The Pageland journal. [volume] (Pageland, S.C.) 1911-1978, October 25, 1922, Image 6

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. ^ 17^ omm)cm I Eyw U TEN 1 Si id Prices that are if ?J l!.s <11111 1.0 10 5000 yards of Outing. We | Today's value 15 cents, our 11 ~ ! 8 Large assortment Blanket il j J 12 pairs of Ladies' or Men ' il if - U.IJ Children's Union buns, wi n Ladies' Ribbed Shirts and Men's Fleeced Shirts and Jj|[ Men's Union Suits, ribbed j||^ Ladie's Union Suits, white U ~ | B Despite the considerable i . ularly Oyeralis, we are sti || 240 Denim Overalls or Ja< 11 Our iow prices on Ladie's Men's, and Children's She 11 our place your headquarl ? 1 The A ? Next I l| Monroe, I L. A. 8 DEAL! I Heavy and Fancy I tions, Fresh Vege all kinds, Candies j A FRESH L HAMS, PICKLED PIG FEE1 SAUSAGE. Mil X iBring me your eggs. Give y* R. L Rlcl ?For? m mmm m FRESH MEATS 7 2^?And? BEST OF FISH Headqunrl FANCY AND HE* SHOES AND H - rftiaBn (mmmiTmmD tmm DAYS SPECI ,\L1 bringing us new i keeping old one; Outing were lucky enough to buy ihei nrice Blankets #L 4 s, double width, good and heav 's Heavy Knit Hose 15c value fc Underwear liitp ribbed I Drawers.. 4 Drawers, could not be replaced Only 50c. ,a garment. , in ecrue and gray ; ribbed Overalls increase in the wholesale prices i II holding down the prices of las) 2ket, well made up and good w< ; boats. Coat Suits and Dresses, es are still prevailing. So d>me ters while in Monroe. b Josej ioor to Bank of I " *" ~^ Usher | 5 I N ' - - :s Groceries, Nolo lies, Fruits of 3 iid Cakes. j. .(>rO- ] I, SHE/XFAST BACON, LI FHEO, -1 Ms h !ies market price. 8 " N*| ' * t'V -W lardson. v - ? . , > r ' ] " i i V - ! ( ers for , VY GROCERIES NATIONS ??-w ? *w?iw p'.x ' 1 ' ,( ~ 1 . 1 " J* i ii- 1 " s, C*i I I / customers, iji ;n back in the smnni'^y, jjj 10c yards || V nt . $1.9^ | j >r $1.00 or 10c per pair jj 50c. 65c. and 75c j-j 7c. and 69c. a garment B for our selling price. J1 so cotton gcods, panic-. ^W| I t summer. Mbg LM -ht at ...fccia UK Men's Suits andiijtfie*' . |B|| and see us and make ^Br >li Co. 1 Inion, jn i Carolina. | wmgmm ij?JJ The old minister and I w< rt standing on the corner, watclii >? the circus pass through the mr ir street of a Southern eft#, lit Iind remarked thar^KHttKM d?3 s of the Robinson aSBlBS oig eiepnant tn every fegH||^BM| called, not Jumbo, om CflBKP | ' Grandfather," he a4fl? rei? iniscently, Aonce tola when he was a boy and ttte shows were passing his Inusk which was situated on one #< ttte main roads. Rain was fallidV and Old Bet, wandering to ocle side of the road, stepped into la soft place, with a grunt she puled herself from the mire aba went on hei way, but where if e had sunk there was the print <bl her great foot. It was a manji moth footprint indeed, and th^e water running down the gutter hnnred into it "" I - "The rain soon became heavier, and the clay edges of the footprint began to crumble. Thfe hole grew larger. Other rains came, and the hole grew larger and larger until there was a great washout, there by the roadside. Grandfather, who had seen the footprint made and had watched it grow from a mere track in the mud to a great hole, told the neighbors what had happened Through all the country the washout was called Old Bet's Footprint. We all leave footprints as we go through life None of thehi are so bie as that of Old Bet, and none of them are made in the same way. vsui luuipnms nre (he impress that we make on ihe lives of others. We often think no more of that impress thao Old Bet thought of her footprint beside the road. And ns the elephant never knew what grew from her footprint, so we may sever know what grows out of the words and actions of our live? , b^any bf our words and deeds are as ifjmade in the dust or in the sand; they are soon effaced. But many are ns if sunk deep into the earth; they are the begin nine of a change for good or for ill in some life?a change thai pun never be measured. Remember you never meel a human being and him quite the same. ^ " - . /. ' ?T " Special Master's Sale ? State o( South Carolina, I County of Chesterfield, i Court of Common Pleas. I C. M.Tucker. Plaintiff R "" ' a' vs* I W. P. Guin, et el. Defendants. ^ By virtue of an ordei made, in | tlie abo> e entitled cause, l?y t Judge R. O. Purdy.ot! Sept. 27th, I 1922, I will sell to the highest * bidder, for cash, before the Court I House door in Chesterfield, S. C., ' on Monday, N >vember the 6th, I 1922, same being salesday. All j that certain piece, parcel or tract I of land !ying and being in the L County and State aforesaid, con I tuining fifty acres, more or less y and bounded as follows; on the I North by lands of H. B. Graves, on the East by lands of Rri* I Brewer, on the South by Henry 'r Adams lands ar.d 011 the West I by lands of W. H.Guin. \ Dated at Chesterfield, S. C., this the 10th day of Oct. 1922. ) C. L. II tin ley. Special Muster. 10-1 "Land of El Dorado." The word is Spanish and 'means ' "the gilded one," because the early explorers thought there was an J In; dlan chief somewhere in South Amer. ica. who used to cover himself all over with gold dust at a religious fes' tlval once a year. Now the name is applied to any country where then.* Is supposed to he an abundance of valuable natural product*. simtrntmrom 1 Monr i j H^ I Read g We hav? ; g designs ii ; E Serge, Poii E Prices fc We only E visit this ; f will appre E Our Ladi E full attenti f parel of st; t latest shad F Prices t To tyt everj j v Swes J The best Sweaters i i J We only ask you < Once a trial, alway i < and trade at ^ Tiir linn f i nt mun |gr Monroe, N. C. miiiiiiniiiiiiiiii / i -vr ^ pi: ; t I DO YOU puRw;; \AU U (IT I/* A ? ?? ? tic nave a new grade Room Su Parlor Suits, M Dining Room Su we have extra eti Wearelookii Pageland Hardw; X L.1T. WAT! ADVERTISING is a nnnd oe .* Bai c-^ igSiore In Moi LADIES' ly-To-VI > a full line of 1 n Ladies' Dn ret Twill and 1 from $5.75 to $ ask you to c< department, t elate our valu ies' Coat Suits on to the wea yles and qualii les and styles. ?.nm ea ftp 0 li viu &v?v iu 9 Shoes / foot at prices that make 3 iters and Underwc and Underwear to be had to vtslt our store and tool s a customer. Get on the 1 innr ninnim 1 inut UAnuAIN I T. M. Jo liiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii, PVVfVVfVVfVVfVWVVVVvVI NEED TURE? ?' I stock ot high its, Iron Beds, I atfppssps and a I uiiu a lits on which 1 leap prices. | lg for you. are Company, ORD I business investment. mwmnm -gain | nroc For |M /ear |i beautiful 3: esses in ^ j rrlcotine. J >19.75. 3 ome and 3 hen you ^ C9. attract a 3 iring ap- 3 ty of all 3 32.50. % 3 fou buy. >ar ^ on the market. k over our line. 3 lath of economy HOUSE, | seph, Prop. ^ .. uummm