The Pageland journal. [volume] (Pageland, S.C.) 1911-1978, December 19, 1917, Image 4
W Queationairo I
(Continued from last week.) <
1 Q. 11. As to each dependent, '
B state whether such person is
L wholly dependent on your labor W
for support. 1
Q. 12. Has any dependent
(other than your wife and child) 1
a brother, father, mother, uncle. 1
aunt, husband wife, or child? If '
so, give name, age, address and 1
occupation of each. *
Q. 13- What was your total income
from all sources during '
the last 12 months, whether (a)
in cash, or (b) in other things of 1
O. 14. How much of this was
the fruit of your labor, * mental '
or physical?
Q. 15. Give a full statement of '
all property owned by or held '
in trust for you. whether income
producing or not; and net
income from same during last (
12 months.
Q. 16. Do vou own the house '
you live in? 1
Q. 17 Does any of your family !
or dependents own it?
Q. 18. Does any of your de
pendents own the house he or
[she lives in? i
Q. 19. Do you rent your house? i
If so, state the monthly rent and 1
name and address of landlord. i
Q. 20. Have you paid any I
taxes during the last year? If so, <
state seperately the amount paid i
on real estate; on personal prop
erty; and income tax, and name i
the officer to whom paid.
Q, 21. If there is any encumbrance
on any property you j
own, state its nature and amount.
Q. 22. State in money value all <
property owned by or held in
trust for any person named as
Q. 23. State earnings of each
named dependent during preceding
twelve months.
Q.|24. State amount of contributions
to each dependent during
said twelve months by per j
! ' ' ~r\ J '
>on other than vou. naming sucl
iependents, contributors am
Q. 25, State amount per month
pou consider necessary for sup
port of all your dependents.
Q. 26, Has your wife been em
ploved during: any portion o
the past 12 months? If so, stat
period ot employment with date"
nature of her work, and amouc
af her earnings.
Q. 27. Has your wife ever bee
employed? If so, in what calling
Q. 28. Is your wife trained o
skilled in any calling? If sc
Q. 29. State the condition c
health of your wife.
Q. 30. Do vou or your wif
live with her parents? (A.nswe
Q. 31, If you have stated lha
tou contribute to the suddoi
af any person, except jour wif
and children, state whether yoi
live with such person, and hov
much vou pay for your board o
subsistence to them or other;
Series XI. Industrial Occupation
Q. 1. Are you engaged in ai
industrial enterprise (1) to th
maintenance of the military e;
tablishment, or (2) to the effec
live operation of the militnr;
forces, or (3) to the maintenanc
of the National interests durin;
Ihe emergency?
(If your answer is "No" di
not answer any other question
and do not sign your name.)
0- 2. Ate you an employe, o
in business for yourself?
Q. 3. Do you claim deferre'
classification on the ground tha
vou are engaged in such entei
Q. 4. State the nature of th
Q. 5. State the name unde
which the enterprise is conduci
ed, and its exact location (post
office address.)
Q, /, Do you give all you
v.. ' v m
Car of
Our business has gr<
to telJ our customers how
a square deal every time
been rewarded with the ]
We wish each one a ]
Don't forget to buy y
W"~ .
working time to said enterprise? I
d Q. 8. If not, what do you do?
\ 0. 9. What trade name is ap- j
s plied to your job (for instance,
"loaborer," "skilled l.iborer," i
"foreman," "manager," etc.?)' t
l* 0- 10- State generally what
^ duties vou perform. t
e Q., 11. How long have you <
5? beed, engaged in the work you
l* are now doing? <
Q. 12. State your education, j
n training and experience for the \
work you are now doing.
,r Q. 13* State the reasons why
vou can1 not be easily replaced 1
by another person.
^ ( The following questions are i
to be ansWered only by a regis i
e trant who is an employee):
r 0.14. Hc)w many persons are (
employed b^* *the plant where t
lt vou work? v e
1 Q. 15 Howl many persons are c
e employed in the same kind of f
^ work in your plant?
v (The following questions are f
r to be answered only by a regis5*
trant who is in business for i
himself.) \
Q. 16. What are your earnings c
a per day, per week, or per month?
e Q. 17. State whether you are J ^
> in business as an individual or s
: a copartner. *
y Q. 18. How much capital have
e you invested in said enterprise? f
g 0- 19. How long have vou
been engagediin said enterprise? 1
0 Q. 20 Is said enterprise a sol- j
s vent, prosperous, and growing \
concern? s
r Q. 21. What were your net
earnings from said business dur- t
d ing the past 12 months? t
it Q. 22. How many persons are
- in your employ? ?
Q. 23. If vou;have any person i
e related to you by blood, mar ]
riage, or contract, who is in any
r wav assisting or can assist in the c
t management of the enterprise, c
1 give his name and address, and 1
state whv he can not take your t
r place during yopr absence. 1
? V *V*- "
4k'- V
Bon Ton Floi
>1 Sugar Expec
)wn so rapidly during the past
r we appreciate the patronage w
we have sold or bought an arti
Q trrvn a fi-? on/1 /??/"1 -?1 -x
jiah unugb auu ^UUU Will oi our c
Merry Christmas, and a Prosper
our fruits, nuts and candies her
'' L'St
Series XII. ^Agricultural Occupation
O. I. Are you engaged in an
agricultural enterprise?
(If your answer is "No'* do
lot answer any bther questions
ind do net sign your name.)
Q. 2. Are you au employe, or
he owning and managing head
)f the enterprise?
0 3. Do you claim deferred
:lassification on the ground that
i'OU are engaged in such enter
Q. 4. State the kind of form
Q. 5. Are you engaged in all
ranches of work on the farm?
Q. 6. If you answer "No" state
jvhat branch of work you are
engaged in.
Q. 7. State in general terms
not as quantity (a) what is proluced
by the entire agricultural
enterprise and (b) what is proluced
bv that branch of the
arm in which you work?
Q. 8. Name postoffice of the
Q. 9. Do you give all vour
working time to the farm?
Q. 10 If not, what other work
lo you do?
Q. 11. What is the name of
four job on the farm (for in
itance, "overseer," "manager,"
foreman," "laborer," etc.?)
Q. 12. What,do you do on the
Q. 13. State (a) how long you
lave been working at farming,
md (b) how long you have
worked on the farm where you
ire now working.
Q. 14. State the nature and exenl
of your education and
raining as a farmer.
Q. 15. How many persons are
engaged both as owners and
workers on the same farm as
Q 10. State the following facts
concerning the particular farm
>n which vou work- fa)
lumber of acres of the land; (b)
he number of acres under culti
nation at the present time; (c)
ir and a sti
ted this wee!
year that we want to buy a
e have received this year. }
cle, and we are pleased to
UO lis 111 CI fit.
ous New Year,
r N
the kinds of crops
Inst year or now beingMBflH
(d) what use is made of the land
not cultivated?
Q. 17. State the number and
kind of-live stock on the land.
Q. 18 State (a) how many persons
live on the land and (b)
how many of them actually
work on the farm?
Q. 10. State in terms or money
value, how much the products
of said farm exceed the amount
consumed by all persons work
ing on it, and their families.
Q. 21. State why you cannot
easily be replaced by another
Q. 22. State fully the actual
condition which would result
from your removal.
0- 23. If you have any person
related to you by blood, mar
riage, or contract who is in any
way assisting, or can assist you,
state why he can not take your
(The following questions are
to be answered only bv a re;,.strant
who is an employe.)
O- 24. By whom are you employed?
Q. 25. What are your earning s
in money value, as an employe
on said farm, whether in money
or produce, or both, per day, per
week, or per month, as the case
may he?
(The following questions to be
answered only by a registrant
tiiVtrk * e ^~ '
?uu i>> iicau unu UWUtr OI 3
O. 2G. Are vou ihe sole managing
head and owner of the
Q. 27. Do you own the land?
Q. 28. What is its value?
Q. 29. How long have you
owned it?
Q. 30. State value of personal
property owned and used by
you on the farm.
Q. 31. If you lease the land (a)
upon what terms; (b) name and
address of owner, and (o) when
^ " *?? - "T^r?' ?
'!* ?*
bout a half page of space
Wt have attempted to give
see that our efforts have
IS 1
Want Some
soldiers at Camp Jackson
c m not come home for Christ
mas, so the Y. M. C. A. is planning
a big time for them r.l
Camp. From their paper the
following is clipped:
What else does the Christmas
need? Well, it needs home folks,
but the Y. M. C. A.'s are not
quite able to come across with
that. The next best thing, however,
is something from homefolks,
and we want home folks
who live near enough, to makeChristmas
candy and cake for
this party. Tell the folks about
it and have it sent from home
about December 20 to the Army
Y. M. C. A., Camp Jackson, Columbia,
S. C., marked "For
Christmas Party." These good
things will be dsstributed to the
Y. M- C. A. units according to
the number of men being served,
and we believe in the home
folks strongly enough to knnw
t!)at there will he plenty.
Notice! Home Folks
The Y. M. C. A.'s need home
made candy and cake to fultill
their Christmas plans for soldiers
at Camp Jackson If you live
within 200 miles of Camp Jackson,
will vou not contribute?
Send boxes bv parcel post not
later than December 20th, plainly
addressed to E. B. Shultz,
Camp Social Secretary, Army
Y. M. C. A., Camp Jackson, Columbia,
S. C. (See article elsewhere
in this edition headed
"Merry Christmas.")
present lease expires.
Q. 32. State (a) how many persons
are in your employ and (b)
the total you have paid during:
the past year to all of said em
ployes, whether in money or
? I