|! ?TTfle P<;geia d
tr M' Published Wednesday Mornings i
?' ^ "le Journal Company
Subscription Price $1,00 j
Enti led as second class mail
-KT malict at the post olfice at Page
? land, S. C., under Postal Act
p. of March 3, 187').
December 19. 1917
fa?- The suupestiop that the con
1>:, victs on the ??anff be ^iven a
m chi istmas dinner should have
Br' come from some other source
r. than the gang itself, but better
?' Irom there than lroin no where.
T?u: r.t .? l. . i e
t UlS UUglil IU DC UUIW. OUillU times
a liille kindly treatment
does more to reform a man than
months of work in a convict
camp, t hose men should he
made to feel that in the hearts of
the people there is a spirit of
sympathy for those who are
unfortunate enough to be on
the gang. To he sure the punishment
is necessary, and we
are not defending those whom
the courts have sentenced.
This is a time ol good will,
however, and these men should
be reminded of Him whose
birthday it is by a little kindness.
He went about doing good and
as we celebrate let us all re
men iui'i iii.u leai joy lies in
helping sonicorie else. \\ ho
will take the lead in preparing
p sumptious repast lor the con
The people are inclined to
tire ot the persistent pleas for
food conservation by Mr.
Hoover and his assistants. Last
spring the warning was given
that we must mow vegetables
and do all we could lo save the
food supply of the countiy.
peas, etc. w ere made, and so
far we have only felt the scarcity
of food by the high puce
demanded fur imi' ..
...... v-v/ i li 11 V ?U t I \ .
Cotton sold lor a good price,
and there has la-en more money
in the country than ever hetore.
In other words times have been
good, and the people who do
(not stop to consider see no
immediate probability of a lood
slioitagc. Ain..ni;, the whole
surplus ol .no pa i harvest has
been expiated. 'what goes to
our allies from this time forward
will he just thai much
inkt.il from the normal suppo
for America. In man\ cotin
iries the people ..!< alread\
starving while heiv in Am rica
we go on eating an > wasting.
How can we expect the (iod of
the universe i<> continue io
shower blessings up; n us while
we go on our se nsli si ml greeds
wa> ? How long can we expect
Him to pour out nu roes upon
us when we are not willing to
save-v.hat we do n?>t m-td that
those in destitute ' inds may
have enough t<> susiain life?
Will He iiless a pcop'o who
grumble because ih< v are ashed
to save the surplus til it usually
goes to waste? It is not money
that we are lskcd to e ve, while
that is a good thing to save-, hut
it is food. Si ii vin i
....... ?i.'K Cilll
not eat monov, and ii makes
little difference to litem who
owns the millions of American
dollars. YVir.it they ire begging
for is food. Waste yotn money,
if you will, hut save tile food.
i Occasionally the writet hoars a
V tired liousewif: complaining
b that she is tin I. ?>! saving,
wL saving, saving. \ more com
mendable spirit would be one of
thanksgiving that there is vet
food to save.
fNo?""! d???rfe?
* pRV CELL J<? J I
i J ( > ituti FOR llhl ) ^ ?~X
y If//? raroALIGNnK*
: /
a suspicion Ilia
Tucker overdid himself in giv
ing an account of that escaped
Turkish prisoner's speech in th
Papeland Journal. The speed
was written up in regular mei
ropolitan style, and we've neve
seen a better piece ot reportin
on the small papers in thi
section. One is inclined to be
lieve that Capt. Laurene's est
mation of himself increased fift
per cent after reading the Jou:
nal's account of his experienci
?Monroe Journal.
Mt. Croghan, Dec. 18?Mr. T
B. Redfearn cut his leg with si
axe on December 10th so badl
that six stitches were require
to close the wound, and he i
vet unable to walk.
Mr. A. M. Moore is movin
his hardware to Chesterfielc
where he will be associate
with his brother, Mr. B. (
Moore. He will move his fan
ily also. We regret t
lose these good people from 01
Gus Manning, colored, wh
lives near Ruby, shot part c
a linger off while rabbit huntin
on the 13th. Dr. I- S. Funde
burk dressed the wound.
We have had a gas famine fc
over a week, and have been ei
pecting Mr. Sweat down ever
If this weather continue
' much longer I don't think Sant
Clans can get here unless h
has a ford.
That was a good piece of ac
vice Prof. Knight gave pareni
in his reply to this scribe's littl
piece. Trust he will write som
more for the Journal's man
also that Santa and Kris Krinkl
will visit all on the 2bth. G.
Notice of Election.
Notice is hereby given ths
the annual election of officei
lor the Town of Pageland wi
be held on Tuesdav, January 2!
I'M8. An intendant and fon
wardens are to be elected fo
the ensuing year. Rules govei
ning the general election wil
j apply. All "^qualified voter
i living within the Town limit
1 will be entitled to vote, provide
I however, that each of sai
voters has registration certifieat
covering this particular electior
i lie registration hooks are nov
j open at the store of C. L- Gul
! ledge, and will remain ope
! until five days before th
election. Any person failing t
register will forfeit his right t
participate in said election.
J. E. Agerton, Int.
S. A. Sellers, Clerk.
| Dec. 18. 1917
Tax Books Close
The tax books will be close
dining the first week in January
j during which lime taxes cannr
he paid. Books will ripen agai
Monday, January 7th, at whic
time tiie first penalty of 1 pe
cm . will be added.
l itis is done bv order of th
/ 1 - ? ^
v,?>'npiroiier Ueneral.
County Treasurer.
Help Win the War
The best Christmas presen
you ran pive is a United State
War Savi.ijj Certificate, or i
United States Governmen
Thrift Siamp. ('all at the Pos
Office and let us explain
**? -^5* ~ ; 1
n / <
y There are two reasons why we'd rather 1
d sell you Columbia Batteries for your door? (
is bell, telephone, auto, engine or tractor. I '
First?It's a lively, lull-powered cell. '
2 Second?It's so well-known that it sells fast- i
J' er, and for that reason we are able to buy
d fresh stock oftener.
J% i :'i
j. Freshness is important in dry cells.
0 Don't accept inferior, unknown or deterio- jij
ir rated batteries ? buy Columbias and buy ;;;
them here, FRESH. j
fe ? ? j|j
r- j ||j
/ I
,r iii
c" I
y Turn over and
read the label <
on your paper.
e a .:: '- ?
ie To my contestants Please make all your reports
* By the 1 9th. So as 1 will have time to make up
the final roport by Christmas.
II Flour, Mill Feed, Molasses, Meet, Lard and
? Coffee on hand, and Sugar when it gets here,
ir Prices on al ar right. Do not forget to see my | |
,r Men's and Boy's Suits before you buy. Ladies,
[j Girls and Chilnren's Coats also,
s Come Around
:| J. R. Cato ||
v ?<
I Value x Price x
Sales x Price ? Sa
It you once get started to trading with us you c
We are still Headquarters for the follow'ng g
We are Headquarters tor, Dry goods, Shoes, ]
made waists, Underwear, Hosiery, Neck weai,
Coats, Pants, Overcoats, Rain coats, Over sho
Tablets and Stationery.
j Urocerii
i Wheat, Rye, Oats, Salt, Flour, Mill feed, M
ji Mungo
$ Meet me at Mango Bros.
I' ???
/ Christmas J
? Will soon be here and the people are looking: for ^ fl
P the place where they can get what thev want for the J
? least monev, which of course is rig[ht. Look around ^
P and convince yourself of that fact before you buy. +
? If you want something: to eat or feed your stock on ^
P I've got it. Heavy and shelf groceries, just as cheap ^
fas any one, quality considered. ^
A nice and well selected stock of Christmas Can- ^
? dies. Apples with the good "flavor"?the kind that ^
? calls for more. Oranges direct from the tields of 4P
# Florida, and the prices are right. ^
^ Farmers get some Rock Salt for your stock, the ^
# best Non Medicated Silt on earth for stock. ^
p Fiiend, neighbor, if it should be your sad lot to 4)
? purchase a Coffin 01 Casket for your family or for ^
# your neighbor during the 1 lolida\s or any time in the ?
# future, remember that Railings has what you want, ^
# and will give you a closer price than any one you can ^
^ find. If you want a Kobe I have them. ^
? . My Motto: A fair, square deal to each and every ^
# one ^
? Dr. J. Monroe Railings ?
r www ww* vww*- vwvw^
SEED : | 1
We are still buying Cotton Seed |
and paying the top. Dont sell |
until you ha ve seen us.
i j*
J. E. Agerton I
/ . v i:
... *. '
.. '
Valuable 1
When you do your Christmus shopping bear in
mind that it is a patriotic duty to your Government I
to spend your money for something that will be of 1
service after the Christmas season is over. $
Let your Christmas motto be 1
T. E. Cato I
Force ? Sales |
itisfied Customers
:an easily solve the above,
Hats, Caps, Sweaters, Ladie's Coats, Ready
, Men's and Boy's clothing, Shirts, Overalls, odd
>es, Blankets, Rugs, Trunks, Suit cases, Writing
f. * 1 1 T 1 1 O _ ff
LCdi, i^diu, syrup, i oDacco ana jnuir. g
Meet me at Mun^o Bros. ^