1?- ~ The Pageland Journal n I December 19,1917 II Local News " f Union prayer meeting will be ^ held at Rose Hill tonight. ^ Mr. B. B. Eubanks has moved his jewelry and repair shop from r the Pageland Drug company to n Mr. W. J. Blakeney's store. F The snow caught a number of Pageland citizens with little ^ or no wood, and the protracted ! i i _ r aurge is causing aii uuuearu 01 j demand for wood. Only a fewloads have been on the streets, j and there was no trouble in s selling. So far as The Journal is I informed there has been no ac * tual suffering because of the cold. P The Pageland school was not in session Wednesday and ? Thursday of last week because 1 of the saow. Then on Monday, as the weather was still rough, f it was decided that there would r be no more school until Monday ( after Christmas, December 31st, a and several of the teachers have c returned to their homes to spend the holidays. j Mr. Leroy McColl, who recently left here and returned to x City Point, Va. where he had a ( position iff a powder plant, i writes from Rochmond that he I has enlisted in the aviation corps, ( and asks that his paper be sent I to Fort Sam Houston, Tex. His letter was written on the 12th, j and he stated that he would | leave for Fort Thomas, Ky. that night for a few days. Page camp Woodmen of ibe i World met in regular meeting last ? v Saturday night and the follow < ing officers were elected to | serve for the year 1918: R. F. i Smith, C. C.; J. A. Mangum, A. L.; D. E. Clark, Banker; J. W. \ Quick, Clerk; S. B. Eubanks, i Escort; T. L. Smith, Watchman; J. L. Cato, Sentry; Dr. Thos. ( Duncan, Physician; J. C. Man- J -1 gum, Manager for three years, j ' A. Pifcg, Jr., Manager for t two years. t Mr. R. A. Carpenter and fam- i ily were in Charlotte last Wed- t nesday after the snow had come. ( He states that there was verv lit- ? tie coal or wood in the city or at a Camp Greene. The soldiers bought about all the axes to be had. and went to the woods. r Reports from the camp Sunday ^ were to the effect that the boys * were still cutting wood, and 1 joking about tke "sunny South," r Coal was so scarce that the 1 schools in the city were dis c banded. Like reports come 1 from Columbia and other cities. The coal supply is so short, that N the most rigid economy is nee- 1 essary to keep tne supply from ^ giving out entirely. No inline diate relief is in sight either. A fire company has been or ganiged here since the recent s fire on Pearl street. S. B. Eubanks { is chief and T. B- Smith is assis- 1 tant. H. B. Sowell is secretary ' and treasurer The members of s the company have been devided | into teams. Joe M. Rollings is i captain of one team and J. b. f Cato is assistant. Guv Watts v / is captain of the other team and , and G. C. Mungo is his assistant Two large force pumps and ^ 420 feet of hose have been f bought. Extension ladders, ( hooks, poles, buckets, etc are t I * - * ' ' ueing assembled lor real fire d fighting:. The town is dotted ^ with wells,and it is the purpose of J the men to have enough hose to drop into a well and reach a Ii tire anywhere in town. The b equipment is being bought with J1 private subscriptions. The } town has needed some kind of j, fire fighting apparatus, and The h Journal is pleased to know that c< this move is being made. It is r< to be hoped however, that no p . chance to trv their skill will ai come within ten years. b! I ' Winzo school! has been dfs- N uesday from ^Oainesvi lie, 6a.| The Journal is* asked to say liat ihere will be a Christmas ree at Antioch on Christmas lay. The public is invited. Mr. W. Horace Cato has noved to Ilartsville to become in overseer on Coker's ex >eriment.farm. Mr. E. B. Autry of Douglasy ja. is moving to the farn^./2 niles west oi Pagcland which le purchased some time ago rom Pageland Insurance & Co. Mr. G. R. Knight has moved lis stock of goods and repair hop into the room between the Summer Grocery and Dr. 1. M. fallings. Because of the bad wecfther, dr. W. McColl has again post>oned his auction sale of personil property. The new date set s Thursday, December 27th. Dr. Joseph E. Thomas of Jeferson left yesterday to eport at Camp Greenleaf, Jhattanooga, Tenn. for duty in i hospital corpse. He has been rommissioned a first lieutenant. The most slippery time we j lave seen was Monday morning. The rain Sunday afternoon and ught froze as it fell, and left a :oi.t of ice one fourth of an nch thick. Quite a number of alls were reported. Mrs. T. E. DatO was forrpH ?/ * --- > -- w icuiam 111 Ded as a result of a fall. Messrs. Ward Cato and Ed Redfearn came home Saturday iroDi Bailey Military Academy it Greenwood to spend the holidays. They came earlier than they had expected. Coal was scarce, and the steam pipes that warmed the building bursted by freezing:, and school was dismissed until after th<i holidays. The past week has probably leen the roughest week coming before Christmas in 20 years. The 5-inch fall of snow on Tues lay night of last week has remained on the ground, toe temast week bis thermometer regis ered only 2 degrees above zefo1. Others report as low as 6 derrees, and on several mornings he mercury was down to tf?n mil eleven. i The questionaires are being: nailed out by the local board taily, one twentieth being: maild each dav. Every one who egistered is supposed to get one egardless of the fact that he nav have been discharged or ixempted bv the lortal or dis net boird. All these discharges mil exemptions have been re 'oked, and each man will) be >laced in one of the five classes. J lass 1 will be called first, class ! next, and so on down the list. Mr. Clyde Hrown, a 16-year>ld youth of Cheraw, commited suicide Sunday morning oy .hooting himself. Njo reason or the act was givqfo. When le was waked Sunday morning >y his aunt he remarked that he vas going to shoot himself, but is he had made similar remarks >efore, nothing was thought of t. In a moment the report of a nstoi was beard and the boy vas soon dead. The body \V.is carried to Columbia for burial. The citizens of Pageland have artployed Mr. G. M. Rodgers to ill out the questionairea for the egistrants who live in this secion and who do not care to go 0 the county seat to have this lone, hoi this work Mr. Rodg rs will be paid by the citizens ere, and no charge will be lade to the registrant. Mr. lodgers office will be over the lank ol Pageland and he will e there from to 3 each day. 1 is very important that these lanks be filled out properly, nd Mr. Rodgers will familiarize iinself with the blanks so that r ? ? e can mi inem out rapidly and Directly. This will save the tfistrants in this section the rice of a trip to Chefterfield, nd make it certain that the lanksare properly filled out. 4 ' I < ti V I ru I Slttitip I For $4.12 ypu I 1 can purchase I I from Postmaster I I Quick or any I 1 other postmaster I I a $5 War Savings j I Stamp. j I Themonevwill I I be used to help I tappiu the war for j I You are simply I I loaning Uncle Sam j I your monev at 4 I I per cent interest i and accepting his j I note due Jan. 1st. 1 m i | Ask your post- 9 I master and he | will tell you all about these 1 stamps. I ( BIJSINESSiMM My wife, Jane ' Jones, left me without cause, I lureby forbid any person or persons to hire, harbor or in any way give her aid. Anyone who disre gards this notice will be dealt with according to law. [Sam Jones. We will do no grinding from Monday noon until Thursday. Pagelaad Novelty Works. For Sale?good milk cow, will be fresh latter part of January. Will sell or exchange for beef cattle. Also one Duroc [jeisey brood sow entitled to registrniron for sale or exchange for pork. T. W. Gregory. Notice all who hive spoken to me for K ng's Improved cotton seed \\ ill please rail and get them, or tell me how many you want and the price, and I will save them, so that I may know how manv I can let g<\ as 1 have ! d lots < f enqn. ios>' Th price is Si >0 a b Mel, ". o. i . Pag " .ad. P. NT. .\ i ant. > (1 a >d Dnsi . < o d M/.e -u a c - < an \ on beat i..' G. K i Our w i ' close down on b? ie Mu qnv.is it i'P! until l*rid 'v : .^nivas. !' ales Gin >r S a J > s, the niftx ;.o 1! i l> I and Km > \ * -* '?? *. ( tn ? ! I; ( : i-ss pants ' f V lor Si3" !! < w Mill out 1 . .n . v ii". 1*1. 30 hc-isi i ( ?'. . i "" e, hell'ee '( . All i i . '(! s'jiipo. Bn: - n I. t <i : sale. T \V. I1 " ry. ' ' Ir.v! iv, i)< i, t w < MM i I i I I'> M f 11? ' ' v ni ' e I \v i 1 : j ip \ Ilia* df ii MI P< us'- -ii I . r I I .u s, wi ll ol i M'.l <' n. live dollars i ?n 'if k i? I U Mlingo oi R V Rh I For Sale i mule and one good io n nv.ire, cash oi j uy ><! p e 'X< 1 H. Smith. lor ^alc ?m *0^ shop ami all the ii.ols an I supp'ies, ami ! my rest.mi mt on the corner j See *ne I \ 011 want to trnili I <omc. Cadi or good papers r b. ; J-or Set v ice pure bred Po land 1 min-.t hoar, entitled tc tc? .isti niton. l ee $1.50. A. L) Ki-rgov?, near Mangum's siding W ill g i e\ ry day until furthei iioti? People ; ("Jin Co. Buy \our meal and hulls from ( lark & Smith. I Cover?that cotton with d 11 ! Pigging, we <ell h Mungo Bros. lirintj your cottonseed to us Mungo Bros. | Toys. C hristmas goods for ev ... i * ' rageianu Itdwe. (Jo, I'OK 15 years I had been look ing lot it, and now I've found it?a flour that will beat Hon 1 on or Melrose. Trv it at mv risk. C. L. Gulledge. Iron beds, just received at Pageland Hdwe. Co. Christmas goods, Toys as usual at Pageland Hdwe. Co, Lime, Cement, Sash and Doors, a big stock. Pageland Hdwe. Tax Qooks Open Notice is hereby given that Tax Books for the Town of Pageland were open for the collection of Town taxes Novem ber 20. 1917, and will remain open without penalty until February 1918, after which penalty will be added. The tax books are kept at C. L. Gulledge's store. S. A. SELLFRS, Town Clerk. Rugs?Just the thing for Christmas Don't fail to see them. MungoE m?. For Sale?large saw mill out fit, including 10 horse Li idell Boiler, 25 horse Ajax en ine, belts, sawdust rig, cut off saw and everything belonging to a complete outfit Mill is loc ited 2 1-2 miles northeast of Page'.ind. Purchaser gets privilege ol cutting remainder of location, a >out 100,oOO feet. Bargain for q ;ick sale. J. A. Laney. For Sale?3 Poland China and Duroc Jersey Pigs about ii^ weeks old- lohn T. Blakenev, near White Plains. Land Posted?notice is h< reby given that our lands are posted against hunting with guns or dogs, or in any way trespassing. Persons disregarding this notice will be prosei uted to the full extent of the law. Dorsev Pigg, W. F. Hancock, pas. C- Sanders, J no. N. Sanders. i I For Sale?good sound corn. See S. II. Laney at Pagelaad or Burl Griffin at Wolf Pond. Land Posted?all persons are ? warned not to hunt or trespass in any wav on my lands, under penalty of law A. G. Caston. See me for transfer. Prices rcasuname. 1 erms strictly cash. R. V. Smith. Aood -buy your winter wood now. Give me your order for wh \t vou want. I have 1 ft cord w ood, oak wood and stove wood. R. 1-. Smith. I have two small tracts of land lor sale, If ton want to buy a small tract near 1\Iceland, see me. R. F. Smith. MeCall Patterns at Mungo Bros. We are still sending Laundry. Give us a trial. Clark & Smith. We appreciate your orders, 'phone them in. Clark & Smith. Last Year's price on Men's - worK snoes. [\ovv is your I chance to buy. (J. L. Gulledge. I Don't buy your work Shoes until you get my prices. C. L Gulledge. Scarf Pins,Cuff Buttons Watch Chains, Brooches, l-'ohs. Rings, Bracelets, Silverware and Clocks. B B Ku banks. * 'Phone Clark and Smith for fresli loaf. Wanted ?all your remnants of long staph cotton. Highest . nr.uki i price, jonn iv ^rrntli. i 'Phone your orders lo Clark & Smith. Their John Henry goes in a hurry i Tresh groceries at the right price. Clark & Smith. we always pay the top for chickens and eggs. Clark & Smith. Buy your underwear from Clark Sj Smitli For Sale?mv Farm of 39 1-2 acres just youth of the town I limits. New dwelling and other improvements. J. D. Watts, - Car?T i xas Red rust proof seed oats. Mango Bros. ' Wanted?4 ft wood, green or t dry. Will pay for same before car leaves your station. See me if cash and a square i deal is what you want. Also in market for few cross ties for cash. A L. Latta, Box 2 Che raw, S. C. 3 nc Wanted -You (o know that we still sell Men's and Boy's suits, odd coats, overalls and work shirts. Mungo Bros. For Rent?g o o d six room house on Maynard street, good water and outbuildings. R. H. Blakeney. Now is the time for vou to have a 20 year gold case put bn your watch in place of that nickle one. B. B. Eubanks. See my guaranteed Fountain pens. B. B. Kubanks. \