University of South Carolina Libraries
* . . \ SS1SSO ; i M AFT nilTCHFS! M IC >l I^mI ?r ini [Ml ^1 Ton cent* [BL. \ inj I a Button [Wsc I S 10 CENl S $11 f XSOQOOOO0QOOOO ?009QOQ060090 a Soig For Scbool . ?? Some boys, when they come into school, (And some girls, too) I grieve to be obliged to say That this is what they do: They wiggle An/1 iinrnrlo Tbey hang their heads And giggle; They twitter And titter; TU ov hnimro anri flniinrD I * UV/ l#VUUVV HUM IIVUUVV And Hitter. Whatever thought! their minds may fill, They've no idea of keeping still. Some boys, when they take up their books, (And some girls, too) I weep to be obliged to say T?t_ _ a .? _ - ?... .L J.. i uui iuis is wuui mey uu; They batter them. They tatter them; They crumple, rumple, Scatter them; They scrawl them, Aod maul them. They snatch and pull Ana naul tnem. Il makes me very sad to state A school book's is a wretched fate. Some boys, when tliey stand up in class, (And some girls, too) i Imagination will not pass To see the things they do! They shuffle And scuffle; . They sne?ze and wheeze ] And inunie: , They splutter , And mutter And stut-tut-tutTuttutter; ' They fumble And Humble: They grin and gasp And grumble, J ,*v .t ~ -v ? v . \ J, \ * ' ' \ V "x j " U- i ' I / i PANTS sat?sf?ed SKI [S A BUTTON in A DID ju n nir "THE BLI y " i . " JVlU I oooccosoooodi v Oh, if they knew how they ap- j, pear, They'd try to mend their ways' j that's clear! ?Exchange ^ Thanksgiving ' Ttie following is by B O. Wil- t liams, Assistant State Agent Boys' Club WoiX. Since this is the November issue of The Carolina Club Boy, ^ and since Thanksgiving Day ( comes in tnis montn, it is tilting that we say a few words in this ^ issue about this great day. What ^ is Thanksgiving Day? It is a day * set aside for the giving of thanks j as an expression of our love for the many blessings which we have received / If we turn our eyes backward only four years, we see the Unit- ' ed States and the rest of the 1 world in a great war. We should ] be thankful for the eleventh of ] November, 1918, the day known ( as Armistice Day. You boys i well remember how you felt I when you learned that the Ar- < WIIAll/tA Kn/1 Al ArM A/I II u'i9iii.c iihm uccu si^iicu. We should be thankful for life, ] health and happiness. For the 1 comfonsand conveniences which \ are ours to eojoy, we should be thankful. As club bo s we ouuht to. be thankful tor the open life of the farm, for sunshine and rain that makes our crops grow, and i lor food and raiment, our mouth s to speak with, our hands to feel v- ith and to do things with, and the other agencies which make \ life rich and happy, we should be i ibly thankful. In fact, there fa D' : so many things for which we s uld be thnnkful, that we can fa'!- turn our mjnds and our In rts to Him who made us and . j >? .a ' . I la i nm wdo nam power 10 take u % and say: ' Father, we thank Thee for 8 iove and tender mercies. Grant v ??? - - ' ' % * Your And nnr snnnlv will the next Two Months, your wants* Men's Clothing, Pants, Big Le Shoes ^ McKays Famous Stalk Catt Here is shown a real enough stalk cutter. -it will cut your large 8 stalks positively fifty per better than any other cuttei brought out. There is a reason. This i stalk cutter is positively chockable. We keep them on hand. UE BIRD* ?SE is blessings from above ^and each us to do the right things at til times." And, after we have done that, ve will, indeed, be happier club toys, and can help others to be lappy. Do not forget Thanksgiving Day, and do not forget the un* oriunate and needy, who might teed help from your hands and vho have not the things to be hankful fortbat you might have. Only Resting He yelled at the top of his /oice for two hours and then, (topped. "Well," Raid his mother, "are r'ou going to be good? Have irou finished crying?'* "No," said Tommy, "I have lot finished; I'm only resting." Love or Fear i 'Little maiden, tripping by. Parry, pray, and tell me why, fou more joyous seem thaoj?" ' .. J Till 1 vauy, yes, i u ten you way rlappy ?very day'am I, jod is watching from on high. Don't we all to Him belong? -Ie can never do a wrong; >o I sing my little song." 'Happy little raaidetf^free, reaching lessons sweet to me, fou but feella Father's love, Vhile I fear a God above." ' WiUle Stands Corrected Teacher: "Willie, did you talk n school today without permision?" 4iW - wiuie: jusi wunsi." * Teacher: "Johnnie, should Villie have said 'wunst?'** lohonie: ' "No*m. He should lave said 'twist.*" Joan of Arc Teacher: "Tommy, who was oan of Aac?" Tommy (who it considered reat at guessing) : MNoata*t rife." s 11 I Needs make business Boom for ' > We are prepared to meet Army Coats, Army aders, Rain Coats, and Hats. f RESH MULES. ler suie cent yei great non SWAP OR SELL 9 Home of QUAIIT t .. ~?? a I tlin r ' *? '* The package sugg Your,taste confin The sales prove i Over 7 billion sole ; % ' . ^ 0 v, \ * 'f ~ ~ % ,, s " K T.incrrT Be Mrtma Tobacco Co. Use The To make known It*. 'w . i ?? (Harness 8 Brand New Melrose Hour ^ Shoes m Cmta lfann (aaI Kvr iKiinnSnn cmvc juui icci uj wcaiwy y foot fitters and Red Goose * Shoes. N YGOODS 5 >S. ^ B | . ^ ^ "j ' \ v *. I ;?g #*?***%. if ' '- 'H : \ Convenient paekagm i&9 -gUutine-wrappZd. hestemeld rTfiAUrTTre ^ A A C/O journal your wants. It gets RESULTS - \