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t 3 m P . HI X HI X s m 3 Wp ir^j ? i N 1 M N jj UNDERWEAR, SWEA M H Mcet'mc at IV Use More Care Ii Your Medicine It sometimes takes i ot medicine to sav not afford to take cl Bring Us Your 1 We use only the t that can be bought your doctor wants y We guarantee our p / Kennington's THE STOKES WITH Ppgeland, Ruby, * ' diift/vn L9UI1VII FO Flour, Hay, Cottoseei ?And a comple Heavy an Groc QUALITY AND PRIG L mi*> ,c. " ' ^ i . ? . * ' Dutchess P n's ( lothiiu A DANDY LI are also sho Coats, Oi ESMOND'S F00 DU TERS, GLOVES, LEGGINS, 1 Be sure you vf i Mi lungo Bros. x 0 n Securing prompt and effective action e a life, therefore you can lances. Prescriptions >est Drugs and Chemicals I. We give you just what ou to have. rices. Pharmacy, [ A CONSCIENCE and Jetferson. % -I tiros. R Grain and d Meal. ite Line of? H Ffin u m utivj >ries 1 GUARANTEED ii ii i < i* *4 t / - COA anls 10 cents* a H i fit Ppipoc thlfit | ut i a ivvu iiaut INE ot YOUNG MENS ( wing this seajso /crcoats, Et T FITTER $U0ESr||0LI TCHESS PANTS, USE, "BUNKS, AND SUIT CASES, jp sit jour Millinery and "THE BiME jj W AllgU OHLt " i^TOBIBcFu i Back I I ft i i 4 DEL |JL t * AIkBI i / v .^ . ? ..V Bp - * ........ V - v iassiMsii ^ . V. Button, $1.00 a Ri Are Moving the ( lothing. Latest Models, n a line of army g toes and Boo LARS. STFTXflN HUTS Tit vital vvii uniVf III OVERALLS, GAPS. UNTERNS, GUN SHELLS. AXE Ladles' Wear Departme BIRD" Bros. Meet ~ ?????.. / ?- - _ to 1917 V DelcO'Light Pr l XT - ? IXUIV to YOU can now bu electric plant evi Model 866, for *175 S Similar reduction! other styles and size At these low 1917 install Delco-Light f time within the past can buy it on easy { \ See the local Dei a th p npw nnVp cktr%A +* aav j-/i. t4I.iV4 L! U Light plant best fittt PW v Made and Qi ^ DELCO'LIGHT COM Subsidiary of Qeneral Funderburk Electr F Pageland, -CO -Li ?ffP c ^ ^ x : I, ^ ft\ y 'hopsi" \* ' ~ i*'**'mrs*wsri .00 G< -? I fioods. K B 3 ? uuus in m >ts. S :s, jj S, BRIDLES. COLLAR PADS. M "* H ? X r:? s Prices '^ ice Reductions i Effect iy the most popular er built, Delco-Light ss than vo years ago. s have been made in s ot Delco-Light. prices, you can now or less than at any five years. And you >ayments if desired. Ico-Light dealer for arms on the Delco;d to your needs. laranteed By V - - raiNY, Uayton, Ohio I Motors Corporation ie Service Co, i S. C. [GHT