The Pageland journal. [volume] (Pageland, S.C.) 1911-1978, November 29, 1922, Image 4

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. t # *" . * 4 mmmkMMM The SALE Y Good Quality Apron Ladiei High Ginghams Vici a liarya 9c PER YARD CLOTH! CLOT CURTAIN SCRIM C H A M BR A Y, A LL COLO RS GOOD QUALITY APRON GOOD QUALITY MATRESS TICK QUILT CALICO, All Colors GOOD QUALITY DRESS GINGliA OUTINGS?A li Colors. i. _ - - ' O A..n ?? I a uuiicc ACA Feather Tick . ^ Col 29c Per Yard BOY S SUITS Children's Suits $??' * Children's All wool Caslnmurc Children's All Wool Serae W) Roys' All Wool Cashemere I KJ) Bo>s' All Wool Cashemere 4 1 <S Bo\s* AH Wool Ciishemere . Boys' All Wool Blue St r*e : "S Rro t' AH \? / i We Give Nothing' FMEE! BUT GOOD ? tL^i vaiue? For loiir Money TO THE PUBLIC: I! mn:?lt'itic:p;ife<l i l.irh?r marl York Cily, 1h tVi*<iket of the W rid, b pci iiiut' time, rvKl < iu stocl.s I t in" coi in nlioneri on ikis sheet :i*i with hund I ran hom-stly sav iha* these phc an onnorim.iiv Ir .. ?i??e .. - -?..a . ...... imo ic uuk ?> 11;i]r t i we do not offer von Baits or r'ree Prizei J c:in trutlltnilv s-iy, this is u:; Honest-T \ 11 unr-i ,, ' ' -ri No ou Have Been COME? An OP "OR 5* Snlifl f f'Hthpi' I tlon'c llpatn Heel Shoes; Tan, c. . . . r md Patent?A Big Shirts and I ?98c 45< 4 A PAIR EACI HI i r~r j One Lc " 9c ' Children's ! ^MS ? yc All Leatl ms:::::::::2 ill79l ....--_nc_J_ 11 Lot Ladies' Dr Boy' S ? 1 Lot Old Ladies 1 Lot Children*' tton Sweaters 1 Lot children's Men's Seoul 44c $iJ SHOES?All Leather . Children's Tan Call I hit. Shoes $1 49 ( diiltiren's Stitch Dow ts Tan Shoes :>l 19, $1.79, $1.95 I Genuine KC Skuffer 39, $1 59, $2.39 Girls' G. M. Shoes $109 i Girls'G. \1. Shoes 1.89 ' Little Gents' ran Ei nli h Shoes 109 1 Misses' Pan Ennhsh SI: ?es 1.89 \ n Ian English m U I {hi. Shoes 1 89 Underwear | dies' Ribbed Shii Is and Dr:\vers 39c o\ s* Heavy Fleece Union Suits 59c. t*>9c, 79c. Mt n's IJn!vy Rihhetl Union Suits 9hc Hoys Heavy Fleece Drawers 19c Men !lenv\ Fleece Siiirts and Drawers 45c SHOES?AH leather Mor-V T...1 L'nnWflli ...wl ?!.. CI -JO n I .III 1,11^113:1 H1!U 1)111, AUDI'S VC.i't Mor.'s (J, M. Islti Slu t s 2 89 M? ii*:? yici Mil Shots 2 89 Men's j\?n English and Rhi Shots 2.9r? $6 Yd. Tan English and Rlu Shoes d.89 Y.null's scout Shoes ,1.49 v Sc m hots 1 t>9 kot (if: merchandise, )UR 3UYF.KS. who ought and bought lu viu. 1 his saie co mpkte in all depart! T.t , I advise that y< reds of other Farpai? rot mentioned Iur< es quoted are 'ess th n; nuf .cti: rs' pri )CCiirrence, I say Grr o it. Y< n \ '.II not b, l>lit what we 1I0 Gi 'anle.ii. Good Vnli o-Goodness-Sale. BLN HIRSCH, I V^hsh vp* vv* * * . I \ \ I V ' \ 4 ^ * 9 m:- . ; * ?w < Looking ForTUNITY WORT! v Fleece I Heavv Oualll drawers Color Out e 11< ~\ . ; I PER YAP * *v* >t Ladle . ? i ? Shoes, Bedroom SI tier All Col . [ 79< e?s Sh )? ^ f Comforts Tan Shoes . G. M. Shoes t Shoes oLadies' Bedroom \ti? r Leather So 19 59c ?T' Ladies' and Priced Excel $3.98, $4.69, ? ? * on mo 9im tO Ychi Can Afford One At Th* SWEATERS Children's Sweaters 44j Boys* Oicy M'vy Sweaters 89c Men's 44 44 Sweaters 95c Children's Fancy 14 $1 19 Children's Wool 44 1 39 Misses' Wool Sweaters 2 39 Lad. Jersey Kibbed 44 2.60 MEN'S / These Suits are made of all Sport Models, English and Con anteed, had priced to suit evei $9.48, $10.98, $11.9 < ro locator! in New ? mini; at a most op < >u buy your wants < i'in. < ces of tod n* and as ' u on this >heel that 1 ie* for your Money. 1 Manager. * J " ' V I ^ I aoin -No BAITSaWHILE GRASP y Solid Mc n's Blue CIi linfl Work SI? ; 48c :D s' HEAVY QUA Uppers HEAVY OU A ors GOOD QUAL GOODOUAL e OUTING FLA GOQD QUALi HEAVY v\ EIC =4 1 c $1.69 1.79 Ladles' H 1.49 1.39 Dressc Slippers 88< Misses' Coats rtlonally Low $5.79, $6.8! and up. ese Prices; Look Them Over. * ?IVmr??_.AII fpnthpp Ladies* Shoes, Rub Heel $1 80 Ladies* BiU. Eng Shoes 2.3H Ladies' Eng. Shoes 2 09 Lad. run Calf Eng. Shoes 2 79 Lad. Tan Vici Eng. Shoes 2 89 Lad. Vici plain loe Shoes 2 69 Lad. plain toe heavy " 1.89 SUITS wool material and comprise servatives; workmanship gnar ybody's pocket. 5. $13.79, $14.95 UP. |T ^ "KERSHAW'S FAS lirsch's I \. g On i All BARGAINS jl ^ M lambray Good Qua,Uy Drcss "> 1 irls Ginghams > 10c i' PER YARD I H DRY GOODS LITY CHECK SHEETING 12 l-2c L1TY APRON GINGHAMS.... 12 1 2c ITY BLEACHING, 36in wide.. 13 l-2c ITY PERCALE 3o in wide 14c .N.nELS, all colors, heavy weight 13 l-2c 1 TY DRESS GING, Dark Patterns 14c jHT MIDDY TWILL 15c Ladlassfte Cloth ' ouse Fast Colors f :s Checks and Stripes i 20c tr Per Yard Boy's 2 Pants Suits All Wool Cashmere $5.69 ? | All Wool Cashmere 5.89 | ' All Wool Cashmere 6.19 8j AH Wool Cashmere 6.39 I All Wool Cashmere 6.89 | You Can't Beat These Prices Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Shirts j and Pants 39c. Each Men's Pants Wonderful Values $1.39. $1.79, $1.9$, $2.39 up 1 Lot Men's Hats 95c Men's Dress Shirts 69c Men's Socks, all colors 09c Laili*. s' White Undcrskiits 4;?c Ladies' Wants 49c >CH'S i * .TEST GROWING STORE." 2 4444444444444444K