axed." On motion of Pickles Smith the club accepted the above, at thirty per cent, of their face value, and the amount was passed to Lord John's credit on the cash book.?Lime-Kiln Club. The Bnd Hoy. " What, did your pa get a black eye? I hadn't heard about that,'' said the grocery man, giving the had boy a handful of unbaked peanuts to draw him out. " Didn't get to fighting, did he?" "No, pa don't fight. It is wrong, lie says, to light, unless yon ar?i sure you can whip the fellow, and pa al ways gets whipped, so he quit fight ing. You see, one of the deacons in our church lives out on a farm, and all his folks were going away to spend the Fuiirth, and he had to do all the chores, so he invite;! pa and ma to come out to the farm and have a nice quiet time, and they went. There is nothing pa likes bitter than to go out on a farm, and pretend he knows everything. When the farmer got pa and ma out there he set them to work, and ma shelled peas while pa went to dig potatoes for dinner. I think it was mean for the deacon to send pa out in the cornfield to dig potatoes, and after he had dug up a whole row of corn without finding any potatoes, to set the dog on pa; and tree him in an apple tree near the bee hives, and then go and visit with ma and leave pa in the tree with the dog barking at him. 1'a said he never knew how mean a deacon could he until he had sat on a limb of that apple tree all the afternoon. About time to do chores the farmer earne and found pa and called the dog off, and pa came down, and then the fanner played the mean est trick of ail. He said city people didn't know how to milk cows, and pa said he wished he had as many dollars as he knew how to milk cows. He said his spechulty was milking kicking cows, and the fanner gave pa a tin pail and a milking-stool, and let down the bars, and pointed out to pa ' the worst cow on the place.' Pa knew his reputation was at stake, and he went up to the cow and punched it in the Hank and said, 'Hist, confound you.' Well, tin cow wasn't a histing cow, but a histing bull, and pa knew it was a bull as quick as he see it put down its head and heller, and pa dropped the pail and stool ami started for the bars and the bull after pa I don't think it was right in ma to bet two shillings with the farmer that pa would get to the bars before the bull did, though she won the bet. Pa said he knew it was a bull just as sion as the horns got tangled up in his coat tail, and when he struck on the other side of the bars and his nose hit the ash barrel where they make lye for soap, pa said he saw more fireworks than we did at the Soldiers' home. Pa wouldn't celebrate any more, and he came home, after thanking the farmer for his courtesies, but he wants me to borrow a gun and go out with him hunting. We are going to shoot a bull and a dog and some bees, maybe '.we :will shoot the farmer, if pa keeps on as mad as mad as he is now."?Peck's Sun. Lady Itliilcnhcy'M Revenge. " Give me the bandoline." The soft, mellow tinkle of hells came floating over the hills and dales to the Lady Cecil Mulcahey that June even ing, as she stood before.the glass in her boudoir, beautiful articles of virtu, choice bits of fancy work and all >tha new corn remedies that were scattered around in graceful contusion giving to the room an air of refined beauty that one so seldom seep, outside the precincts of Naples or Kj>komo. "I'es, Madame," - replied Nanette Stiggins, the French fehime de cham bre, handing her mistress the required, article. " And does Madame wish her vinaigret?" "2s'o," replies LadyTCectl, a cold, cynical smile passing triff -her features a* she speaks. "Lord,1Reginald de Courcey Short will'yet rue the day on which he laughed my: apple pie to scorn," she continued, speaking softly to herself, " and told.nwwith a cruel sneer on his lips, thatr he would, ere the ruddy glow of autu&n faded into the snowy whitenets jjE winter, wed simple Ruth Redihg?te; the humble cotter's daughter. He .may think I have forgotten his words, that I have choked away the grim wolf of despair that has baengnawing^nfy heart, but time shall teach him better?shall bring home to himj with terrible, crushing force the truth that hell hath no fury like a woraan'sj--corns?like a woman scorned, I inean"?and with a twirl of her taper fingers she chucked the powder puff deftly, into its box and began a long, weary . search, for the hairbrush. Ruth Redingote and Reginald Short are walking arm-jn-arm down the principal thoroughfare and, as the gas light falls with fitful flicker upon the, pure young face of tlie>girl, her com panion looks down to her with a smile. Reginald thinks, " as he gazes fondly upon her, that'there is none so fair as this woman, none that could so securely bindr his heart in the silken fetters of a pure, noly affection. And so, feeling thus, it seems to him that he cannot do* too much for her, cannot make his yiel.ling to her every wish too plain. And.so, bending over 11 er, his bright young lace aglow with the kindly light of a deep affection, he , asks her if there is anything she would like?any delicacy in the brilliantly lighted windows that environ them on every side. " Yes," answers Ruth, a pleased look in her deep, luminous eyes, "I would like something." "What is it, darling?0'and as he speaks the 1ost word a bright crimson blush suffuses the,glrl's cheeks.v She hesitates an instant, and then, in clear, ringing tones, copie forth the words: "Lemon pie!" thti night a'r. ; Reginald turns hastily, and there, before him, more beautiful than ever, stands the Lady Mulcahey. "Lemon pie!" she hisses fiercely. " And this is your chosen bride?you who are so cultured and refined. My vengeance is satisfied," and with an other mocking laugh she flees away into the darkness.?Chicago Tribune, A Baby ou the Battlefield. The Martinsburg (W. Va.) corre spondent of the Wheeling Intelligencer relates the following siory: "Almost every family and individual here has some bit of romance in connection with the late war. To-day at a musicale, to which I was kindly invited. I met a lady whose talents as a musician and whose remarkable beauty had attracted my attention. She possessed that rare type of prettiness that is wholly South ern. Great, deep blue eyes, the face perfect in every feature, hair rich in its abundance and wonderful in its tint This is her story: Twenty years ago, when the tide of battle in long, bloody waves swept over the terrible field of Manassas, a baby girl was left an orphan on the battle-ground. Dur ing the changes of the fateful day the home of tbe blue-eyed girl was at one time directly between the fire of both armies. As the first shots whistled above the house the parents started to flee for a place of refuge. A dozen yards from the door both were shot down, and the baby, an orphan, with out sister or brother, was alone in the world. The battle ragei on, dead and | dying were everywhere, but the baby was unharmed. The day wore away, and just as the sun's last rays, half hidden in the curling smoke, sadly kissed the earth good-night, General Jubal Early, riding by, heard the ba y's cries. He dismounted, and, taking the little waif up, cared for it until he could place it under the care of his sisters. They watched it through its infantile years, giving it an educa tion and a world of love, and now that baby, grown to womanhood, lovely and accomplished, the pet of a large circle of friends who call her ' Waif,' is the sole support of these two women, sis ters of the confederate general. She talked to me modestly, y< t gracefully, of her early years, and her beautiful eyes filled with tears as she spoke of her two old friends. If I should write her name it would not be a strange one here, for all the city knows Miss Ida Henry." Sparrows on Toast. A popular French cook of this city who knows something about sparrows says the new law should be hailed with delight by all good livers. The sparrow, he says, is not only good to eat, but is really a great dehvacy, and in France nothing enjoys greater pop ularity aim ng gourmands than the sparrow when properly prepared in pot pie or fricassee on toast, it is a secret of the American kitchen that young sparrows have not infrequently done good service in the seasons when the tender and succulent reed bird has been less plentiful than usual. A well broili d young sparrow is easily mis taken for a Delaware reed bird. All this, to the French cook's idea, is worth considering when the slaughter of the little birds really commences, if it ever does, and he thinks that if the little pests must go they may as well be put into the broiling pans of the kitchen as to be thrown away.?Phil adelphia Record. Doctors. The proportion of doctors to popu lation is given as follows by the Sigh medico : Fr.nce.2D1 per 10.003 Germany.y*21 " A-.Blria.S*41 " ?njiand. G " Hungary. i^IO " Ita?y..?10 " Switzerland. 7'0G " Dnitod States.16-24 " AUGUST 16, 1883. REMARK AULE ME.V. TlicVornclon? l'olo and the Very Greatest of Enters?Pelcr, the Wild Boy-The First Living Skeleton?.! Mnn of Wonder fnt Memory. Among people who have become re- 1 markablc by their differing from the ordinary run of humanity, Charles ' Domery, called "The Voracious Pole," excited" great wonder in his day. lie enlisted in the French service, and was captured by the English in 1799 and immured in a Liverpool prison. When in camp, if bread and meat were scarce he made up the deficiency by eating four or five pounds of grass daily. In one year he devoured and skinned 17-i cats, dead and alive. When very hungry he did not wait to kill them before eating. He also ate dogs and rats, and even their entrails if food was scarce. When the ship surrendered on which he was on board, finding nothing to eat but a man's leg that had been shot off, he-began to eat it, when a sailor snatched it from him and threw it overboard. In the Liverpool prison, although double rations were allowed him, he devoured everything he could get from the other prisoners, and would even swallow their medicines. He daily ate raw a bullock's liver, three pounds of candles and several pounds of raw beef, and all that they would give him of beer or water. His stomach re volted at nothing and retained every thing. The doctors, wishing to try how muc'.i he could eat in one day, tested him. At 4 in the morning he broke his fast by eating four pounds of cow's udder raw. During the day, which was hot, and his appetite poor, he consumed in all: cow's udder, four pounds; raw beef, ten pounds; candles, two pounds, and five bottles of porter. He restrained his appetite on this test occasion because the other prisoners frightened him by telling him the doc tors were going to experiment upon him. The greatest eater that ever lived existed in the days of old Parr, in the beginning of lb'OO. His name was Nicholas Wood, of the county of Kent. One of the writers of the time says: "He did eat with ease a whole sheep, and that raw at one meal; at another time thirty dozen of pigeons. At Sir William Sedley's banquet he did eat as much as would suffice for thirty men. At Lord Watton's, at one meal, he did eat four score and four rabbits. On one occasion he devoured eighteen yards of black pudding. He made an end of a whole pig at once, and after it three pecks of damsons. At another time he ate six penny loaves, three six penny veal pies, one pound of butter, one good big dish of thornback, and a peck loaf in the space of an hour." Neither of these men were of ex traordinary size, nor in other respects were they different-from other indi viduals. ??'Old Boots" was. aniObject_or_ciirir ~J^^k?$3$ l?st^ce?^y: He waCv bootblack and 'servantTlt a"h inn Iri Rlpon, Yorkshire, and was called " Old Boots of Itipon." His nose and chin v/ere so long and so close together that he could easily hold a piece of money between thorn, and visitors were usually so tickled at the oddity of the feat that they seldom failed to witness it, and customers thronged from far and near to 3ee "Old Boots." Peter, the wild boy, was found in 1725, in a forest near Hanover, walk ing on his hands and feet, climbing trees like a squirrel?nude, and feed ing on grass and moss. With difficulty he was caught and taken to Zell, Han over. He was undoubtedly a human being, and was supposed to be about thirteen years of age, but could not speak, consequently no information could be obtained from him as to how he came to be living among wild beasts. After several times escaping to the woods, Peter, as they named him, was taken to England and exhibited. He had hardly any ideas, could scarcely he induced to wear clothes, and would not sleep in a bed, hut slept crouched in a corner, which led to the supposi tion that he had always slept in a tree for security against wild beasts. He could never be taught to converse, though he would get out a few words. George I. gave him a pension, and placed him with a farmer to live. Peter was a giant for strength, though his height was only five feet. He ac quired many civilized habits, such as overweening fondness for liquor. He was of a gentle disposition, notwith standing the savagery of his early life, but could never he induced to notice the fair sex. He died at the supposed age of seventy-three. How a human b.'ing came thus deserted in the woods has ever remained a mystery. The very first living skeleton, and from whom all. subsequent ones take th' ir name, was (.'laude Sowrat, horn in France in" 1797. He was tall, and would have been well shaped had there been any flesh on him, but every hone in his body could be seen. His arms were compared to an ivory fiute, and the abdomen seemed to cling to the vertebrae. He made a fortune by ex hibiting himself, and went to his na tive place to enjoy it, but suddenly ex pired soon after his retirement. The first professional corn-cutter on I re?ord was named Hardman. During the reign of William III. I London swarmed with adventurers j from Holland. Among them was Hardman. lie called himself a chiropodist, and by the singularity of his dress, and the airs and elegance he affected soon attracted attention. lie became patronized by the great, and even operated on the toes of the king himself. He amassed wealth and live I in splendor. A man named Maglinbechi w:ts possesed of an extraordinary memory, lie win born in Italy, in 1633. His parents were so poor that they were glad to have him engaged as errand-boy to a grccer. He could not read, yet was always poring over the old leaves of hooks used as waste-paper by his employer. A Ivok-seller know I Ing the hoy could not read asked him what he meant by staring at the printed paper. He said he did not kn w, hut would only he happy if he could live with him w!:o had always so many books. The book-sell: r em ployed him. He soon learned to read, und what was m ist remarkable he read In every language, never having b.-en (aughtany. Iiis extraordinary appl'ca tiou, remarkable talents and prodigious memory made him famous. Va was Appointed librarian to the Cardinal de Medici. He rt ad every thing indiscrim inately, and reta'ntd not only the I cense * but the words, and even the manner of spelling. Magliabechi grew so renowneJ lor the vast extent of his reading and his amazing memory that the learned u.ually consulted him when they were writing on any sub ject. If a priest was going to write the life of a saint he would request llagliabechi's assistance as to refer Mut ences. The librarian would tell him ?? uo had said anything about that par ticular saint, and name certain au thors, giving sometimes as many as a hundred, naming the hooks, the words, and the very number of the page. He did this so frequently and so exactly that he came to be looked upon as an oracle. The Grand Duke Casino III. made him his librarian. One day the grand duke sent for him, and asked him if ho could get him a book that was particularly scarce. " No, sir," he replied, "it is impossible, for there is but one in the world. That is in the grand signior's library at Constanti nople, and is the seventh book on the second shelf, on the right hand as you go in." What Petroleum Killed. In the prosperous days of New Lon don, Conn., as many as six whalers used to came in one day to that port. They had made voyage? of two, three, and even five years. Six whalers would enter the harbor together, cash striving to come in first. "When the anchor was let go from the side of the first ship to get in a boat was lowered and the burly captain was set ashore. Everybody shook hands with the cap tain, and to each shake he replied with a grip that would have pulverized an English walnut. This was in the golden years of 1848,18*11 and 18M\ Prices were high and sales quick, both for oil and bone, and the voyage afforded splendid " lays," as the whalemen said. Even the dark-faced Portuguese, the Gotv/a los and Petros, had for their share $100 or $200 in gold ! At that time Beach, lira Hey and Porter street were nothing more than rows of boarding houses and saloons for sailors. All nationalities were rep resented at the carousals. There were Portuguese, Kanaka*, Chinamen, Mexi cans, negroes, mulattoes, red Indians, Lascars and Norwegians. Money was poured upon the bar and no change was asked for. Gold was only gold while it was being spent. The New London of that time was full of fat negresses in pink and yellow gowns and wearing monstrous earrings and breastpins. Fights were'common, and then sheath knives flashfJ? above the heads of the motley * merrymakers. Jealousy, inflamed by drink, was the usual cause of these affrays. The pro prietor of the dance-house would soothe hi3 customers into decorum by caressing their skulls with the sword of a swordlish or with an island war club which some native had one day pawned for drink. The return of these richly laden ships (and the fleet was then so large that one whaler came in weekly while another went out) always brought prosperity to the commercial world of New London. But whales became scarce. Thi? was the result of the in discriminate slaughter which the whalemen had made. Before long pe troleum was discovered. The market soon dropped to a point that rendered further succepsfid?jyjj^^ cnWt^^efc^Tsiflp sallsoutof the port of New London now, and but few schooners are engaged in sea-elephant and fur-seal fisheries. The great lieft of ships, having ou'lived their useful ness, laid their bones during the rebel lion at the bottom of Charleston and other Southern harbors. I How Tacks are Made. The iron is received from the rolling mills in sheets from three inches to twelve inches wide, and from three feet to nine feet in length, the thick ness varying, according to the kind of work into which it is to 1 e made, from one-eighth to one-thirty-second of an inch. These sheets are all cut in thirty-inch pieces, ami by immersion in acid cleaned of the hard outside flinty scale. They are then chopped into strips of a width corresponding to the length of the nail or tack re quired. Supposing the tack to be cut is an eight-ounce carpet tack, the strip of iron, as chopped and ready for the machine, would be about eleven-six teenths of an inch wide and thirty inches long. This piece is placed firmly in the feeding apparatus, and by this arrangement carried between the knives of the machine. A teach revolu tion of the balance wheel the knives cut off a small piece from the end of the plate. The piece cut off is pointed at one end and square for forming the head at the other. It is then carried between two dies by the action of the knives, and these dies coming together form the body of the tuck under tlio head. Enough of the iron projects beyond the face of the dies to form the head, and while held firmly by them, a lever strikes the pro jecting piece iato a round head. This, as we have said before, is all done during one revolution of the wheel and the knives, as soon as the tack drops from the machine, are ready to cut off another piece. These machines are run at the rate of about 250 revolu tions per minute. The shoe-nail nuvhine, for cutting headless shoe nails, are run at about 500 revolutions per minute, and cut from three to five nails at e^eh revolution. French Funerals. TJic law on religious and civil fun erals, which has just been finally voted by the French senate, provides that the last wishes of every individual as to what ceremonies shall or shall not be used when his or her body is laid to rest shall be fully respected. If the intentions of the deceased are disputed, the decision r< sts with the judge de paix, from whom an appeal lies to a higher court, anil this judgment is final. The last will or other written testimony shall be the only admissible evidence, and both courts must decide within twenty-four hour.J. The penal sanctions of the law are very strin gent; any minister of religion who dis obeys the order of a court is liable to a year's imprisonment for the first of fense and to five for the second, and it is presumed that those who unlawfully withhold religious rites will be visited with the same penalties. Civil?that is, non-religious?funori?s have of late greatly increased in Paris, in April, 1881, the percentage was seventeen; in April, 1S82. it was twenty-one,- and last February it had risen to twenty four.? Pall Mall Gazette. A Cool Vocation. A young man stepped into the ex press ollice, and the manager, suc cumbing to the universal custom, asked: "Does this weather suit you?" "Very well," replied the young man. "I thought you would find it ex ceedingly warm," said the manager. "Oh, no," replied the young man; " I get a cool reception everywhere I go." Tho young man was a collector? Columbus {Ca.) Sun. JSTO. 25. ? jn-iw i ? SAILORS' SUPERSTITIONS. ."Mnrtnr-rn' Ken-on* for Believing Certain Thing)* L'nlneky. The prevalent idea that superstition exists only among the very ignorant is far from true ; yet with the saiior su perstition seems to 1)3 inborn. Let one attempt to deny Jack's theory about "Davy Jones' locker," ?n the bottom of the sea, and he will be met with strong, if not convincing, argu ment that lie is mistaken. Davy Jones is credited with having many set laws, Which, though they may be unwritten, must be rigidly observed. To go to sea on Friday, the earning of dead bodies at sea, the killing of a cat, the harming of one of " Mother Carey's chickens," the dropping of a water-bucket overboard while wash ing down decks, are believed to be offenses for which Davy Jones will demand satisfaction either by the sacri fice of one man, or the pulling of a ship and its entire crew into his locker. The carrying of a corpse on the ocean longer than it is necessary to sew it up in canvas with heavy weights to insure its sinking below the depths which fishes frequent, will cause a panic among a ship's crew. The killing of a eat on hoard a i vessel is thought extremely unlucky, an I woe to the person who should be found guilty of such an a-t. A naval vessel on a voyage fiom I'era to New York, by wny of the Straits of Ma gellan, had on board an ill-tempered and get.erally disreputable cat which no one had any love for. This animal mysteriously disappeared one night after the vessel left Valparaiso, and though one of the firemen wa3 sus pected, the proof coull not be ob tained. For the remainder of the voy age the captain and several of the other officers, as well as .all of the sailors, predicted the vessel would surely be lost. They daily watched for the king of the mighty deep to ap pear and demand satisfaction for the crime; yet the ve sei reached the New York navy yard after a remark ably pleasant voyage throughout In this case the wives and sweethearts who had longingly waited for three years for the ship's return were given the credit of hauling on her (imag inary) line and bringing her safely past Davy Jones' minions. There is scarcely a sailor who does not verily bilieve that it is unlucky to go to sea on Friday, yet it has been asserted that the masters of some of our big steamships would as soon sail on Friday as on any other day. Yet the records of Fridays do not support the assertion and this can bo seen by anybody who will peruse theshipnews column of the Saturday's papers. Let one go around among the officers of the many steamship lines and see if he will find any whose vessels regularly sail on Friday. Only a few weeks ago one of the large ocean steamships steamed away from her pier in? New^ York on Friday and * anchored*"'in to starting on a Voyage on Friday. The "ocean tramp" steamship Rhiinindda, which was wrecked on the Nova Scotian coast, sailed from New York on the previous Friday. This supersti tion seems to prevail in yachting circles as well, and the question was asked a few days ago, " When was there ever a yacht regatta on Friday?" Regattas do sometimes occur on that day, however, but it is seldom. Jack has many curious ideas. For instance, if the moon has sharp horns it betokens fine weather, and if it is lying on its back with both horns up bad weather is at hand. Again: " Whontho sun sots in a silver bell, An easterly wind is as suro as-" When one of Mother Carey's ohick ens, or stormy petrels, is seen near the ship a storm is approaching, for these birds are rarely seen in fair weather. It is a forecastle notion that the petrel is so named from St. Peter, on account of its running with closed wings over the surface of the waves. This brought to mind the walking of St. Peter upon the water, and the sailors think the bird was therefore called " petrel," as a sort of diminutive of the apostle's name. These birds have been known to follow a vessel during a storm for many days, apparently with neither food nor rest, and without Happing their wings. If one of these little birds should be swept aboard in a great storm, as is frequently the case, no sailor will touch it. The dolphin and porpciso are un welcome to the sailor when they sud denly appear during a calm, and, i' they skip about, a severe gide is ex pected. If sharks follow a ship for several days it means that a death i:i to occur. Any one who has seen the haddock must have noticed a mark on each of the gills. This, sailors assert, was made by St. Peter with his finger and thumb when he took the tribute money out of the mouth of the fish. This perhaps accounts for the belie!5 of Scotchmen that it is the "richest" fish that was ever put on the table. The most superstitious sailors are the .Scandinavians, who believe in the ex istence of Neck, a merman, having the head of a man and the ilowing ringlets of a girl. Neck, wearing a red cap, sits upon the waves and plays upon the harp. His melody is so at tractive that sailors become charmed by it, and in this way many have per ished. The Norwegians are firm be lievers in the " kraken,'' a monster devil-fish, whose body is over a mile long, only to be found in the deepest waters. It feeds upon fishes and de vours whole schools at a t ine. Fisher men who have mistaken it for an islaml, and taken refuge upon its back, have been drowned in the whirlpool made by the sudden sinking of the monster.?New 3 ork Tribune. The Guinea Cows. Lowndes county, (Ja., is the home of the diminutive guinea cows, as they are now called, though that was not the first name of the breed. It is a disputed point whether or not the orig inal stock was brought from Minorca, but the breed was undohutedly per fected by the late Colonel .Stapler, who before the war was a man of large wealth and kept open house on a fine estate near Valdosta. It was his idea to breed a race of cows suited to that region?scant feeders of small size, do cile, hardy and wide rangers. "He succeeded," says the Atlanta Constitu tion, " in getting an admirable little animal that could live on the native pasturage of the pine barrens and stand any sort of exposure. It averages thirty-five inches in height, has an im mense bag, is as gentle as a dog, and asks but little other food than what it picks up. For years it was known as the Stapler cow, and it was dubbed the ?guinea' after some of his herd had been sold." special requests. L All chances in advertisements must reach us on Friday. 2. In writing to tiiis office on business always givo your name and postoffice ad dress. 3. Articles for publication should-bo writ ten in a clear, legible hand, and ou only on* side of the page. 4 Business letters and communication*", to be published s hould bo written on 6eparatd sheets, and the object of each clearly in dicated by necessary noto when required. . job i?RiJSTnx& DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH TERMS CASH. THE GOOD VHFE'S PHILOSOPHY The good wife bustled about the house, Her face still bright with a pleasant smile As broken snatches of happy song Strengthened hor heart and hand the while The good man sat in tho chimney nook, His little clay pipe within his lips, And all he'd mado and all ho had lost, Beady and clear on his finger tips. ?Good wife, I've just been thinking a bit, Nothing has do:io very well' this yoar;" Money is bound ta be hard to got? Everything is bound to bo very dear; How the cattle are going to bo fad, How we're to keep tho boys at school, Is kind of a debt o.ud credit sum : I can't mako balance by my rule." She turned her head around from tho baking bread, And she faced him with a cheerful laugh; "Why, husband, dear, one would think ? . That tho good, rich wheat was only chaff And what if tho wheat was only chaff, As long as wo both are well aud strong: I'm not a woman to "orry a bit, Somehow or other we get along. "Into somo lives some rain must fall, Over all lands tho storm must beat, Bat when the rain and storm aro o'er The after-sunshine is twice as sweet Through every straight wo have found a road, In every grief wo have found a Fong; We have had to boar, and had to wait, But somehow o:: other wo got along. " For thirty years wo have loved each other, Stood by each other whatero: befell; Six boys have called us father and mother, And all of thom living, and doing well. We owe no man a penny, my dear, We're both of us loving, and well and strong. Good man, I wish-you would smoko again, And think how well we've got along." He filled his pipe with a pleasant laugh; | He kissed his wife with a tender prido; He said: "I'll do as you toll ma, love, I'll just count up on tho other side." She loft him then with his bottor thought, And lifted her work with a low, sweet song? A song that followed mo many a year, Somehow or oth er, wo get along. HUMOROUS. Toe mule is apt to be behind in his-s ousiness. A master of free-hand drawing?A pickpocket. The turn of the " tied"?Starting homeward after the wedding trip.? Derrick. Seeing a carriage full of belles and beaux drive by, Aminadab remarked i that that reminded him of a load of wooed.?Marathon Independent. j( Glove contests aro not unknown to > the fair sex. Did you ever see a young/ lady putting on a tight pair of kids while the last bellis tolling for church, 'Sundaymorr'.in;5?-^i?o;;2e ncntind.. The New York paper;-; insist that the D^Jn John L.. Sullivan's nam filfl...uii^Trer--: is for Love, "for ~" Love levels all."?Boston Bulletin. Flies have their uses. Their persist ency in lighting on unprotected noses I lessens the amount of piano practice in summer time, when all the win ' dows are open_Philadelphia News. j A well-known llorist says that flowers will keep better wrapped in ' a wet newspaper than in any other ! way. This is another argument in I favor of subscribing.?WindAam Coun j ty Sunbeam. j It's Lowell who a3ks, "What is so : rare as a day in June?" is it not Well, now. if he had only stopped i think a minute, he might have kn that the 29th of February was t?d swer to the riddle.?Harvard L ! poon. I A cucumber five feet long is exl ited at New Orleans. It isn't skj counts in a cucumber, howev little, stubby fellow, three by , inches, has proven enough to ex1 an ordinary-sized stomach to an acher. ?Pittsburg Telegraph. I A collector wrote to General Shcr : man for his autograph and a lock of ; his hair, and received in reply: "Tho J man who has b^er- writing jny auto i graphs has been discharged, and as my i orderly is bald i cannot comply with j either of your requests." I Recently, when a handsome young woman went to a shop to get onc-of, those wooden contrivances that are used for mashing potatoes, and said: I "I want a masher," every man in the shop, from the cashier to the manager, started up to wait on her. (f? " Satira Jane," said a fond mother the other morning to her daughter, "did Daniel Johnson kiss you on the steps last night?" " Xo, mamma, ho did not.*' If the fond parent had said mouth instead of steps, it would have troubled Jane to reply: although, after all, steps are tilings to a door.?Boston Courier. "What is this man charged with?" asked his honor of a police oflicer in the Tombs police court yesterday as Paddy Duffy was arraigned at the bar. " With whisky, your honor, 1 believe," answered the olliccr, with n smile. " We'll send him to the island until ht's discharged," answered his honor. ?New York Journal. "Save the Sweetest Kiss for Mother'' is the title id' the latest new song. The iiuthor evidently overlooks the fact that the young man's precious time is so completely occupied in paying Ids respects to the daughter that I he old lady stands a mighty slim chance of getting any kiss at all.?'Sold Leaf. A Pennsylvania man has obtained the cradle in which he wasrockf.il as a baby and the cradle which he swung in the harvest field as a youth. All he needs now, to set up a museum of old memories, is the -witeh his mother used to lick him with, and the switcli his wife had on when he married her. ?Burlington Fn e Press. W0NDB0US WISE. There w.is a mr.'i in our town, And ho wa< wondrous wUe : For when he marked Ii s | rice-: d iwn, Ho then di 1 advert se. And when ho saw hi i trade in-ro ise, With all his might and main He marked b ill lower ovo y price, And advertised agato. ?Detroit I'.tc Press. THAT DBEA.DFOL DOCTOB. _/ Ho warns us in eating, he w.r n; us sn dririC ing, Ho warns us in reading and writing and thinking: He warns us in foo -ball, foot-:ace, eight* oar "stroking," He warns us in dancing and cigarette smok ing; Ho warns us in taking chnmpagao and canooing, He warns us in wearing rod socks and .-ham pooing; Ho warns us?of drains?In our snug coun try quarters: He warns us?of fev.?r?in mire al waters. Ho warns us ia?everything morial may mention. ? But?wha t gi vts rise To but little surprise Nobody pays him tho slightest attention! ?London Punch..