The Pageland journal. [volume] (Pageland, S.C.) 1911-1978, October 25, 1922, Image 5

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IT ?1 M x M M( X M We B s 8 UNDERWEAR, SWEA H 8 M m Meefme at ^ : 31 Use More Care I Your Medicine It sometimes takes ot medicine to sai not afford to take c Bring Us Your We use only the mat can oe oougn your doctor wants : We guarantee our \ Kennington's THE STORES WITI Ppgeland, Ruby, I Sutton FO Flour, Hay, Cottosee ?And a compl Heavy ar Groc QUALITY ANO PRIi a-1-ULWii.i.j I Dutchess Pi :n's Clothing A DANDY LIP are also shot Coats, Ov ESMOND'S FOOT OUT ITERS, GLOVES, LEGGINS, TR Be sure you vis Mu lungo Bros. n Securing prompt and effective action /e a life, therefore you can hances. Prescriptions best Drugs and Chemicals t. We give you just what you to have, prices. Pharmacy, I A CONSCIENCE , and Jetferson. % . Bros. R Grain and d Meal. ete Line of? id Fancy *ries GUARANTEED g' ??Kg??a am i? i i \?4 f / _ V. .. .x. - - intc 1A AAVllcJo 91113 XV tLlI 13 a a! Prices twit IE ol YOUNG MENK CI wing this seafsoi crcoats, feh FITTER SHOES, tOLL CHESS PANTS, HfSE. UNKS, AND SUIT CASES, it our Millinery and i THE BLTf E un?o Back -f/r C .-? " t: v<>: > V V I 1 t 4 DEPENDS BU. nri JL/jC L , w? J*-* .. / * ** ' ' ^ DiiHa? AA ~ n? VUilUll, $1.VV if Kl| Are Moving the G lothing. Latest Models. n a line of army gc iocs and Boo ARS, STETSON HATS, TIE: OVERALLS, GAPS. LANTERNS, GUN SHELLS, AXES Ladles' Wear Departmei BIRD" Bros. Meet i toW Delco~Light Pri Now in to YOU can now bir electric plant eve Model 866, for $175 Similar reductions other styles and sizes At these low 19171 install Delco-Light fc time within the past i can buy it on easy p V See the local Del a the new price and te y Light plant best fittei v Made and Qtu { DELCOLIGHT COMI Subsidiary of Qeneral Funderburk Electa*) \ Pageland, rri-i 1 |VA/ w / ... jfift- - V .> ?. - ' ? / 0 .00 | r# ~? rOOdS. M M Ml LT^J tods in )( Is. fj S, M s , BRIDLES, COLLAR PADS. fo it, w me at Mungo Bros. H 8 Prices ice Reductions Effect y the most popular r built, Delco-Light is than o years ago. have been made in i of Delco-Light. jrices, you can now >r less than at any five years. And you ayments if desired. co-Light dealer for rms on the Delcod to your needs. zranteed By )A\TV . rkii i, JL^ayion, unio Motors Corporation ic Service Co, S.C. [OUT LVIil A B dLpfl IH jffiw "^EJ