fhe Pageland Journal
November 22, IS22.
[ Local News
and Bible Answers
| If Parents will neociin children to look op I
[ andmemoriae theBible Anawora.itwdlprore |
j o priceless heritage to them in after years. |
What did Jesus say in regard to
worthwhile investments and safe banking?
Matthew 6:19-21.
^ ?
Prayer meeting at Rose Hill.
i j rvk ' i j i
eotionseea ?z.zo Der nunaiea.
Cottonseed hulls $1 .00 cents
Church announcements on another
Cotton Tuesday:~Best short
24 to 25. Best Ions; 30 to 32.
Mr. S. L. Clark, of Jefferson,
was a Pageland visitor Sunday.
Mrs- W. L. Wade of Jefferson
was a Pageland visitor Tuesday.
Mr. J. H. Turne* 'e a business
trip to Charlot.s Friday
and Saturday.
Miss May Man gum spent, the
week-end in Cheraw as the guest
of Mrs. L. S. Griggs.
it e a a utniaren's LJorner
School children will find something
of interest there.
Mr. C. J. Funderburk who is
working in Charlotte spent last
week-end with his family.
Mr. C. W. Kirkley has bought
the VV. P. Guin place north of
Pageland joining the farm of Mr.
H. B. Graves.
Mr. W. L. Moore and family of
Hartsville spent from Saturday
to Sunday afternoon with Rev.
G. L. Ingram.
Mrs, I. Iseman of Cheraw and
?Mrs. Porter of Charleston are
visitors in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Cato.
Miss Flossie Linarle and Lucile
Munpro and Messrs. L. G. Mof-.
fattand Kenneth Hetzner were
Columbia visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Turner
from Charleston arrived Monday
for a few days visit - with his
mother Mrs. M. J. Turner.
Mr. Frank Howie and family
and Leon Watkins and family of
Harisville ssent Sunday with the
family of Rev. G. L- Ingram.
Mr. Henry D. Clark, of Greenville,
S. C., is here visiting his
limkhprn anrl nt.hor ralotiuao U^
will return in about two weeks.
Mrs. H. N. Askins, of Lancas
ter, is visiting relatives here for
a few days while repairs are in
progress on the school building.
Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Colson aft
er a visit of a week to their son
Dr. J. D. Co'son returned to
their home in Charleston Saturday.
The South Carolina Conference
will meet at Marion Nov. 20.
Rev. G. L Ingi an^will attend the
sessions which will last about a
Mr B. E. Punderburk, of Angelus
went to Charlotte Monday
He will uddergo an operation at
the Charlotte Sanitorium in a
few days.
The land known as the Porter
place near Parelano will be sold
at Chesterfield Court House
Monday Dec. 4, at 12 o'clock for
The Court of Common Pleas,
fall term, will convene Monday,
Dec. 4. at 10 o'clock Kaa not ir?n I
in another place. The jury list
may be found on paare one.
Mr. R. L. Deason, who has
been living in Lancaster, has
moved to Monroe and is employed
at the Icemolee Cotton Mill.
He was a Pagelaod visitor Mon
[ Mr. and Mrs. R J. Funder
burk and two children of Dudley
visited the home of M r. Preston
Threatt of Charlotte, Route 7
Mr. Threatt is son-in-law of Mr
Funderburk and is engaged ir
painting at Charlotte.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Smitl
have returned from their wed
ding trip to northern points anc
are now at home to friends ai
Jefferson. Mrs. Smith was Miss
Gladys Walters, daughter; tit M r
and Mrs G. B. Walters of Lanes
Creek. Mr. Smith is well known
here. He is a successflu cottor
We have arranged for you t(
write letters or read the dailj
papers at our barber shop while
you wait or rest. Call in to see
us. .. - ' ;New
Barber Shop.
. Married
Mrj Claude S." Huntley, of Win
gate, N. O., Route 1, and Miss
Sadie Preason, of Monroe, N C.
Route \vere .married by Rev
R. Thos. Blackmon at the parson
age Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock
Five Forks Services
Rev. W. V. Jerman will on nex
n 1 i ? * ? ?
ounaay at 11 o ciock preacn ms
last sermon as pastor of Fiv<
Forks M. E. Churce. He has al
ready been five years, on tin
work. All are cordially invitee
to attend the service.
Dr. and' Mrs. C. B. Colsor
were entertained at the Blackvvel
hotel last Thursday evening
Quite a number were present anc
enjoyed the occasion.
' Conversation, music, recita
tion and refreshments constitut
ed the program.
Store Robbed
Robbers entered the store ol
C- C. Lirfebaoy last Saturday
night and carried away practi
cally every article in the stort
that; was of any." value. ' Mr
Lisenby's store is on the Calhoufi
highway and in all probability
the thieves had their car wit!
Horton Ogburn
Sunday afternoon. 6:30 o'clock
at the home of Mr. Frank Byrd
Jefferson, Route 3, Mr. J. B
Ogburn and Miss Ola Horton, oj
Lancaster countv were married
A.fter supper the bride anc
groom left for the home of the
bride. Many friends wish then:
much happiness.
Notice of Court
Notice is hereby giveti that th<
Court of Common Fleas for Ches
terfield Countv. Fall t?rm wil
convene on Monday, Decembei
4th, 1922 at 10 o'clock A. M.
Jurors and witnesses take no
Grand Jurors need not attend
Nov. 11. 1922 Clerk of Court
Mr. Parker Resgfns
At a recent meeting of the di
rectors of the Hank of Papcelanc
Mr. L. L. Parker offered lib
resignation as president' of tlu
bank. It was accepted. The
bank has a man in view to sue
? J \ M _ f-fc -? -m - . .
weu ivir. traraer ana it ls likely
he will be secured, but as ye1
nothing of a delinite nature hat
j been divert out
. t <
Notice to Master Masons
You are requested to be at tlx
llall on Dec. 4, at 6 p. m., for tlx
purpose of electing officers a
7 p. m. We will have work or
II. M. degree at 8 p. m. Wil
: rve refreshment?* 8:30 p. m
: ! f?r which will continue th<
work. You must be there.
S. W. Watts,
Sec. Mt. Moriah No. 5?
A. & P. M.
Chesterfield Women Accidentally
1 Mrs. C., Jim Sellers, wife of
Deputy Sherriff C. Jim Sellers
| of this county. (was accidentally
shot Saturday morning while
eating breakfast.
1 Deputy Sellers had been out
early in the morning giving chase
I to a thief and had two guns in hie
hip pockets. Wheu he sat down
} g,t the breakfast table one of the
guns fell on the floor and wenl
* off, the bullet striking Mrs.
I Sellers j.ust above the knee and
II nenetratino- thp t.hiurh Th?
_ v..?n<a* A 11V v/uur
was untouched.
Chesterfield County Fair
y In speaking of the Pair the
7 State says in its issue of the 18th
Boll weevils, short cotton crops
i and the daily routine of just plair
life were all laid aside here this
week for the tenth annual county
The fair had a sendoff with
some zest to it Tuesday morning
i with all the schools in the countj
giving holidays for the. occasion
A greater crowd attended that
day than ever before on an open
ing day.
One of the largest drawing
cards was the poultry exhibit
All enteries were open to "the
t world." Rhode Island Reds
5 were the largest factor in the
3 show. Exhibits were here from
seven states. Judge W. H. Card,
i secretary of the Rhode Island
1 Red Association of America,
hung the ribbons. Parnell Mee
hon 1 1 1 J -- ? * '
wcvLi, luuai ureeuer, won Ilfsl
cockeiel and pullet. W. T
Brooker, Jr., of Columbia woe
1 first pen and also the huge loving
* cup for that exhibit. Aturkej
* banquet was held by the Chester
* field County Poultry association
About 150 members and guests
were present. After the banquel
short speeches were heard from
B. E. Adams of Charleston,
J udge YV. H. Card of Manchester,
Conn., and Miss Neely, state
j. demonstration agent. Ah the
speakers congratulated the fair
association on having such a fine
exhibit of birds at a county fair.
The feature of the swine department
was the exhibit of V.
r E. Kohn of Prosperity. Mr.
( Kohn's yixhibit won eight first
prizes and four second prizes.
The cattle department had
some of the finest exhibits that
have been seen in this part of the
: state. Guernseys and Jerseys
, were the leading classes.
riit i - *
a ne nome demonstration de
[ partment and the boys' and girls'
. club department were feature
I exhibits in farm work. These
1 department^ under Miss Mary
C. Haynie, home demonstration
agent, have made more progress
than auy other county.
I ' ?
Cut Your O
I And Break
We have !
A $27.50 and $4
rows $35.00,
$15.00 per pair
>. plows at $10.0
Don't torn
what you w
I prices.
Pageland Hard
L. 1. W>
. In all, the fair was one of the
greatest county fairs ever held
in this section of the state.
Route 1
1 Misses Laura and Ester Baker
of near Maishville spent Sunday
' with their friend, Miss Lillian T.
? Brewer.
Miss Lillian T. Brewer spent
, from Monday until Wednesday
! with her cousin, Miss Bennie
Price, in Pageland.
I Miss Bennie Price, of Pageland,
s spent a few days of last week at
the home of her cousin, Miss
Lillian T. Brewer.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Price, of
Pageland, spent Sunday with Mr.
5 Price's mother, Mrs, Mary Price,
: ot Marshville. Route 3.
Mr larlr Mr>/\rn nt Dn 1
, ..... ..." .'iuv/ip ui x aKCiuuu
made a pleasant visit Sunday on
r Marshville Route 3
Sunday School at Salem every
1 Sunday at 3 p. m. Everybody
> is invited to come and take part
r with us.
. Sunday School at Mt. Moriah
. every Sunday at 10 a. m. Every .
body is welcome to come and
, take part.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pope were
5 the dinner guests of Mr. and
s Mrs. lesse W. Brewer Sunday.
, Miss Annie Lee Lowery, who
is teaching the Mills school spent
I Saturday and Sunday with her
mother, Mrs. Lowery, at Alton,
' N. C.
The Churches
The Baptist Church.
Choir practice Friday night.
, Sunday School next Sunday
' 10 A. M.
" Preaching service at II.
' B. Y. P. U- Sunday night 6:30.
' Preaching service at 7:15.
' Everybody is cordially invited
5 to all these services.
| R. Thos. Blackmon, Pastor.
Methodist Protestant Church.
At Rose Hill next Sunday.
Sunday School at 10 o'clock.
Prayermeeting tonight led by
' R. Thos. Blackmon,
Come out and be with us.
j. W. Quick. Pastor.
i Send us the news.
? Cheraw, S. C.
j At Chesterfield Monday.
At Pageland Tuesday.
At Mt. Croghan Wednesday
i morning.
At Ruby Wednesday evening.
At Society Hill Thursday.
At Cheraw Friday, Saturday.
cf t t\/n Ljiainis
I Your Land .
stalk cutters at
17.50, disc bardrag
and two-horse
0 to $13.50.
get we have.
ant at lowest I
p are Company, I
\ . hORD |
150 acres of tlie best farm land
in this sectiou for sale or rent 3
dwellings with water in yard
of each. Out building at each,
extra fine pasture. If you want
a bargain see me now. J. M.
Gathings, Pagelar.d, R. 1. lip.
For Sale?Shoe and harness repair
shop in Pageland for sale.
Good stand for business. See
Ervin Rolling-, Pageland, S C.
It ia easy to reach us. When you
want your clothes cleaned,
pressed or repaired, just phone r
91, we'll call for them. City
i icaauig V_IUt).
The best self-rising flour going
cheap. Try a sack. J. W.
Mungo & Co.
Top* of the market for your cotI
ton seed at all times. Mungo
Guano We haye a grain fertilizer
on hand. Also 16 per cent acid.
Mungo Bros.
Shingles for Sale?No. 1. $6.50;
x's$5.50; No. 2. $4.50 Cut from
forest ridge timber. Sutton
Bros, Pageland, S. C.
Wanted all the eggs and chickens
we can get. Smith-Baker
Co., Pageland, S. C.
Bring us your chickens and eggs.
Sutton Bros.
Bring 3 our launury to Smith-Baker
Co., Pageland, S. C.
See J. W. Mungo & Co., first for
T. W. Wood & Son's Leaps
Profilic and Red May seed
Wagons, Wagons?We have the
1 Piedmont, Hickory and Nissen
I wagons. Sell or swap. Mungo
Bros 1
250,000 Early Jersey Wakefield
Cabbage Plants. Right age,
right size. Oakdale Farm,
Marshville, N. C.
Car of fertilizer for grain. See
me. A. F. Funderburk.
Butter?Can supply to customer
2 lbs. firm, yellow butter per
week. Mrs. R. S. Latimer,
For Sale?One good milk cow,
fresh, cheap enough. Joe
Hurst, Ruby, S. C. lip.
I For No
We have bough
your wants and
is complete, with
j ing almost daily.
Best C
B price and ^oinfir fo
I Come and sec
G. C. Man]
Is the place
Shoes, Hats,
Ties, Collars
I under w
if r
Dry Goods c
Yon P
J Smith-B;
?j Is also the place. Call, see tb
^ and then buy the goods and y
Rent?My bouse and lots.
See R. K. Kirkley. lOp
Seed Rye?Plenty on hand. Sow
rye. Mungo Bros.
Plenty hulls now on hand, at 75
cents hundred. Also plenty of
Cottonseed meal. I. E. Agerton,
Pageland, S. C.
For Sale?250 Elberta peach
. trees, two years old at I5ceach,
50 apple trees at 20c each. T.
W. Gregory, Pageland, S. C. 11
Fulghum Oats. Sow Fulghum
oats and realize a third more
on the same land See us. We
also have Abruzzi rye, Rosen
rve and seed wheat. Mungo
Wheat?Wc have Leaps Prolific
seed wheat on hand. Best
made, Woods. Mungo Bros.
Miss Effie Caroenter ooened a
dress making shop at The Blue
Bird the t8th. Ladies' suits and
Men's shirts made to order.
Relining of suits and furs, and
designing and embroidering
i are also in her line. Your patronage
solicited. *
Limited amount of soda. Will
swap 2 lbs. soda for 3 lbs. seed.
Also best exchange 0 3-3 for
your seed. J. E. Agerton, Pageland,
S. C.
Seed Exchange?We will give
you an even exchange in 7 per
cent meal for your seed, 200
lbs. soda tor 300 lbs seed, 3000
Ibs.V-C 8-3-3 guano for 2000 Ibsi
seed, or 2 tons 16 per cent acid
tor 1 ton seed. Bring us your
seed: will treat you right. Mungo
Bros. Pageland, S. C.
We haul any thing, anywhere,
any time by truck. R. A. Carpenter.
Jitney Line
From Pageland to Monroe
Leave Pageland 9 a. m. Leave
Monroe on return trip this week
at 3 o'clock.
Leave Pageland for Chesterfield
at 5 p. m. Return leaving
Chesterfield lip. m.
C. C. Price.
t the doorls to fill
now our stock
new goods arriviSt
HOES bought at the nght
r a small margin.
i tor yourself. 8
jum & Co. |
to get your
[laps, Gloves;
, Sweaters,
ear, Etc.
r is
>r Groceries I
Weed I
aker Co. |
le goods and get our prices I
ou will go home pleased. R
? I
\ - .