The Pageland journal. [volume] (Pageland, S.C.) 1911-1978, December 12, 1917, Image 2
Tin T tiard J?!>rR?l-J
Publish <i We Ir.esday Mornints
by *! v Jout.uI Company c
Stibsciotion I'iice - Si,00 j
... ~ c
En'orid as seror.d class mail (
matter at the post of fire at Page j
land, S. C.. under Postal Art {
of March 3, 1879. *t
/ i
7 Lcctnlrr 12, 1M7
: (
Tlie r.t w s from tiic war is net
quite so c: oourcging as it was (
several <1 ivs ago when the Brit- *
isn were chiving at Camhrai,
and still there is room for grati [
fication at the progress being: t
made along several lines. The 1
Amciicans !rc a patrol boat and
part of the new. tin British have (
withdrawn a little to bettor po 1
sbions in the region of Cambrni.
Tile 1 tali.ins have given up a
Irt'e more territorv, and the '
Russians are said to be engaging
in eivii war among themselves. 1
On the ol! . r hand, the Ameri ^
cans have begun lurniug out the
standardized uiplanes in quanti 5
ties, the 'irst one being ?~omplet 1
ed on Thanksgiving da v. \vith 1
in a short time thex hope to put '
a sufficient number on lhc front '
to assure Allied supremacy in ^
the air. The training of the 1
soldiers and airmen at home and 1
in France continues without in- 1
tenuption. The British are said
to be prepared to mo? t the heavy- ?
German offensive about Canihrai,
which is expected to devel
op within a very few days, as
the Germai s he ve strained their
moons of transportation to the
limit almet in hurrying men,'
guns and mm:nit ion to this
p< int. Tin y set m to be ivid
ing their *r< ops released from
the Hussion front between the
Iiritish and Italian fronts. In
Italy also a 'nig offensive is ex
pooled. Tlx Germans appear J
determined to make important t
gains before the roughest of |
the winter to hearten the people
at home. The situation is admitedlv
somewhat tertse, and
the next fee <' lys may bring on
some of tlx most important hat
tics of the w or.
Since the above was written j|
the news came tlx t feoisalem |i
h iS fal'en into the hands of the f
1 V
15:itisli. '{"his is incited good >
news for the Mites.
FOR?15 y< 11 I le d bet n look-j
ing for end noo I've found ir
i* ?:? 1 ' tin:t will In at Hon ii
'1 or . . n.o Tr\ it at mv N
ri k L Gullcdge.j in
Ir?:? !> ?:s. jit nctived at if
P. ; v'l.'.t.o i! (i \\ v. C o. J
(hri&(itias Toys as J
lit F'.jri'i mi' I l<i\ ( o. ! p
Lhne, ("t in lit, S. s*1 and Doors,ik
a l>:;t sloe!:. F;:, t land lid we jf
i *k
C.O. , g
3L ,-ij^. _. mlL ?*...
!l Va
II you once get
\Y/? li
!vy y ,ur Sllll ri(
We . re Headqua
made* waists, Unde
Coals, Pants, Over
I able ts and Station
Wheat, Rye, O
and Snuff.
\ I .,.1 -
.inn 111? in :viun
Iciitor Greene Lcc'urcs Dot
i "Some people are keeping
lo??s thai are known to hav*
)een bitten by. a mail do? ani
here ouj>ht to be something
lone about it," said Fein
Jritlin. I have heard it re
sorted that at least two familie
ire keeping: dogs that are liabh
o go mad. The said doggie
ire dear iittle pets and are kep
it a great risk because tin
children think lots of them
There would be just as mucl
'omnion sense and reason ii
seeping a rattlesnake^ alivi
uound the house because tin
children think lots of it. Durinj
he past two months at leas
hree rabid dogs have fough
with dogs in Marshvilie am
vicinity, and as a result othe
logs will become rabid a
ntervnls for a year or more
There is no limit in which tin
>ite of a mad dog become
effective Cases are on recor*
where men have died of hydro
phobia twcntv vcars after bein;
bitten. Keeping a dog a fev
weeks after it has been bittei
ir.d then deciding that it is im
triune from hydrophobia is i
fallacy that is in line with th
.lark ages of superstition am
witchcraft. The sensible thin;
for Marshvillc authorities to d<
is to rigidly enforce a do;
muzzling ordinance, and th
next most practical thing to d>
a?aa i ?? i mm i
- Al
I On Thursday, I
public auction to
east ot Pageland th
Lot ol Corn,
all plows, harrows,
| Do not forge
Vt ^wiraifir
line x Price :
x Price = S
slarted to trading with us yo
adcjuaiters for th< followhu
iters lor, Dry goods, Shoes
rvvear, Hosiery, Neck wt
coats, Rain <^ats, Over i
ats, Salt, Flour, Mill feed,
o Br:?s.
! Meeting of Executive Committee C
There v\ ill be a meeting of the ^
; Executive Committee of the tl
. , a]
i is for citizens to voluntarily S
r organize themselves into dog tl
t killing clubs, and each member tt
should kill his own dog first and It
s then put in the hind of loads h
> that will bring down stray dogs ^
s at a good distance.?Marshville ?
1 ^ome* L?
> That good kind ot {lour
[ e it, iresh car just received, i
j ai the old cheap price.
r 6 packages A & H Soda fo
1 lb. package ground Coffee
? Safe Home matches still
j Home made kraut
^ Export and Clean easy soaj
J Snow Drift Lard 10 lb. Due
1 Goldusi old price
a Many other things not spad? tc
e Let the green Truck qeli
l! ureen front store, the home of
*J G. C. Mang
)ecember 20th. at 10 o clock
the highest bidder for cash a
e following property:
Fodder, Shucks; 2 mules; 2
planters and other farming,
t the day, the hour m
W. McColl
F illi WMWI?H??11111 >?HIWI
x Force ? Sale
latisfied Custon
% ?
u can easily solve the above.
I goods.
>, Hals, Caps, Sweaters, Ladi
;ai, Men's and Boy's clothing, SI
.hoes, Blankets, Hugs, Trunks, ^
Meat, Lard, Sugar, Rye, Coffe<
i Bros.
Meet mi
sun may
. "-i: _
hesterfjeld Association next
ridnv, the 14th inst. in the Bap-!
st church nt Chesterfield. AM
ppdeutious for aid from the
tate board will be sent in before
tat date or brought to said
leeting duly filled and signed,
t is desirable that every mem
er be present. The meeting
Mil begin strictly at 10 o'clock
is what we want you to
ilso the following goods
r 25 cts.
for 25 cts.
5 cts. per box
15 cts. per can.
)\ 5 cts. per bar.
:ket $2.10
5 c per pkg.
) menu on
ver your groceries from the
gooa things to eat.
am & Co.
LE 20th.
a. m. I Will sell at
t my farm 2 miles
horses; 2 wagons;
r*r fhfl nUarn 0
JI bllU [JIUWj.
i mn m
s 1
ners i
ie*s Coats, Ready |
lirts, Overalls, odd I
5uit cases, Writing
Syrup, T obacco
2 at Mungo Hros.
> Oats *
^ 5 i bushels No. 1 recleaned Texas red rust proof at ^
^ $ 1.00 per bushel. The very best that money can buy. ?
^ Cons.: sad get youis before they are cone. The best t
w that will be here this season. #
r SALT t
w Plenty of it sod its the good old kind. Better get one ?
^ before its too late. ^
^ Cheese just received a shipment of full cream-The best ^
r that is made. T
^ The same good kind, the kind vou can eat and ^
^ enjoy it. j
* hay r
^ Sweet feet, Home made Corn and Meal. Just re- ^
^ ceived a nice line of School tablets for the school ^
^ children, 5 cents each. For the young ladies and girls f
^ the best Talcum powder in town, a good article at a ^
^ small price. Many other things 1 can sell you. Come ^
r aad see. #
^ I still have some Terra Colta on hand, now is the ^
^ time to get it. Coffins and Caskets when you need ^
^ aay thing in that line. See me, I have got what vou ^
^ waat and need. Prices as low as any one's. f
| Dr. J. Monroe Railings | I
C A Fire Insurance Policy protects your ? 1
> property Irom destruction by lightning. A S
1 ii .1 T r
^ tlail Insurance Policy might save you from ^
> loss this summer. S
J A loan on your Real Estate at six per J
5 cent might interest you. 5
I See us before it is too late. ?
Pageland Insurance & Realty Co. ^
I Car of mules just received,
For Sale or Exchange.
C ?? ?
i| r. Miyi'diu |
||* :::
j : SEED : |
W O O TO cflll l"\i linn/. C AHA? J
ui^ o 1111 uu_yniy v^uuuil iJtXU
| and paying the top. Dont sell |
| until you ha ve seen us.
fl J. E. Agerton J