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fhe Pageland Journal October 25, 1S22. t \ i 1 Local News I i I -JLr? QUESTIONS ? ij and Bible Answers 1 If Parenta will encoaran children to look up I H and memorize the Bible A newer*, it will prove g a pricelea* beritmro to them in after year* What weapon did Jesus use to defeat Satan in the Temptation? Matt. 4:4, 7, 10. m a Cottonseed Si.75 ner hundred. < (Cottonseed hulls 75 cents per 1 hundred. 1 Pray meeting tonight at the Presbyterian church. Cotton Tuesday: Short 22 to Z4 cents. Long 20 to 82. 1 Miss Flossie Lingle of Monroe, , is visiting relatives here. ( Miss Nancy Kuight was a last week-end visitor at Teals Mill. 1 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank , Horn, of Route 3, Sunday, Oct. ( 22, a son. 1 i Mr. J. C. Blackwell spent Sun- i day with his family at the Blackwell hotel. 1 Mr. J. F. Edgeworth, of Char- < iotte, spent Sunday with his i family here. i Miss Beatrice Stout, of Ran- { dleman, N. C.. is visiting Miss Mary Doster. lvir. ana Mrs. tjraig Udom have 1 moved into the Mercantile build- 1 ing, second floor. 1 The Monroe Bargain House j has an ad in this issue. Find it and see what it says about bar- j gains. Messrs. J. E. and J. H. Sowell of Kershaw, visited their parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Sowell, here 1 Sunday. * t Mrs.T. F.Griffin'fcnd children L of Marshville, visited, Mrs. Grif ( fin's father, Mr. S. Smith, from ^ Friday to Sunday. { The Beulah school opened ( Monday. This school is under j the management of Misses Cora t Lee and Mary White. Are you sending The Journal | lo son or daughter off at school? < They would enjoy it hugely, \ "just like a letter from home." ( Revs. L. L. Bedenbaugh and ' G! L. Ingram attended the An- 1 nual North Carolina Conference 1 at Monroe Monday and Tuesday. ' Presiding Elder L. L. Beden- ^ bough filled the pulpit of the M. E. Church Sunday morning, j preaching a good sermon on the old way. Mr. A. B. Mills and wife, of , Monroe, spent the week-end with i Mr. Mills'father, Albert Mill9, of r Marshville, N C., Route 3. Mr. ( Mills is with The Monroe Bar- , gain House, and invites his , friends to call on him. I We have an article on rice raising in the Farmers' Section by ur. William b'olk, of Newberry county It is interesting and in view of the present price of rice and the boll weevil menace it might be well for our farmers to read this article and consider whether they might not be able to do something with the culture of rice. On page one will be found a piece of wisdom which we would like for all to read. Some few will at once recognize themselv? ? as if looking into a mirror. < 'f course we would not>have su? t disasters to come to one who . < guilty of the offense, but we fe > like saying that one who will d< liberately and constantly tak advantagb of a fellowman :ithe man pictured in the stor; shmild fpnl auhoma^ mwiiwujuu ivuM man restitution. To those who annot guilty we want bo say, jus. laugh with us The article inferred to is "A Warning." Hunt. 1t up and read it and "go and sin no more." Kev. and Mrs. M A. Osborn, ")f Concord, N. C., spent the week end with the former's sister, Mrs. Amos Pigg Mi's. M. M. Osborn, ofBufoid township, has returned home ifter spending some time with tier daughter. Mrs. Ainos Pigtr. ThePageland Baptist church is preparing to erect a modern brick structure on the corner where the tabernacle now stands. Mr Lex Gregory and family bave left Pageland and will make Chicago their home. Mr. Grear ivy 1ms a pos tion with an electrical company. The Pageland High School and Jefferson High School basketball beams played a game at Jefferson last Friday, resulting in a victory for Pageland by a score of 24 to 10. Send in your big potato if you want to get on our list. You do not have to have one weighing more than 8% pounds. What we want is to see how potatoes are growing in this section. Mr. A. H. Mangum happened bo a painful accident some days igo. A piece of timber hit him an the leg below the knee, and as i result of the hurt has spent most of his time in the house. Mr. B. E, Kennington. who has been with Kennington's Pharmacy at Jefferson for quite a while is now in Pageland. He will move his family back to Pageland ibout Nov. 1. He will continue with Kennington's Pharmacy. Some few of our citizens attended the State Fair. It was lot advertised in this section, therefore the great mass of people in this section of thecoun ty did not know Lhat such a thing is the State fair was on. Pays to advertise. Mrs. M. F. Cadieu. of Pageand, S C., celebrated her 76th airthday, Sunday, Oct. 22, at her )ld home place, Hornsboro, S. C. There were between 35 and 40 present. Her sons, Mr. A. -D. jacueu, 01 unariotte, IN. (J., and D. Cadieu, of Pageland, S. C., and :amilies were present, also sev iral other relatives and friends. \ nice dinner was spread, and iveryone enjoyed the occasion. Mr. T. A. Funderburk, who ives at Crowburk, Chesterfield :ounty, S. C. was in Monroe /his morning, he and Mrs. Funlerburk returning from a trip to Salisbury where they had been ;o visit Mr. Funderburk's son-in. aw, Chas H.Johnson, who has seen ill of pleurisy. The sick nan is improving. Mr. Funderaurk relates having had a fine Jeer hunt near Georgetown, S. 3., about two weeks ago. His neighbors,'Messrs. George Hinson, "Whiteford Jenkins, Ed Kik*r, Ed Michael and several boys were included in the party, rhree deer were killed and lots jf small game.? Monroe Enquirap 1 GO Smith-Hi I ?F C B m | Dry Goods, Shoes ?A I* nAA J r>~ ntavy anu rai f Prices and Qual Highest Market Chickens iffiiifiifVlif'-f " * ARE WE? } A re we going !o l<?t the Calhoun Highway Association head quart- j cl ers and the Bulletin slip out of j s our hands'? If we do not j^et I busy, men of Pageland, they are s gone. Can we aflort to let such a an opportunity slip through our rl fingers? Now isthe time to do ? something. Time and tide wa ts r for no man. : Halloween Program A Halloween program will be ^ given at Pageland High Schl>ol|a auditorium Friday night, Oct. 27, * at 7:30. After the program) a * number of games and stunts will a I i be enjoyed. Supper will be serv ed by the Home Econorrfics ^ classes before and after the 1^0- 1 grain. Admission to the audito- ^ rium 15 and 25 cents. \ r _____\ n Conference Meets a The fourth quarterly con] pr- e ence of the Pageland charge net \ in Pageland last Friday, Rev. L. i L. Bedenbaugh presiding. A ull r representation from thechurc les s ) was on hand with many visitors, t An interesting meeting was 1 jeld a morning and afternoon with^in- c ner on the grounds. A vne showing was made for the charge, j the best report so far mad^ in . the Florence district is reported. S Auction Sale.! Saturday Oct. 27, at Will Threatt place, Pageland Route 3, to highest bidder for c isb: 1 mule, 1 I horse wagon, 1 huggy, farming tools fodder, shucks, etc. I. A. Mills, PsjiReln,.j c r* ' iaiiu, O. V^. For Sale 4 LEXINGTON MINUTE Man Six $250.00 First class tnecliukal condition. New TireBL Prtgeland, S. C* .V' McKays Famous Stalk Cutter Here is shown a real lsure enough stalk cutter. | It will cut your large green stalks positively fifty per jbent better than any other cutter yet brought out. There is a reason. This j teat stalk cutter is positively non chockable. We keep them on hand. Mungo Bros. Ptitteland, S. C. to . tker Co. ) R? $ and m. v mm Notions I D? ney Groceries . Ity Guaranteed. ?????????_ Price Paid For and Eggs I ill Church Dedicated Five Forks M. K. enrich was ledicated Tuesday wo ning. The enwn, a lineofte was , d ?y Bishop l/i uiy. A _ .i izo congregation was pi--s. til nd greatly enj".ved the mm\" 'he Methodist are to h ri?n??'.it i ated on the building of such a lice edifice. An Important Notice As we have said before we have >een running some subscriptions .Iter tiiey have expired. We lave done this because, we knew hat many wanted to continue md times were hard. Now the ime has come for a settlement. Ve must either have the renewal noney or wo will have to cut off he subscription. This we do tot wish to do, as we want all vho desire the paper to have it. There are a few who owe us for s much as six months and sevira) of these have gotten mad vith us and will neither pay nor enew. Well we are sorry. It is tot our fault. We acted fair and iquare with you and if you want o hold back what is ours we can .fford to lose it better than you :an afford not to pay it. <jome up friends and give us rour renewal. , >eed Rye?Plenty on hand. Sow rye. Mungo Bros. III FRESH MULES. SWAP OR SELL MIINGnRRITC IIIUKUU UIIUUl J.W. I H - ] Shoes Foi I cro I 117 J. WW. .: Qft r ^ -/ y *1^ "ILl "i rasnQtjfl *. . ;.ti - BUSINESS It is easy to reach us. When you want your clothes cleaned, pressed or repaired, just phone 91, we'll call for them. City Pressing: Club. The best self-rising: Hour going: cheap. Try a sack. J. W. Mungo & Co. Top of the market for your cotton seed at all times. Mungo Bros. Guano We hayea grain fertilizer on hand Also 16 per cent acid. Mungo Bros. Shingles for Sale?No. 1. $6.50; x's$5.50; No. 2. $4.50 Cut from forest ridge timber. Sutton Bros, Pageland, S. C. Organ tor sale, at a reasonable price. Mrs. T. B. Watts, Pageland, S. C. Route 1. 7p. Wanted all the eggs and chickens we can get. Smith-Baker Co., Pageland, S. C. Bring us your chickens and eggs. Siitton Bros Wanted?A- veternary surgeon to locate at Pageland. A eood opening for a new man. Write. Wire or see, G. H. Watts, Pageland, S. C. Bring 5 our laundry to Smith-Baker Co.. Pageland, S. C. See I. W. Mungo & Co., first for T. W. Wood & Son's Leaps Profilic and Red May seed wheat. Wagons, Wagons?We have the Piedmont, Hickory and Nissen wagons. Sellorswap. Mungo Bros. We haul any thing, anywher^, anv timely truck. R. AJGjJ* penter^ * " Plenty hulls now on hand( at 75 cents hundred. Also plenty of Cottonseed meal. f. E. Agerton, Pageland, S. C. Mungo ere Is Th PLACE To Buy your Underwear Dry Goods * your winter we x? Also a Fine Line 'of nAnlAc 1 tu li HlnnnA 1IAU1IUU Discharge Nolice On 22nd of November 1922, at 12 o'clock M., I will apply to the Probate Court of Chesterfield County for si discharge as administrator of the estate of R. 13. Rollings, deceased. J. O. Carnes, A dministrator. Oct. 22. 1922. > LOCALS |Fke Jersey Bull and others for i "sale by Albert Mills, Marshville, ; N. C. Route 3, 9p Wanted?About 500 bushel of oats. Sutton Bros. S&ed Exchange?We will give j'Ou an even exchange in 7 per cent meal for your seed, 200 lbs. soda tor 300 lbs seed, 2400 lbs. 8 3-3 guano for 2000 lbs. seed, or 2 tons 16 per cent acid tor 1 ton seed. Bring us your oeed: will treat you right. Mungo Brothers Lulg-hum Oats. Sow Fulghum oats and realize a third more ion the same land See us. We also have Abruzzi rye, Rosen rve and seed wheat. Mungo Rrr?c Dog lost about three weeks ago? a red hound about three years, gray on the nose and tore feet. D. W. Mangutn, Pageland, S. C., Route 3, for reward. 7p. Wheat?We have Leaps Prolific seed wheat on hand. Best made, Woods. Mungo Bros. Sutton Bros, for buggies and wagon. We have a number of new buggies and wagons, both steel and rubber tire, which we are now offering for sale at a low price, see us before buying. For Sale?3 nice building lots, . wired in, for $300. G. H. Watts. lVliss Etfie Carpenter opened a dress making shop at The Blue Bird the 18th. Ladies' suits and Men's shirts made to order. Relining of suits and furs, and_ designing and embroidering Also best exchange * 3-3 for your seed. J. E. Agerton, Pageland, S. C. & Co. rr I I 1 J , and ar. om. &Co. wtmmmmmmmammmmmmmm