c ~~ i ? Moved - | 9 ? J? Between the Plummer Grocery and Dr. J. M. Hall? ings. 9f Jfc Be sure to -come and get your Candies, Apples Or $g anges, Cocanuts, Butter nuts, English Walnuts and Raisins, for my prices are right. Also many other things, 2 J? such as Soap, Golddust, Coffee, Tobacco, Cigars, Matches, Chewing Gum, Nut Meg, and lots of other things which space will not permit me to mention. Prices *on all are fg Jlfc right. Come and see. and you will trade with me. 2 ^ Don't forget that I handle Coffins, Caskets and 2 i? Robes at the lowest prices. 2 * 2 | G. R. Knight ? *4*********** 444*4*4*44**4 gHiHiiiiiiiinninnn mrnfiTninnnminn E3 ?1 H M a I | mm mm i ^ Get on your trading g I $mMS8E& Mono? Brothers 1 innnir/Tniiriiiiimi immmnmniimJl Holidays Are Coming Soon the holidays will ho h#?r?? i*--- - 4 * ~ ? ? wuj .> our/\ppies, Uranges, Candies and Nuis here. And of course we want to sdl you what you want from our line of Groceries, Work Shirts and Shoes, Wagon Harness, Stove Pipes, Sole leather, etc. 7 bars Soap during December for 2">c 6 pkgs Arm & Hammer Soda 2.">c Suit Cases at the old price, $1.00 and Si.25 Roasted Coffee, Kit Fish, Horsefords Bread Preparation, Rumford Baking Powders. Car of Palace Flour, the best, on the road. Corn Meal ground on Filler's mill a few miles from town. It's fine. Don't fail to see A. G. Caston & Co. j NEW STAND | I have moved from my formev stand on Pearl 1 1 I street to the Caston stables on Depot street. 1 am fl now ready to trade or sell. If you want to dispose B|| of that mule or horse for a better one, come around, B * and let me show you. 1 am here to fit you up. II1 | R. F. Smith | mm??a : Notice : singer The Pagetoid Moreantile Co SCWilUJ SVklClliKlCS has boon dissolved, and the affairs ol the company turned over I desire to announce to into my hands for settlement. J pui,) 1C j have We can sue and be sued within j . . f two years from date ol disolu agenc> lot l.ie Singlion er Sewing Machines. There are still a few accounts \n> one interested in due, and this is to notify each ih,.st. |jne Machines iind all that to avoid Isiwlul pro- s,.pllontor wri|e ceeding these accounts should,] . , be paid at once. This is sufii nu> >v* cient notice. Do not blame me if the officers come next. W. C. Vaughn R. H. Blakeney. s- < fc,. The P.ijjeland JournalIn Published Wednesday Mornings by the Journal Company yc Subscription Price - - $1,00 yc m Entered as second class mail to matter at the post olfice at Page- y( land, S. C., under Postal Act of March 3, 1879. ' w se December 19, 1917 to , pi The county exemption board nc has arranged with the lawyers yc of the county to assist regis cc ti ants in filling out the long list ar of questions to be answered by each. The work of filling out ar the blanks will be done at the y( court house, and in this way a every man will have help in R answering the questions. m ENLIST FOR SERVICE Not everybody can go to the ri< front in France to fight for his hi country. Everybody unable to cc serve in the army, however, can m enlist in the Red Cross. There a is important war work for all cc the men and women of Ameri m ca, and for youth under or over th military age, right at home. b< No age limit bars enlistment in m the Red Cross. It is the great ai organized force through which tu every one not on the firing line til tnav play his part in the war bs Liberty. th The chance to become a re oi cruit in the greatest army ever it mobilized to relieve human p( suffering, as well as to lighten ol the burdens and enhance the m strength of the fighting men, is yj presented to all by the Red tfc Cross Christmas Membership Campaign. In the week befoie ol Christmas it is planned to add in 10.1)00,000 names to the Red Sl Cross rolls. Fifty thousand re- iL cruting booths will be open h throughout the United States to tb receive enlistments. It is plan ned to make membership in the 0( Red Cross almost as universal tb as citizenship. To that end it is c< proposed that .the way shall be jn made so open that no one can fa remain an outsider through lack p, of proper invitation. w Here is an opportunity to w show the 1917 Christmas spirit, m as well as to get into the war _ work that summons all patriotic Americans. President Wilson, ns is apt phrase, has proclaimed a that "Red Cross membership is |,i the Christmas spirit 111 terms of fn " i ... ? - * itv^uwii. iiUi iiic men ana WO* men of America make thai sen ^ timent ring like a cathedral jF chime through the laud on Uhristmas morn. J 1 he announcement made ? elsewhere that nitrate of soda lias been priced at $73 a ton lor lexl year will be good news to he farmers, especially the ones who farm on sandy land a* harming tor three years with ^ .die or no potash has brought ?!can sandy land to the state in ...lich 11 is hard 1o make \i profitable crop of everything. 1 lundreds of acres of this kind ^ jf land did not produce enough ^ tins year to pay lor the lerlili ter. A prominent .farmer and jg ineicliant slated recently that be jg positively would not farm sand ju without potashjil any could be i liiui. 1 ins year lie grew good j % stuil Willi a leitili/.er containing 1 a small pur cunt oi potash, while I the adjoining iaims that had no | potasn produced very utile. Potash is quoted now, it is said, at six dollais a unit. This isIa nigh on! in our opinion potash ? at Ilia I price is the cheapest ? icruiizer to be had tor sand, ? i'otash can not be placed in the ? soil to any appreciable extent j| l>> diversified tanning, a n d ? theretore it must|be^ bought, for j| lands that require it. On the j ottiei hand sowing legume crops 1 ? and spreading stable manure j will lib Hie soil witli nitrogen, j the same tiling as nitrate ot j soil a. 1 ne farmers are not J obliged to buy Hie nitrogen, lor iiicie are tons ol it in ttie air i \ lousands to the number of in)me taxpayers in this district asmuch as practically every rmer. merchant, tradesman, ofessional man and salary orker and a great many wage orkers will be required to ak e return and pay tax. /er every acre of white sand well as elsewhere, and needs little intelligent effort to be ought down to help the rmer. > > > I Headqi As usual Chrislmus Gooc the children. Many things lor Christrnus pr We have a wish you a Mei i I i \ Page] * k Tax Notice Notice is hereby given that the tx books will be open for the payment of taxes from October|l5th to Dec. 31st, inclusive. The leVy is asifollows: State 8 12 Mills Ordinary county 6 1-2 ? Constitutional school 3 ? Roads 1 ? Total 19 Mills Special taxes as follows: Cheraw Graded school, local 5 (Mills Cheraw Graded school bonds 4 ? Cheraw Township Road Bonds *2 ? Jefferson Township Road Bonds (> ? j Alligator Township Road Bonds 7 ? I Special, Local and Bonds in School DistrictsJNos.- I 2,3.4,6,34 P I 1, 17,37,41,42 3 ? I 7,19, 20, 21, 22, 24,25, 27, 35, 51, 52 4 ? I 12,14,31,32,36.40,45, 46, 48 5 ? I 13 ' |6 1-2 ., 5,8,15, 30,33, 49 |7 10, 26,44,(50 8 38 19 1 11 10 I 18 11 ? I 9,28 12 ? I 39 12 1-2 ? A 43 13 29 141-2 ? Poll tax between 21 and 60 years and income taxes are pay- | qKIp of the oonno J. A. WELSH, I Countv Treasurer, Chesterfield County I This Cctober 9th, 1917. H Used \ See My Written Guaran- in the 1 tee Against Accident With Armies 1 a/?" 1 Every Parker Safety Sealed | Navies \ Fountain Pen. It is a 12 \^orld Months Guarantee. If you happen to bad luck and A break it The Parker Pen Co. vlijii M PARKER Selffillers. For the boys at the front, cost to you except postage, for relatives and fpfi/f friends?the cndur- |iw Too, when thinking of Park- ing gift, always ras appreciated,always M er Pens you might also useful. j&fflk think of the many nice pieces of Jewelry I have. Don't forget that it takes a ! | 4 L-?r.el?ink ennnct l| V I i Gift of Jewelry to make out to ^o\\ 9!S\ I hands or clothier. mi ES Sc. Ha CTI i m Christmas a real Christmas. i:, *ve->?; rr^ct- ft.jjjjB SjfeSM j fl B.B. Eubanks. 1 MMm JUtltt/UAIklUB Witnout in- HkJJW WASHC*^}^ . ^ terrnption 2^^^ ^ WH JB A V ci warvict. V> Co^in m nnrf impact our amorf molt. | s i I larters tor Toys | * we have on display a large stock of * Is lor all the lamily. Toys lor all 2 2 in our Furniture department suitable 2 esents. * 1918 Calender lor you. And we % ry Christmas. H 1 land Hdw. Co. ! \ .. . . * ' i come Tax Collector Coming. ] Columbia, S C\, Die. 15, 1917 You won't have to liguicoui. >ur own income tax all by >ursclf hereafter. The movement is going to send out men help you. It will be up to >u to hunt up these men, who ill be sent into every county at town, and some other wns besides, to meet the peoe. Postmasters, bankers and iwspapers will be able to tell >u when the government's in >me tax man will be around, id where to find him. He will iswer your questions, swear >u to the return, and save you great deal of time annoyance, eturns of income for 1917 ust be made between January t. and March 1st., 1918. Next year, when every mared person living with wife or isband and having a net in>me of $2,000, and every un arried person not the head of family and having a net in>me of $1,000 for the year 19l7 ust make return of income on e form prescribed, there will i hundreds in every cornunity seeking light on the <aw. id help in executing their reirns. My office will in due me advise postmasters and inkers and send out notices to le newspapers stating when ificer will be in each county, will be unnecessary for prosective taxpayers to ask my ffice for forms on which to lake returns. The officer who isits their county will have tern. "It may be stated as a matter [ general information that net icome is the remainder after lbtracting expenses from gross icome. Personal, family, or ving expense is not expense to le meaning of the law. " The new exemptions of $1,)0 and $2,000 will add tens of