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r is i I Bin sa Days! One of the most VM which makes CLEAR Clean and Fresh Goo the possibilities of son. A glimpse at 01 word implies. All ol vancing rapidly, and that we haVe to offer prices COME. V LADIES*, MISSE! Keady We wish 4o call Ihe Ladles i Is full of Bargains. If yon low listed Items BUY NOW. large assortment. Extra, Extra?S Lot 50 Assorted Dresses in Broadi to $15.00 value, lust think o Lot A large assortment of Dress.1 t at this Clearance Sale Price, word in Dresses. Beautifully ret Twill. At only. Lot *- This lot includes all of our I Our Sale Price vanes from, $11.95, $13,95, S FLAPPE1 . >' 1 k %i? ? ?^ - we nave a lew Dresses left fi . i Dresses. These Dresses bav I! teiial, ftqd w W .CHICK. ... OOjy N " LADIE Lot I Few Ladies* Coats in Plaid B lilt 1 25 Ladies1 Coals, good qua! Brown. These Coats are vei go, only, - i Lot This lot consists of the best s found anywhere, in the latei these Coa|s were as high as out at only, * Lol This lot includes all of our be Tassels, Fur Collars. Fur Gu thing that makes a Coat Up ( $18.95 r . i Amrc' i LilVILa ' I LOI All Wool P'rench Serge in H from $15.95 to $17.95. This ! $ i LO Consists of our $19.95, $22 5 Suits are made up in Broadc Nayy, Brown and Cope, t n... r-I c_?_ ? t v^ut vyicuiniitc oitie > rice na: $15.95 $17.95, ciiujp r? ' 1 All sizes, all colors, large assf reduced ihe prices, $2.9*, $3.9; Hundreds of Items tfi WITVT HAAD TA nr wvvn A U A I r* * "' wmmmmmK?mmmmamm?m** H. I I > ?i < T- ?--fw JECESSI1 >b Joseph Starts Tlra ?? A?? PAL Problems In BU SINES ANCE Sates necessary foj Us, and we have nothing DARR1ED-0VERS," so as t< iir pr)ces that are listed b [ our stock is bought on tl I whatever you buy now < on this Sale is of the besl i* AND CHILDREN'S -To-Wear ? Mention to this Department as II have not bought any ot the be-. Come first and select from oar pecial On Dresses I No. 1 cloth, Serge, Tricotine, etc., $10.00 f it at palv, - $4J5 and 5.95 1 No. 2 s worth up to $20.00, to close out This lot consists of the latest ' designed in Tricotine and Poi H I No. 3 ; jest Dresses, values up 4o $29.50. | 514.95, up to $18.95 R DRESSES OT X : rom our assortment of FLAPPER e a ff it 10 mamh of self-same ma scoArs Mo. 1 C ' roadcloth, to close out at - $5.50 Vo.2C ity o! Broadcloth, in Black and y st\lisli and. neat; but thev must ^.95 No. 3 C issuuincfii 01 ?ooais mat could t>e ( it si\ !?'s und shades' Prices on $IU;Vr>, bin we are closing thim 1.95 t No. X C st Cc.iis s tne with wide Sleeves, ffs, Tun S Ik Lining, and every p-Di iv. P. ices range from, to $24.95 COAT stirs r no. i Hue and lilack, all sizes. Values Sale Price, 13.95 T NO. 2 0, $24..OS, $29.95 numbers. These 4qtl\ Tricoline, Poiret Twill, in laborulely braided ami designed ? cut them down to, , $19.954 and $22.50 iy\ rn htc ^ vj WilliJ irtment to select from. We h tve }, S4.U5 and $6.50 \ iat are not mentioned bo tWettTDEir INTHIS SA JE. AB . HE BANK OF UNION. - * If f , 7 : J , * ? B. 1 to's. Fi rsday Nov. IS ls~for the Merchant ft r the Merchant, an* PfcO that Is shelf - worn, out c i> enable as to pt*rt tflht/ elow will convince you te toe cotton basis, add ; will be ^t^savtnu of li i quality and up-to-date A >5 ~~ SkirUWe have divided our Large Ass Three Lots i Lot N All Wool Serge, Blue and Blacl lo $4.95. This Sale at only-r$2.1 Viift N ^ 9B'm m ^ This is the best ussortfnent of all. Plaids, etc. Value up to $6.50; ll $M Lot N Includes cur better grades of . which we have reduced to? U.?Sni S O! .TT-' Ladies' New Assortment of Ladies Hat incJudiog in. ogur Clearance Men's, Yonng Me,P CLOTI Men's Suits, all Wool, are guaranteed; to give poodped them at the t>ffce the Clearance J&J*S i^tTom " atl^ ^Q0*ir : T |HJ ' Lot N Includes ctor belter grades, valuj \ve have reduced to a price, tlW you want a very good suit at tt and see us during, this sare. Prir $18.95 $22,50 Men's jth Regular $20.00 to $25 00. Ov^rco Black, Brown and Dark Grey, to give you good service. Aijqpl $12.95 tin EXTRA HEAVY Men's Qve r\.. : .u -I wvcituai is wurui ddD UU ai II you appreciate a good bargain in see these?otherwise don't. C|M ? irP Men's OA 100 Men's Odd Coats, valtrfes; fro Bale at only? ! <4.95 jam Men's and Yopno I LolN 150 Odd Pants, all si2es and qolo irom, vaiues up to jb.ou, to go;on if.* Lot N 200 Odd Pants in Serge and NVor pen stripes and solids; divided int 13.95, $4.|S i mm F.YTRA ^PPnAT Mon'o Ki Dry Goods-f) Everything: in this Department Ginghams, etc. togoatGLAEF Men's Standard U. $8 50 value, Clearance iale fri at, each J i. vq> for lack of/space, to ( T nnv rnn rrui? c?r>Ei 1 run anc cyaaar*, -i JOSEPH EL?VJEN ( MMpfPr- '' Hi , ) V 1 V?~iB Gear 23, at 9 tfeh ??- > - ? keep tils Merchandlsi Leim m. *- ^ ifiiADue. vo vne tjomma I style, or the 11kg to oft next Season with as n< of our earnestness ln,n you know what eottof om 25 pejr cent to 25 per t So then if yon wanffl into $ is fol lows: tOit " c, Pleated or Plato; values up j I 18 I o. 2 } Consists of shades in Stripes, I lis Sale at ooly? S ' 1 to.l I skill), value) 0) high a?$9.96, f > **4 6.9* t Hats' o :s just arrived, which we are % jrrice&iiB ?? - - r - i fi.95 ^0,15^95 fi 5 and Children's | IING v - M eA allies, all colore. Tt^se 1 iKe^7?wil weeao** whfS it Sale haft cut them to ti ?5 <? 0 V<Sol Ko*li*h ttfoctted, [? valivet, to cloto out ?t- the- -fl w n ?- ? * 1 | O.J _ j ?s at high at $35.00, which, 3 r will mote them oat fist . If i le price of a cheap one come 08? and 124.9S P moats lato, in all Wool Broadcloth r Well made up.and guaranteed 0 ly? * . J IItfJfc I rcoats in -Bladt- only. . This be presagt* value. If ? i a Black Overcoat, come and ^ trance Sale/Price^- ? iff . C I Coats ' ; S m $6.95 to 17.95, to go on thia ^ 1 <5195 Men's Odd Pants 2 O. 1 * >rs, large assortment to select . this sale nt only?. > ^ . i o. 2 - /P sted, all wool, in all shades of p cMhfj^^groups?itt- ' m t oralis and Jacket*' fSc each P 1 1 ' I "H Jl Hi' i i * ifard Goods 2 i S, A. WmI Sktato | ice (only two to a customer) ? ?f i.. C M at Reduced Prices. N LOOK rOR THE PLACE. : ccsvip/ YEARS ON TtfE SAME B I ? it . i : ? ')>. * ' . ..... I'.-. ' 10 LAW *- * *1 ' ance Sal< >ck Sharp i as Clean, FKsli and ?mlty. Ttiougfi W stor? I er. We are^nlttnd this 5 ;w and Up-$%f3je Lines ftakinq this Aram ng Irig&fli All cotfo, . nd lood. dean merchandise; ;gBSr?asp WW8!J ?%SSil FRENCH OXR ,ndies<Brosrua Rn*n(n .Oxford, $4 9S ^dierfifpwn QxtavifcjS4.95 Value, t >adies Him Oltor^a.95 value, t ,adies Oae^Starp Par-nt, $4Ji> yfllu ,adies Two-Strsjf ~PatenC'Clearan< .adies Two-Strap * Patent, Clearan* SATIN SUPI ;?iSjMM2ar?%P* ) tie-StrapSatin Brocated Black, CI )ae Strap Beaded <?atin, $6?0.valu! LAMES Stt tidies High Cut Shoes, Black Ki Ims shea >? four styles sharp or >nly /idies High Cut Shoes, Brown, 1 nlue, this Sal.ejmly ... ?*df^' High .Cyt !?hoes. Brown, ; . \cHes Black Kid, Low Heel, E I ile .adies Brown Kid, Medium, Low I nly . FRENCH OXFC kp haze >bojQt orxe hundred paii rhese shoeswe guaranteed solid 1 nv Shoe that isnde; new pair ton. Values on these Shoes $7.0; uced them to If you appreciate good shoes bi Jen's Chocolite Stilt:, English* T' fe<s Chocolate Bal., English Toe; fetrk Black, Medium. Wide Toe feel; This Sale at only fen's Browp Biogue Bal., $7.50 ifjce ' , CHILDREN'S S l)1 triads of Children's Shoes to fit ermit us to give you; the pricey on ou like the shoe you'll like the pric " SWEATERS, SW ,adies' Sweaters, all colors and sha r Coat S|y|uftat only ill Wool Ladies' Tuxedo Sweaters, Adies? Slipovers, Alt Wool faotoHeftvy Gumbo Stitch, all colc lis Sale leA>well known' THERMO" Sv tandard.price On this sweater is $5.( Idler-kinds of Men's Sweater Coats ;hUdren'a Sweaters $1.0 3ftldten*? Slipovers from - '* : EXTRA. EXTRA S -f ->~T\? "T" ~ pool Thread, three to a customer CHILDREN'S 5c value at 20c; 20c value at 15ct ar MEN'S SO Sc value, all colors, (four to a custo LADIES' HC .11 colors, ifc value (four to a custoi HOB POLISH, all colors iTRAIGHT PINS, a paper A i?r?nnar nrM i niNO* a paper EXTRAi'tjiTRA, EXTRA Vi . C * 000 yards of Dark and Light Outir ae mills can produce it, 10 yards I lNCE SALE PRICE, at only 000 yards Apron Checks, fast coir oly. 15c value; Clearance Sale Pric UOU yards Bleaching, extra good q fide, cheaper than we could replace UplES' FUR CH ixtra Special Prices oo all the Fur bat.we have in stock, as follow s: ctre the Sale we were cheppcr than i^US^^r.this Sale nu* *0:^5 Choker, *thts Sale fcr$l&00 Choker, this Sale OWING RESERVED. EVE VOW'S FOR ECONOMY. M*rv (LOCK. 1 f>#t ' * * Tx T" ^* I I / I 15 11 e" Big I Days I to-Date as possible, I s Full o! Up to-Date I Jale on to eliminate I as we did tills Sea- | S^ Ji^sl what the I V materials are ad- i.| nd that everything at exceedingly low I iOES-SHOES % y at Greatly Reduced 1 it prices on the well a 9RDS J > value, this Sale $3 95 I bis Sale $3.95 I his Sale S3 95 i I le, this Sale - $8.50 I ce Sale Price - $3.95, i I ce Sale Price - $4.50 ; I ERS I yLouis Heel. $4.95 value. | I > ' - ' - - $3.50 j I earauce Sale Price $3.95 1 IS this Sale - - $4.50 ! m iES 1 d, $4 95 value. We have 1 wide toe; our Sale Price 1 $2.95 Medium Wide Toe, $4 95 . ..$298 and $3 50. Sharp Toe, Low Heel, this . " ~ 4 $2.95 xtra Good Quality, this $4.95' leel, Extra good quality, at . $4.95, * ) IRDS \ rs of FRENCH Oxfords, eather, hand made, equal | if they don't give satisfac to $9.?5. but we have re 4 uia otuv t live f.j s, Blucher, Extra Rubber $3.95 > value; Clearance Sale $5.50 HOES all ages. Space does not i alf. But we guarantee if :e. EATERS aes, Mixea wool l uxedo $298 Clearance Sale $495 $1.98, $2 50, $2.98, $3.98 >rs, "all wool," $7 50 value; $4.95 veater Coat, all colors, the K); this Sale price $4.50 i from $1 35 up to $2 98 0, $1 35, $1.75, and $2.50 $1.25 up to $3 95 FECIALS 3c each HOSE id 15c value at 10c X mer only) per pair 9c )SE mer only) per pair 9c 9c 3c 3c ILUE ON OUTING K, 15c value, cheaper than o the customer. CLEAR9c yard >rs, 5 yards to a customer e He S uality, 15c value, one yard 9 ? it, only 10c yard. I I0KERS ~~ 1 Chokers and Neck Pieces B (Remember that even be 9 others) 1 $2.50 E $4 05 1 $8.95 I RYTHING IN STOCK g MONROE, N. C. | * ... A .